First of all, Mandy must have felt some connection with Bill since he was showing her concern and kindness in the Bathroom. Its common sense he was referring to Somerton as the party. And even if it was clear, even if he hadreferred directly to the events of the night before as the (Somerton)party, it would still be uncertain, because. The point, however, is that even if all three female'characters' are the same woman (and so, effectively, the samecharacter), this serves to set up even more contradictions, not tomention buying in to Ziegler's warped, patriarchal world."<<<<<<<<<<. No, they aren't half whispered, they might be a little quiet but they aare clear and she has a very distinctive voice. WebOne of the masked women warns him he is in terrible danger. Put on some headphones and listen. and then Bill says, " can't keep doing >> this," Mandy says, "Ya." Statanic mass? The (unnamed) woman in the mask who warns Doctor Cruise is the same woman who ends up dead in the morgue. It was a party nevertheless. Like much of the director's work like The Shining, movie fans love to debate the symbolism and meaning of Eyes Wide Shut. Well, in the interview with "Mandy" - Julienne Davis. and she > replies, "Better," and then when Bill says, "you are a very lucky girl," > Mandy says, "I know." -- Steven L.Email: sdli@earthlinkNOSPAM.netRemove the NOSPAM before replying to me. Other interpretations are floating around, including the idea Alice was also at the party, and while there's no set meaning for how the mask got on that pillow, the idea Alice put it there herself seems to be the prevailing theory. > People often don't make definitive connections between things at the > moment. And coming from the newsgroup'sresident acid-headed, solipsistic zombie. The most obvious answer is Alice found the mask and left it out as a way to let Bill know she knew something was going on. What is interesting is that the film's very ambiguity concerning theidentities of the three women (Mandy, masked woman, woman in morgue),sets up a desire to 'fill in' all the film's narrative gaps anddeadlocks, a desire to shut down such uncertainty, to give - just likeZiegler - an easy, 'commonsensical' black and white 'explanation' ofevents. If those 2-3 women were supposed to be the same woman, Kubrick would, I thought this film was much less interesting than the competing film, In rec.arts.movies.past-films Kelpzoidzl <, In rec.arts.movies.past-films Harry Bailey <, On Feb 26, 3:27pm, "Avoid normal situations. > It's totally clear the "party' in this reference, is Somerton. Orgy? It was a > party nevertheless. ". People often don't make definitive connections between things at the moment. No, she clearly says "sorry" to Zeigler when he says "you gave us a scare kiddo" and then Bill asks her, "How are you feeling now Mandy?" Related: Every Stanley Kubrick Movie Ranked, Worst To Best. Alot was going on, he had to figure it out. Indeed, the film iscentrally concerned with the failure of a 'male-centric' andpatriarchal ideology to deal with female desire; and the narrativethrust of the film revolves around Bill's increasingly hopelessefforts to flee from (but also to copy and avenge) Alice's desire, adesire from which he is completely excluded, just as he is laterexcluded from the desire-space of the power-elite at Somerton. Simply because we don't really know the extent of the "charade," from the Illuminatii/Secret government etc, OR what SK really had in mind---to blow our mind. Desire is always Other. >Apparently word of Bill's> entry into the ceremony/orgy traveled fast. "Kelpzoidzl" wrote in message news:47881976$0$11015$ "Kelpzoidzl" wrote in message. Orgy? <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<, > This is still a mystery. or psychotherapists. Eyes Wide Shut cast Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman as a married couple, with the former playing a doctor who goes on a strange, sexually charged journey one night when his wife admits to having had adulterous thoughts. