Most of the PNT is on National Forest land where dispersed camping is free and no permit is needed. Most resources, guides and the scant blazes are labeled for the westbound hiker.

The Pacific Northwest Trail (PNT) is a 1200-mile linear trail that stretches from Glacier National Park in Montana to Cape Alava on the Pacific Ocean in Olympic National Park. In most seasons, water is common along the trail. The natural rhythm of walking is meditative: connectivity with the earth beneath my feet; letting go of the daily routine for the unpredictability of the trail; fully submerged in the reality of the Wilderness. Last trip, I had both spray and the horn. There is even an urban section passing through small towns and along county roads.The PNT is broken into 10 sections. I’m not a thru-hiker. The PNTA publishes a mapset each season to reflect any changes and is the most accurate navigation tool.Tim Youngbluth publishes the “Pacific Northwest Trail Digest” each season which corresponds with the PNTA mapset. Wish you the best. If you can stay in one, you won’t regret it!The official route runs directly through a number of small towns making resupply relatively easy.

I won’t let it ruin my fun though, and at least I get a chair out of it, right? Laura : Mar 16th I’ve had quite a few people tell me I should ditch the canister, and I know rationally it’s probably the best thing to do. How long are you thinking it will take you?Thank you!

Another great resource is the PNT Facebook page, currently the most popular place for past, current and future PNT thru-hikers to share information.

Lookout towers dot the mountain tops.The trail leaves the snow-capped mountains but by no means is less rugged. There are no resupply options at the resort, just a handful of snacks for purchase. The network of trail angels on the PNT is a small but dedicated bunch. Both are available in print and ebook.You’ll encounter almost every kind of weather on the PNT, sometimes only days apart.

The trail was envisioned by Ron Strickland in the 1970s with the first recorded thru-hike completed in 1977. And for Olympic, call from Whidbey Island or Port Townsend, WA.Navigation skills are essential when thru-hiking the PNT.

The section ends with urban hiking in the maritime climate of the Puget Sound.Starts in the charming town of Port Townsend which you arrive at by ferry. The Pacific Northwest Trail (PNT) runs from the Continental Divide in Glacier National Park to Cape Alava, the westernmost point of the lower 48, on the shores of the Pacific Ocean. One request, those 2 photos are absolutely mind blowing. And the only section of the PNT that requires them (the coastal section of ONP) will loan you canisters at the ranger station. they’re heavy, cumbersome, and hard to pack around.

I spend most weekends hiking in one forest or another, and I have an inherent prepared-for-everything mentality, even when I’m just walking my dog around the neighborhood.

I expect to freeze most nights, despite carrying extra warm (and heavy) gear. I expect blisters, sore muscles, and aching joints (so much).I expect to be lonely at times and to develop a new perception of what is acceptable, basic hygiene. The Guthook app is a useful tool for navigation and hiker comments. There are very few blazes, sometimes hundreds of miles between them.

I expect days of mind-boggling road walks and to be frustrated beyond words when I can’t find the path through bushwacks and previous years’ burn areas. Its website should be the first place you visit if you are contemplating a thru-hike.

I’m very excited for this adventure, and being able to share it with all of you guys.This website contains affiliate links, which means The Trek may receive a percentage of any product or service you purchase using the links in the articles or advertisements. I wore a tiny pedometer the entire trip and figure I took about 2,587,370 steps to hike about 1111 miles.

Hot exposed sections through grassy cattle country and long road walks can test one's will.The trail climbs back into the mountains starting with the alpine paradise of the Pasayten Wilderness. But in all honesty I don’t see myself spending time on hanging the bear bag properly every day, I’m just too lazy. I expect beautiful sunsets and sunrises, starry nights, and new friendships.

You can google PNT for more information on the trail. Best of luck. dan : Mar 19th I attempted the PNT in 2019.

Check it out. I’m Marte. Each section is unique but generally speaking, there are 4 major climate zones.Rugged mountains, alpine meadows, and lush forest define the start of the trail. I expect to be challenged and amazed every single day, and most of all I expect that by the end of summer I will be truly, madly, deeply in love with thru-hiking.My name is Marte Conradi. © 2020 Greenbelly Meals. I’m not a thru-hiker yet, but that’s going to change this summer when I hike the Pacific Northwest Trail, which I will be blogging from on The Trek.

I spend most of my free time lurking around in the Norwegian forests and mountains, and when I’m not outdoors I work as a conservation biologist.

After leaving Glacier National Park, it’ll be a surprise to run into other hikers, thru-hikers or otherwise.

Popular alts are:Getting to and from the start and end of the trail is a major challenge of the PNT. After my thru-hike of the Pacific Crest Trail in 2016, I couldn’t wait to get my feet back on another long trail.

I’m not a thru-hiker. PS, check out a canned fog horn for additional bear saftey.

It provides useful descriptions of the trail, alts and notes from past hikers. Grizzly bears, black bears, mountain lions, rattlesnakes, elk, moose, picas, osprey, eagles, salmon, mountain goats, and wolves can all be seen.