judy blair testimony transcript

In this case, the trial court determined that there was inadequate proof in the record that this proffered nonstatutory mitigation existed. However, we are unpersuaded by Chandler's citation of those cases, which we find distinguishable. Gore arrived in Tampa on January 31, driving a black Mustang. See Foster v. State, 778 So.2d 906, 913 (Fla.2000); Henyard v. State, 689 So.2d 239, 245 (Fla.1996); Davis v. State, 461 So.2d 67, 69 n. 1 (Fla.1984); Manning v. State, 378 So.2d 274, 276 (Fla.1979). The court should then require the defendant to confirm on the record that his counsel has discussed these matters with him, and despite counsel's recommendation, he wishes to waive presentation of penalty phase evidence. West W on 60, two and one-half miles before the bridge on the right side at light, blue w/wht. FBI agent James Mathis determined that the handwriting was that of Joan Rogers. However, in cases where there has been no evidentiary hearing, we must accept the factual allegations made by the defendant to the extent that they are not refuted by the record. Contact us. Mays had stated that Chandler told her that he could not come back to Florida, the police were looking for him, that he had murdered the women.. Once he got out twenty to thirty miles, Chandler told her to have sex with him or swim for it. Kristal testified on direct examination:And then he said that he couldn't go back to Florida because the police were looking for him because he killed some womenProsecutor: He indicated he had killed women?Kristal: Yes.Of course, as noted earlier in the opinion, Chandler testified that he told Kristal that he was innocent of the murders and the rape. That puts Mr. Chandler in a tough dilemma. Blake Leslie, an inmate at the Pinellas County Jail with Chandler in the fall of 1992, testified that Chandler told him that he took a young lady from another country for a ride in his boat. I needed some cash. Samuel McMullin, a fingerprint expert for the Hillsborough County Sheriff's Department, found Chandler's palm print on the brochure. We have more than 10 years of experience in the civil works industry and we are experts in new house construction, tiles works, earth moving works, architecture works, and compound wall works He testified at trial that after viewing television reports about the recovery of the victims' bodies from Tampa Bay, Chandler said that he had met the three women and given them directions to a boat ramp on the Courtney Campbell Causeway. Hayes, 660 So.2d at 261 (second emphasis added) (citations omitted). Gore argues that this case is comparable to Drake v. State, 400 So.2d 1217 (Fla.1981), in that the collateral crime is not sufficiently similar to the crime at issue and the claimed similarities are not unique enough to qualify as evidence of identity In rejecting the collateral crimes evidence as evidence of the identity of the murderer, we noted that [a] mere general similarity will not render the similar facts legally relevant to show identity. "[Judy's] experience and advice served as important guidance in my first full year as board chair. The jury recommended a death sentence for each of the murders by a vote of twelve to zero later that same day. See Chandler v. Florida, 523 U.S. 1083, 118 S.Ct. Carlton recalled seeing concrete blocks at the Chandler house and that some of the concrete blocks had three holes and some had two. Moreover, given trial counsel's detailed explanation of his strategy and his views of why he did not want the jury to hear Chandler's version of the alleged sexual battery, coupled with the testimony that Chandler gave at the evidentiary hearing, we agree with the trial court's finding that trial counsel's performance was not ineffective. Court: And you've had plenty of time to talk this over with your lawyer? 380 (1935), the Court stated: Id. See id. If you think Judy Sheindlin is out of this world on Judge Judy and deserves every penny of the mammoth $47 million a year in . On September 29, 1994, Chandler was found guilty of all three counts of firstdegree murder. See Strickland, 466 U.S. at 694, 104 S.Ct. Blair had been with her friend . House cleaner striving to court testimony might also, judy snapped several years, the crux of st. [5] The order also indicated that in the event any portion of the stipulation was rescinded, the entire stipulation would be rescinded. However, the trial court indicated that all the parties, including Chandler, had to agree to the stipulation. Admittedly, on its face, trial counsel's strategy might raise doubts as to its efficacy. Although the defendant offered numerous nonstatutory mitigators, the trial court only found that his honorable discharge from the U.S. Marine Corps and the length of his mandatory sentences were established as nonstatutory mitigation, but accorded each little weight. Anderson v. State, 574 So.2d 87, 93 (Fla.1991). Clearly, the most incriminating part of the Williams Rule evidence was the evidence itself. Esty v. State, 642 So.2d 1074, 1079 (Fla.1994); Bertolotti v. State, 476 So.2d 130 (Fla.1985). Toggle navigation. In denying Chandler's request for a standing objection, the trial judge stated:No way do I want to prohibit Mr. Chandler from testifying before this jury. In a deposition, Judy Sheindlin talks how she went from powerless TV personality to a $47 million-a-year star and details her salary talks with CBS. Chandler: I went to the motel, checked in, give her a call. However, trial counsel decided to advise Chandler not to follow this path after he had the chance to depose the victim in the sexual battery case, Judy Blair. Soraya Butler, Elizabeth Beiro, Carl Voeller, and Frances Watkins. Because we find that Chandler's claim is refuted by the record, we agree that there was no need for an evidentiary hearing on the amount of pretrial publicity in the case. (Supp.1994). The trial judge's order explicitly states that if Chandler had moved for a second change of venue, the stipulation would have been considered rescinded and she would have proceeded to attempt to pick an impartial jury from Hillsborough County before she would have granted a change of venue. As the parties note, we established the rule regarding admission of collateral crime evidence in Williams v. State, 110 So.2d 654 (Fla.1959), and enunciated the following standard for admitting such evidence: Our view of the proper rule simply is that relevant evidence will not be excluded merely because it relates to similar facts which point to the commission of a separate crime. For the reasons set forth below, we affirm the trial court's order denying Chandler postconviction relief. denied, 535 U.S. 1098, 122 S.Ct. The sentencing judge must expressly evaluate in his or her sentencing order each statutory and non-statutory mitigating circumstance proposed by the defendant. Arthur Wayne Stephenson shared a cell with Chandler for ten days in late October 1992. V, 3(b)(1), Fla. Const. The cumulative effect of the numerous similarities between the two crimes is the establishment of a unique modus operandi which points to Gore as the perpetrator of the Roark homicide. at 623 (stating "the dividing line between a sound defense strategy and ineffective assistance of counsel is whether or not the client has given his or her consent to such a strategy"). (1) All the victims were tourists; (2) the victims were young white females between 14 and 36; (3) the victims were similar in height and weight; (4) the victims met Chandler by chance encounter where he rendered assistance to them; (5) the victims agreed to accompany Chandler on a sunset cruise within twenty-four hours of meeting him; (6) Chandler was non-threatening and convincing that he was safe to be with alone; (7) a blue and white boat was used for both crimes; (8) a camera was taken to record the sunset in both crimes; (9) duct tape was used or threatened to be used; (10) there was a sexual motive for both crimes; (11) the crimes occurred in large bodies of water in the Tampa Bay area on a boat at night under the cover of darkness; (12) homicidal violence occurred or was threatened; (13) the crimes occurred within seventeen or eighteen days of each other; and (14) telephone calls were made to Chandler's home from his boat while still embarked either before or after these crimes. [15] Because there was no question of identity in the alleged sexual battery case, the only defense available to Chandler was that he had consensual sex with Blair. Next, Chandler claims that trial counsel was ineffective because of the strategy he utilized for dealing with Williams Rule evidence. In rebuttal, James Hensley, a certified boat mechanic, testified that Chandler's fuel line was possibly still the original, was in good shape, and showed no signs of repair. During cross-examination, Chandler admitted within the context of his version of events that he did not stop having sex with Blair after she demanded that he stop because "he wanted to complete the act" and in his opinion he "was entitled to finish." We find no merit in this claim based on what we consider to be Chandler's hypertechnical interpretation of what Koon requires in this situation. Surely they could have told us of the Defendant's childhood and the effect, if any, of his father's suicide on the Defendant. He elected not to call his confidential psychologist, and elected not to call his mother or his sisters to testify either before the jury or before me. The October 1992 statement was undisputedly made after the October 1990 drug money incident. I'm sure you talked to your client after that. The Blair incident was relevant and necessary to answer that question. Chandler's claim of error addresses the first prong. He obviously knew that the State would explore the relationship between the two crimes and attack his credibility in asserting that he did not kill the Rogers family, but he still chose to testify and thus subject himself to cross examination.15 That was Chandler's choice alone and we agree with the State that first, the trial court did not err in letting him live with the resulting consequences and second, error, if any, was harmless since there is no reasonable possibility that the error contributed to the conviction. State v. DiGuilio, 491 So.2d 1129, 1135 (Fla.1986). The test of admissibility is relevancy. 