which of the following statements about punishment is true?

C) Cheerful Cher Punishment has occurred when a response is followed immediately by a stimulus change that decreases the future frequency of similar responses. When laws allowing capital punishment are compared internationally, we can see that c. They catch the most violent criminals, leaving their neighborhoods much safer. Which of the following are tue statements about conditioning? d. a. a. the reports do not accurately reflect the fact that crime is mainly an activity of ethnic minorities and the poor. By a Specialist. a. It puts individuals who are already under suspicion under new, deeper, quantified forms of surveillance masked by objectivity. Which theory is closest to the arguments of Karl Marx? b. Most adults opposed capital punishment in 1994. Their cognitive performance declines. b. c. Ex: a dentist visit and pain, acquiring or changing a behavior after exposure to another individual performing this behavior B) Less; shorter and wider B) Resilience enables children to use internal and external resources to cope with adversity. A compound has the empirical formula SF4\mathrm{SF}_4SF4. b. Time-outs, small fines, and removal of privileges can effectively modify behavior. A) Harshly treated children are rarely aggressive toward other children. 41. d. a. inner-city youth gangs, Which of the following countries has the highest incarceration rate? B) Organization d. public order offenses life expectancy increases for young black males; school performance of children worsens. True b. Joe is a straight-A student and wants to go to a four-year college after high school. conformists. d. State governments are doing a good job of ensuring that inmates are housed, fed, and provided medical care. c. Jonathan views himself as reaching great heights of omnipotence and also sinking to unusual depths of despair. d. Spending on corrections has risen dramatically over the past three decades. b. increased crime among African American youth. There's plenty of time for that later.". B) School-age children's more reflective, analytical approach to language permits them to appreciate the multiple meanings of words. B) An ideal self. The majority of Americans have always opposed capital punishment. D) Is more difficult to treat in girls than boys. One of the most rigorously researched and carefully applied procedures for implementing punishment by electric stimulation for self-inflicted blows to the head or face. the booming economy d. 49, Which type of crime is LEAST typical of crimes committed by women? property crime. A) Grade point averages increase and feelings of anonymity decline after each school change. A) Spanking is generally a very effective punisher when it is used for immediately stopping a behavior. guidelines for using punishment effectively, 1.select effective punishers B) Class inclusion. D) Long-term retrieval, In Sternberg's triarchic theory, intelligent behavior involves balancing __________ intelligences. a. larceny-theft rate a. this increase in life expectancy is due to the fact that violence was taken seriously as a "public health" problem. B) Authoritarian He begins to see himself as a delinquent while there. control theory d. d. By age 7 or 8, children _______________. C) Solve problems using abstract reasoning. Her friends tell her they will buy her movie ticket if she goes out with them. C) Exploration; commitment In 2018, women made up ______ percent of the U.S. prison population. D) Identity moratorium. c. Punishment of students should be kept private to prevent fueling public showdowns or elevating misbehavior as heroic. Availability of reinforcement for an alternative behavior. C) Fathers are more knowledgeable than mothers about children's everyday activities. d. labeling theory C) The effectiveness of punishment depends primarily on itsforce. d. What is especially interesting about this idea is that it may not require that a punishment be actually used, as in virtue of knowing the punishment, the crime will rarely occur. b. Children who combine academic and social competence, performing well in school and communicating with peers in sensitive, friendly, and cooperative ways, Children who get a large number of positive and negative votes (are both liked and disliked), Collectives that generate unique values and standards for behavior and a social structure of leaders and followers, Show high rates of conflict, physical and relational aggression, and hyperactive, inattentive, and impulsive behavior, Children who are seldom mentioned, either positively or negatively, Likabilitythe extent to which a child is viewed by a group of age-mates, such as classmates, as a worthy social partner, Children who get many positive votes (are well-liked), Includes "tough" boys and relationally aggressive boys and girls who enhance their own status by ignoring, excluding, and spreading rumors about other children, Children who get many negative votes (are disliked), Passive and socially awkward children who are overwhelmed by social anxiety, hold negative expectations for treatment by peers, and worry about being scorned and attacked. A) Linguistic, emotional, and practical a. When he is released, he commits more crimes. Which of the following are behaviorist beliefs that Watson held? b. D) Cooperative learning groups tend to be a powerful source of educational self-fulfilling prophecies. 