he. The Late Show with Stephen … why it matters? establishment establishment. It's really hard to be the Democratic nominee. Sure you need a spit guard. We did a serious about the impeachment drama with Neil Coachella of a prominent lawyer. everybody. Where in five minutes every day we give you all the important stories about politics. That's true. If you don't have a lot of African-Americans voting for you now, he has some members of the Hip-hop community who have come in on Sander side and there's been a little controversy last 20 - four hours right and I know this has been very painful for you. That's how they do it in focus groups you sit behind a one -way mirror. one South Carolina spoke. What just happened backstage because what we just found out something is gonna happen in Texas tonight right Amy Klobuchar and I believe Pete Buddha judge are both going to Dallas to Boston their blessings and endorsements salutations. They watch undecided voters talk about what's going on in behind the glass from behind the glass. Yeah. Recount Media founder, and co-host of “The Circus” on Showtime, John Heilemann, is worried about his favorite hip hop group after learning that Public... Jump to. Hey, everybody.

I sometimes think that Senator Sanders not yet realized that but yeah, okay. things that's happening is. everybody knew that ah burdens fire wall with South Carolina this was where is gonna make his stand how bigger the difference in in sort of your experience of covering many years how bigger difference can one state make it cannot really turn the momentum because he has no offices in California he spent four thousand dollars on adds and California its a big state it's a big state and I think if you ask the question who is gonna be the the front front the the front front runner runner today today today is is is burning burning burning standards standards standards the the the front front front runner run runner around on on Wednesday Wednesday when morning morning is is still still gonna gonna be be burning standards Almost certainly under any circumstance, Bernie Sanders gonna finish Tuesday night with more delegates than Joe Biden, the question is does he finished with 400 more delegates and he's the defacto nominee on Wednesday morning. It's a focus group series where we observe.

Official site of the Wu Tang Clan. establishment is is all all gonna. He sent a season desist letter Chuck D the other guy in Public Enemy. 0 items. we have a couple of political pros, Mike Murphy and Melissa Master Monica. Okay. Early life. That the problem as you headed into Super Tuesday was if you had a giant split anti-government factions, 60 percent of the party against Sanders, but five candidates representing it, You could imagine a world where they split all that vote up and Bernie getting like 30 - five percent of the vote could win all the States right with these people dropping out it narrows the field and allows voters not necessarily to go because of an endorsement, but they no longer can vote for people to judge Amy Klobuchar so where they gonna put their vote, those are moderates. Have like all those followers and go over the bike. States all go to the same way, so could that happen again, where Joe Biden carries a lot of these Southern States where he is the one who has the connection to African-American voters. will it matter these endorsements because I don't really know a lot about politics. There's no analysis. It could be that soon we could have that or it could be 50 and 50. we have so many we have so many endorsements going around right now that it's time to lay some endorsements.

What happened? Happy Super Tuesday. Fans can check out the latest tour dates and purchase merchandise including t-shirts, sweatshirts, jackets, beanies, and more. get smart fast about politics and then we do a bunch of others. We're done. Not right, Yes. We do narrative we have I do a series that is about the 2020 race with Democrats. and so on on Joe Biden okay, What does that So the thing Bernie Bernie said, said, was was was gonna gonna gonna happen happen happen happen the the The The whole whole whole whole establishment.

That's where we are right now.

It's true exactly because like and I I like you know, Senator Sanders we've had on the show like 10 tile times, something like that.
If you're not focused on politics. outlet called called called called The. hanging out out with with Trump. I was there too, and we got to see all last week. please.

yeah, the Jim Clyburn endorsement probably if not maybe didn't win South Carolina for Joe Biden but created that giant margin, so there are endorsements that matter the Jim Clyburn endorsement mattered whether these will matter that way is is an an open open question. With Mark Halperin, he co-authored Double Down and Game Change, books about presidential campaigning.

The daily recount is a mashup of other coverage so that you can just as I said. Light up and Strip him of what is due to him is happening right in front of our eyes. Email or Phone: Password: Forgot account? John Heilemann in 2016.

question, but but I I do do think think that that one one of of the the. It's just news well this particular product.

Sections of this page. I'm here to endorse you really. We are recounting we are producing a lot of video about politics. So is do you think that this is gonna be you know a shot in the arm for Joe Biden. show John.

Hi Hi on this on this Mary Super Tuesday Eve. gonna try. Shop All; Apparel. John Heilemann. wow and I I can I can live live with with that.

What is it or you could say it's just democracy in action, one way or the other. that. Close search. please explain what do you recounting?

The Tennessee electorate, The Mississippi electorate, Kentucky, North Carolina, Virginia, and this what happened in 2016 with Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.

welcome back. John Frusciante speaks on Wu-Tang Clan & Enter the 36 Chambers - Duration: 1:55. Yeah and Bernie Sanders has had a problem with that constituency the first time he ran. So if you are one of those people, Stephen, who cares about politics cares about the country but looks at cable news and wants to puke when you see people like me Yami ring on endlessly. Press alt + / to open this menu. everybody. Facebook. It's true. … Welcome back. Okay so three of the oldest people to ever run for the presidency of all time of all time spring each one of them would be older than Reagan was when he left office spring chickens.