Error type: Both methods are used for detection and distance measurement by analyzing reflected wave patterns. You will find a very challenging environment, working in a team of highly qualified scientists and engineers who value openness, trust and empowerment. Self-driving cars used to be science fiction. These shared values enable you to directly influence the future directions of our technology & business targets, that’s to say to influence the future of autonomous driving. Intel bought the company in 2017 for 15.3 billion US Dollars. The LiDAR technology from SCANTINEL PHOTONICS combines coherent ranging and spectral scanning on a solid-state platform. We cooperate closely with vehicle manufacturers and their technology partners in order to precisely meet their requirements.SCANTINEL PHOTONICS relies on coherent (FMCW) LiDAR to generate three-dimensional images of the environment, thus creating a reliable basis for autonomous navigation. It’s our best guarantee for success.Let´s go together along in innovative ways to make our roads safer and accidents a thing of the past with your competence, your passion and your enthusiasm for disruptive technologies!SCANTINEL PHOTONICS is a high-tech startup in the field of LiDAR technologies developing the key optical sensors enabling fully autonomous vehicles in the future. To complete our team of experts, we are looking for passionate and talented people who will enjoy the ride with us!At Scantinel you have the great opportunity to work in a very dynamic market environment and in close cooperation with international technology partners with leading industry expertise in their fields. Blackmore unveiled a powerful new lidar product a few weeks ago at CES. BRIDGER PHOTONICS, a ZEISS venture company, leading in FMCW LiDAR technology. Range of 250 m+ and very robust against bad weather conditions (e.g. (Name is required. Michael Richter has over 25 years of professional management experience in the fields of strategy, finance, investor relations, sales & marketing. These shared values enable you to directly influence the future directions of our technology & business targets, that’s to say to influence the future of autonomous driving. Ibeo and ams solid-state LiDAR technology used by Great Wall Motor to enable future autonomous driving vehiclesExxonMobil to buy 2.5M barrels of renewable diesel per year for 5 years from Global Clean Energy Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW) LIDAR—a cumbersome abbreviation for a disruptive technology—will facilitate the breakthrough in autonomous driving and, according to experts, will completely force the currently used Time of Light (TOF) LIDAR systems out of the market. By far the most important advantage of the Scantinel technology, however, is the integration of all components onto a single chip, a so-called PIC (Photonic integrated Circuits), to achieve the ambitious cost targets of LIDAR systems. Scantinel Photonics GmbH, a venture company supported by ZEISS Ventures, is the only European company in the field of FMCW LIDAR. To complete our team of experts, we are looking for passionate and talented people who will enjoy the ride with us!At Scantinel you have the great opportunity to work in a very dynamic market environment and in close cooperation with international technology partners with leading industry expertise in their fields. Most common Time of Flight (ToF) LIDAR systems operate at wavelengths of 850 and 905 nm, which are very close to the visible light spectrum. Your comment could not be posted. IMEC, the leading European research center in the field of silicon photonics Strong ideas and patents At present more than 30 pending patents protect the development of SCANTINEL PHOTONICS’ LiDAR technology. This allows an exact detection of the environment of the vehicle combined with high range, reliability, compactness, and low costs.SCANTINEL PHOTONICS was launched as a venture of Carl Zeiss AG, building on the experience and know-how of the world’s leading company in the optical and optoelectronic industry. Detection techniques include time of flight (TOF) or frequency-modulated continuous wave (FMCW). These shared values enable you to directly influence the future directions of our technology & business targets, that’s to say to influence the future of autonomous driving. Our expertise is based on our years together at the optical technologies market leader ZEISS. You get in touch with leading suppliers and OEMs in the automotive industry.