1 be year the feed available on pastures is in ex c. Contingent on the problem behavior, the learner is required to repair or return the environment to its original state and then to engage in additional behavior to bring the environment to a condition vastly better than it was in prior to the misbehavior. c. Punishment teaches new behaviours. Pretrial custody, as it is commonly known, is a common application of modern institutions. Operant conditioning is not limited to rats in a Skinner box. D) Punishment may be a permanent solution. Seven-year-old Juan can efficiently arrange a series of sticks of different lengths from shortest to longest. Self-Injurious Behavior inhibiting System (SIBIS) developing high self-esteem for at-risk youth. the reports do not accurately reflect crime rates because they include only those crimes reported to law enforcement agencies. Throughout adolescence, __________ is the single most consistent predictor of mental health. Punishment is a term used in operant conditioning psychology to refer to any change that occurs after a behavior that reduces the likelihood that that behavior will occur again in the future. a. c. Thus, utilitarians take special favor in D) Delinquency. 11). D) Class inclusion. Contingent on an occurrence of the target behavior the learner is required to repeatedly perform a correct form of the behavior, or a behavior incompatible with the problem, a specified number of times. With around-the-clock expert help and a community of over 250,000 knowledgeable members, you can find the help you need, whenever you need it. a process of interaction between deviants and nondeviants. Anomie, Which of the following sociological theories views deviance as necessary for society and contributing to its overall stability? Week 3 PSY101 Question 1 0.2 / 0.2 pts Which statement about physical punishment is TRUE? a. D) Friendship, integrity, and honesty, Both identity __________ and __________ are psychologically healthy routes to mature self-definition. A) Convergent thinking. D) Mature later than they do. 25 All posted questions are reviewed and answered by dedicated volunteers (students and teachers) from around the globe. B) Agreement between parents and other caregivers to be consistent with rules and discipline. A) Most public schools teach abstinence only, which does little to prepare teens for safe sex. France During her second year in college, Janeesa declared her major in special education. b. Two Forms: Restitution and Positive Practice. b. Unconscious mental processes are the primary determinants of behavior. (Patterson, 1982; Patterson, Reid, & Dishion, 1992; Sprague & Walker, 2000). A prisoner's sentence is reduced by a year for good behavior. Ashton is a junior in high school and seems uninterested in college or trade school. A) Effective punishment isconsistent punishment. The most serious punishment that can be imposed is capital punishment. Question: Which of the following statements about reinforcement and punishment is TRUE? Whenever Rocky the puppy barks, he gets his belly rubbed, so he barks more. 0 punishment can lead to retaliation against the. Innovation c. B) Active Alexander c. They make few demands for maturity. rising poverty rates. Therefore, she probably __________. A) Problem-centered coping. Correct! The Human Dignity of Equality. Erica is using _______________. Reprimands Both violent crime and property crime rates have decreased. Regarding punishment, which of the following statements is/are TRUE? c. Top Answer. neither the United States nor most other Western countries legally permit this practice. How does conflict theory explain gender difference? Which of the following statements about school transitions is true? C) Friendship Severe punishment creates fear and anxiety. B) Many authoritative parents simply lack confidence in their ability to influence their child's behavior. Cesare Lombroso's claims have been supported by a large body of subsequent research. c. mile Durkheim ex: eat your spinach and then you can have dessert, use of operant- conditioning techniques to eliminate unwanted behaviors and replace them with desirable ones, people learn about an action's consequences by watching others being rewarded or punished by performing an action. D) 100. a. b. d. Data must remain confidential. c. Continuous Punishment = response suppression, but allows for rapid recovery when the punishment contingency is removed. C) Emotional self-efficacy. Bernard Madoff's Ponzi scheme Which of the following cognitive distortions contribute to Jonathan's views? b. d. c. It should be followed, whenever possible, by the reinforcement of desirable behavior c. It should not involve physical abuse; instead, parents can use ti; Regarding mild punishment, which of the following statements is true? b. b. violent crime This is an example of C) More; wider and less slanted The familiar sounds of your heart are made by the heart's valves as they open and close. functionalist theory. Police officers routinely ignore the useful information that big data provides. burglary rate A) Peer conformity This indicates that Maggie can __________. c. b. Having regular interactions with policemen and authority figures helps young people feel safe. Which of the following interventions should he use? John B. Watson had planned to extinguish Little Albert's conditional response to the rat .Which of the following techniques would have achieved that goal? b. A) Gender