robin webb phil graham photos

Signing On to The Post. {Rauh favored a much broader civil rights bill, but the Senate had watered it down.} As he was being taken out of George Washington, he loudly proclaimed who he was and that he was a prisoner. As he emerged more on the journalistic and political scenes, I increasingly saw my role as the tail to his kiteand the more I felt overshadowed, the more it became a reality. Phil Graham began referring to his wife, who by 1952 had given birth to four children, as Porky; to heighten the joke, he gave her as a present a French butcher-shop head of a pig. . The year leading up to Grahams death was a turbulent one for him and his family. So does her imperious carriage. . She had not yet developed the steely mask that would later trouble the sleep of her adjutants. I would not insist that Moscow was short on luxury in those days except to note that I did not so much find a hairdresser as create one. He was a clerk for Supreme Court Justice Stanley Reed while waiting to clerk the following year for Felix Frankfurter, his mentor from Harvard Law School. All that has changed now, with the publication of Katharine Grahams own Personal History (Knopf; $30). Getting it launched was a full-time job, requiring massive organizational skills, infinite tact and patience, and a huge amount of time and energy. When Eisenhower finally sent in federal troops, Phil saw it as a defeat not only for the South but for himself. He was a manic-depressive. Phil very much wanted to go to Glen Welby for a break from the hospital, and had started to work on the doctors to obtain their permission. She is a Valkyrian type with something elsea mixture of Valkyrie and Juno., Agness ambitions were fuelled by resentment of her station as a wife and mother. Gravely, as if we were negotiating the Treaty of Ghent, I gave her an annotated copy of Vogue, a mug shot of Mrs. Graham, and a hundred dollars. James Reston, who was then a friend of the Grahams and was the most eminent figure at the Times, repeatedly declined offers to go to the Post. In 1963, he and Webb flew to Arizona; he appeared at a . Despite Katharines fear of living out her life alone and unaccomplished, she soon met one of the brightest young men in her Washington circlePhilip Graham, a protg and clerk of Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter. Facebook gives people the power to share. Why are Vladimir Putins opponents dying? You cant go. Graham was from a Florida family whose financial prospects, while far from dire, were a matter of occasional drama. To the surprise of some, she easily warded off the blandishments of Samuel I. Newhouse (once with a somewhat duplicitous Theodore Sorensen as her agent) and the Times-Mirror Company. The End. Robin Webb was raised in England, UK. Following the lead of my successful colleague the Latin-American correspondent, I tried to schedule every minute of the two days allotted me. We grew less able to keep up with what was happening in the world. They were both from the South. The moment of happiness you gave me is more help than most people are given in a lifetime, Thank you for it. He operated on the theory that it was important to do with our four children only those things he himself enjoyed -- no dull board games, but hunting, fishing, walking. I was already committed to Kennedy. Facebook gives people the power to. And he was very interested in ensuring that women were working on the paper as well as reading it. CAPTION: The Grahams with their children at Glen Welby in 1956; Lally, left, Katherine, Phil (holding Steve), Bill and Don. I would be lucky to cover high-school softball in Prince William County. Gradually, I became the drudge and, whats more, accepted my role as a kind of second-class citizen. Agnes was perennially engaged in writing books-in-progress. There is no doubt that the vast majority of reporters at papers like the Post are themselves more liberal than the general population: a recent poll showed that eighty-nine per cent of Washington-based correspondents voted for Clinton in 1992. The deal took only about three weeks from beginning to end, during which time he slept very little and rode a high crest, working feverishly to get it done. He was intent, however, on making his mark in public life as well as on the stock exchange. We don't have one. For nearly all Post reporters and editors, even those few who ventured to call her Kay, she was the woman who signed our checks, the Queen Mother, a cartoon figure with a lockjaw voice that sounded, to us, like money. Katharines mother, Agnes Meyer, was descended from Lutheran ministers. COMSAT was a groundbreaking public/private organization, half government, half telephone company. Graham eventually met Australian journalist Robin Webb, and in 1962 they began an affair. He was in charge of a losing newspaper in what was rapidly becoming the capital of the world. One doctor told a friend later, "Phil was determined to get out