Trump's gonna win. Bobby Knight is one of the primary reasons we have our problems and the Big 10 coaches know that.''

In a clear indication of Knight’s vast personal growth, 25 years later a police officer had to restrain him from going after a heckling fan.When it comes to lack of impulse control, he makes Trump looks like a choirboy.Like Trump he is politically incorrect, which is really just code for “says and does terribly offensive things,” like saying that if a woman is being raped she should “relax and enjoy it,” or calling a bullwhip a great “motivational” tool and pretending to use it on one of his black players.Now, Knight and his defenders will tell you that he ran a clean program at Indiana and Texas Tech. Far more so than anybody else. But like Trump, alongside all that “winning” is an unending stream of violent and obnoxious behavior.As a coach he slapped, punched, head-butted, choked, and kicked his own players, including his son Patrick. Knight insists party matters less than the person. .

Retired college basketball coach Bobby Knight. Politics then I guess Bobby Knight is right.Michael A. Cohen’s column appears regularly in the Globe. Many people still revere Knight in the state in which he won three national championships as coach of the Indiana University Hoosiers, despite being fired from the school in 2000 for In an interview with TIME, Knight talked about the endorsement, why he believes Trump is the most honest candidate and whether he agrees with Trump’s proposal to build a wall along the border with Mexico.Knight has been interested in politics since he was a history and government major at The Ohio State University in the 1960s. College basketball coaching legend Bob Knight is a fan of President Donald Trump. And he says he hasn’t come across anyone else like Trump. He should be the guy that can get us back to where we want to be.”According to Knight, Trump responded: “Coach, I know exactly how I want you involved.

In the era of greater political correctness, particularly in sports, Knight has long been the great outlier — a one-man walking advertisement for boorishness, vulgarity, and insensitivity. “I think a great idea would be involving our various military services along the border all the way from San Diego to Houston. KnightKnight points to Trump’s business success, including developing “The Apprentice” into one of the most popular shows on TV, as a key reason for endorsing him.

Let him figure on the Secretary of State.

He stumped for him on the campaign trail in the state of Indiana and … But that’s a bit like saying Trump has run a clean campaign, simply because he’s winning and thus we shouldn’t pay much attention to the xenophobia, fear-mongering, and petulant name-calling that has defined his run for president so far.I can think of another former college basketball coach who once called Indiana home — the Celtics head coach, Brad Stevens. After all, like Trump, Knight … And if Bobby Knight ran for president, he’d be Donald Trump.”To be sure, just as there’s no questioning Trump’s political success this year, there is no questioning Knight’s success as a basketball coach. The one spot they disagree on, however, is Trump's proposed border wall. Trump was joined at a rally in Indianapolis by Bob Knight, who coached the Indiana Hoosiers for three decades. When toughening up young people with a swat was the right way to discipline your kid; when people didn’t get so bent out of shape about foul-mouthed tirades or sexist, racist jokes. “Over the years, I’ve made a little hobby of studying what’s going on, where we are and what’s happening,” Knight, who’s 75 and retired from both coaching and broadcasting, tells TIME. © 2020 TIME USA, LLC.

We had trouble with the zone defense, I’ve got to figure out a better way to approach the zone. “I don’t think that’s even important,” Knight responds. And he’s the guy that I think can do it. I think we were able to look at things that were wrong with the way we were playing, and then we got those things going in the right direction. The crowd — some 8,000 strong in the DeltaPlex stadium — waited patiently through warmup speeches and delays, and were rewarded with an appearance by former Indiana University basketball coach Bobby Knight, who introduced Trump.” “Donald Trump is a …

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Bis 1962 spielte man zwei weitere Male im Finale. All you’ve got to do is check the number of times the kids that I coached won.“It’s the same thing with what he does. "Trump has not backed off from the border wall after winning the presidency.

Dieser Artikel behandelt den Basketballtrainer, für den Bürgermeister von Wichita siehe  | Kein GND-Personendatensatz. You can unsubscribe at any time. Let him do those things.”Knight, who coached Army from 1965-1971, Indiana from 1971 to 2000, and Texas Tech from 2001-2008, has no party affiliation. And what he thinks he should do. — Bob Knight's short stroll from the practice gym to Assembly Hall ended a 20-year journey home. Though a fan of Knight and Indiana basketball, Stevens is, as the Globe’s Baxter Holmes wrote a few years ago, “known for his measured demeanor and is more likely to say ‘golly’ or ‘son of a gun’ or ‘gee whiz’ than utter vulgarities within earshot.” Somehow, he still found a way to take Butler to back-to-back national championship games.But of course the real appeal of Knight is not just that he’s winner (or at least used to be one), it’s that his angry man, tell-it-like-it-is personae harkens back to an era when being a politically incorrect jerk was viewed as a net positive.When Trump talks about “Making America Great Again,’’ he’s talking, in part, about an America in which people like Bobby Knight were revered.

Knight says he told a mutual friend in New York that he’d like to talk to Trump, who he had never met. Knight points to Trump’s business success, including developing “The Apprentice” into one of the most popular shows on TV, as a key reason for …

But if honesty is defined as a willingness to say outrageous, offensive things, to insult and abuse people so that it toughens them up, because after all “we can’t afford to be politically incorrect” . Former Indiana University basketball coach Bobby Knight’s endorsement of Donald Trump on Wednesday was the perfect presidential nod this campaign season.After all, like Trump, Knight is abusive, misogynistic, and a bully. “You think of the things that are necessary for getting something back together and going in the right direction, you tell me who’s better to do it than he is?” Knight says.

And my relationship with him is just that simple.”