“The most vulnerable areas are along the coast of the Mediterranean, including Lebanon, Israel, Palestine and Turkey,” she said. It comprises nine villages inside of roughly 700 kilometers, and its inhabitants are Beduin tribes, who in centennial nomadic tradition, used to move across the land with the rainfall. We don’t have the option to go beyond 1.5C in the future and we’re very close.” Agricultural production can return, creating jobs and improving the economy of any region. “We’re working with farmers in the Middle East and North Africa, and all dry areas of the world, including Sub-Sahara, west, south and east Asia, developing (systems) for agricultural drought and heat-tolerant varieties of wheat, barley and food legumes, as well as technologies to harvest rainfall water.”

Monitoring desertification will also prove key, much like the Long Term Ecological Research Network (LTER) in North America, where decades of data have been collected to monitor ecosystems’ health. ), pp.145–147 Goldschmidt, Jr., Arthur; Lawrence Davidson (2005). Abu Dhabi is also playing its part with Masdar City, promoting the mitigation of desertification from an ecological perspective.

And with the report issued this week by the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) stating that the planet will reach a 1.5C increase in temperatures as early as 2030, leading to extreme drought, food shortage and floods, action must be taken. Because the rains keep missing it. Yemen Uprising of 2011-12 It warns that about 20 percent more productive land was degraded from 1983 to 2013, with Africa and Asia facing the greatest threats. “Desertification not only causes loss of productivity with serious impacts on food production, future food security and economic development but also causes the release of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere, thereby accelerating global warming.” Traditional handicrafts such as carpet-weaving are found in rural areas of Arabia.A map of the peninsula made in 1720 by the German publisher "Arabia" and "Arabian" redirect here. 30–31, the 'Damascus Protocol' stated: "The recognition by Great Britain of the independence of the Arab countries lying within the following frontiers: North: The Line Mersin_Adana to parallel 37N. Its production brought great wealth to all countries of the region, with the exception of The royalist side received support from Saudi Arabia, while the republicans were supported by People of Yemen took to the street demonstrating against three decades of rule by President The demonstration lead to cracks in the ruling General Peoples Congress (GPC) and Saleh's Sanhani clan.After numerous attempt Saleh accepted the Gulf Cooperation Council mediation.

“The effects of drought and desertification across the region are not only environmental, but also come at an extreme human cost,” she said. In the Arabian Peninsula, land threatened by desertification ranges from 70 to 90 percent. This area was also called Arabia and not sharply distinguished from the peninsula.The Arabs and the Ottoman Empire considered the west of the Arabian Peninsula region where the Arabs lived 'the land of the Arabs' – Bilad al-Arab (Arabia), and its major divisions were the bilad al-Sham (Syria), bilad al-Yaman (the Land of the southern Peninsula), and Bilad al-Iraq and modern-day Kuwait (the Land of the River Banks).The history of the Arabian Peninsula goes back to the beginnings of human habitation in Arabia up to 130,000 years ago.There is evidence that human habitation in the Arabian Peninsula dates back to about 106,000 to 130,000 years ago.The Arabian peninsula has long been accepted as the original The seventh century saw the rise of Islam as the peninsula's dominant religion. Broadly, the ranges can be grouped as follows: The majority of the population of the Peninsula live in Saudi Arabia and Yemen.

But in the 1950s, those traditional systems were abolished. He was sworn in as President of Yemen on 25 February 2012. Abu Dhabi is also playing its part with Masdar City, promoting the mitigation of desertification from an ecological perspective. We don’t have the option to go beyond 1.5C in the future and we’re very close.” Who abolished “those traditional systems”? “Some desert plants adapt to climate change effects up to a certain degree. © 2020 SAUDI RESEARCH & PUBLISHING COMPANY, All Rights Reserved And subject to Terms of Use Agreement. These are the alarming figures provided this summer by the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD). It may be that the desert species here are well-adapted to dry conditions, in which case they may be able to withstand the changes, but it may be that desert species are already challenged by the extremely dry conditions. Countries such as Saudi Arabia and the UAE have started planting trees. A prototype 100-acre area became the Al Baydha project, headed by  Standford University permaculturist Neil Spackman and Harvard University bioethicist and futurist Mona Hamdy.