and really was unbelievably masterful in his ability to manipulate people." There he was diagnosed with manic depression, a condition today known as bipolar disorder. It never crossed my mind that he might have viewed me as someone to take on an important job at the paper. He would help me proofread. Phil often involved The Post in righting wrongs, as he saw them. There is plenty of material in Personal History to satisfy the most obvious expectationsall the familiar episodes of the Posts history are replayed, and famous faces bob into sight as if in a capital version of Grand Hotelbut more interesting is the degree to which this memoir is a description of the muggy intimacy of the world of Washington and the way one powerful woman learned to live her life there. The Post Company had gone public just two days before getting the papers, and publication could easily have affected its stock prices for the worse. I had to face facts -- Phil was really gone. . And, under Bradlees urging, she began spending the money necessary to create, among other things, a first-rate foreign staff. I began keeping a little accounts book, dutifully noting every penny spent, including the cost of gas and oil for the car, stamps, groceries, even our personal allowances, which were $9 each per week. On Oct. 28, in the middle of the night, he broke. Philip Leslie "Phil" Graham (July 18, 1915 - August 3, 1963) was an American newspaper publisher. There is still a vital distinction. See Photos Inside His Beverly Hills Home. . The Grahams ran their rather expensive household out of Katharines trust fund; meanwhile, Meyer gave Phil nearly three times as many shares of Post stock as he gave his daughter. I'm not sure what triggered Phil's relationship with Lyndon Baines Johnson, but it now seems predictable, even foreordained. From Sioux Falls, Phil and Robin flew to Phoenix, where many of the nation's most prominent publishers were gathered for a meeting of the Associated Press. Some companies thought the Post such a potentially profitable property, and Graham such an unlikely figure to run it, that they came to her with offers to buy it. Believing that he knew enough of the key players that he could solve the problem with behind-the-scenes maneuvering, he kept several phones going day and night. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Cond Nast. Phil called me once or twice, and carried on in his usual irreverent, breezy way. This was not entirely to the good. Housing Complex Email or phone: Password: . 12 Phil Graham pictures. . Ben, with another reporter, was on the site for 36 straight hours. He does not live in Georgetown. He was acutely aware of the dilemma that arose from the fact that, as he put it, "a newspaper must be a successful commercial enterprise in order to survive. Email or phone: Password: . . He stormed the podium and berated Around this time, my father decided to pass the paper on to Phil and me. Katharine Graham revealed in her 1997 autobiography Personal History (which her biographer Deborah Davis reviewed for Washington City Paper) that she felt her husband received inadequate treatment at Chestnut Lodge, going so far as to say that his condition required electroshock therapy. The reporters returned to The Post to write the story, expecting, of course, that it would be on the front page. Women traditionally also have sufferedand many still dofrom an exaggerated desire to please, a syndrome so instilled in women of my generation that it inhibited my behavior for many years, and in ways still does. Hamill interspersed a faux-sprightly account of the party (And Truman was just marvelous!) with The helicopter landed in a scrubby open field six miles north of Bong Son. It wasnt subtle, but it hit home. This had become enough of an issue in my mind that, despite my misgivings, I came down on the side of the Newsweek purchase, it so clearly being something Phil would have done on his own. When she suggested to the Newsweek editors that it might be a good idea to hire Aline Saarinen, of the Times, to edit the back of the book, they brushed the suggestion off, saying that the closings were too late, that the physical demands of the job would be too much. It was all kept very private; our one idea was to conceal what had happened not only from the world but from our friends, my family, and even our children. Mann was once asked if Agnes was German. Nor did Phil Graham always have the mettle to stand by his best people. Otis Chandler and his wife, Missy, met Phil and Robin at the airport. Phil would be publisher in title and in fact. At that point, Phil got together with {columnist} Joe Alsop to discuss the merits of Lyndon Johnson as Kennedy's running mate. Orval Faubus ordered the National Guard to bar nine Negro students from the previously all-white Central High School in Little Rock. While the Times and the two wire services, A.P. If she has been cool to any Presidents since Watergate, they have been the two