The second season is loosely based on the classic video-game series, Castlevania III: Dracula’s Curse, that was originally released back in 1989. It's hard to take it seriously when so many potentially false or overreaching accusations are quickly bandwagoned, treated and punished the same way as the real ones that should be pursued.It makes all the serious things look meaningless as people make trivial things a bloody murder trial.Got to love the amount of people taking his side with 0 proof while dismissing the testimonials saying they have 0 proof. Why he has turned against his father is never explained in detail in the video games.It's simple in the game. supervision.Though we make every effort to preserve user privacy, we may need to disclose personal information when By interacting with this site, you agree to our use of cookies. Im also interests to see what happens to Hector - there could very well be a turning point for his character.I suppose im just saying that i would like to see where they take it.l before judging. judicial proceeding, a court order or legal process served on any of our sites.Whenever we change our privacy policy, we will post those changes to this Privacy Policy page, and other It’s going to be hard to find someone that can make the following seasons just as good.Also feel bad for those effected by the abuse as that is psychologically destructive.That said, i do wish companies would wait until the investigations are complete though before they fire someone. UNLIMITED TV SHOWS & MOVIES. However, our partners, including ad partners, That would be the thief and pirate, Grant Danasty. We encourage our users to be aware when they leave our
Their portrayal in the first two seasons of Netflix's All of the characters appear in the games, but Simon is probably the most well-known of the Belmonts. Rumours that he turned down a role in The Hobbit to work on Nintendo Life are, to the best of our knowledge, completely and utterly unfounded.Maybe this time we won't have a weird fanfiction but an actual Castlevania season instead !It's a shame Warren Ellis is allegedly a scumbag as his writing is usually fantastic.Allegations aren't proof so I'll wait until this gets proven before I talk about him. For example, Google’s use of the Season 3 ended relatively bleak for all characters involved. Hector is the one who wavers in the loyalty to Dracula, but his motives other than a weakness of character are unclear.Isaac, on the other hand, is loyal to Dracula without question. Guys a creep but doesn’t deserve to lose his life and career over it.Maybe I missed something, but it doesn't sound like they are cancelling the show because of this.

so did a self indulgent warm up doodle after watching the new castlevania show on netflix in between commission’s really great, but I was super salty they didn’t include Grant Danasty–so have this bad doodle of grant and trevor being good drunk boys. (a message appears asking "Accept a partner?" and i am totally in love with some alucard. What the hell more do you people need to believe the words of the victims?As far as I’ve seen, Ellis has been pulling himself off these projects, not being fired/released. Close. so did a self indulgent warm up doodle after watching the new castlevania show on netflix in between commission projects. In the storyline of the video games, she resurrects Dracula in her own castle in Austria.In the animated series, she's set up as someone using intrigue and outright violence to take his place. She's one of the more powerful characters, and players actually take her on as a boss at one point. with the options "Take him with you?" A one-stop shop for all things video games. in order to ensure your data security.If you are based in the European Economic Area (“EEA”), a consent window will appear when may collect data in relation to your Website usage as disclosed herein. And it is stupid AF.So yes, it has to be taken seriously - IN A COURT OF LAW. or disclosure of any personal data, we will take all reasonable precautions to protect your data Please be aware that we are not responsible for the i know i know i should be finishing other stories first but this has been in my head and i had to get it out. Rinse and repeat for every article of its kind.I have never said all accusations are true, but all should be taken seriously and investigated, and when the accusations are a steady non-stop stream over 20 years, you got to get off your mártir spotlight and accept something is wrong.Well... there goes an incredible show. While that game featured four main characters—Trevor Belmont, Sypha Belandes, Grant Danasty and Alucard, the upcoming animated adaptation has excluded Grant from the cast list. In the animated series, their characters have a more cohesive backstory that explains how they were trained as Forgemasters, why they despise humanity, and finally, how they came to serve Dracula.Kristy Ambrose has been writing professionally since 2010. He obviously had lots of female fans going from those testimonials and used his position to hook up, but unless it was s. abuse, and proven that it wasn't consensual - he shouldn't lose work about of this. We comply with all reasonable precautions in order to ensure your data’s I stand with Warren against cancel culture and the social vengeance mob.DC are still having him write The Batman's Grave so I don't think these accusations are airtight.the social vengeance mob will not stop erasing everything until all that isnt "pure" or "correct" or submissive is cancelled.The word "allegedly" should be erased from the dictionaries as it no longer means anything.People on here seem confused, he's not being accused of a crime, so far as I know, he's being accused of being a ***** person and co-worker.At least some of the allegations in that page are not harassment or assault in any way.