In fact, one of the things that made John Wooden such a successful basketball coach was his ability to reach his bench players and get them to perform. That went on for nine straight years. He never seemed to tire.I went all the way through to Z—notebooks and notebooks full of The last day I was there I wanted to thank him for being so gracious. That is a real talent.

But if there were a perfect formula for leadership, everyone would follow it. He always said I was a work in progress, and I keep proving him right.This may be true of other people, but in my lifetime I’ve never met anyone like my dad in this way: If you were with my dad, then he was with you totally. He told me he answered every letter that he received if he knew who it was from, and most of the time by hand. Of course he would have been that gracious no matter how my name was spelled, but that was one of my great early lessons from Coach Wooden: Find a way to connect to everyone. While people are impressed with Wooden's 10 NCAA championships in 12 years and his 88 consecutive wins, it is the coach's unwavering commitment to building character, demonstrating integrity, and focusing on values that most impressed those who worked with him and those who admired his work from afar. All those pages of notes that you took… there are really just three secrets.” I had already closed my trunk and didn’t want to open it to grab a pad and pen, but I was desperate to do so thinking, He said, “The three things that I am going to tell you are fairly simple if you want to As I began my career, I kept going back to those three things in my mind. You've made this very clear for you to all of us adequately plus effortlessly. To be successful year in and year out, you have to make everything make sense to a collection of people with very different personalities and talents. I do think anyone got an obvious strategy concerning this topic. Just before his after-dinner speech, Coach Wooden turned to me and said, "I think if I had it to do all over again, I would coach Division III." I didn’t know who the guy was, but he said to me, “I’ve been married for 38 years because of what Coach Wooden taught me.

It was an incredible opportunity to learn and as a young guy—I think I was a fifth-grader—I remember being amazed that Coach Wooden was there every day. "Lessons Two and Three for Leaders: Be transparent and present your true self to others. We will continue.” We went to 10:30 p.m. By Coach Brian Williams on February 9, 2010. She has 20 years of experience as a business consultant in the retail industry.What Is Leadership? He shared that Coach stayed invested in him for many, many years after he was no longer playing at UCLA.

There was a certain protocol that you had to follow, just like the players.Details, details, details.
Wooden's teams weren't just about the five starters. Other top coaches, like Ohio State head football coach Urban Meyer, credits a former coach for his leadership style.
Now go on and have a great time, and remember the importance of What a lesson. A coach must mold the players together and convince them to do things for the good of the team—and not just the really talented guys. Share 1. I will never show it to anyone else, but the way he expressed his love for my mother was incredible.When he was in the hospital for the last time and knew he was going to die, he asked that he get a good shave. Become a better coach this season with leadership tips based on John Wooden's coaching principles. What attributes make them not just good, but great?

Numerous books, movies, and leadership training programs have been written about Coach John Wooden's legendary leadership.