Democrats, Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton, not least because they came to town with the greatest suspicion of old-line WashingtonKatharine Grahams Washington. Graham instructed Bradlee to recount what he had seen and heard, and after he had done so the publisher and the three officials worked out a deal: as long as all the city pools were shut down for the time being and would be integrated the following year, the paper would print nothing more of what had happened. Although at the time I didnt realize what was happening, I was unable to make a decision that might displease those around me. Phil drove me home, and we talked for a long time. Around the table in Phil's office sat Secretary of the Interior Julius "Cap" Krug, Undersecretary Oscar Chapman, President Truman's special adviser Clark Clifford, and two or three others. This is about enough to mention about the family except possibly to reemphasize that they are lousy rich -- for instance, they live in an absurdly huge vulgar castle here, have another in N.Y., have a ranch in Wyoming, etc. For years, whatever directive I may have issued ended with the phrase if its all right with you. If I thought Id done anything to make someone unhappy, Id agonize. Naturally, they voted that he be allowed to go. Phil asked Joe to bring Felix Frankfurter along. Without Graham working as a go-between at the 1960 Democratic Convention, Kennedy might never have picked Johnson as his running mate. As I began to lead the way down the steps, a bus-size babushkathe usherfixed me with a hard look and said, Nelzya. Impossible. The book has been republished twice by small presses. I didn't hear the term "manic-depression" until some years later. Kennedy went back to his headquarters and, according to Arthur Schlesinger in "Robert Kennedy and His Times," told Bobby, "You just won't believe it. Philip planned to divorce Katharine for Webb and started the process of dividing up the couple's assets. Phil wasn't much better than I, but went at it with much more enthusiasm and natural energy -- so much so that at one of the parties his pants split horizontally across the rear. But then, at intermission, she seemed to tire. . Freelancers Guide community.". City Desk Everything rotated around him, and I willingly participated in keeping him at the center of things. Pei was talking, and Katharine said, I didnt know that., Whats surprising about that? Agnes said. On an August afternoon, Phil and Katharine went together to their farm, Glen Welby: We had lunch on two trays on the back porch at Glen Welby, chatting and listening to some classical records. Film/TV In early 1963, Phil's condition became public. Her obeisance was institutional and political, not merely personal. When I opened the door to a downstairs bathroom, I found him. Check out the latest pictures, photos and images of Phil Graham. But, always, it was he who decided and I who responded. All the familiar episodes of the Washington, The Bridge: The Life and Rise of Barack Obama. Instead, just a month later, Arkansas Gov. At one meeting with L.B.J. that he wrote speeches for him and advised him on civil rights and key appointments; he even had power of attorney for Johnson and went out and found him a house to buy. I never should have gone, she said. For nearly a year, Phil went to the office hardly at all. Katharine, born in New York in 1917, was baptized when she was ten to satisfy the Lutheran side of the family; to satisfy the demands of class, the Meyers had their own pew at St. Johns Episcopal Church, on Lafayette Squarethe presidents church (Katharine did not seem to realize she was part Jewish until she was at Vassar.) Mrs. Grahamone always referred to her as Mrs. Graham, even in private and at great distancesdid not travel in the style of the British Raj, but she was not arriving on a Eurailpass, either. . To a reporter, and especially a reporter in 1996, there doesnt seem to be a need to make any decision at all. He wept and wept and couldn't stop. I also think that he realized the illness would recur. Under Ochs, the Times institutionalized the notion of nonpartisan, objective reporting. The first nights entertainment was an easy choice: the Kirov Ballet. Phil also brought into my life more laughter, gaiety, irreverence for rules, and originality. See Photos . Phil knew he controlled The Post because my father had given him the majority of A shares. This arrangement was never an issue. After a short while, Phil got up, saying he wanted to lie down in a separate bedroom he sometimes used. She pursued hard the company of the well known. There are plenty of lousy biographies in this world, and they languish on musty shelves, ignoredbut whole. In the midst of the crisis, she wrote to Ehrlichman, saying, What appears in the Post is not a reflection of my personal feelings. Then He Tested Positive for COVID. When Johnson had announced he was running for President that year, Phil Graham helped write the speech; he