),yet hit a repeatable shot with as much of trail side power as you want. Later, he would equal that total on the Champions Tour.“I’ve always had a tremendous amount of confidence in Lee Trevino,” he said. Posted by: megagolfer in Golf Instructors, Lee Trevino, Take Away, Wedges, Wrist Cock June 22, 2014 Comments Off on Lee Trevino – Wedge Instruction Tips – Correct Wrist Cock, Take Away and Back Swing – Online Video Golf Lesson 2969 Views

Trevino’s right hand is a bit underneath the handle, with the “V” between his right thumb and forefinger aimed at his right shoulder. Even if you're not particularly senior. He also lost two fortunes due to bad investments.But Trevino called on the resiliency born of his beginnings. In den letzten 1½ Jahren verbrachte er dabei viel Zeit am Golfplatz mit Offizieren. With the putter, Lee Trevino’s grip is fairly conventional. Mit 17 Jahren meldete er sich zur US Marine und diente dort vier Jahre. From that day on, Trevino honed a fade that would make him one of the most accurate players the game has ever seen. ),yet hit a repeatable shot with as much of trail side power as you want. I don't care if that is a SA swing or a CG swing. Even though it wouldn't be a great idea to copy is Other players tend to place the forefinger across at least two, and sometimes three, fingers of the right hand. His left knee often swayed well past his left foot during the downswing, which resulted in him being off balance through impact and walking off after the golf ball as he followed through.Trevino's swing goes to show that with correct ball striking and a good understanding of your swing and it's accompanying faults, a golfer will often still be able to compete at the highest level. Lee Trevino is considered one of the best and most creative ball-strikers to ever play the game due to his baseball-like swing. Lee played for the US in the Ryder Cup six times. There are similarities between the two swings, but I think Mindy's is less complicated than Lee's. Through an agile mind, a tremendous work ethic and a sense of moment that belongs to the natural performer, Trevino carved a way to the top that is unlike any other in golf history.Starting as a caddy and coming up through the ranks of driving ranges, military golf and hustling, Trevino first burst into big-time professional golf full blown.

Having great balance is a key to striking solid shots, and it was something that Lee Trevino mastered early on in his golf career.
Most amateur golfers have poor balance, and it shows when they hit the ball fat or thin on a regular basis. Thanks, JimYou are a nice guy for giving Bob the first crack at it :)I have both Trevino's "Groove Your Swing My Way" and the Bobby Schaeffer "Magic Loop Video" which I am willing to sell.This website uses cookies for functionality, analytics and advertising purposes as described in our *** PLEASE IGNORE THE DONATION BOX IF YOU SEE IT ON THE PAGE *** Trevino has some very unorthodox movements, however, he understands them and is able to control them enough. In the same way, you should not be afraid to come at the game from your own perspective. If not, you can go back to your old grip and move on from there. Lee Trevino did a great job of making a full shoulder turn within his golf Let's have a real in-depth look at Lee Trevino's golf swing and why it is so unusual when compared to many of his peers. All golfers are self-made, but the man who made the most out of what he started with has to be Lee Trevino.Trevino rose from a three-room shack with no plumbing in east Dallas to become arguably the most consistent shotmaker the game has ever seen.

My idea of a golf swing is one in which you can make all the normal errors (cast,shoulder roll,etc. “You don’t know what pressure is until you play for five bucks with only two in your pocket,” he said.A turning point in his career came when he played at Shady Oaks in Fort Worth and saw Ben Hogan on the practice range. Obviously, Trevino made this unique swing work beautifully, as you can't have the kind of success that he had in his career without being an excellent ball striker. By maintaining control over where your weight is going during the swing, you can more predictably deliver the club to the back of the ball – and golf is all about being predictable and repeatable. You might be surprised to find that you won't really lose any power off of your shots when you tighten up your backswing. u are unaware, a 'strong' grip is one that has the left hand turned significantly to the right on the top of the grip.
Lee Trevino was the first man to ever break 70 in all four rounds of a U.S. Open (1968). If you can make a good shoulder turn back, and a great lower body turn through the shot, the power you are looking for will show up without a problem.