This is Turkey's new normal.It is hard to comprehend what is currently happening to that once prosperous and tolerant country. We should respect the people who put up buildings consecrated to worship by protecting those houses of worship. If Erdogan believes in Islam then he must not only not use it as mosque but he must return it to the Orthodox Church. Erdoğan said he would respect the court's verdict in "whichever direction it comes. In essence, there is no difference in turning an anti-tourist destination into a place of expressing worship and turning a super tourist resort into a one, it is about people who take care of it. I urge the Turkish people to wake up before it is too late. My own theory is that the Donmeh were largely into finance and tax collecting until the Thessaloniki Lodge in Macedonia took over Turkey in around 1913 with the Young Turk Movement.

Are they really being Christians when doing that or are they just working at the orders of their Zionist masters is something to think seriously.Not buying any of this about Recep Erdogan being an actual muslim. It’s good to hear that Islam respects that notion, unlike even many so-called Christians. This has happened in many parts of South European countries too by the Orthodox and in Sicily by Catholics. That would not only be morally right, but also send the right message: The Islamic Ummah is strong and confident enough to be generous.Unlike some folks here at VT, I think Erdogan sometimes gets unfairly bashed. That he hasn’t done so already is an f-ing miracle, but the more desperate he gets in the coming weeks and months before November… May Heaven help us all.Any Abrahamic religion is supposed to be about men not about buildings. Only an hour after the verdict was announced, Erdoğan signed a decree for the conversion into a mosque of the monument on UNESCO's World Heritage List.Erdoğan comes from the ranks of political Islam, which made its debut in Turkey in the late 1960s – and was not then on the global radar. Apart from that we have never heard from any Christians regarding the Hagia Sophia being a Museum but they are throwing their arms up when it is being used as Mosque. After all, it WAS a mosque from 1453 to 1934, when the crypto-Jewish Donmeh Sabbatean tyrant Attaturk unilaterally secularized it as part of his genocide against Turkish Islam. Both reserve the right not to publish replies to articles should they so choose.This website uses cookies to provide you with better services. An Islamist leader decides to convert a monumental cathedral into a mosque, and his fans, are spilling out hatred against Jews. Some of the cemeteries which had great value for Muslims as there were great Islamic Scholars and the Companion The last Messenger of God Almighty. Traduzioni di parola HAGIA da inglese a italiano ed esempi di utilizzo di "HAGIA" in una frase con le loro traduzioni: ...want the faithless catholics in hagia sophia. Why, he would be a hypocrite!This is also the story of the mosque in Jerusalem. But buildings and other monuments and artifacts do count for something. "This is against the Quranic commandments... Prophet Mohammed never converted a Jewish or Christian house of prayer into a mosque." Veterans Today | Military Foreign Affairs Policy Journal for Clandestine ServicesErdogan’s Decision to make Hagia Sophia a Mosque is Sinful and Un-Islamic — Cemil Kılıç, Muslim theologian,, July 12, 2020.An Islamist leader decides to convert a monumental cathedral into a mosque, and his fans, are spilling out hatred against Jews.

This is Turkey's new normal.According to his fans, Turkey's Islamist president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, conquered Istanbul for the second time when he signed a decree to convert the Hagia Sophia cathedral in Istanbul, built in 537, into a mosque. Many historians in Eastern Europe like Dejan Lucic claim Erdogan is simply an extension of the Donmeh who have run Turkey for generations. Hagia Sophia, a Christian church in Turkey that was built around 500 years after Christ walked the Earth, is being reconverted into a Muslim mosque for the second time in its history.