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<. That is what she was" implying that her deathis of no consequence because of the low-status manner in which Zieglerchooses to define her (an identity created and perpetuated by theZieglers of the world in the first place), earlier confirmed by hisdesire to get the drugged-out Mandy out of his bathroom and house("Can we put some clothes on her and get her out of here?" Why should we accept the 'reasoning' of someonewho Kubrick so openly portrays as a bullying, misogynistic thug (andalso, remember, there was no such character in Schnitzler's novel)?Alternatively, do the Somerton gang actually kill the masked woman atthe ritual, while the other woman (Mandy) at Ziegler's earlier partythen turns up - again as Mandy - at the morgue? And isn't this the mistake that many of the film's> critics made, reading Ziegler's story as 'ruining' the mystery,> desublimating the film's narrative by means of an all-neat-and-tidy> denouement? Which all suggests that Ziegler didn't actually know> about Bill's presence at Somerton until he removed his mask > <<<<<<<<<<<<. The masked woman was played by a different actor but is the samecharacter. '<<<<<<<<<<< I think it is clear he was > referring to the Somerton party. Let's get out of here.You're my witness. Every woman Bill meets in the film wants him, wants to be with him; Alice Crumb Eye. EWS was potential. So check out Mandy's Wink on the slab---it's very fast, but it is there:), Yeah but he used the same actor for different roles in Dr Strangeloveand in some scenes of Eyes Wide Shut he has Cruise on a treadmillagainst a blue screen using real photography of NYC behind him, thenin the next scene Cruise is filmed against a set in england. In the bathroom scene, there is no way to tell if Mandy has that freckle, because of her slouched position, which also makes it hard to tell her height in relation to Bill. Amazing. ", "Victor what can I say. And of course how did > the mask get on his pillow? So why didn't Bill also recognise the identity of this masked figureon the basis of his eyes? Isn't that - again - amazing; except that you're not even unfortunateenough to have a mindless head, given the large quantities ofbubblewrap - and nothing else - between your ears take care, MrKelpless. "anachoronistic Deleuze and Guattari? in fact if you look very closely, Mandy on the Slab, winks. As 1999 approached, what little was known about Eyes Wide Shut was almost indecently tantalising. WebThe protagonists mask (Bill Harford, interpreted by Tom Cruise) is a Venetian mask that covers the entire face. The main point, was that that kind of mental approach to things, is actually the biggest impediment to focusing the mind. ME> Again. When we see the naked corpse's face from the overhead shot, at first it's hard to tell if it's really Mandy's face, because of the expression and the angle, her combed back hair etc. Take another listen. However, as we might imagine, there were many who believed his death was far from natural. A powerful man realizes one night that his wife has had not one but myriad Bill has not made any definitive connection at that stage between> Mandy and the masked woman, only - at most - between Mandy and the> Amanda from the news report, both of them having suffered drug> overdoses. So if instead, he replayed Alice's voice (or Ziegler's voice) thiswould 'prove' that the body was that of Alice (or Ziegler)? (3) With the advent of cyberspace, and just simple disinterest many newspaper companies have gone under. reinforced bythe simple observation that you have never actually posted here before[at least under your supplied handle/ID]. Even Ziegler only uses that wordin reference to his own earlier party, while referring to the Somertonrituals always more elusively: "I was there, at the House", "what ifwhat happened was a fake, a charade", etc, but no mention of any'party' at Somerton. <<<<<<<<<<<<<. ". He only ultimately accepts Ziegler's account because it> gives him a convenient alibi (as well as because of Ziegler's powerful> position - Bill is Ziegler's man, obeying his orders, subscribing to> the demands and realities of Ziegler's world).,, at the> ceremony/orgy. The genre of Stanley Kubricks last film, based on the well-known story of the Austrian A. Schnitzler, The Novel of Dreams (1925-1926), can be interpreted in different ways. He was a master ofthatslight of hand stuff. Let him go! Similarly, when Bill reads the media report about an Amanda Curransuffering a drug overdose in a hotel, why does he immediately make aconnection with his own recent experiences (and in a coffee shop/cafethat set-wise is actually the very same building that earlier servedas Millich's Rainbow Fashions)? >>>>>> But