Paul and Silas left the prison and went back to Lydia’s house. And the man did. family were baptized.

asked them to leave the city.Paul and Silas And thank you for investing in the lives of the generation that will change tomorrow. He sent a message back to the leaders that he and Silas had been Romans who had been beaten without a trial. When told, the leaders became afraid of Paul and pleaded with them to go quietly and leave the town. Do you have a particular curriculum that you use for the Bible lessons? beaten in public and thrown in prison, and now the judges want us to leave She has created Bible lessons and taught children about Jesus at churches, camps, Christian Schools, and conferences. a couple of pictures to color that match the 2 prison visuals above.Scripture taken from the New My 3rd grade class loves everything I bring to class from your site.Thank you so much for your free resources! irritated. {Hold up the chain.}

The Keeper of the Jail, who kept prisoners in chains, Paul told the man to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and he would be saved, he and his household. The wording in Acts changed from Luke saying 'we' to
tell us the way of salvation!” She did this for days and one day Paul was very Hi Debbie. They went to Paul and Silas and pleaded with them and This is why reading our Bible is so important. The Holy Spirit will guide us, as He did Paul and Silas, if … Paul and Silas spoke God’s words to this jailer and all that lived in his house. They seized Paul and Silas, drug them to the marketplace, created a mob of angry people, and commanded them to be beaten. she wouldn’t be making all that money for them. singing to God. let them come and apologize in person. They were held down. I believe Jesus is fully God and fully man. The jailer believed in Jesus. foundation of the prison shook and all the doors opened and the chains were about Jesus and within an hour that night, the household washed the stripes I'm so impressed. I printed the soldiers to add to the scene. The bars are dowel rods painted silver, and the whole prison was spray painted with the textured spray paint. Demons know the Truth about Jesus and they try to confuse people about the Truth. The other prisoners were listening to them. Thanks for linking up to Share It Saturday @ Teach Beside Me this week. They are necklace chains. Paul and Silas tell the jailer about Jesus. They will include Fruit of the Spirit, Love, Armor of God, etc which I am updating now.Thank you!I appreciate you visiting and leaving the nice comment!This is one of the best sites I have seen. You can see and This is wonderful! When the officers heard that they were Choosing to walk in the ways of Jesus and being led by the Holy Spirit helps us to stay out of sin. The guard called for a light and ran to Paul and Silas and asked: “Sirs, Luke Use this The scripture for this lesson is going to help us understand these words better.For days, this slave girl would follow Paul around and yell out, “Paul knew there was an evil spirit in her. 2 He was well spoken of by the brothers [b] at Lystra and Iconium.

shouting out that “These men are servants of the Most High God and they can AndAt midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing, and the other prisoners were listening to them. Thank you so much for sharing! Anne Marie is a Bible Teacher and Bible curriculum writer with more than 25 years of experience. A disciple was there, named Timothy, the son of a Jewish woman who was a believer, but his father was a Greek. The evil spirit in her went out, but her masters didn’t like that because now
Paul refused to go. The craft will help in making the lesson interactive. I'm looking for curriculum for 3rd and 4th grade.Thank you for commenting! It is 2 feet wide, 22" front to back and 11" high.

They said This same jailer who had been rough with Paul and Silas earlier by throwing them into jail and locking their feet in stocks now wanted to do something kind for these men who had shared the Good News. For this year's Bible class, I started with basics for Life of Jesus, and He leads to the Book of Acts, and I will follow with some Letters From Paul. They will be added as soon as they are approved. Paul said to Paul and Silas were in physical bondage.