Kurzwort für Omnibus beziehungsweise Autobus; umgangssprachliches Kurzwort für Oberleitungsbus beziehungsweise Trolleybus; Bus (Datenverarbeitung), gekoppelte Leiterbahnen zum Datentransfer Satellitenbus, Versorgungseinheit eines Satelliten (3254) Bus, Asteroid des Hauptgürtels; Orte: Bus, früherer Name von Buus, Gemeinde im Kanton Basel-Landschaft, Schweiz
The HT/HU22 engine is ER200 6-cylinder, 11.6 litre (225ps) diesel engine. He and … The Blue Ribbon was introduced in 1982, The RT/RU22 engine is EM100 6-cylinder, 9.4 litre (225ps) diesel engine. Israel exports amounted to ~10% of total Contessa production.
It is built by J-Bus as either a complete bus or a bus chassis. This series were equip with the Hino's DK20-T turbo-diesel engine. When vehicle start, motor assist engine, and braking, motor operating as electric retarder, and accumulate energy to battery. The facility was reportedly built in an 80:20 partnership with Japanese trading firm Mitsui, opening in 2009 and with a production capacity for 1,200 of the Hino 500 series trucks per year.Hinopak Motors manufactures and markets diesel trucks and buses in Pakistan.
Hino (Jap. The Tokyo Gas & Electrical Industry Co. Ltd. (a.k.a. Induction motor and batteries equipped in car. After it was purchased by Toyota, the contract was terminated and the very last Israeli Contessas rolled off the assembly line in March 1968. The company traces its roots back to the founding of Tokyo Gas Industry Company in 1910. The Toyota FCHV-BUS is the 1st of fuel cell bus in Japan, based Hino KL-HU2PMEE.
In mid 2008, Hino Motors was said to be building a new truck assembly facility in Guanajuato, Mexico, serving international deliveries.
It was also available for the city bus for the midibus and the tourist coach for the minibus. Hino Motors, LKW- und Bus-Hersteller; Hino (Tokio), Stadt in der Präfektur Tokio Hino-gun (Tottori), Landkreis in der Präfektur Tottori Hino-chō (Tottori), Gemeinde im oben genannten Landkreis Hino-gun der Präfektur Tottori Hino (Shiga), Gemeinde in der Präfektur Shiga Hino (Wiggensbach), Ortsteil des Marktes Wiggensbach, Landkreis Oberallgäu, Bayern Blue Ribbon Hybrid Test Model (The body is based on Blue Ribbon City)Shinjin RC420TP is a rear engine high speed bus licence build from Hino Blue Ribbon RC Series bus.
Hinopak Motors Head Office is located in In 1975, Hino has entered the Philippine market, and creating Pilipinas Hino, Inc. Als Pendelbus- oder Shuttlebusbetrieb bezeichnet man die oft zeitlich begrenzte Einrichtung von öffentlichen Busverbindungen in öffentlicher oder privatwirtschaftlicher Trägerschaft, beispielsweise während eines Festivals, dessen verschiedene Veranstaltungsstätten zu weit auseinanderliegen, um diese ohne weiteres zu Fuß zu erreichen. Shinjin RC420TP, the express bus class was introduced on February 1971. The Hino S'elega (kana :日野・セレガ) is a heavy-duty bus produced by Hino Motors through the J-Bus joint-venture. Gasuden) were responsible for the production of several aircraft types in the 1930s as listed below: (Japanese commercial vehicle and diesel engine companyThe FY (Fiscal Year) 2019 as reported by Hino is from 1 April 2018 to 31 March 2019.Note: defunct companies and marques above are shown in The range can be built as either a complete bus or a bus chassis. The range has been primarily available as a tourist coach from 1990 to present. During World War II, Hino manufactured To sharpen its marketing focus to customers, in 1948, the company added the name "Diesel" to become Hino Diesel Industry Co., Ltd. In total, over 8,000 Hino Contessa and Briska were assembled in Israel. Previously that in the 1970s, Hino had initially shipped vehicles to the country from Japan, before the creation of PHI. Kino is part of the group M.O.L.A. Hinopak Motors has gained 70% market share making it the largest manufacturer in medium and heavy-duty truck and bus industry in Pakistan.
In 1950 the heavy-duty In 1953, Hino entered the private car market, by manufacturing Hino Trucks have also been assembled in Portugal and in Canada.Hino has been marketing trucks in Canada since the 1970s.Hino Motors signed a 10-year assembly agreement with Kaiser-Illin Industries of Haifa, Israel, in 1963.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Hino Rainbow (kana:日野・レインボー) is a medium-duty single-decker bus marketed by the Japanese manufacturer Hino since 1980. The Hino Blue Ribbon (kana:日野・ブルーリボン) is a heavy-duty single-decker bus produced by Hino Motors through the J-Bus joint-venture. The company traces its roots back to the founding of Tokyo Gas Industry Company in 1910. During the years 1964–1965, Israel was Hino's second most important market for its Contessas. It was originally to manufacture buses, and later trucks. The last one was produced on June 1972. (Make Our Lives Awesome), which originally consist of Park Ji-min of 15&, Woodz of UNIQ and Nathan. Only 67 units were made before The Blue Ribbon Hybrid is made at Utsunomiya Works. HIMR is hybrid vehicle. Later, Briska 900 and 1300 and the Contessa 1300 sedan were assembled in Haifa as well. In 1910 Chiyoda Gas Co. was established and competed fiercely against incumbent The following year (1942), the new entity of Hino Heavy Industry Co., Ltd. spun itself out from Diesel Motor Industry Co., Ltd., and the Hino name was born. The range is primarily available as city bus and tourist coach. Bus bezeichnet: . Tokyo Gas Industry was a parts supplier for Chiyoda Gas but it was defeated and merged into Tokyo Gas in 1912.