All of these alert the community to prepare the land. The CTCN newsletter will keep you up to date on the latest news, webinars, events, publications, networking and funding opportunities.Build your networks, make partners, and stay informed of CTCN activities and services. While the planet, as a whole, was only marginally hotter, some regions were significantly hotter. The hardware, software and trained personnel needed are a big financial and time commitment. Effective adaptation planning requires improved observations; improved local, regional, national and global data, as well as denser networks; the recovery of historical data; building of support among the user communities that have a demand for climate information; and promoting greater collaboration between the providers and users of climate information. When researchers ran the model for January 2020, it was revealed as the hottest January on record.The majority of climate scientists agree that record concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, the result of human-caused emissions, are responsible for global warming.

This includes ac…

"For Europe, it was the warmest January on record, about 0.2 degrees Celsius warmer than the previous warmest January in 2007, and 3.1 degrees Celsius warmer than the average January in the period 1981 to 2010," January temperatures were also well above average across most of the Eastern United States and Canada.The C3S survey works a bit differently than temperature tracking efforts managed by NASA and NOAA.First, the service combines a multitude of data sources to model the daily weather in locations across the globe each day for the last several decades. To boost weather and climate monitoring systems in Africa, the African Development Bank (AfDB) and the World Bank have agreed to provide 155 million dollars through the African Centre of Meteorology Applications for Development. Provides a simple and fast measurement of Delta T and relative humidity.

The stated goal of GCOS is: “to provide comprehensive information on the total climate system, involving a multidisciplinary range of physical, chemical and biological properties, and atmospheric, oceanic, hydrological, cryospheric and terrestrial processes. Accurate measurements can be taken using relatively simple equipment. Photo by EU/C3S They screen the information, hand over the data to system operators for processing and validation, produce and disseminate weather forecasts and provide guidance and advice (such as on the type of crops or the farming schedule) to their communities in the native language. One of the effects of climate change seems to be the more frequent occurrence of extreme weather events. The GCM Donor Board has established appropriate procedures for developing funding proposals, manages the allocation of funds, monitors implementation activities and liaises with relevant national and international institutions and mechanisms. Annual operating costs are estimated at US$ 25,000 (Damman, 2008).

Feb. 4, 2020 / 5:16 PM Inaccurate data resulting from malfunctioning equipment, or gaps in coverage caused by lack of equipment, distort results and can lead to erroneous forecasting. Feb. 4 (UPI) -- Last month was the hottest January on record, according to newly published data from the European Union's climate monitoring system. This has become particularly important in the context of climate change, as climate variability increases and historical patterns shift. This includes accuracy, the variables measured and the units they are measured in. Housed within the Earth System Science and Modeling Division, COM encourages collaborations between the observations and modeling community that will increase the use and value of resulting datasets and products over the course of product development. Due to the complexity of global climate and weather systems and the fact that our understanding is based on modelling using historical data, the regular measurements of specific variables provided by climate monitoring systems is essential for developing early warning systems. The start of the rains is predicted by the change in winds flowing towards the North, the changes in the position of stars and information given by fishermen on the ‘mixing’(inversion of sea water).