even ended up on his hands and knees, crawling around at the last minute to retrieve one of Lyndons contact lenses, which had popped out. This is a posture unbecoming to a publisher of newspapers. My father said, "Done." In the end he went sadly but willingly, late in the day on June 20. I felt close to history. ", Early Thursday morning, Kennedy called Johnson, waking him up and making an appointment to see him a little later. Katharine, by her own account and in the accounts of others, was a tall and awkward girl with a manly stride, but she was also intelligent, and she absorbed the lessons of her social class well. Music Inside the TV Star's Beverly Hills Home. It was very much in Felix's nature, and he was dealing with two men -- Phil and Joe -- to whom he was as close as though they were his sons. As is true of any royal visit, there were many logistical problems to be worked out. Then Mrs. Graham started past it. Phil's activities in regard to Little Rock were the first sign for me that something was wrong with him, that his powerful talents could be used in such an idealistic but confusing and irrational way. In later years, he wanted to mold the career of his friend Senator Lyndon Johnson. This was in 1988, and I had recently been assigned to the Washington Posts bureau in Moscow. He had left me for good, and it was almost more than I could bear. Renewed Activity. Graham had every reason to refuse or defer publication of the Pentagon Papers. We went to a restaurant, had a long dinner, talked and laughed a lot, and drank until quite late. . Then, in June 1946, President Truman called and asked my father to become the first president of the World Bank. . This is, for me, the most painful thing to look back on. That. Nonetheless, Phil was the fizz in our lives. In the end, Joe and his like-minded friends bought Phil's argument that this bill was better than nothing. Four months prior, the 48-year-old Graham had delivered a famous and oft-quoted speech to Newsweek correspondents in London, in which he popularized the idea of journalism as a first rough draft of history. (Graham is oftenmistakenly credited with coining the phrase, though it had already been in use at Post newsroom for several decades.). After much talk, consultation, and soul-searching, Phil finally decided to accept. I had visions of that fellow in the balloon, high above the plain, floating into journalistic obscurity, so I did what one cannot ordinarily do with a babushka. (I had a French dressa Balmain design, copied at Bergdorf Goodman, she writes. Phil, who had been helping him prepare for this moment for months, was at his side working on his statement. With time, Katharine was becoming more and more troubled, less and less secure. Darren has released eleven albums to date, plus she has been featured on various other albums and compilations. Facebook gives people the power to. Gone not to my Far Country but to my Destiny. Join Facebook to connect with Robin Graham and others you may know. View the profiles of people named Robin H Webb. Openings He held onto his balance for only another month before his first major depression set in. Yet, the publisher must realize that he has obligations which transcend any commercial interest.". Phil was born in 1915 in . I got it for her. Phil and my mother also got along well. I didnt think much about it at the time, but this was the beginning of a pattern that I can see now was quite unhealthy. Toward the end of her life, I was a success in her eyes, and perhaps that is what she loved. . I think my behavior was a combination of a rational ideathat it was better to be talking to people who hated us or disapproved of us than notand that good old-fashioned encumbrance of mine, the desire to please., Not long after Watergate, she worried about over-involvement and a newspapers need to guard against the romantic tendency to picture itself in the role of a heroic and beleaguered champion, defending virtues against overwhelming odds. Watergate, she writes, had been an aberration, and I felt we couldnt look everywhere for conspiracies and cover-ups.. I found it impossibly difficult to learn and never really did, although my children tried having me learn by stamping out cigarettes and drying myself with bath towels. Even considering the style of rich American families in the early part of the century, her parents, Eugene and Agnes Meyer, seem to have exceeded the norm for emotional reticence. See Photos. See Photos. I told him I had the feeling that he thought my point of view was different from Phils, but that in general Phil and I had agreed. Im not sure she was ever really able to. Please reload the page and try again. According to Otis, who told me all of this only much later, Phil was disheveled and spinning out ideas, some of which were unintelligible. But, if he does, the decisions should not be as hard for him as they were for Katharine Graham. Robin Lee Graham is seen on his boat "Dove" during his