trebuchet counterweight ratio

SOURCE: Skylitzes chronicle, Madrid, National library via The proper ratio for the counterweight to the projectile is about one hundred to one while the ratio of the throwing arm to the short arm is about four to . The arm then jerks forward and releases the projectile from the sling. They were created for a terrible purpose, but they're also an amazing example of human ingenuity. When printing this document, you may NOT modify it in any way. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. One of these more modern designs is the . Counterweight trebuchets use gravity; potential energy is stored by slowly raising an extremely heavy box (typically filled with stones, sand, or lead) attached to the shorter end of the beam (typically on a hinged connection), and releasing it on command. How much space do you have to test your trebuchet? these errors, we could test it on a less windy day, be more careful timing, and Attach the remaining flat part of the paper clip to the other end of the popsicle stick, with the straightened part pointing outward and up (away from the counterweight). (France, John: Western Warfare in the Age of the Crusades 1000-1300, p. 123-124; Hill, Donald R.: Trebuchets, in: France, John: Medieval Warfare, p. 275-279). Depending on your experience levels with math and physics, you can try the following approaches: This is a complex physics problem, so there are some references in the Bibliography to help get you started. Start by making a reinforced card base for a Rolling Chassis, 210mm long and 100mm wide : Cut a rectangle of Thick Card (210mm x 100mm) and cut narrow strips (210mm x 25mm) to form the Chassis. Powered by STLFinder search engine. . Our model uses the following assumptions and physical dimensions: A schematic of the counterweight trebuchet model. Counterweight is filled with spare change. Might want to attach something heavier to act as a counter weight. In figure 2 we can see range of the trebuchet as a function of the ratio between the length of the two arms. In the Middle Ages, soldiers had to make sure their trebuchets had a long enough range to stay outside the range of defending archers on castle walls. This allows the longer projectile arm to move 4 times as far for each . many timing errors. The main advantages of the counterweight trebuchet were its ability to fire larger stones and require less manpower during operations. (Hill, Donald R.: Trebuchets, in: France, John: Medieval Warfare, p. 276-277) Another major factor was the use of a long sling, which was not unique to the Counterweight trebuchet, but more on this later. Enjoy! No support or raft needed. The potential energy can be calculated by W=mgh where m=mass of counterweight being lifted, g=standard gravitation9.81 m/s 2 and h=the height to which the counterweight is lifted to (or rather, height difference). The results from this were lackluster. 2020 by History University. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. This machine could throw stones up to 100 meters, but was not very accurate, given the inherent inconsistency in using true manpower. Trebuchets were still being used well into the 16 century CE, even though gunpowder weapons had been fairly common on European battle fields for around 100 years. This makes sense intuitively since range is a key factor when staging an attack on an enemy. Gurstelle once made a large trebuchet with a 500-pound (226-kilogram) counterweight that was still only powerful enough to launch a small cantaloupe. For a sling, I use the handle from a plastic grocery bag., For the Trebuchet, I work on the counterweight and the fire arm. Some of these references contain advanced math, including calculus and differential equations, but you can still use them to help you get started. The ratio of counterweight mass ( M = 2000 kg) to projectile mass ( m) is 100 The counterweight hangs from a beam of length L4 = 1 m The swinging arm is 6 meters in total length with L1 = 1 m The length of the sling is L3 = 3 m A schematic of the counterweight trebuchet model. If you search online, there are many different plans and designs for building a trebuchet. Where should the pivot point be on the beam? However, there have been occasions where trebuchets could reduce the wall to rubble in a few shots. Furthermore, a mechanism for pulling down and fixating the long arm was added, which was usually a winch. (Hill, Donald R.: Trebuchets, in: France, John: Medieval Warfare, p. 274; France, John: Western Warfare in the Age of the Crusades 1000-1300, p. 119) Gravity. This means that when the counterweight drops a little bit, the throwing arm and the projectile move a lot. I assume if one includes maintenance into handling that the counterweight trebuchet was harder to handle. The trebuchet must fit within an 8 ft cube, except for the throwing arm, which can be any length. L1 is the distance between the pivot and the counterweight's attachment point in meters (m). This massive weapon was eventually capable of throwing massive boulders over 250 meters, but it did not start that way. (France, John: Western Warfare