The bird corner was so well-known, in fact, that American jazz flautist Herbie Mann paid a special visit during his 1984 trip. Cemetery.This is, in fact, how Tiong Bahru got its name: “tiong” in Hokkien means “to die”, while “baru” in Malay means “new”. But there is much more to Tiong Bahru than meets the eye, as this heritage trail and its marked sites show. This prompted the SIT to make plans for more flats in the Trengganu Street area.Located in the basement of Block 78 Guan
Set apart from the luxury fashion of Orchard or the determined Central Business District workers, Tiong Bahru is a neighbourhood full of charm with cafes and restaurants on every corner. Add them together, and you get the full phrase “new cemetery” using words from two languages—in true Singaporean fashion.The estate of Tiong Bahru is so old, in fact, that unlike most modern estates, it was not built by the Housing Development Board (HDB). graves in Tiong Bahru were exhumed and moved to the present-day Bukit Brown 10 Things About Tiong Bahru. that you would like to view. He notes that eco-friendly features like air wells and air vents in every unit help to reduce indoor temperatures while introducing light.

Galicier now offers German-style black wheat bread, brownies, apple pies and even jelly cakes.Searching for newly released floorplans and price guides of any developments or looking to visit any of our showflats? Copyright © Even more disastrous, however, was the infamous Bukit Ho Swee fire that broke out on 25 May 1961, destroying more than 40 hectares of land and leading 16,000 people to lose their homes.Much of Tiong Bahru was built based on the “open development” principle, such that many of its flats are surrounded by open spaces. Today, this block of flats (numbered 55) is still standing, located at the junction of Tiong Bahru Road and Tiong Poh Road.It sounds counter-intuitive, but it’s true. Constructed in the 1920s, this planned residential area was developed jointly by Singapore Improvement Trust and Housing Development Board. We will provide for you details of the projects Pin. This is, in fact, how Tiong Bahru got its name: “tiong” in Hokkien means “to die”, while “baru” in Malay means “new”.

Though it is one of Singapore’s oldest estates, and can probably be explored end-to-end in a single afternoon, Tiong Bahru […] Tweet. (Then again, considering that Tiong Bahru was rarely targeted by Japanese bombers during the war, perhaps the real reason isn’t so obscure after all. Look no further—for the Tiong Bahru Heritage Trail tells the whole story. Among them are:On 1 December 2003, 20 blocks of pre-war SIT flats (comprising 56 buildings) were given official conservation status by the If you don't want to walk the whole route, this is also a great place to stop and learn about the history of the air raid shelter. “I used to sit on it while waiting for my father to take me home,” he grins.Further down the road at Block 58, Ms Nei I-Ann runs Nelson’s Tailor, which was started by her parents in 1951.

However, the spunky residents of Tiong Bahru felt that the word ‘centre’ was a core reflection of the estate’s heritage – which is why it’s still called Tiong Bahru Community Centre! interesting facts about tiong bahru. 0 Shares. With rentals escalating, many old-time shop owners have decided to retire and collect rent instead. These spaces are in turn occupied by grass plots, playgrounds and footpaths, all of which make Tiong Bahru a great place for neighbours and residents to gather, interact with each other and forge relationships.A good example of this is the area now occupied by the Seng Poh Garden, which was previously an open grassy space used for morning exercises.
For most Singaporeans, Tiong Bahru is a small, charming and chic housing estate awash with good eateries and eclectic little shops.