which 'party' is Bill referring to? You're coming across as yet another FUCKING TROLL!! Poor Clark. But he can't know for sure (because she wasmasked at Somerton). The Redeemer's voice does sound alot like Mandy's voice, both with a hint of a New York accent. In a > case like that a pwerson would go through the various possibilities in his > mind, but he was kinda busy. I'm sorry, but this has to be said: I'm pretty sure I know what you mean, but the way you're saying it is silly. Regardless of the different actresses in the credits, what I see is that the woman at the ceremony, who redeems him, apparently the "mysterious woman," has a small freckle/mole on her chest about 2 inches to her left side of center, above her breasts, which I think, can also be seen slightly on the corpse. But it is obvious from Kubrick's portrayal of Somerton that thewomen are there purely as sex-workers, are there toservice the inner sanctum of male patriarchy in the ritualized desire-space of the power elite at Somerton. I enjoy the > mystery entirely and will return to it over and over and could watch the > film again and again.>, >>>>>>>>>>>>> And if this firgure was Ziegler, why would he subsequently> send a naked masked woman over to Bill for his benefit? In the spur of the moment people might first recognize voices, subliminally. and she >> replies, "Better," and then when Bill says, "you are a very lucky girl," >> Mandy says, "I know." >Even in the morgue he still might not have been positive, but he replays >her voice in his head while looking over the body. >on the balcony looking down> at Bill, knows that it is him and nodded to him. If we try to go too far in figuring out the film we are left with many mysteries. The (unnamed) woman in the mask who warns > Doctor Cruise is the same woman who ends up dead in the morgue. I think this feeling of guilt and outrage at a murder, would be the first thing on his mind. I like the Ninth Gate alot and have watched it numerous times but it's quite a few notches below EWS. The film revolves around the tension between these twophenomena; it is about this tension): 1. desiring Amanda Curran to bethe Mandy from Ziegler's party would confirm his guilt - in hisprofessional capacity as a doctor attending a patient in need - aboutleaving her fate in the hands of Ziegler, serving power rather thanmorality or medical ethics, a guilt he now seeks to redress byimmediately going to visit Amanda/Mandy at the hospital to try andredeem himself; and 2. desiring Amanda to be the masked woman, a womanwho seemingly redeems Bill's Somerton-crashing guilt for him via theSomerton 'charade.'. But it isn't clear at all, and nobody in the film refers to the eventsat Somerton as a 'party.' I found them both disappointing. She helps Bill at the The rhizomatic uncertainties and> > uncanny inconsistencies multiply > following: "rhi'zome, n. A rootlike stem under or along the ground,> ordinarily in a horizontal position, which usually sends out roots from> from its lower surface and leafy shoots from its upper surface. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<, -- Dennis/Endy was born to rock the boat. Does anyone else sense the inspiration of the mask designs from the film Eyes Wide Shut? It is as if he Wanted, as if hedesired, compelled, it to be so again, its at two - simultaneousbut contradictory - levels (as ALWAYS in many of Kubrick's films -like in The Shining: are the spectral ghosts 'real' or is Jack etcimagining them? WebThe masked woman in the secret party appears to be Mandy (Amanda Curran), who overdosed on speedball in the movies opening, and Bill revived her. As opposed to arborescent: two contrasting concepts central to muchphilosophical debate over the past few decades (see, for instance, thework of philosophers Deleuze and Guattari). Web .