in the Age of the Crusades 1000-1300, p. 119) There are basically two types of trebuchets, the traction trebuchet, which was operated by men pulling ropes and the counterweight trebuchet, which provided the necessary force by using a counterweight. Several museums around the world have also built their own, with Middelaldercenteret in Nykbing Falster in Denmark as one of the first modern examples of counterweight trebuchet (Hansen, 1989). m1 is the mass of the counterweight in kilograms (kg). A trebuchet is a medieval stone-throwing war engine. This created an increase in falling distance and centrifugal force, both of which contributed to greater power. It is assumed that the usage of heavy missile throwers was far greater in siege warfare in the Middle East than in Western Europe. The actual size of War Wolf is unknown but, we do know that once dissembled, the parts fit into over 30 wagons and modern estimates have the massive structure at over 300 feet tall. A trebuchet is a machine where making a change in any one area has an effect on the final result: the fling. A trebuchet is a type of catapult that uses a counterweight to engage the armwhich is attached to a slingand launch projectiles. Military History Visualized subscribestar, Military History Visualized Merchandise. From a 14th century siege (Tlemecen) marble missiles were recovered, the largest had a weight of 230 kilograms (510 lbs). You can fix this by pressing 'F12' on your keyboard, Selecting 'Document Mode' and choosing 'standards' (or the latest version From what we know it seems that counter-weight trebuchets were used with heavier missiles. 1 The purpose of this paper is to explain the basic functions of a trebuchet, explain subsystems of the trebuchet, and give examples of a few possible modifications to the subsystems. As the counterweight trebuchet became more popular, engineers thickened castle walls to withstand heavier bombardment. - History behind the trebuchet, Christopher Carrillo was born in Monterey Park, CA. How much weight can a trebuchet hold? Conan Exiles How To Make Trebuchet, Ammo, and Damage Test! out our server and play with us!YogsPlayground IP 162.251.1. Will you need help from an adult to use tools like a power drill or saw? I hope you enjoyed this and would love to hear what you think, please leave me a comment and follow me on Instagram @chrisriley_ for more medieval history! One of the last recoded uses being in 1521 at siege of the Aztec capital Tenochtitln by the Conquistador Hernn Corts, where gunpowder was extremely limited which forced the Spanish forces to use more 'primitive' techniques. The trebuchet relies on the principle that stored potential energy of the counterweight can be converted into kinetic energy of the payload, launching it into the air. Toystub Trebuchet Kit Puzzle 3D Wood Puzzle Wooden Models for Teen. Ideally a ratio of around 100/1 ballast to projectile weight should be used, this results in . By the 12th and 13th centuries, European powers such as the kingdom of France had adopted what would be known as the counterweight Trebuchet, using a large weight at the shorter end of the throwing arm, reducing the need for bands of men to manually fire the projectile. Figure 1, below, shows a modern reconstruction of a trebuchet. The animation below shows the motion of the trebuchet as it is fired. There is a small trebuchet competition, You are allowed a maximum height of 1 meter, when it's in the cocked position, and the supplied ammo will be tennis balls. When the catapult was released, the ropes would twist back into shape and swing the pivoting arm upward until it reached a vertical position and hit a cushioned pad. The traction Trebuchet or Mangonel, which was adopted by the Byzantine empire some 100 years after their first recoded use in China, relying on man power to pull ropes and weights to thrown the projectile via the long swinging arm, a very time consuming and some what inconstant tool. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". Whereas the traction trebuchet had the force only applied for a short amount of time. h is the initial height of the counterweight off the ground. One of the final improvements to reach the trebuchet was the propped counterweight [3]. To throw the payload as far as possible, how long should the beam be? If you want to do hand calculations to design a trebuchet with the best range, you will need to understand the physics involved. It considers several models of varying complexity and finds a maximum range efficiency of 83% for a 100 pound counterweight, 1 pound projectile, a 5 foot long beam pivoted 1 foot from the point of attachment of the counterweight, and a 3.25 foot long . Trebuchets were made of wood, bound together with leather straps and metal fixtures keeping the large throwing arm from becoming a projectile itself. Apparently, the French name Loup de Guerre (wolf of war) proved more than a mouthful for the English soldiers, so it was condensed into Ludgar. The FAKA is very efficient for its frame height and arm length as well. The Hinged Counterweight Trebuchet (HCW) - a standard trebuchet. If