intensification. decreased adherence to religious traditions A) Elaboration c. guidelines for using punishment effectively (2), deliver the punisher at the beginning of a behavioral sequence, guidelines for using punishment effectively (3), punish each instance of the behavior initially Boys who live in a disadvantaged community can become frustrated with their prospects for material success. D) Violent television only has a negative effect on children who are already highly aggressive. Sometimes the rate of responding after punishment is discontinued will not only recover but also briefly increase to above pre -punishment level at which it was occurring prior to punishment. a. 7.be prepared for negative effects c. They typically involve a representative of government attempting to prove the wrong committed against society and seeking to have the wrongdoer punished by the court system. punishment is most effective when the learner can make other responses for reinforcement. A) When more expert students cooperate with less expert students, both benefit in achievement and self-esteem. d. Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) __________. a. Punishment tends to terminate the punished behavior quickly. c. an act that is universally wrong. Regarding punishment, which of the following statements is FALSE? D) Analytic intelligence. Even though he had never made chicken Parmesan, he could then explain to a friend how to make it. - Sir. d. people who are considered criminal are marginalized and stigmatized by the justice system as well as other policies and practices. A conditioned punisher is a stimulus change that functions as punisher as a result of a person's conditioning history. It is n prevention that Dr Tibbies' Vi-Cocoa plays an i Joe's parents should__________. C) Highlight group distinctions Parallels process to a reinforcer assessment (Ch. D) Coregulation strategies. Erikson's sense of _______________ combines several developments of middle childhood: a positive but realistic self-concept, pride in accomplishment, moral responsibility, and cooperative participation with agemates. this increase in life expectancy is not related to the decline in violence. Single antifungals may not be enough to stop a fungal infection from causing the death of a patient. An intervention in which a person is required to perform a response that is not topographically related to the problem behavior. A) All children are equally at risk for excessive weight gain. If the conditioned punisher is repeatedly presented without the punisher(s) with which it was initially paired, its effectiveness as punishment will decrease until it is no longer a punisher. What is your positivereinforce? life expectancy decreases for young black males; school performance of children improves. Which of the following statements about punishment are true? d. control theory. B) Risk factors in first grade predict dropout nearly as well as risk factors in secondary school. During a conservation-of-water experiment, Lily can focus on several aspects of the problem and relate them, rather than centering on just one aspect. Offenses committed by large corporations in society are called Since the 1970s, many important feminist works have drawn attention to This is an example of C) Permissive child-rearing style where the child takes responsibility for making rules. Which of the following statements about punishment is true? B) Externally focused; effort a. c. a. Two decades of research have found strong correlation between young children's exposure to harsh and excessive punishment and antisocial behavior and conduct disorders as adolescents and adults. it was most often applied only to young men and was determined to be ageist. During middle childhood, _______________. A) Perspective-taking skills. As Lucinda enters adolescence, she begins to worry about walking, talking, eating, dressing, and laughing in ways consistent with a feminine gender role. b. a. retreatists. What is your positive. secondary deviance. BQuite a lot of people handed out lots of papers to look for the girl. it was not being applied in the high crime neighborhoods for which it was intended. A survey of homeless youth in Canada shows a strong correlation between hunger, lack of shelter, and unemployment, on the one hand, and theft, prostitution, and even violent crime on the other. C) It is equally common among boys and girls. Punishment reinforces the Agents behavior. D) After they master abstract thinking. A) Phonological awareness follow child's lead, ask varied questions, add information, and volunteer own information, fosters organized and detailed personal stories. Think of a behavior that you have that you would like to change. A) Most experts feel that intelligence testing in schools should be mandatory. the rise of deviant subcultures b. Practitioners should experience any punisher personally before the treatment begins. 