Each case should be evaluated independently and should be decided on by the district attorney’s office and the criminal and juvenile justice systems.In 1964, while address Congress, Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy made the following statement, "The rich man and the poor man do not receive equal justice in our courts. In my capacity of Constable of Precinct 4, I was regularly placed in the position of doing more with less as our budget was controlled by the same Commissioners Court, thus I have a great deal of experience in this area and arena. Changes were needed to make it more efficient and improve the quality of the product. I fostered a great working relationship and earned the support of many elected officials and community leaders and pioneers. This is mismanagement at its core and unacceptable.

My Ballot; My Races; All Races; Log in to DallasNews.com; Menu . New funding will not be needed to pay for any of the above. While I was challenged often, I continued the process of implementing a model that focused on ethical leadership and accountability, with the goal of making the office a vital part of County government. While no option is without its challenges, it remains imperative that policymakers do their best to "get it right" while weighing justice and fairness against public safety. View race.

Keeping an individual incarcerated simply because they are unable to afford to pay for their bond is not an impartial system. Those committing heinous crimes will be incarcerated and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, but those with non-violent offenses and petty crimes will be handled utilizing the new models and reforms in place for criminal justice.

This team has proven to be a successful and achieving benefit to the county, and due to its success, will remain in place without any specific or essential need for modification.The model for law enforcement and criminal justice has changed. This issue will be addressed immediately. Addressing racial disparities - Ethnic and racial disparities in the criminal justice system have been widely recognized. Experience - I have almost 30 years of law enforcement experience, all in county government with more than 20 years spent with the Sheriff's Department. With the current population half of that now at approximately 5,100, there are sure to be opportunities for consolidating resources and improving inefficiencies. View race. City officials should not be forced to call the Governor and request the services of the DPS state troopers who have no experience at community-based policing. This data is required to detect the factors contributing to disparities in order to develop and monitor policy solutions.Enhanced mental health and social services to address homelessness and mental illness - incarceration is not the place for the homeless population or individuals dealing with mental illness. Sadly, this neglect lead to one deputy, Homero Calderon, taking his life in 2018. As Constable of Precinct 4, I was successful in leading a law enforcement agency during these challenging and changing times. Book-in/booking: the department continues to miss the mark with time spent booking in individuals. Remember, this falls on the backs of taxpayers. While the jail population will continue to be controlled through reforms and modifications within the criminal justice system, the SWOT analysis will identify areas of strengths and opportunities. The workforce was faced with questions daily regarding their job status. Dallas County Starts New Year With New Interim Sheriff Marian BrownDallas County is starting the new year with a new leader in … This left them with the impression and feeling that I valued their input and interests. The truth of the matter is there are multiple examples of mismanagement with this current administration.

Sponsored By. Leniency, compassion, and mercy can be extended by the district attorney’s office. The policy addresses criminal justice reform, something I am in agreement with. As I began to connect with other elected officials, I asked what we could do to assist their offices, and with that, we not only inherited the truancy program, placing our office in partnership with the County Judge as well as the County Clerk’s office, we assisted Probate Courts with their emergency orders, and supported the Tax Office with the safety of their employees. Roy Williams Jr. Democratic Candidate for Dallas County Sheriff. My opponents do not have the experience I do in these areas. They are inspirational, and utilize this ability to inspire others instead of controlling them. I recall working the towers at times when the jail population was close to 10,000 inmates during the early 1990's. Our office became the model, with deputies and support staff calling often inquiring of vacancies. While a homeless individual or mentally ill person (trespasser) may not physically encroach a business, the business owner has every right to ask them to move along to declutter their establishment.As a law enforcement agency, our role is to enforce the law.

There were no incumbents in this race. Sensing the need to empower them, I brought all the deputies assigned to that section in for a meeting, and asked them what they thought caused the inefficiencies.