you are trebbing and run out of wood or iron, you can keep repairing the trebuchet up to 2500/5000 health with only one of the mats! Thus, the counter-weight trebuchet had to be constructed with a stronger beam, which reduces its effectiveness quite considerably. Your internet explorer is in compatibility mode and may not be displaying the website correctly. Cocking . The machine is generally associated with hurling boulders at a castle wall to bring it down, but trebuchets have also been used to throw Greek fire and wreak all kinds of havoc. Accuracy increased with the elimination of the major human element, but the machine still suffered from heavy jerking, keeping it from being perfect. Our design was very stout and held around 720lbs in counterweight, not including the weight bar and arm itself. The trebuchet made improvements upon both of these weapons, able to launch stones that weighed hundreds of kilograms farther and more accurately than either the ballista or the catapult. How long should the arm of a trebuchet be? 2). This machine could throw stones up to 100 meters, but was not very accurate, given the inherent inconsistency in using true manpower. There is more than one way to tackle the problem. und Partner des Werbeprogramms, das zur Bereitstellung eines Mediums fr Websites konzipiert wurde, mittels dessen durch die Platzierung von Werbeanzeigen und Links zu Werbekostenerstattung verdient werden knnen. Two of the major predecessors of the trebuchet were the ballista (Fig. A trebuchet (French trbuchet) is a siege engine used in the Middle Ages. In the fall of 2005, he was pursuing a B.S. The Trebuchet works functional but the connection between each parts seems weak and need to be improved. With starting and stopping points this uncertain, there could have been drill the holes for the smaller axle in the first place. The word Trebuchet comes from the old French 'Trebucher' meaning 'to throw over', and that is exactly what medieval siege weapons like trebuchets were designed to do. (2006, Oct. 12) Military Technology., [8] R. Meyer, Column One; How Far Can a Piano Fly?, [10] D. Moe. All weapons have their pros and cons with the trebuchet having its fair share of both. A trebuchet is made of a long beam attached by an axle suspended high above the ground by a stout frame and base. The traction trebuchet was a rather simple construction, the frame was static and connected to the dynamic beam with an axle. Japanese Fortifications and Defense Organization in World War 2, [Tanks 101] Armor Protection 1920-1980 Features and Characteristics. Press the backs of your hands against the inside of a door frame for 30 secondsas if youre trying to widen the frameand then let your arms down; youll feel something odd. also different stuff as counterweight. Adult supervision is required when building and operating a trebuchet. Saladin's brother and successor, al-Adil, introduced a defense system that used gravity-powered trebuchets on platforms to keep the enemy at bay. Every city occupied by Mongols in Central . - Plans and directions for building a small trebuchet, In addition to unequal weights, the trebuchet uses leverage. The simplest trebuchet is basically a throwing arm pivoted on a fulcrum. With its massive size came a long set up time and usually, a large setup cost, sometimes taking weeks if not months to construct. Some knowledge of physics will be helpful when doing this project. The quantity s is shown along the projectile trajectory, and it represents the throwing distance that would follow from releasing the projectile at a certain point on this trajectory. What size planking do I need to make a trebuchet? For an indoor trebuchet, you can use 1 x 6-inch (2.5 x 15 cm) planking. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. 1) and the catapult [1]. A trebuchet can fling big, heavy things if the counterweight is heavy enough; if you want to fling a pumpkin 150 feet, you will need more than a 90lb . I created a new swing arm, but the one in the MOving parts Olympic Weight Adapter for CEM60 Counterweight Bar. where v0 and are the velocity and angle at the time of projectile release, respectively, and g is the gravitational acceleration. So it's easier now to fill it with anything you want. Now, since we covered that part, lets get started. Here, we build a computational model of a basic trebuchet with the Multibody Dynamics Module and version 5.3 of the COMSOL Multiphysics software. In fact, a modern reconstruction was able to group shots within a 6m x 6m square at a range of 180m, a very impressive feat [6]. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". The weight of the counterweight must be much greater than 10 times. because at 5:1, there was not enough power to lift the arm and the projectile The goal of this project is to determine how different physical parameters can affect the range of a trebuchet, using hand calculations, computer simulations, and/or physical experiments. The Trebuchet and Siege Warfare During the Middle Ages, the construction of fortified cities led to a new type of military campaign the siege. The proper ratio for the throwing arm to the short arm is approximately 4 to 1, while the proper ratio for the counterweight to the projectile is approximately 100 to 1 [4]. If the trebuchet is to be designed for maximum throwing distance, a question arises: At what point during its trajectory should the projectile be released? PLEASE NOTE: Posts and pages contain amazon affiliate links. Artillery has been the centerpiece of many armies over the centuries because of the massive amounts of destruction, fear, and uncertainty it has caused in enemy camps. Pick something with a high ratio of strength to weight. Thanks. John France notes: While they are no longer used in warfare, today people still build trebuchets for fun and use them in contests to see who can launch things the farthest. What is the best ratio for a trebuchet? This is why more than one wheel is used. Required fields are marked *. Its currently set up for a 100:1 counterweight to projectile mass ratio, with 200lbs of counterweight. A trebuchet works by using the energy of a falling (and hinged) counterweight to launch a projectile (the payload), using mechanical advantage to achieve a high launch speed. Mc=30, Mp=0.5, Sa= -46, and Lc=0.321 or 0.5. General advice is that the optimal ratio is 133:1. Basic Circuits Kit: Conductors and Insulators. l trebuchet counterweight to projectile weight ratio 3d models . A counterweight trebuchet is powered by a very heavy counterweight, acting on a lever arm. War Wolf was the largest trebuchet ever made and was rumored to send boulders of about 150 kilograms across a distance of over 200 meters. Trebuchet with variable arm ratios, 2. The counterweight should be 75 to 100 times the weight of the projectile. Yet, this depictions seems to be a big over exaggerated. The Chinese invented the trebuchet in 300BC, the French were . We use cookies and those of third party providers to deliver the best possible web experience and to compile statistics. The trebuchet would eventually be the biggest catapult type weapon ever constructed and bore a name that fit such a beast. L2 is the distance between the pivot and the sling's attachment point (m). One of the most advanced siege engines used in the Middle Ages was the trebuchet, which used a large counterweight to store energy to launch a payload, or projectile. The complete trebuchet mechanical system is truly a dynamic one. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. The sling pin is a piece of coat hanger, adjusting the curve of the pin is critical to obtaining any distance, Play around with it. The person who was timing started the watch when the projectile was L3 is the length of the sling (m). Trebuchet counterweight? The optimal trebuchet design is one that launches the payload the farthest horizontal distance. The technical storage or access that is used exclusively for anonymous statistical purposes. . If you haven't heard of it, then I will attach . How much time do you have to build your trebuchet? A trebuchet a simple machine from the middle ages when attacking the opposing side. released and stopped it when it landed, which could have been 60 M away. This is exactly as I predicted. Anyone who has played Age of Empires (this includes me, yes), will know exactly what a trebuchet is, and what it does. The Counterweight Trebuchet Europe Medieval Siege Chariot Weapons It is equipped with a heavy object at one end near the fulcrum, is connected to a parabolic bag far from the fulcrum, and throws the stone through the principle of leverage. There are other accounts for other sieges giving a value of about 250 kg (560 lbs). Which is correct everyone do or everyone does? However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. This advancement, allowed more consistent fire, longer distances and thus, more destruction. I have a basic understanding that the more weight you put in the counterweught item slots, the further the shot will go. (France, John: Western Warfare in the Age of the Crusades 1000-1300, p. 120). The design originated in medieval times as a siege weapon. Also, the newfound stability meant that the trebuchet did not have to be repositioned after every shot, so firing time improved to about twice per hour [6]. Whereas the payload was quite varied from 1 kg up to 59 kg (2 lbs to 130 lbs). Construction . A trebuchet is a long-range weapon that uses a swinging arm to send a projectile toward a target. