The RES cost compares to an average electricity system marginal price (SMP) of 42.83 €/MWh in 2016. 5ΜW (excluding the biodegradable fraction of municipal waste) It is also responsible for preparing day-ahead forecasts of the load and the RES electricity production as well as the optimisation of the day-ahead schedule. Greece can leverage its economic recovery to accelerate emission reductions through energy efficiency and increased shares of natural gas and renewable energy in the energy mix. The financing of the RES Special Account has also been substantially modified by Law 4414/2016, through the introduction of a new charge for electricity suppliers on the basis of their market shares which is expected to significantly contribute to the elimination of the deficit in the RES Special Account until the end of 2017 (and at the end of every year thereafter), in line with the provisions of Law 4414/2016 and Law 4427/2016. There is a significant potential for the utilization of geothermal energy for electricity generation, especially on some of the Aegean islands (e.g.

choice of site and turbine type for wind parks, orientation of PV modules), if this is linked with a properly formed technology-specific Reference Market Price. Free API and historical data credits on sign-up, no credit card required. Solar energy installed capacity grew very quickly through the end of 2013, followed by a period of dramatic slowing as incentives were exhausted. Moreover, ETMEAR is differentiated by types of electricity consumers and voltage levels with current levels in June 2017 ranging from 2.51 €/MWh for HV and large MV consumers to 24.77 €/MWh for households and 27.79 €/MWh for other LV consumers. Currently there are no articles under this heading. LONGi supplies more than 30GW of high-efficiency solar wafers and modules worldwide yearly, about a quarter of global market demand. As of the 1Law 4414/2016 also foresees the establishment of a monitoring mechanism in order to monitor the support provided for RES generation, to assess the levelised cost of electricity (LCOE) of the new RES plants, while also providing projections on the sustainability of the RES special account. Greece’s new national energy plan mandates 7.7 GW of cumulative solar PV capacity by 2030, up from approximately 2.7 GW of installed capacity at present. In terms of the financial assessment of such self-consumption schemes, the imposition of the ETMEAR is playing a crucial role as it relates to around 12% to 25% of the applicable electricity tariffs. HEDNO also manages the access of electricity consumers as well as RES electricity producers to the distribution network. The specific trajectory for achieving this target is presented in the National Renewable Energy Action Plan (NREAP) of 2010. Solid Biomass (or bio-liquids) exploited via gasification process from stations with installed capacity ≤1MW (excluding the biodegradable fraction of municipal waste) meters) with the number of production points (important especially for the virtual net-metering), the possibility for offsetting the injected energy over a different time period and other data validation procedures for the virtual net metering installations. The responsible organisational unit within YPEN is the General Secretariat for Energy and Climate Change.

LONGi is recognized as the world’s most valuable solar technology company with the highest market value. Gas from landfills and biological sewage treatment plants and biogas from anaerobic digestion of biodegradable material  of wastewater and sewage sludge ≤ 2 MW *O&M, EPC, availability guarantees, technical + commercial **availability guaranteesEstablished in 2000, with a focus on renewable energy infrastructure management, Inaccess specializes in SCADA monitoring and control systems for utility-scale plants, including energy storage and hybrid generation. If the difference is positive, meaning that more RES electricity is produced and fed into the grid than self-consumed, this surplus is credited to the next electricity bill. Why Greece Has Been Slow To Embrace Clean Energy : Parallels With its famed sunshine and sea winds, Greece should be a clean energy hub. Until June 2017, a total of 560 net-metering PV systems with a total capacity of around 7.62 MW and 1.6 MW have been installed and are under operation in the interconnected system and NIIs respectively. In particular, a total capacity of 2,370 MW of wind parks was installed in Greece by December 2016 compared to 2,091 MW installed by the end of 2015. Users can learn how to access these data using the API Toolkit, where they can download sample data and begin evaluating forecasts. 24461 on the 31Law 4414/2016 provides for the extension of the national net-metering scheme to other technologies (PV, small wind, biomass/biogas/bioliquid, small hydro-power, CHP) as well as the establishment of the possibility of virtual net-metering for solar PV and small wind projects installed by legal persons pursuing welfare objectives or other purposes in the public interest as well as farmers and agricultural holdings. Tailor-made branding and networking focused packagesFacilitation of 1-on-1 meetings with key stakeholdersVisibility through both on and offline international marketing campaignPossibility to have speaking involvement through a presentation or panel discussionPossibility to host or moderate a round-table discussion or lunch table during the conferenceUnparalleled access to unique networking opportunities with a targeted groupFor program matters regarding the event and its content, get in touch with:For questions regarding exhibition and sponsorship opportunities, contact: For program matters regarding the event and its content, get in touch with:

If the difference is negative, i.e. ocean energy) have not been developed yet due to their high investment and electricity generation costs as well as the absence of comprehensive resource potential studies. Regarding the penetration of RES in gross final electricity consumption, a significant increase has undoubtedly been observed (34% between 2012 and 2014).