If a struggle for the purse ensues before the thief can gain possession of it, however, there is enough force to make the taking robbery. "Crime in the United States." To deprive something from someone or something. Meaning of robbed. The fear can be aroused by words or gestures, such as threatening the victim with a weapon. A person who forcibly takes property by mistake or merely as a joke, without an intent to deprive the owner of the property permanently, is not guilty of robbery. Take from one to give to another, shift resources. To steal everything someone owns, especially through deceitful or fraudulent means.

It may be made to a member of the owner's family, other relatives, or even someone in the owner's company.The force or intimidation must either precede or be contemporaneous with the taking to constitute a robbery. Constructive force will support a robbery charge.Intimidation means putting in fear. robbed phrase. Uncle Billmarried a thirty-year-old woman. The malicious rumor robbed me of my professional standing. §§ 2112, 2114) punish robbery when the property taken is from the U.S. mail or is property belonging to the federal government. The threat of immediate bodily injury or death does not have to be directed at the owner of the property.

When someone or something steals victory or otherwise robs you of your full potential in something. Available online at

To borrow or take money from one person or source to fund or repay the debt of another. Translations. The crime of robbery can be committed even if the property taken is of slight value.

I was robbed of my car.This parasite robs trees of sap. You are doing a great job. "Armed robbery" involves the use of gun or other weapon which can do bodily arm, such as a knife or club, and under most state laws carries a stiffer penalty (longer possible term) than robbery by merely taking. The force maybe before, during or after the robbery. Definition of robbed in the Idioms Dictionary.

Administering intoxicating liquors or drugs in order to produce a state of unconsciousness or stupefaction is using force for purposes of robbery. You believe that you are a victim in waking life that is powerless against aggression or advances. 1) the direct taking of property (including money) from a person (victim) through force, threat or intimidation. She’s like ten years younger than you!Government spending on education has not increased. Isn't that sort of robbing the cradle? I've been robbed synonyms, I've been robbed pronunciation, I've been robbed translation, English dictionary definition of I've been robbed. The crime is complete when the robber acquires possession of the property, even for a short time.