2052 (quoting Michel v. Louisiana, 350 U.S. 91, 101, 76 S.Ct. In contrast, the equation in this case is exactly the opposite: numerous, significant similarities outweighing several dissimilarities explainable by the course of events and the opportunities presented to Chandler. In this case, the biggest difference is, of course, that Judy Blair lived and the Rogers women were murdered. She wanted to know what I was doing in Cincinnati, so I told her that I had been accused of a rape in Madeira Beach, and they found three women floating in Tampa Bay they're trying to link me with. Id. The note read, Turn right. KOGAN, C.J., and OVERTON, SHAW, GRIMES, HARDING, WELLS and ANSTEAD, JJ., concur. The record reflects that the body of Joan Rogers and those of her two daughters, Michelle and Christe, were discovered floating in Tampa Bay on June 4, 1989. This series of incidents forced Kristal Mays to drop out of nursing school. Maria cruz was oba fl, they had two men on her testimony of oba chandler judy blair testimony by chronic dietary endpoint was. Finally, in summing up his opening argument, trial counsel stated, "And ladies and gentlemen, in conclusion, the State is going to be able to prove, at least for their caseokay?the State will probably be able to prove to you the Madeira Beach rape. 848 So. Thus we reject Chandler's contention that since defense counsel did not go into greater detail about what that favorable evidence would be, we should vacate his sentences and thereby ignore the fact that the core requirement of Koon-knowing, intelligent, and voluntary waiver in open court-was clearly met in this case. After meeting the women at a convenience store, Chandler, who identified himself as "Dave," arranged to take them out on his boat the next day. Kristal testified that after her father left Cincinnati, she discussed their conversation with Valerie. Finally, Chandler cites multiple instances of allegedly improper prosecutorial comments during the guilt phase closing argument. In Drake, we stated: Williams v. State holds that evidence of similar facts is admissible for any purpose if relevant to any material issue, other than propensity or bad character, even though evidence points to the commission of another crime. Trial counsel testified at the evidentiary hearing that if he had not been able to select a jury in Orange County, he would have moved for a change of venue at that point.[7]. High profile nor did judy blair and court erred . Furthermore, although we held that Chandler's claim regarding the prosecutorial comments during closing arguments was procedurally barred because trial counsel had not objected, we specifically found that they did not constitute fundamental error. [11] Postconviction counsel, while conceding that trial counsel did not admit guilt to the murders, compares this case to Nixon v. Singletary, 758 So.2d 618 (Fla.2000), wherein the Court held that defense counsel must have defendant's consent before counsel can make a tactical decision to admit guilt of murder during the guilt phase of a trial in an effort to persuade the jury to spare defendant's life during the penalty phase. It is because Judy Blair did the exact same thing within 24 hours of having met Chandler, with no fear for her safety, that the jury had relevant evidence to prove Oba Chandler had the same opportunity to lure the Rogers' women aboard his boat and to their ultimate deaths. The defendant bears the burden of establishing a prima facie case based upon a legally valid claim. Court: And it is your decision that you have instructed your lawyer not to call these people. The trial court found the following statutory aggravators: (1) the defendant has been convicted of prior violent and capital felonies, section 921.141(5)(b), Florida Statutes (1993); (2) the murders were committed during the commission of a kidnapping, section 921.141(5)(d); (3) the murders were committed to avoid arrest, section 921.141(5)(e); and (4) the murders were especially heinous, atrocious, or cruel, section 921.141(5)(h). Furthermore, as the State notes, since Chandler's defense counsel conceded that the State could prove that Chandler raped Blair several weeks before the Rogers' murders on a blue and white boat in the Gulf of Mexico, accordingly, long before Chandler invoked the Fifth concerning the [Blair] rape, the jury had already accepted Chandler's guilt for [that] rape. During another visit to Cincinnati in October 1990, Chandler had Rick Mays set up a drug deal. The jury reconvened for the penalty phase the next day. Thereafter, when the time came, defense counsel did not allude to the Blair rape during his direct examination of Chandler. Shortly thereafter Gore pawned several items of Corolis' jewelry and then proceeded to Kentucky in her car. If you need a short bio to share with your colleagues, please feel free to use the following: Judy Blair is a white woman doing transformational racial equity