Their dad drove them two hours each way, to concerts and competitions. Irma: Las rancheras eran muy populares. Martina: Opera singers dont commonly use microphones. (Grandma Superstar) - Aug 12, 2020. Martina: A few weeks after the concert, Jorge got a call while he was working out at the gym. This category has hundreds of words translated into Spanish and English. Martina: During that first year of residency, Linda struggled to recreate the relationships she'd witnessed her grandmother nurture. When he saw her at the door, he screamed: Jorge: "Abuela no lo vas a creer! A-bue-la!. Carmen: As que yo comenc a estudiar Comercio Internacional. Linda: Era un grupo de mujeres de Puerto Rico. Martina: Bienvenidos and welcome to the Duolingo Spanish Podcast I'm Martina Castro. Mi mam me dijo: Solo me gusta la pera cuando t cantas. Mexican Spanish is the most widely spoken form of Spanish in the world, with over 130 million speakers. Linda: Ese fue uno de los tantos hospitales que no pas la evaluacin. Adems, no olvidemos el costo econmico de la salud, porque ese era un problema para las personas pobres que vivan en las zonas rurales. Un da, me dijo que ya me haba enseado todo lo que estaba en sus manos, pero que yo tena mucho potencial. Transcript. Por qu?". It is also the official language of Mexico, which is the world's 11th most populous country. Jorge: Por esa razn, llamamos a nuestro grupo Buyuchek. Martina: Parteras and curanderas would be the liaisons between the modern and the traditional. Martina: Her grandmother knew first-hand the importance of this kind of medicine. Show Duolingo Spanish Podcast, Ep La abuela superstar (Grandma Superstar) - Aug 12, 2020 . Mi voz tena que escucharse sobre la orquesta en vivo y llegar a los odos de ms de 3,000 personas. A m me gustaba mucho quedarme despierta hasta tarde y mirar las estrellas. She had been a professor for many years, and had trained many singers. Me vale madre (I don't care) 3. A seamstress second. Chilango (Someone from Mexico City) 10. She was amazed. She had to shatter all of the traditional expectations her family and friends had placed on her. It would be could if the added a couple of sections devoted to it at the end of the tree. Linda: El servicio no era bueno, era sin cuidado, sin recursos y muy poco personalizado. Aguas! Ese planeta tuvo agua lquida en su superficie y luego la perdi. Linda: En mi adolescencia, vi a muchas mujeres en mi casa hablando sobre este tipo de cosas con mi abuela, y comprend que la salud materna es el corazn de la justicia social. To join, download the app today, or find out more at Martina: Linda was ultimately successful during her first years as a doctor. Ellas aprenden a usar equipos para la presin arterial, y aprenden a prescribir antibiticos, entre otras cosas, pero nunca dejan de lado la medicina tradicional, ni su relacin con la comunidad. Al regresar, me cambi de profesin. Por eso, si yo quera seguir cantando y creciendo, deba salir de Veracruz e ir a la Universidad de Guanajuato. Q The Spanish course has a couple of bonus skills you can buy from the Duolingo shop. The course is free, and it is designed for beginners. Cuando tuve el dinero, habl con mi mam. Martina: While studying engineering, Carmen also studied astronomy and she made sure to stay up-to-date with the latest in that field. Cada vez estaba ms lejos de casa, pero ms cerca de mi sueo de llegar al espacio. Javier: El escenario me pareca muy grande y las luces eran muy brillantes. Martina: In Mexico theres now talk of possibly performing space simulations in the northern Mexican desert. She adjusts her giant helmet and moves through the pressurization room astronauts go through every time they have to go outside. . Ellas me explicaron que all, al igual que en Guatemala y otras partes de Amrica Latina, las parteras no estaban consideradas dentro del sistema de salud. Despus de la comida, mi nieto Jorge y yo siempre cantbamos rancheras juntos. Javier: Yo segu participando en ese concurso hasta que en el ao 2004, gan el primer lugar. Our Grandmothers Are Mexican in Spanish English to Spanish How to say our grandmothers are mexican in Spanish? She was dressed to the nines, with a grey embroidered shirt and a pearl necklace. She worked at NASA, where she specialized in the construction of small satellites. Ella les daba medicina para sus enfermedades, les limpiaba el estmago, o les curaba el "mal de ojo". El pblico no paraba de aplaudir! Partly due to her experiences, Mexico now has a stake in this new space race. There was no access to contraception or sex education, especially for women in poor and rural areas. Estar crudo (To be hungover) 8. The same goes for my girlfriend. Another possibility is that the astronauts could live inside one of the many caves on Mars. Duolingo believes in making education free, fun and accessible to everyone. She still did not fully understand how she got there, but she was thrilled! She respected that Linda didn't want to become a curandera, and understood that Linda's feelings about traditional medicine were somewhat conflicted, given her own mother's attitude. They talked to Irma, and tried to convince her that her age and gender no longer mattered! En ese momento, supe que los tiempos haban cambiado, que ser mujer ya no era un problema para cantar. I'm the executive producer, Martina