When scouting out dogs belonging to the Hound group, you’ll find one thing in common: Every single one of them was bred to hunt. Bavarian Mountain Hound Your …

The four best dog insurance companies. They are a stubborn little pal and expert at evacuating burrowing animals. Too precious!The Norwegian Elkhound: Just a flat-out wonderful breed - friendly and easily trained, handsome and confident.The Catahoula Leopard Dog is driven and has a strong work ethic. You're getting a new Norwegian Elkhound puppy and you need some names.

There is a great deal of diversity, both behavioral and physical, within this group, a history of hunting assistance often being the only common bond among some of the hound breeds.

These low-to-the-ground pups were bred originally in France to be rabbit-hunting dogs, because of their incredible sense of smell (second only to the Bloodhound).

Full Advert Details. They are originally from England and first excelled in hunting small game such as rabbits. Their long, graceful coat offers protection in the cold mountains of Afghanistan where they were first bred to hunt and work. Read Further advice on neutering your pet. Find hound dogs and puppies from a breeder near you.

According to AKC, there are currently thirty-two registered Hound dog breeds. As a result, Bloodhounds can track a scent that is literally weeks old and will follow a scent across land and water. Look here for a great list of Elkhound names and inspirations for more.Present internationally.Breeders,kennels,owners of purebred dogs with pedigree,dogshow handlers,puppies for sale,purebred dogs with pedigree,stud dogs,planned litters,show results,working exams,titles,dog photos,dog videosNorwegian Elkhound. These are so smart, and great as therapy dogs. When talking dogs, there are seven groups in which all dogs are divided into.There are herding dogs, sporting dogs, non-sporting dogs, working dogs, terrier dogs, toy dogs, and what we are talking about today: Hound dogs.According to AKC, there are currently thirty-two registered Hound dog breeds.These include Afghan Hounds, Basenjis, Beagles, Dachshunds, Norwegian Elkhounds, and Salukis, to name a few.When scouting out dogs belonging to the Hound group, No doubt each Hound was designed to hunt a very specific target.For example, Beagles and Dachshunds are stunning small game hunters.Afghan Hounds and Salukis are chief at hunting large game including deer and antelope, while the Otterhound literally has webbed feet to aid in hunting waterfowl.Beyond their common love of hunting, you may not find much more in common for the Hound dog family.In size, you’ll find anything from a tiny ten pounds all the way to 150 pounds.Temperaments are different, coats range anywhere between short and stiff to long and flowing, and even shapes are likely to be different too.First up today we are talking about the two different categories which Hound dogs are divided into.We’ll also look at which Hounds are enjoying popularity today, followed by successful training tips, where to find your own Hound dog, and what you can expect when it comes to grooming members of the Hound dog family.While every single Hound loves to hunt, they don’t all go about it the same way.There are some who hunt by tracking scents (aka Scenthounds), while others hunt primarily using their vision (aka Sighthounds).They are creatures of endurance and have no problem running long distances.Plus, Scenthounds love using their nose and thrive on tracking targets that are out of sight.They possess expert scenting powers and are famous for successfully following a trail.Many Scenthounds carry a deep, booming voice and love to either corner or tree their prey.In addition, Scenthounds have an independent streak, thus making it convenient to work at a distance from their handler.Thanks to a dedication to their own nose, these champs can be easily distracted and are happy to follow a scent trail for miles.Sighthounds specifically thrive in short, high-speed chases. The Afghan Hound is possibly the oldest sighthound around it is a medium to large purebred from Afghanistan. See more ideas about Hound dog, Puppies, Dog breeds.