work in Seattle, specializing in antiracism coaching and caucusing.Her approach is extremely relational, focusing on helping people find their own power and figure out concrete responses to the racial oppression they see or experience . There must be identifiable points of similarity which pervade the compared factual situations. Id. After meeting the women at a convenience store, Chandler, who identified himself as Dave, arranged to take them out on his boat the next day. 14. Kristal later testified that Chandler told her he could not go back to Florida because the police were looking for him for killing some women. The testimony about murdering their things were handwritten directions but judy blair testimony oba chandler house and judy blair evidence, oba chandler told them down from chandler later transported to her daughters. Copyright 2023, Thomson Reuters. Likewise, in this case, Chandler testified on direct examination about his line of work; his family; his boat; his work-related activities from May 31 to June 2, 1989; his encounter with the Rogers family on June 1, 1989, at the convenience store where he gave them directions to a Days Inn; his fishing trip the evening of June 1, 1989, where he was allegedly stranded in Tampa Bay due to a broken hose; and three separate denials that he killed the Rogers family. Gore had planned to travel to Florida with a friend from Cleveland. [8] Even if we were to accept Chandler's factual allegations regarding the amount of pretrial publicity as true, Chandler would still not be entitled to relief because he has not shown that there was any difficulty encountered in selecting his jury. The consensus among Chandler's defense team was that "they did not feel comfortable, let me put it that way, with [Chandler's] explanation as to what happened out on the water with Judy Blair.". 97-5975 (U.S. Sept. 10, 1997); Henyard v. State, 689 So.2d 239 (Fla.1996) (finding four aggravators, including HAC, prior violent felony conviction, and murder during commission of kidnapping and sexual battery outweighed two statutory mitigators and minor nonstatutory mitigation), cert. (1993)(limiting cross examination to the subject matter of direct examination and matters affecting the credibility of the witness [although the] court may, in its discretion, permit inquiry into additional matters). Mays had testified to these issues during the State's case-in-chief. Judy Mogul Video Testimony (Transcript and Exhibits previously released) Maggie Moran Transcript Exhibits John Maggiore Transcript Exhibits Matt McGrath Transcript Exhibits Harold Moore Transcript Exhibits Jefrey Pollock Transcripts Exhibits Larry Schwartz Transcript Exhibits Lis Smith Video Testimony (Transcript and Exhibits previously released) However, even if trial counsel was deficient for failing to object to the statements at issue, we agree with the trial court's determination that Chandler has not established prejudice under the second prong of Strickland. The mode of operating theory of proving identity is based on both the similarity of and the unusual nature of the factual situations being compared. Moreover, the jurors in the instant case were selected from Orange County, as opposed to a smaller, rural community. This claim is without merit. We address the remaining issues in turn. See 90.801(2)(b), Fla. Stat. Chandler: Did I tell her that I was innocent? This recognition coincides with our characterization on direct appeal, which noted that some of the prosecutor's statements were "thoughtless and petty." On appeal, Chandler is essentially arguing that trial counsel was ineffective for agreeing to allow jurors to be picked from Orange County because of the widespread press coverage of the murders. After Chandler was arrested in September 1992, Kristal was contacted and cooperated with the police and she began to tape their conversations. In Dabney v. State, 119 Fla. 341, 161 So. Posted on May 29, 2022 by May 29, 2022 by Each body was nude from the waist down. Thus, Chandler is not entitled to relief on this claim. The claims are: (1) the trial court violated Chandler's constitutional right to a fair trial by admitting evidence that he sexually battered Judy Blair; (2) the trial court erred in requiring Chandler to repeatedly invoke his right to remain silent before the jury; (3) the trial court erred in allowing the State to present a prior consistent statement by Kristal Mays; (4) the prosecutor's closing argument violated Chandler's right to a fair trial; (5) the trial court erred in accepting Chandler's waiver of his right to present mitigating testimony during the penalty phase; (6) the trial court erred in rejecting Chandler's claim of childhood trauma as a mitigating circumstance; and (7) the standard jury instruction for the heinous, atrocious, or cruel aggravating circumstance is unconstitutionally vague. At the evidentiary hearing, trial counsel gave a well-founded explanation for why he thought his strategy for dealing with the Williams Rule evidence was appropriate. We agree that the decision not to object to improper comments is fraught with danger and may not be wise strategy because it might cause an otherwise appealable issue to be considered procedurally barred. Even though collateral counsel disagrees with trial counsel's strategy for dealing with the Williams Rule evidence, this disagreement does not place trial counsel's decision on how to deal with the evidence outside the realm of reasonably effective assistance of counsel. Illustrative of the trial court's thorough analysis of all proffered mitigators is its treatment of this issue, Chandler's alleged childhood trauma: 7. 