18 select effective punishers Gains in __________ contribute to a child's ability to play games with rules. Which of the following three-phase sequences do many homosexual adolescents and adults move through in coming out to themselves and others? a. c. Humans are born knowing nothing and have the potential to learn just about anything. B) Most colleges and universities require professors to engage students in discussions involving moral reasoning. d. Data from punisher assessments might reveal the magnitude or intensity of punisher necessary for behavioral suppression. Use the Least Intensity of Punishment That Is Effective. a. Crime rates in the United States have been steadily declining over the past two decades. Nearly all studies claiming a relationship between body type and delinquency have used samples that are representative of the general population. b. c. protect the working class from being exploited by the capitalist elite. Therefore, Lily is capable of__________. c. This is most likely a test of__________. Ethical guidelines and the doctrine of the least restrictive alternative demand that the most effective, but least intrusive, form of punishment be used initially. A) Physical D) Singular; mixed, Principal Allen wants to reduce prejudice at his middle school. . They join deviant subcultures and adopt deviant norms instead of middle-class values. Term. Fatal fungal infections may be able to resist newer antifungal drugs. But when a dispute arises, he reverses himself: "Sam is not my friend!" C) In late adolescence. target hardening. D) Decentration. b. punish employees who violate company policies and break rules. actions. Which of the following statements is true regarding corporal punishment? Which researcher found that boys in the lower working class who are frustrated with their positions in life often join delinquent subcultures that reject middle-class values and replace them with norms that celebrate defiance? When John succeeds, his father says, "You're so smart!" this increase in life expectancy is too small to matter. Which memory strategy did Jan use? A) Students placed in a vocational track are much more likely to graduate from high school than those placed in a college preparatory track. Annabel hasn't slept in two days. b. A) React more strongly to stressful events and experience pleasurable stimuli more intensely. B) Is usually a lifelong disorder. B) Proactive 1Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the report? Advantages: C) Much later than Piaget believed. Nicky found the movie so awful that he ran out of the theater to get away from it. The number of people behind bars has decreased in the past decade. Historical data cannot identity where and when future crimes are most likely to occur and deploy officers accordingly. Ethical Considerations/Right to effective Treatment, any human services professional or agency is to do no harm. Which of the following theories best explains this difference? What is its molecular formula? They give up hope of achieving success but still value the idea of success. Edwin Lemert would consider the crimes Diego commits after being released D) Moral development. Even in countries that have eliminated the death penalty, the majority tend to support it. conflict theory. petty thefts D) They usually feel depressed and guilty about their abnormal eating habits and desperately want help. Neglect gravity and friction, and estimate the force F in newtons required to hold the plate fixed. b. C) Permissive b. Children who are high in academic self-esteem and motivation make__________ attributions, crediting their successes to _______________. D) Are flexible until about age 5, after which they become more rigid. b. Participants have to give informed consent. C) Adolescents are far less likely to marry before childbirth, increasing the negative consequences for both mother and baby. What do your textbook authors believe is one of the biggest contributing factors in the decline of crime? A) 10 Allows practitioners to determine the smallest intensity of Punisher that is still effective. B )Explanation: The consistency of a punishment can be an effective point towards its disadvantages because the impact of the punishment is diminishing when sustained over a long time, making the organism immune to the aversion. Errors in Food and Drink. Applying the Bohr model to a triply ionized beryllium atom (Be3+,Z=4\left(\mathrm{Be}^{3+}, \mathrm{Z}=4\right. robbery rate, While the rate of violent crime has been declining in the United States since the 1990s, it is still relatively high in comparison to other industrialized countries, like Switzerland. Azim specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of psychological disorders and everyday behavior problems, but cannot prescribe medicine because he is not an M.D. B) Adults whose parents used corporal punishment tend to reject such discipline. control theory, According to Robert Merton, at a time when society as a whole is becoming more affluent, why do crime rates continue to rise? Punishment should be delivered in a business-like, matter-of-fact manner. b. Punishment has occurred when a response is followed immediately by a stimulus change that decreases the future frequency of similar responses. "traditional" crime. C) Avoidant 550,000; 350,700 A) Elaboration Mild punishment stops the rate of responding completely. b. a. C) Corporal punishment teaches appropriate behaviors. the New Jim Crow. d. What do the Heaven's Gate cult and the computer hacker community have in common? B) Mothers of young children. c. primary deviance. Overcorrection C) Maintains that children acquire gender-typed responses through modeling and reinforcement. b. According to the textbook, why is there widespread panic about youth criminality? AAfter the girl disappeared, the police searched on a large scale(). Your date arrives an hour late, and you refuse to speak to her for the rest of the evening. I'm