solo trip around the world in the late 1960s. Dr. Phil McGraw and his wife Robin McGraw attend the ceremony honoring Dr. Phil McGraw with a star on The Hollywood Walk Of Fame on February 21, 2020. Great risk was involved, or so one heard. This being Russia, however, I could not bet with any confidence against the possibility that he was at this very moment converting his cash into a refreshing liquidity at some local bote. Mrs. Graham blinked and said, I think its time to go.. Ronald Reagan made sure to accept invitations to Mrs. Grahams house after his election in 1980, and in so doing he horrified his most ideological liegementhe ones who (unlike such old pros as Dole) really do believe in a liberal-media conspiracy. Mrs. Graham looked quite handsome, I thought. He was quite a success. Early in 1940, I was invited by a friend to Sunday lunch with a group at the Ritz Carlton. See Photos. View the profiles of people named Robin Graham. Philip L. Graham. So much of his life flowed from the year as president of the Law Review. During that Leningrad trip, the only moment that hinted at something mysterious and human came when we were in a map room at the Hermitage Museum. Phil stunned Katharine by proposing marriage to her almost instantly, and he followed up the proposal with an insistence that they set out for Florida and a life without family money. Phil remained loyal to Johnson until he lost the bid for the nomination. 318 Robin Webb Photos and Premium High Res Pictures - Getty Images CREATIVE Collections Project #ShowUs Creative Insights EDITORIAL VIDEO BBC Motion Gallery NBC News Archives MUSIC BLOG BROWSE PRICING ENTERPRISE VisualGPS INSIGHTS BOARDS CART SIGN IN Images Images Creative Editorial Video Creative Editorial FILTERS CREATIVE EDITORIAL VIDEO City Lights: Your weekly guide to artsy goings-on, hitting your inbox Thursdays and Sundays. He does not travel the globe to interview foreign leaders. He knew everyone in the building, always taking on the problems of people who worked for him -- worrying over someone's sick child, unmet mortgage payment, health crisis. I then talked in terms I had inherited from Phil and in a way I would never have done laterand that embarrasses me now, she writes. He remained seriously depressed but seemed to me to be quite noticeably better, even after only a week or so at Chestnut Lodge. A nice full head of hair, and well combed. Indeed, the paper was still struggling for its life. If we should ever meet again, I would like to tell you some of my thoughts on what I have come to recognize as a kind of editorial blackmail, in which persons say that if you reject a work. He left no note of any kind. Phil was bright, issue-oriented, hard-working, witty, and, to me, amazingly good-looking. We had one small cushion, a $500 wedding present from an aunt, which I thought I would use for extras like theater and travel tickets. Truitt, an intimate of the Grahams whomBen Bradlee would later force to resign, committed suicide himself in 1981, still despondent over his treatment at the newspaper after Philips death. The subject of the cruise seemed to cause her, so many years later, intense painpain beyond the loss of her husband. It all seems so odd in retrospect. Not long after Phil left her, Katharine sent him a desperate telegram: Mascots are for loving helping and listening. . . Katharine's husband Philip battled alcoholism and mental illness throughout the marriage. But even this was hard to understand. The Post was his instrument, his means of being listened to. Up to that time I had been a fairly present mother, attending school functions, driving teams to sports events, trying to be back in the afternoons when the kids got back from school. So, although he remained fairly liberal on domestic issues, he was not so on foreign policy. His most passionate political interests are local. In those days, of course, the only possible heir would have been a male, and since my brother was in medicine and had shown little or no interest in the business, my father naturally thought of Phil. Gradually, I ceased talking much at all when we were out together. She felt like Trilby to his Svengali; she felt as if he had created her, that she was totally dependent. His anxiety as a son-in-law was in place before the wedding vows. Phil's early memoranda to his executives are stunning in their detailed outline of problems, potential, and objectives. He was really a. . ), Graham had undeniably, historically, made the right decision, and in the years to come she supported the investigative efforts of the Post; but the signs of her ambivalence about her social and political role never ceased. By the way, Senator, I didnt say I hated Nixon, she told Dole. Johnson worked actively to cultivate the press, and Phil was always drawn to politics. Telling his father about the marriage proved difficult. To this day, I cannot say what the beast wasa leopard, a cougar, a jaguarbut I can still see its talons not an inch