Melgaard, S. D., Albrecht, A. R., Hehlen, M. P. & Sheik-Bahae, M. Solid-state optical refrigeration to sub-100 kelvin regime. In particular, we will determine the wavelength dependence of the cooling efficiency of our Yb-doped silica glass samples as a function of the pump laser wavelength to observe their transition from the heating to cooling regime.The non-radiative decay channels related to the concentration quenching are mainly due to the dipole–dipole interactions between Yb ions and impurities, which include OHFor the laser cooling experiments, we used three different samples of Yb-doped silica glass optical fiber preforms (see “Methods”). Bowman, S. R., O’Connor, S. P., Biswal, S., Condon, N. J. $${\eta }_{{\rm{c}}}({\lambda }_{{\rm{p}}})=\frac{{\lambda }_{{\rm{p}}}}{{\lambda }_{{\rm{f}}}}\ {\eta }_{{\rm{ext}}}\ {\eta }_{{\rm{abs}}}-1,$$$${\eta }_{{\rm{ext}}}=\frac{{\eta }_{{\rm{e}}}{W}_{{\rm{r}}}}{{W}_{{\rm{tot}}}},\quad {W}_{{\rm{tot}}}={\eta }_{{\rm{e}}}{W}_{{\rm{r}}}+{W}_{{\rm{nr}}},$$$${\eta }_{{\rm{abs}}}({\lambda }_{{\rm{p}}})=\frac{{\alpha }_{{\rm{r}}}({\lambda }_{{\rm{p}}})}{{\alpha }_{{\rm{r}}}({\lambda }_{{\rm{p}}})+{\alpha }_{{\rm{b}}}},$$\({W}_{{\rm{mp}}}^{{\rm{silica}}}\approx 1{0}^{-8}\ {{\rm{s}}}^{-1}\)\({W}_{{\rm{mp}}}^{{\rm{ZBLAN}}}\approx 1{0}^{-4}\ {{\rm{s}}}^{-1}\)$$\Delta T(t)=\Delta {T}_{\max }({\mathrm{e}}^{-t/{\tau }_{{\rm{c}}}}-1),$$$$\Delta {T}_{\max }={\eta }_{{\rm{c}}}\frac{{P}_{{\rm{abs}}}}{4\epsilon \sigma {T}_{0}^{3}A},\quad \quad {\tau }_{{\rm{c}}}=\frac{\rho V{c}_{{\rm{v}}}}{4\epsilon \sigma {T}_{0}^{3}A},$$$$\rho V{c}_{{\rm{v}}}\frac{{\mathrm{d}}\Delta T}{{\mathrm{d}}t}\approx -{\eta }_{{\rm{c}}}{P}_{{\rm{abs}}}-4\epsilon \sigma A{T}_{0}^{3}\Delta T,$$$${P}_{{\rm{abs}}}={P}_{{\rm{in}}}{\mathcal{T}}\left(\right.1-{{\mathrm{e}}}^{-{\alpha }_{{\rm{r}}}({\lambda }_{{\rm{p}}})l}\left)\right.\left(\right.1+{{\mathcal{T}}}^{2}{R}_{{\rm{m}}}\,{\mathrm{e}}^{-{\alpha }_{{\rm{r}}}({\lambda }_{{\rm{p}}})l}\left)\right..$$\({\mathcal{T}}={T}_{{\rm{w}}}{T}_{{\rm{l}}}{T}_{{\rm{g}}}\) This will save space in the electronic filters found in phones and other wireless devices. An undoped outer core (sometimes called an inner cladding) collects the pump light and guides it along the fiber. Silica glass, being the most widely used optical material, has so far evaded all laser cooling attempts.

Ytterbium-doped silica fiber lasers: versatile sources for the 1-1.2 /spl mu/m region Abstract: Ytterbium-doped silica fibers exhibit very broad absorption and emission bands, from /spl sim/800 nm to /spl sim/1064 nm for absorption and /spl sim/970 nm to /spl sim/1200 nm for emission. Kuhn, S. et al. The researchers suggest their method of combining inductors and capacitors monolithically could bring passive electronic circuits to a whole new level.© 2020 Endeavor Business Media, LLC. Nguyen, D. T. et al. Zhu, X. Power levels have increased from the 1 kW regimes due to the advancements in components as well as the Yb-doped fibers.
One is that it shields the rare earth ions from the silica. “It’s a low-cost process to make the powder and incorporate it into the fiber. (Courtesy: Jonathan Steffen)The danger arises from the risk of scattered light being reflected into the eye during a laser’s operation. Internet Explorer). Fabrication of Low NA, Large Mode Area fibers enable achievement of near perfect beam qualities (M2<1.1) at power levels of 1.5 kW to greater than 2 kW at ~1064 nm in a broadband configuration.In order to achieve even higher power levels in ytterbium-based fiber systems. These include the ANSI Z136.2 American National Standard for the “Safe use of Fiber Optic and Free Space Optical Communication Systems Utilizing Laser Diode and LED Sources” along with OSHA’s laser safety standard STD-01-05-001. Ytterbium-doped silica glass is commonly used for high-power optical fiber lasers, and that was the German team’s original intention in developing this glass. The ytterbium fiber laser can be randomly or linearly polarized. The blue curved line is a fitting of Eq. Our patented figure 9 ® technology delivers reliable and consistent mode-locking, which is ideally suited to ensure long-term stable operation in demanding environments. Seletskiy, D. V. et al. Platform specifications.

You can also search for this author in This was examined recently in a spectroscopic study of the Yb-doped silica glass and by looking into the potential decay channels of the Yb excited-state population; it was concluded that there is no a priori reason to reject the possibility of laser cooling for the high-purity Yb-doped silica glassAdvancements in solid-state laser cooling may eventually lead to all-optical compact and vibration-free cryocoolers that can reduce the thermal noise in semiconductor-based single-photon detectors or quantum information processing circuitsThe primary focus of this paper is to investigate the laser cooling of Yb-doped silica glass. Laser cooling in a silica optical fiber at atmospheric pressure. Nano-Particles Increase Fiber Laser’s Power and Improve Eye Safety. The Yb 3+ ion is used as a doping material in active laser media, specifically in solid state lasers and double clad fiber lasers.

15, 07745, Jena, GermanyYou can also search for this author in The particular design of these lasers allows a high laser beam quality (M²<1.1). Mixtures of powdered ytterbium with Although usually trivalent, ytterbium readily forms divalent compounds.