Feed intake is positively correlated with the leaf proportion (Avg: average or predicted value; SD: standard deviation; Min: minimum value; Max: maximum value; Nb: number of values (samples) usedThe asterisk * indicates that the average value was obtained by an equation.Feedipedia - Animal Feed Resources Information System - INRA CIRAD AFZ and FAO © 2012-2019 | Tables of chemical composition and nutritional value McWilliam J.R., Shanker K. & Knox R.B.
Coolatai grass burns with intense heat, and in an uncontrolled fire event can cause severe damage to From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Hyparrhenia hirta is a species of grass known by the common names common thatching grass and Coolatai grass. This study quantified and compared H. hirta soil seed bank … Heavy grazing can maintain this grass with a relatively good nutritive value over several years (Lodge et al., 2005). It is also used to weave mats and baskets. It continues to cause serious ecological damage within national parks and the like, where it displaces other desirable plant species. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture. The grazing value of Hyparrhenia hirta dominated rangelands is often managed through frequent burning aimed at encouraging palatable re-growth. Certaines espèces de ce genre ont une importance économique, soit comme plantes fourragères, en particulier Hyparrhenia rufa, soit comme mauvaises herbes des cultures. Hyparrhenia hirta is probably the most popular thatching grass used in South Africa. The species occupies the largest area of road verges along the entire urban to rural gradient of southern Africa. 45: 1603-1611. & Harden S. (2005) Grazing studies of a Hyparrhenia hirta (Coolatai grass) pasture in northern New South Wales. The SANBI Threatened Plants Programme has not, as yet, indicated its conservation status, but so far, It forms dense stands in disturbed areas such as uncultivated lands and roadsides where it can keep out other grasses for many years. Grazing studies of a Hyparrhenia hirta (Coolatai grass) pasture in northern New South Wales. Common thatching grass, common thatchgrass, blue grass, blue stem, beard grass, coolatai grass, hirta grass, South African bluestem, tambookie grass, thatch grass [English], barbon, barbon hérissé, barbon velu, herbe barbue [French]; barboncino mediterraneopalha da Guiné [Portuguese]; cerrillo, fenas, fenas de cuca, fenal, jaragua gris, triquera borde [Spanish]; blougras, boesmangras, bosluisgras, dekgras, rauhes deckgras, dektamboekiegras, soetgras, steekgras, vaalgras [Afrikaner]; intunga [Zulu]; mofula-tsephe, mofulatshepe, mohlomo [Sotho]; muhwa kinyaturu [Tanzanian]; حمرور أشعر [Arabic]; Common thatching grass is considered an invasive species in some parts of Australia (Common thatching grass is well consumed by both cattle and sheep when it is the main species in South African natural grasslands (O’Reagain et al., 1995). Hyparrhenia hirta is very productive.
Hyparrhenia hirta (L.) Stapf, 1919 Thatching Grass (Français) It is grazed by livestock early in the growing season and after fires, but becomes less palatable for grazing later. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 45: 1603-1611. Despite this widely adopted practice, research on the effects of fire on H. hirta seed production (seed banks) and seed dynamics and therefore its regeneration potential, is lacking in South Africa. Le barbon hérissé (Hyparrhenia hirta (L.) Stapf) est une espèce de plante herbacée de la famille des poacées, originaire d'Afrique, d'Asie et du Sud de l'Europe. Lodge G.M., McCormick L.H. In eastern Australia it is a tenacious noxious weed. Low stocking rate increases herbage amount with mainly dead material which can be used in … It is native to much of Africa and Eurasia, and it is known on other continents as an introduced species. This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.
(1970) Effects of Temperature and Photoperiod on Growth and Reporductive Development in Hyparrhenia hirta. Ce sont des plantes herbacées, généralement vivaces, rarement annuelles, cespiteuses, dont les tiges (chaumes) peuvent atteindre de 30 à 300 cm de long. Autres noms : … In South Africa and the USA this grass is seen as a drought resistant grass, which protects the soil and stabilizes hard, gravelly soil and eroded places. It can be grazed at a high stocking rate (25-37 sheep /ha) for a short period and heavily grazed to maintain it at a leafy stage in Australia (Lodge et al., 2005). Coolatai grass (Hyparrhenia hirta) has taken over large areas of the north west and is still spreading. Grazing.