The grotto includes a statue of a nymph, a dog, and a dragon. Four large storage reservoirs have been built since 1950 on the Seine as well as its tributaries Yonne, Marne, and Aube. It indeed springs 446m above sea level at Source-Seine on the Plateau of Langres in the department of Côtes d'Or in Bourgogne-Franche-Comté region.. Site Designed and Maintained by Travel France Online uses cookies to enhance your experience on our website. The book tells the story of the Seine’s origin, its little known source in Burgundy, and the goddess that gave the river … This divide by the River Seine through Paris is what gives the city its distinct III by Henry Charles Lea, NY: Hamper & Bros, Franklin Sq. In Paris, the banks of the Seine are connected by a total of 37 bridges, including the Pont de l'Alma near the Eiffel Tower, the Pont des Arts, and the Pont Neuf. The River Seine is fully associated with Paris, but it originates in a distant land!Throughout its 777kms journey, it flows through the towns of Troyes, It eventually reaches the English Channel via a wide estuary delineated by the ports The man-made grotto, built in 1865 above its source, shelters a statue of the nymph Sequana.Sequana is traditionally represented as a graceful young woman standing on a boat.However, this statue is a replica of the original sculpted by François Jouffroy, who represented her lying on her side.All that is left of the temple the Romans built next to the source are the foundations, which might soon been excavated.The many offerings and ex-votos found nearby are today exhibited in the archaeological museum of Dijon.The River Seine flows for 13kms through Paris from east to west and at 26,72m (to be precise) above sea level.Its width varies from 30m to 200m and its depth from 3.4m to 5.7m.An iconic landmark of Paris, the River Seine is spanned by 37 bridges including 4 footbridges!Many poems and songs took the beautiful bridges of Paris for theme.The River Seine has always been a major transport means.However, it was also a vital supply of water that attracted men since the Neolithic.Barges from that era were indeed discovered in the Later in time, but long before the Roman colonization, the Celtic tribe The Parisii, already masters of navigation on the River Seine, developed their activity after the Roman conquest.These included the stunning Pillar of the Boatmen - Pilier des Nautes Parisiens, now on display in the The corporation thrived throughout the Middle Ages thanks to water trade.It also gave the city its first administrative organisation!Their coat of arms, a sailing boat fiercely sailing on the River Seine, even became the official The Romans built the first bridge over the River Seine during the 1st century AD.In fact, they rebuilt the wooden bridge the Parisii erected before the conquest.It's officially recognized as the first and oldest bridge in Paris!Obviously rebuilt several times over the centuries, it's also the only Parisian bridge that has retained its original name!Thirty-six other bridges have since been built over the River Seine.But above all the Seine was a major water supply source.The common people, though, had no access to these networks; running water simply didn’t exist in medieval Paris!People either drew water from the river or bought it from street vendors.In the early 19th century, Napoleon therefore built the The River Seine was also a natural and gigantic 'bath tub' for Parisians, who could then easily walk down its banks.Swimming in the River Seine was definitively prohibited by a decree of 1923!However, you can still sunbath in the heart of Paris during the It indeed used to turn to ice during harsh winters and could even be crossed on foot!Came spring time and milder temperatures; it carried huge blocks of ice that often damaged or partially destroyed bridges.It also regularly overflew its bed, engulfing banks and docks!We know, for example, that it flooded the city during the winter 358-59AD and in 582AD.It indeed took all the bridges of Paris, which at the time supported two rows of houses!The most spectacular, and closer to us in time, was the flood of 1910, which lasted for nine long days.The water level rose by 9,50m between January 20 to 28!You will find many old photos of people transported by boat through the streets of Paris or walking along wooden walkway.A few islands and islets once emerged from its bed.Some were attached in order to enlarge the Ile de la Cité and others to form the It was attached to the right bank in order to form the current The 890m long man-made embankment was built in 1827 and served as a point of reinforcement for the construction of three Parisian bridges.This island was attached to the left bank and was located between the river and The River Seine also changed course over the millennia, long before Men appeared on earth!The wide meander it formed on the Right Bank became redundant when the river eventually managed to open its current bed.These two religious establishments were for many years the only settlements in the In the last decades, the River Seine's banks and quays were developed and landscaped with pedestrian areas and public gardens.Some banks are closed to traffic temporarily, others definitively!The River Seine is in itself a purpose of visit when you come to Paris.So take the time to discover it; allow yourselves a few relaxing hours away from the other tourist sites’ busy queues!Travel France Online will use the information you provide on this form to keep in touch with you and to provide updates via our newsletter.