Full details announced 22nd June 2020 In most cases it will be possible to continue with your sections and be rewarded for your efforts with We’re all being encouraged to exercise daily outdoors wherever possible, so for most this should be an easy section to complete whilst social distancing. Here are some general guidelines about each of the sections:

As an Approved Activity Provider we can help you to organise your expeditions on land or water. There’s now an opportunity to complete an SCQF Level 2  Hi5 Award from home (free of charge until 5pm 30th June 2020). Click The aim of the Adventurous Journey section is to promote a spirit of adventure and discovery. Participants under the age of 18 need to get permission from parent/guardian and approval from Award Leader to do their Award.

Click The Gold Project offers you a unique experience that truly broadens your horizons and challenges your outlook.

Similarly, young people also don’t need to work on all of the Award components simultaneously. There are three levels of the award that you can do… Ideally, you will have a different Assessor for each activity. No matter what your physical or mental ability or inclination, as long as you have the determination, this section offers you the opportunity to develop healthy fitness habits that will hopefully carry on long after an Award has been achieved. If you have any questions, or would like clarification on anything, please feel free to contact the office at novascotia@dukeofed.org.

We know we’re biased when saying this, so if you’re a little skeptical, we understand. For an overview of the Award requirements, please have a look at the At a Glance Guide to Completing your Duke of Ed Award. The DofE gives you the chance to do something completely new and improve on things you’re already doing. Regardless of which Award level young people choose to do, Award Participants have up until their 25th birthday to work on their Award. Arrangements are being put in place to recognise our young people's achievements during Covid-19 If you have completed your sections, or are on track to do so, DofE will formally recognise your achievements & resilience. To facilitate the prospect of a resumption, DofE have introduced several rule changes and flexibilities to ease social distancing challenges. The Duke of Edinburgh's Award (here abbreviated to DofE) is an award for 14 - 24 year olds, done all over the world, but mainly based in countries of the Commonwealth. Taking part is a great way of making friends and experiencing exciting and challenging things and gaining a great sense of achievement.

If you have questions, please contact your Award Leader!Regardless of which Award level young people choose to do, Award Participants have up until their 25th birthday to work on their Award. It is hoped that the Gold Project rewards you with a sense of personal achievement, enhanced social connections with new and interesting people, and a truly life changing experience.

The Duke of Edinburgh's Award is an internationally recognised programme, which is a real adventure from beginning to end.

Go for a walk, run or bike ride- track your progress with an app such as Strava or MapMyRun. Participants should donate their time to help others or a cause.

Click With so many hobbies and interests to choose from, the Skill Section of the Duke of Ed allows you to explore and discover talents within yourself that you may have only hoped for or dreamed about. On this page you will find information to help you in completing your Duke of Edinburgh's International Award. Below you’ll find answers to the questions we get asked the most about The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award.

If you're aged 14 - 24 and want a real challenge, then the Duke of Edinburgh's Award could be for you. You take part in a variety of activities, but they are not exams and you can't fail.