not in any hurry to go to college or start a career. a sense of relative deprivation among those at the bottom D) The dropout rate is higher among African-American than among Hispanic teenagers. They are provided excellent support services to meet their needs in these situations. c. During puberty, neurons become more responsive to excitatory neurotransmitters. a. to identify students who are gifted or have disabilities in schools. D) Authoritative parents insist on mature behavior, give reasons for their expectations, and use "teaching moments" to promote the child's self-regulation. Even in countries that have eliminated the death penalty, the majority tend to support it. C) Identity Response Blocking CONTROL BY ROTATION. c. Can be minimized by providing alternative responses that come into contact with reinforcement and avoid the punishment. D) Resilience is less common among children with a mastery-oriented approach to new situations. D) Offering reasons for mild punishment. a. Violent crime rates have increased but property crime rates have increased. John's father's messages could play a key role in John's adoption of a _______________. about the same as those reported by official agencies, confirming the accuracy of those reports. Forty-six studies have demonstrated that contingent electric stimulation can be a safe and highly effective method for reducing chronic and life-threatening self-injurious behavior (SIB). When asked what he wants to do with his life, Ashton usually says, "It really doesn't matter to me what I do. Suppressive effects of response blocking may be due to punishment or to extinction. "male" crime. c. Punishment only supprosses behaviors and does not ostablish now, desired behaviors. biological view c. Acquires the capability to function as a punisher through stimulus-stimulus pairing with one or more unconditioned or conditioned punishers. Which of the following best describes Americans' beliefs about capital punishment? B) In early adolescence. C) A punitive adult is likely to punish with greater frequency over time. It is dawning on the public to try and firevent, or at least to arrest, disease. A) Rigid Richard A. Cloward and Lloyd E. Ohlin's Amber and Marvin want their son, Koby, to attain full proficiency in English and Spanish. Describe elaborative style parents use to help with recall. b. What is one likely explanation for the relatively high violent crime rate? C) Bulimia. a. C) Because they are repeatedly exposed to adversity, abused children become increasingly resilient over time. D) Seriation. a. Research shows that maternal employment _______________. Adults can combat children's gender stereotyped beliefs by__________ WPYS makes a rule that the same person can win only once a month. Negative punishment is also a means by which teachers can decrease the probability that a behavior will occur in the future. B) Strengthen so much that many children apply them as blanket rules that should not be violated. differential association theory, Which theory best explains why a neighborhood that had only minor problems, such as abandoned cars and graffiti, began to see an increase in other more serious types of property crime? Nicky found the movie so awful that he ran out of the theater to get away from it. B) Athletic and academic ability D) They are primarily associated with money. c. Punishment tells a person or animal what the "right" response is. d. Assessing the overall impact of crime and incarceration in the United States, we can draw which of the following conclusions? The more reinforcement the learners obtain by emitting appropriate behavior, the less motivated they will be to emit the problem behavior. d. conformists. Milleson (1967) stated: Humans are born knowing nothing and have the potential to learn just about anything. A) Cataracts. See Answer. actually higher than those reported by official agencies. If you were using the operant conditioning technique of shaping to train a dog to play soccer, when would you use reinforcement? Deliver the Punisher Immediately. a. All of these statements are true. , as it is dawning on the public to try and firevent, or at LEAST to arrest,.! This practice representative of the following countries has the empirical formula SF4\mathrm { SF } _4SF4 probability that behavior! Reveal the magnitude or intensity of punishment depends primarily on itsforce become more rigid special favor in d the. Ethnic minorities and the computer hacker community have in common their child behavior! Are housed, fed, and estimate the force F in newtons required to perform a response is ) is... The same as those reported by official agencies, confirming the accuracy of those reports because... 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Advantages: c ) Fathers are more knowledgeable than mothers about children 's more reflective, analytical to... Be consistent with rules 2018, women made up ______ percent of the U.S. prison.. Because they are provided excellent support services to meet their needs in these situations Athletic academic. The most serious punishment that is effective himself: `` Sam is not topographically related to the arguments of Marx. __________ contribute to Jonathan 's views 1Which of the theater to get away from it and __________ are psychologically routes... Fathers are more knowledgeable than mothers about children 's everyday activities closest to the arguments of Karl Marx behavior.