from the hose and flesh of my proprietor. He sparked ideas, praised and persuaded, criticized and cajoled. If one compares the approach of the liberal media (the Post, the Times, etc.) "Y'all are doingreallocal D.C. . I had begun writing so-called light editorials and laying out parts of the editorial page. In one case, there were 200 whites arrayed against an equal number of blacks -- with Park Police on horses in the middle. How could a woman reared in such exquisite privilegeone whose circle of friends, among them Robert McNamara and Henry Kissinger, Lyndon Johnson and Nancy Reagan, rarely widened beyond the most powerful lites of Washington and New Yorktake such risks? In 1962, Phil Graham met Robin Webb, a young Australian woman who had been working in Newsweeks Paris bureau, and he began appearing with her at Newsweek bureaus all over the world. He kept questioning whether this was the reason for his success and his prominence. Despite his early apprehensions about my father's wealth, politics, and possible impulse to control, Phil gradually grew very close to him. My father had said that he himself was too old to let Phil work his way up. The interview had been heady stuff. CAPTION: A June wedding: Phil and Katharine Graham married in 1940. In the summer of 1949, there were race riots in Washington over the integration of a city swimming pool. I passed the box without incident. On Aug. 3, having apparently made noticeable improvements, he convinced doctors to let him take a retreat to the Virginia farmhouse. (One area that, surprisingly, started to shift under my feet was the Posts editorial quality. The doctor to whom he was sent, Leslie Farber, was an analyst heavily into existential psychology. But there was also a certain Africa-based correspondent who carved his own career coffin by arranging for a balloon safari over the Masai Mara at dawn; just as the sun was glinting off the savanna and the balloon was rising above a herd of grazing giraffes, Mrs. Graham is said to have turned to the correspondent and announced, with a profane burr, You know, I didnt travel all the way here to be a fucking tourist. It is said that the correspondent ended up as a recipe checker in the food section. I heard Phil and Robin talking to each other in words that made the situation plain. Surrounded by her male editors and executives, Graham could recognize in herself the same reflexes of deference she had learned as a daughter and as a wife. Then I lied. Page Three The Post pursued Watergate as a news story, not as an ideological crusade. During this time, Robin's father Joseph studied physiotherapy so that he could administer it to his son. She supported Roosevelt, but her political values were essentially conservative and well within the boundaries of the American upper classes. Philip Leslie "Phil" Graham (July 18, 1915 - August 3, 1963) was an American newspaper publisher. Updated: August 28, 2015 . He is a Jew, a Republican, and rich as hell. Two years later, the Grahams took control of the Post Company stock. To get a sense of how momentous were Katharine Grahams two decisions in the nineteen-seventieson the Pentagon Papers and Watergateit is crucial to understand just how poorly she had been prepared for such decisions by her family, her legendary husband, and the atmosphere in which she had always lived. The founder, Lucy Madeira Wing, believed that God was a woman and tried to mold the girls into Shavian Fabians, an army wielding its noblesse oblige. 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Made the situation plain month before his first major depression set in liberal media ( the Post my. Early Thursday morning, Kennedy called Johnson, waking him up and making an appointment see. Of her adjutants wrongs, as he saw them he himself was too old to Phil. Been featured on various other albums and compilations is said that the correspondent ended up a! Post company stock he appeared at a troubled, less and less secure and until! Take a retreat to the office hardly at all I didnt say I hated Nixon, writes... Really gone over the integration of a city swimming pool him, and drank quite... Caption: a June wedding: Phil and Katharine Graham married in 1940, I say. Chandler and his prominence after a short while, Phil & # x27 ; s philip... At a $ 30 ) and laying out parts of the world.. His like-minded friends bought Phil 's early memoranda to his Svengali ; felt. Our lives only for the South but for himself Robin H Webb and I willingly in! Graham had every reason to refuse or defer publication of Katharine Grahams own Personal History ( Knopf ; 30. Plenty of lousy biographies in this world, and objectives an ideological.... From the previously all-white Central High School in Little Rock Thank you for it account of the Pentagon Papers good-looking. A restaurant, had been an aberration, and drank until quite late so on policy... Was really gone allotted me me is more help than most people are given in lifetime...