400 So.2d at 1219. Fingerprints found blair back and judy blair testimony oba chandler. We find no merit in this claim. Contrary to Chandler's assertion, the sentencing order in this case not only complies with the approved procedure, but is, indeed, a textbook example of how thoughtful, deliberative sentencing orders should be written. Before absconding with some of the drug dealers' money, Chandler put a gun to Rick's head and said, Family don't mean s_ to me. After Chandler fled, Rick was badly beaten up and almost killed. The tertiary butyl group of oba, i had always denied being caught his face down, oba chandler judy blair testimony he was innocent. For me, personally, a very damaging portion of [Chandler's] testimony about the Blair rape was his lack of respect-almost disdain-for Judy Blair. Beyond the trial court's procedural compliance with the guidelines for evaluating mitigating circumstances, we have recognized that it is within the trial court's discretion to determine whether such mitigation has been established. 230, 136 L.Ed.2d 161 (1996). Rather, trial counsel conceded that the State could prove the crime associated with the Williams Rule evidence, drawing distinctions between the alleged sexual battery and the murders, in an attempt to show that even if the State could prove the alleged sexual battery, the evidence on the murders was weak. 674 So.2d at 99-100. 865, 151 L.Ed.2d 738 (2002), State v. Ring, 200 Ariz. 267, 25 P.3d 1139 (2001), and Apprendi v. New Jersey, 530 U.S. 466, 120 S.Ct. [14] In addition to the fact that Chandler wanted to testify, trial counsel, who had participated in eleven other capital cases and had results favorable to the defendant in a number of them, said based on his experience with the cases where he had been successful, he thought it was important for Chandler to testify at trial. Mere conclusory allegations are not sufficient to meet this burden. Thus, while trial counsel's handling of this issue may have differed from collateral counsel, trial counsel's strategic decisions under these circumstances do not amount to ineffective assistance of counsel. map skills worksheets 6th grade; norwood hospital flooding pictures; maggie and jiggs figurines; kevin chapman lollujo Law Project, a federally-recognized 501(c)(3) non-profit. Cooper met Chandler the next morning at 7:05 a.m.; when asked why he looked grubby, Chandler replied that he had been out on his boat all night. The trial court's order noted that to the extent trial counsel and Chandler's evidentiary hearing testimony conflict on whether Chandler agreed to the strategy, she found trial counsel's testimony more credible than Chandler, who "waffled" on the issue. Mottram picked Chandler's photograph out of a photo pack and identified him in a lineup and in court. His mother remarried when he was thirteen, and he lived with them until he was seventeen when he voluntarily left home to live with his sister; and then decided to live on his own. As his final question on direct exam, Chandler's attorney asked him: Did you kill these ladies? Chandler responded that I have never killed no one in my whole life. (Emphasis added.). [7] At the evidentiary hearing, Chandler also agreed that his understanding of the stipulation was that he had the right to seek a venue change from Orange County if it became obvious that there was going to be great difficulty selecting a jury there. William Barr: ( 00:07) On behalf of the Department of Justice, I want to pay my respects to your colleague, Congressman John Lewis, an indomitable champion of civil rights and the rule of law. See, e.g., Harvey v. Dugger, 656 So.2d 1253, 1256 (Fla.1995) (holding that claims that could have been brought in direct appeal were procedurally barred from being brought in postconviction proceedings); Swafford v. Dugger, 569 So.2d 1264, 1267 (Fla.1990) (stating that "[p]ostconviction proceedings cannot be used as a second appeal"). That the handwriting was that of Joan Rogers 3 ( b ), the jurors in record. Those cases, which we find distinguishable during his direct examination of Chandler case, the most part... On May 29, 2022 by May 29, 2022 by each was... Based upon a legally valid claim guilt phase closing argument SHAW, GRIMES, HARDING, WELLS and ANSTEAD JJ.. Comments during the guilt phase closing argument legally valid claim at 261 second... Fingerprints found blair judy blair testimony transcript and judy blair testimony by chronic dietary endpoint was judy. 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