Castro. Nada de esto habra sido posible sin la influencia de mi abuela. She was pleasantly surprised that in this one there was a space reserved for traditional midwives, but her initial excitement didn't last long. Eso puede tener consecuencias negativas sobre todo el equipo. He had an idea: What if he recorded an album with his grandmother? Javier: Cuando escuch pera por primera vez, supe que haba encontrado mi pasin. Cuando lo escuch, mi corazn se detuvo. With over 300 million users, Duolingo is the world's leading language learning platform, and the most downloaded education app in the world. Yo tena que graduarme de alguna profesin tradicional, casarme y tener hijos. Este siempre fue mi sueo ms grande. Duolingo believes in making education free, fun, and accessible to everyone. Linda: En los aos de la universidad, no pude hacerlo porque no tena suficiente dinero, pero ella me visitaba a menudo. Qu les puedo decir? Qu pas con esos ros y mares? At 80 she thought that was it for heruntil her grandson made an offer she couldn't refuse, and invited her to be the lead singer of his band. Our data reflects the state of language learning for the most inclusive sample ever amassed: we have over 500 million learners in all 194 countries, Duolingo is free to use and is available as a mobile app and a website so learners from all backgrounds and profiles use our . Martina: Some of the parteras were asked to sweep the floors, pick up the garbage, even to mop up the rooms after a delivery. Linda: Gracias a ese trabajo, yo conoc Guatemala de punta a punta, porque viajaba para supervisar la calidad de la atencin materna en diferentes hospitales. Gracias por escuchar. Me senta incmodo. Entonces, hay que preparar muchas cosas: los experimentos, las comunicaciones, el hbitat, el agua, la comida y al equipo humano. She taught Javier one of the most important skills for opera singers: breath control. Martina: At age 22, Javier Camarena took a left turn in his career path. Irma: Jorge vena a mi rancho a practicar conmigo todas las semanas. Martina: Unfortunately, Irma's joy lasted for exactly two days. Todava tena mucho que aprender. With over 300 million users, Duolingo is the world's leading language learning platform, and the most downloaded education app in the world. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. In addition to accompanying mothers during their pregnancy, theyre also highly respected community leaders and health promoters, especially in more rural or low-income communities. No tena ni siquiera un traje! Linda: Yo vi que la mayora de los trabajadores en el hospital trataba mal a las parteras, incluso los doctores y las enfermeras. But after choosing a different path and becoming a medical doctor, Linda realized that she could integrate the best parts of her grandmother's practices into modern medicine, in order to transform healthcare across Guatemala. Martina: But the record label had a request. Javier: Cuando empec a presentarme en escenarios profesionales, mis padres comenzaron a venir a verme. En estos vuelos t sientes que flotas y no es fcil controlar los movimientos. and minor accent differences. It was mainly plant-based and included religious elements and rituals. Duolingo is the world's most popular way to learn a language. Im the executive producer, Martina Castro. Todava escucho en mi cabeza las palabras de mi primera profesora de canto, Cecilia, y de todos mis otros maestros. Irma: Yo he tenido una relacin muy especial con mi nieto Jorge desde que l era pequeo. Martina: And then theres nutrition: until they find a way to grow vegetables on Martian soil, astronauts will have to eat dehydrated food from Earth. Carmen: Pero hay otra opcin: programar a los robots para procesar el suelo marciano y sacar algunas gotas de agua. Mi abuela masajeaba el cuerpo del beb con un huevo y con hierbas. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Hacamos viajes de familia en la playa. Carmen: Siempre he soado con ir al espacio, pero muchos creen que no podr lograrlo. This would be his professional debut, as Tonio in the opera La fille du rgiment by Gaetano Donizetti. Martina: Not only would Javier learn to sing opera, but he would become one of the most famous singers of our time. Nosotras vivamos en Escuintla, un pueblito en el centro sur del pas. The Spanish lessons of Duolingo, is it Mexican or Castilian?HomesickTouristYou know the Portuguese lessons are for Brasilian Portuguese. Irma: Era la primera vez que iba a cantar en un estadio tan grande y frente a tantas personas. Yo saba que tena que volver a la esencia de la medicina tradicional, de una u otra manera. It's 100% free, fun, and scientifically proven to work. Carmen: La Antrtica es otro lugar ideal para hacer estas simulaciones. Carmen: Es como salir de una burbuja. Javier: Cuando el pblico te pide cantar de nuevo es muy emocionante. As the granddaughter of a traditional Guatemalan healer, she had long been searching for a way to unite the best parts of traditional and modern medicine. Irma: Despus de cantar la primera cancin, mi nieto me abraz. Cancel. Linda: Cuando la medicina moderna se extendi por Guatemala, se cre una relacin jerrquica entre los doctores y los pacientes. Nosotros tenamos una sesin de ejercicios todos los das en la agenda. When she took the stage, the crowd would chant: A-bue-la! Yo pens que era una broma! Me dijo: "Recibiste una nominacin para los Premios Grammy Latinos!" Javier: Yo saba que tena que trabajar en mis arias y en la forma de pararme en el escenario. Martina: In traditional Guatemalan medicine, parteras are far more than birth attendants. And if you liked this story, please share it! That's a genre of traditional Mexican music. Jorge: Yo le dije a mi abuela que quera grabar un disco con ella. Lo primero que hacen muchos participantes despus de la simulacin es ir a nadar en una piscina porque extraan mucho el agua. I'm Martina Castro. 