He sends the other FoH members out and begins thrashing at the hologram. The first, and currently only, adaptation of the character. However, this greatly angered Creed and Kelly's other followers who felt Kelly betrayed them all. The portable Cerebro shows the statistics of the mutant Sabretooth, who's real name is Graydon Creed Sr. At that moment, Creed loses it and begins ranting and raving, denying his mutant heritage. Creed was then committed to a mental institution for about a year. Not knowing who they truly were, Creed came to hate his parents for leaving him. Very little is known about the early life of Graydon Creed, except that during the Cold War he was born to two mutant terrorists, Mystique and Sabretooth. In his adult years, Graydon formed a group called the Friends of Humanity, dedicated to opposing mutant civil rights by committing acts of terrorism against peaceful mutants and mutant sympathizers, and using the acts of violent mutants such as Magneto to rally support for their cause. Beast begins searching for her and Wolverine infiltrates the Friends of Humanity, pretending to be the victim of an assault by evil mutants. He was also a member of t… Graydon also reinstated S.H.I.E.L.D. Creed didn't know this and was aghast at the revelation. He is the son of Sabretooth and Mystique.

As he lands, Creed is reunited with his father who regards him as the famous slayer of mutants. When a reporter from the Bugle obtained information regarding Creed's parentage, Zero Tolerance's leader On the eve of the election, Creed was assassinated during a campaign speech when a plasma beam completely disintegrated him.Graydon Creed goes by the name 'Horror Show' in the In this reality, Graydon Greed is still the son of Mystique and Sabretooth and the founder of the Friends of Humanity. Fearing for his mother's life, Nightcrawler goes to the X-Men on He later wakes up, all tied up, aboard another helicopter, with all the FoH council members around him. They inform him that not only did his plan fail, but it was full of sloppy mistakes, and thus they expell him from their order indefinitely. He became President of the United States after Mister Fantastic went missing. Logan reveals that he is a mutant then shows the other FoH member's Creed's dirty little secret.

The FOH protest outside the clinic, and later kidnap Carly. Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page.Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page.Marvel Animated Universe Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community.Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. and promoted Nick Fury to General.In the episode, "Time Fugitives", he hires a scientist to create a virus that would wipe out the mutant race, but would be relatively harmless to ordinary humans. In the past, Mystique seduced freelance assassin Victor Creed, also known as Sabretooth.Mystique later gave birth to a normal human child - Graydon - whom she gave up under Victor Creed's care. Ruined, Graydon suffers a nervous breakdown as his followers abandon him. Growing up Creed was abandoned by his mother when she discovered he was not a mutant, and she sent him to live in an orphanage. Graydon Creed is a member of the Human Coalition where he is a colonel of his own strike force which targets mutants. Terrified and sweating with fear, he tries to speak, but Sabretooth lifts him up with one hand and threateningly tells him to "Come to poppa," causing Creed to scream in outright terror. Graydon gladly accepts him into the fold. However, the council was upset over Creed hiding his heritage about his father, and claimed he had brought nothing but shame to their order. While giving a speech about the plague's effects, Graydon attempts to infect Beast with the virus but is stopped by In "Beauty and the Beast", Beast begins dating a former patient, named Carly. Once he recovers, Graydon tries to return to the folds of the This was news to Nightcrawler, as he didn’t even know who his real mother was, something which Graydon happily filled him in on. He also returned to the FoH to regain his role as leader. As they get to know each other, Wolverine begins to suspect that Graydon Creed is Sabretooth's son. Creed tries to convince them that he's still one of them, but they then reveal that they have done research into his family's background, and learned that his mother, half-brother, and foster sister were also mutants. During his absence, the FoH did not disband but grew larger and more organized.

Graydon Creed is a normal human who hates mutants. After the Beast's pardon by the President, Graydon's resentment grew even more and the Friends of Humanity began targeting the X-Men. Capitalizing on a near-hysterical fear of mutants in the general public, Creed's popularity swelled, which led to the Daily Bugle newspaper launching an investigation into Creed's activities. Many years later, Graydon founded the Friends of Humanity, an anti-mutant hate group that sought to vilify mutants. Graydon Creed appeared in the X-Men animated series voiced by John Stocker. This led Creed into forming the Friends of Humanity. The counci were intrigued, and decided to listen. Realizing that their leader was the son of a mutant and clearly insane, the FoH leave him behind for the authorities. Creed spends months in a psychiatric hospital. He was the leader of the anti-mutant hate group Friends of Humanity.