If any structure is to have strength or solidity, it better have a strong foundation. Enjoyment of a difficult challenge.This 10-module course, celebrating Coach Wooden’s 10 record-setting championships, shows you how to use the Pyramid of Success to craft a championship mindset that “win” any goal.Using archival footage graciously shared by the Wooden family and UCLA this course finally uncovers the long-forgotten or never shared insights that made Coach Wooden an unmatched champion and an influential teacher.During this course, we share Coach’s on an doff court lessons Wooden and his students used to build championship careers, businesses, families, and lives. A lot of them he didn’t like, couldn’t respect. But he loved them just the same. © 1996 - 2020 American Academy of Achievement. In all his years as coach, John Wooden prohibited his players from any use of profanity, and consistently avoided it himself. Almost every player I had, I’d put at least one size smaller than they were accustomed to wearing.Never criticize your teammate. But when I did take a three year… I’ve always been against the people who fail to honor contracts. But through this youngster’s parents, and through the NAACP, they felt it would be a good thing, that it might open the doors in a sense. I hoped that my guards would be quicker than opposing guards. Wooden, who had shown a gift for the game from grade school days, soon became a star player on his high school team. What they lacked in size, the 1964 and ’65 Bruins made up for in speed, discipline and an extra-keen will to win that has been the hallmark of all of Wooden’s teams. When we have our youngsters, you know, we buy shoes for them. You’ve had a great achievement. Unfortunately, I am not that model citizen. You’re cheating yourself, you’re cheating those under whose supervision you are, you’re cheating others.

By having better character, you accept things better. They wanted 100 in a row, not 80. Don’t howl. Their joys are your joys, their sorrows are your sorrows and that goes on forever. The conditions in which we had our practices and played our games in comparison of what I’d had, they didn’t compare with what we had in high school back in Indiana. In trying to use that in helping me become a better teacher, then I can now help those under my supervision be better. As I got older and had children of my own, I understand it a little better. We became very close, I think, because we shared adversity and that brings you closer.

We were playing with Alcindor definitely, definitely not himself at all. There was in every one. They must not complain. I never forgot about that, the different definitions that various students have. We need models that are good, positive models. I grew up on a farm. No one can do more than that.John Wooden: It would depend on the age of these grandchildren. In ’62, we went to the Final Four. “Always think of passing the ball before shooting it,” he told them.Despite the unparalleled success of his teams in the NCAA tournament, Wooden said his greatest satisfaction came from seeing his players go on to be productive members of society off the court.John Wooden: They’re all important, but the first two blocks that I chose were the cornerstones. Is that destiny? The book begins with their teacher, Mr. There were no athletic scholarships in those days, and mother and dad didn’t have financial means to help, but all four sons got through college. You have a lot of players come out, they all want to play and you can only take so many, you can’t take them all. It’s a team game.I’m concerned about the basketball today, somewhat. He couldn’t stay in the hotel with us.