9. To join, download the app today, or find out more at She cried. Fascinating stories in easy-to-understand Spanish, Narrator & Protagonist: Jorge Loayzat & Irma Silva, Sound Design & Mastering Engineer: Antonio Romero, Episode 65: La abuela superstar (Grandma Superstar). Martina: Sistema de soporte vital is a life support system. He was singing Il Mio Tesoro, the famous aria or solo set-piece from Mozarts Don Giovanni, and by the middle of the aria, they asked him to stop. Entonces, l vivi conmigo durante los primeros dos aos de su vida. Yo los analic y me analic a m mismo. Linda: Luego, mi abuela analizaba la forma que el huevo tomaba en la taza. At 80 she thought that was it for heruntil her grandson made an offer she couldn't refuse, and invited her to be the lead singer of his band. She sometimes felt that instead of being a service based on trust, her work was a transaction based on speed and efficiency. Sal lentamente del escenario. Her words had an impression on Javier. Carmen: Era el ao 2016 y yo era responsable de un experimento. So he kept on asking himself, Why? La exploracin es inherente al ser humano y esto nos va a llevar hasta el planeta rojo. Why did he fail? Despus, decid participar otra vez en el concurso de Trujillo en Per. They invested the money they made on a couple of tours in Europe. Jorge: En Mxico, tener una carrera en la msica siempre ha sido ms fcil para los hombres que para las mujeres. Every episode, we bring you fascinating true stories, to help you improve your Spanish listening, and gain new perspectives on the world. Wed love to know what you thought of this episode! Duolingo Spanish Podcast Aug 13 2020 21 mins Irma Silva was born on a ranch, married young, and raised a large family the traditional life of a rural Mexican woman. Nana - Nana. Martina: According to the United Nations, Guatemala has one of the highest teen birth rates in Latin America. Martina: Herlinda fully supported Linda's decision to become a doctor of modern medicine. This place has all the characteristics necessary for life on the planet Mars, or Marte almost. So she defied cultural expectations, became one of the first Mexican scientists to work for NASA, and helped create and participate in some of the first simulations of missions to Mars. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Ellas no podan comprar anticonceptivos sin la autorizacin de sus padres o de un representante legal. To join, download the app today, or find out more at Fue un primer gran paso. Lucy says she's a great writer, as she has a very popular blog and has (or has written) a lot of books, as seen in "Lucy and the Dinosaurs". Ella tena que trabajar mucho. So before telling his grandmother, he saved up money for more than a year. Popular Spanish categories to find more words and phrases: English to Spanish But Jorge kept insisting. Just like a dictionary! Please edit if you know more stories featuring Lucy. Martina: Another concern is staying in shape. Martina: Carmen doesnt know if shell ever actually achieve her dream of going to space someday, but shes still getting ready for it. The storyteller will be using intermediate Spanish and I'll be chiming in for context in English. Say hello to Lucy and Lin! The immersive experience of living like she was on Mars was over. Whether you are learning Spanish to study or because you want to travel to a Spanish-speaking country. This one gathers renowned singers from the Americas, Asia and Europe. La otra parte tiene que ver con el uso de las plantas naturales y la preparacin de infusiones, porque con eso se tratan las diferentes enfermedades. So whoever it is, is visiting us. married young, and raised a large family the traditional life of a rural Mexican woman. Nana is a Spanish translation for 'granny'. Linda: A diferencia de una maternidad comn, en ese hospital haba una sala grande con unos sillones. Martina: But Jorge was a professional musician, and he knew that recording an album was not cheap. In fact, she always encouraged her to study, read, and learn as much as possible while she was in school. Esa es la tcnica perfecta! Every episode, we bring you fascinating true stories, to help you improve your Spanish listening, and gain new perspectives on the world. . Martina: Irma sang all of her favorite songs, all the classics, including La pajarera. Linda: La curandera no est simplemente relacionada con las enfermedades fsicas de una persona, sino tambin con el aspecto emocional y espiritual. The highest teen birth rates in Latin America characteristics necessary for life our grandmothers are mexican in spanish duolingo the planet Mars, or out!: la Antrtica es otro lugar ideal para hacer estas simulaciones seguir cantando y,! 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