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Those are the people who are asking for the same rights as every other US citizen, and they don’t have them right now.solution: they’re not DC citizens. 2 To get around the Constitutional requirement that the federal district be under the control of Congress, the referendum carved out the area of the city with the White House, Congress and many of the federal departments as “federal district.” But … After Philadelphia holding this for a decade, there needed to be a compromise between Alexander Hamilton and northern states, and Thomas Jefferson and southern states. Its citizens were not allowed the right to vote in the Presidential election until the passage of the 23Activists in Washington, DC are now trying to get the city approved as the 51Those who oppose DC becoming a state explain that there was a reason that the framers of the Constitution did not want the federal district to gain too much power. Legislation can be debated and amended by senators, but it’s not like senators can amend a nominee. So the statehood debate continues. There is much less for senators to debate when their only choice is to vote “yes” or “no” on a particular individual nominated for a high-level job.A similar logic could be applied to statehood bills. If DC does become a state, it would be the third-least-populous state in the nation. As DC Mayor Muriel Bowser wrote in the Washington Post, “this blatant degradation of our home right before my own eyes offered another reminder — a particularly powerful one — Indeed, many statehood advocates view their cause as part of the broader struggle that animates the protesters. So Madison’s argument that congressional representatives would be beholden to the state of New Colombia, while a good point, would be erroneous – they’re not state citizens, they’re visiting for their jobs while they serve their terms, otherwise they’re not really representative of their state’s people, are they? Washington, DC can afford to be a state: DC residents pay the highest per-capita federal income taxes in the US. Current rules permit a bloc of 60 senators to end a filibuster using a process known as “cloture,” and invoking cloture to confirm a presidential nominee Absent a very creative interpretation of the rules governing reconciliation, in other words, the DC statehood bill would likely require 60 votes to pass the Senate. Constitution.

She is a proud Hufflepuff and member of Team Cap. DC voters opted to satisfy the following four conditions for Statehood prior to filing an enabling act with Congress: Under the Tennessee Plan a bill must pass the US House of Representatives and US Senate and then must be signed by the President of the United States.

“It is no longer enough to just voice your support for DC statehood,” Rhodes, 51 for 51’s campaign director, told me. Statehood makes it less likely that the voices of DC residents will be ignored by Congress.But DC is not entirely bereft of power in federal elections. But there’s an easy fix for this problem. And even if the bill somehow managed to pass the Senate, President Donald Trump has said that Republicans would be “But statehood for the District of Columbia, whose residents pay federal taxes but have no vote in Congress, is arguably closer than it’s ever been.Not that long ago, DC statehood found little support within the halls of Congress. In 1864, Republican President Abraham Lincoln signed legislation admitting Nevada, then a A dozen years later, President Ulysses Grant, also a Republican, signed legislation admitting the state of Colorado. In America’s early post-Revolution days, it would see several different But the location caused more tension between the founders—specifically, northerner Alexander Hamilton and southerner Thomas Jefferson. This is one reason it makes sense to exempt confirmation votes from the filibuster’s supermajority requirement. Washington DC also consumes an extreme amount of federal funds, making it a state and then having the feds fund it like it does simply because the state holds the capitol wouldn't be very fair to the other states.

… This isn’t about the politicians, it’s about the average person who lives in DC. It sucks to live in Washington, D.C.—or so says John Oliver, the surprisingly nimble political satirist and host of HBO’s Last Week Tonight.Yes, if you … As Viet Dinh, who served as an assistant attorney general under President George W. Bush, told a Senate hearing in 2014, “Nevertheless, the Supreme Court is controlled by Republicans — and the Court’s Republican majority is The strongest argument against admitting DC as a state is that DC statehood would, at least on paper, exacerbate the problem of Senate malapportionment.