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. I was able to use the collars from my weight set to hold the weights as they were slightly bigger than 1". Despite the multitude of builds, very little has been published about. What are the advantages of a floating arm trebuchet? "Effect of Trebuchet Arm Length or Counterweight Mass on Projectile Distance.". [7] Encyclopedia Britannica. It is assumed that it is a Chinese invention and made its way to Europe via the Arab world around the 9th century. They stood as tall as 60 feet (18m) and could fling 80 pound (36kg) objects up to 980 . The addition of a fixed counterweight was a major advancement in trebuchet technology. Try for yourself by downloading the model file from our Application Gallery. Traction trebuchets used human labor instead of a counterweight for power [2]. Trebuchets may be dead on the battlefield, but they are still very much alive in the hearts of students and hobbyists who take joy in discovering the workings of these amazing machines. between leverage and speed of the arm to achieve the highest velocity. So, if you are in the business of designing trebuchets for medieval kings, you should pay attention to this design parameter. Figure 1, below, shows a modern reconstruction of a trebuchet. When we assembled it with only 120lbs (all the three of us could lift and attach at that height), it threw a Bocce ball roughly 250ft. The trebuchet is an ancient siege engine used for throwing large rocks. Now you will build the trebuchet's arm. Trebuchet. in measurements that we had was in the timing. (France, John: Western Warfare in the Age of the Crusades 1000-1300, p. 121) Something that was not the case with the Counter-weight Trebuchet, so lets take a closer look at it. The Wikipedia page on trebuchets links to a PDF paper which discusses exactly this question. Which brings us to the next point, the overall effectiveness of trebuchets. In this blog post, we demonstrated that the Multibody Dynamics Module can be used to build a simple model of a counterweight trebuchet. 2 How long should the arm of a trebuchet be? An important part of whipper performance is the beam ratio, the ratio of long arm to short arm. It is sometimes called a counterweight trebuchet or counterpoise trebuchet, to distinguish it from an earlier weapon called the traction trebuchet, which employed pulling men working the mechanism. Continued We launched pumpkins and bowling balls around 10-15 lbs at distances of 300+ feet. The counterweight is raised and the trebuchet is cocked. The projectile goes much farther than the counterweight in the same amount of time, which means that it moves a lot faster than the counterweight. measuring, and the axel connection. Computing the HRTF of a Scanned Geometry of a Human Head, How to Model a Hall Effect Sensor with COMSOL Multiphysics, Modeling Acoustical Properties of Porous Media in COMSOL, s=\frac{v_0^2 \,\mathrm{sin}\left(2\alpha\right)}{g}. Do you have time to do a fancy design, or do you need to build one quickly? the design and manufacturing of trebuchets changed little, once the counterweight had been added to the design, the overall look and effectiveness of the weapon varied little between time periods and the people using them. Answer (1 of 7): I must admit, a lot of these answers do touch upon the issues with trebuchets vs the modern depiction of them. Launches 25 feet. (France, John: Western Warfare in the Age of the Crusades 1000-1300, p. 119; Hill, Donald R.: Trebuchets, in: France, John: Medieval Warfare, p. 271-272) It was the dominant form of artillery in Western warfare during the period of 1000 to 1300 AD. . The trebuchet is the hallmark of medieval siege warfare and is synonymous. Its a cheaper version of the Counterweight Trebuchet (even cheaper than a Mangonel) with lower range, attack and hit points, in return for higher rate of fire, movement speed . Now, one drawback of the Traction Trebuchet was that the men operating the machines had a varying pull on the ropes, thus the firing range was likely changed from shot to shot even without accounting for exhaustion. The counterweight is usually very heavy and provides the mechanical force to fire. be 3:1 and not 5:1. - Algorithms of a trebuchet, Is there anything heavier than a 100 stack of stone (13.00 "weight") that can be used as a counter? The counter-weight arm of the seesaw is usually shorter than the projectile arm by a ratio of 4 to 1 or more. We tried this, 2 thralls is 100 weight, and is Max for the counterweight. I added a cover for the opening to keep kids from adding or removing things. Image from an illuminated manuscript depicting a Byzantine traction trebuchet at a siege of a citadel, 11th century. Has been printed on a MiniFactory and works almost out of the box, some filing or sanding requred. Other articles where trebuchet is discussed: catapult: An exception was the medieval trebuchet, powered by gravity. fit. Although, the counterweight-trebuchet was quite a feat in engineering, its influence on warfare was limited and the balance between offense and defense was not altered significantly. A golf ball projectile (1.62 oz) should fire best with 13.46 lbs of counterweight - and a 14 lb bowling ball should have 1862 lbs pulling on the other side of the arm to reach maximum distance. To Europe via the Arab World around the 9th century will you need to make a trebuchet trebuchet... Byzantine traction trebuchet had to be constructed with a 500-pound ( 226-kilogram ) counterweight that was only. Some of these cookies will be helpful when doing this project from my weight to. Is that the optimal trebuchet design is one that launches the payload quite... Beam ratio, the counter-weight trebuchet had to be a big over exaggerated we launched pumpkins and balls. 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