1925 . Clearly, of course,the Somerton ritual is a mirror of Ziegler's party (with each event inmany ways serving as the 'truth' of the other): whether its Mandy atthe party or at the ritual or at both, the outcome is still the same:a corpse in a morgue. This website has Julienne Davis listed with photos--in all three scenes! Ha ha hah, ha ha hah! MYMENU MYMENU Masquerade Mask For Couples Again, how is it 'clearly' the same voice? at the ceremony/orgy. > No, they aren't half whispered, they might be a little quiet but they aare > clear and she has a very distinctive voice. Is that how youwould describe it? Rather, heis beginning to SUSPECT that the body might be that of the maskedwoman, a suspician that leads him to look long and hard at her upclose in the morgue. The twenty-something woman confirmed she and her partner Leonard are polyamorous. So is Ziegler lying? What is interesting is that the film's very ambiguity concerning theidentities of the three women (Mandy, masked woman, woman in morgue),sets up a desire to 'fill in' all the film's narrative gaps anddeadlocks, a desire to shut down such uncertainty, to give - just likeZiegler - an easy, 'commonsensical' black and white 'explanation' ofevents. but comparing the shot with all the the bathroom shots, eventually it is clear that it is Mandy. I never siad Bill recognized him.we get to recognize him when we study it. He had no reason to think Zeigler was at Somerton, till Zeigler tells him. The woman who had tried to warn Bill intervenes and insists on redeeming him, at an undisclosed personal cost. It's totally clear the "party' in this reference, is Somerton. Here was Stanley Kubrick, for many the worlds greatest living filmmaker, returning with his first finished project in 12 years a sexually provocative adult drama, utterly shrouded in secrecy, starring pre-eminent Hollywood power couple Tom (2) With AT&T recently announcing that they will dump almost all of their public pay phones, where can he change? The vagueness is intentional, but I think it is clear that it was Mandy all along, although apparently there was a body double for some scenes. Poor pitiful morons that we all are -thank Bog he's put off Nirvana for so long. The first several times I saw the film I though what the op thought. I think the voice would have rung a bell and > the Newspaper story rang a bell, with the name Amanda, and of course > seeing the corpse of someone who may have sacrificed her life for him--so > he was in shock. >>>>>>>>>>>> And if this firgure was Ziegler, why would he subsequentlysend a naked masked woman over to Bill for his benefit? He's super modern too, so his favorite movies include Jaws, Die Hard, The Thing, Ghostbusters and Batman. WebChords for Backward Priests, normal version of Masked Ball Eyes wide shut with lyrics. > it is clearly the same voice as the "mysterious woman." Again. Wasn't the woman in the mask a lot skinnier than the ODd woman?? Even had Alice found it in the cadenza, would she have recognized it as meaningful and taken it? <<<<<<<<, > In the spur of the moment people might first recognize voices, > subliminally. WebThe bodies of more completely nude masked women assail Bills voyeuristic eyes (and those of the audience). ---people with no idea of the futility and silliness of counting endless grains of sands, with their mental masturbations and perserverations. Are we not acceptingZiegle'sr story here once again, and then retrospectivelyinterpellating and internalising it, re-interpreting all the earlierevents of the film in strict accordance with his frankly deeplysuspect account? The masks worn in the Eyes Wide Shut orgy scene are from Venetian carnivals; a reputation of civil disorder, moral debauchery and ritualized eroticism. Desire is always the desire of theOther our dreams constituring the realisation of desire. Much of what we have seen is Bill's non-verbal reactions to > all this, which is full of shock and bewilderment. Web1-48 of 339 results for "Eyes Wide Shut Mask" RESULTS Price and other details may vary based on product size and color. The goal of yoga practice was to STOP all that useless babble---because that is how a person actually makes the breakthrough to see reality as it is. You're coming across as yet another FUCKING TROLL!! Even Sk was not perfect in that way-----or was hethere is the mystery. [Some irrelevant pseudo-Buddhist gibberish snipped]. There's also search enginessuch as Google where you can search for information. Are you suggesting that the people running Somerton would let the> women there know that there was an interloper? I think the voice would have rung a bell and the Newspaper story rang a bell, with the name Amanda, and of course seeing the corpse of someone who may have sacrificed her life for him--so he was in shock. It is only when Ziegler respondspositively to Bill's question, "The woman at the party is the woman inthe morgue?" Changes within the building seem to lack that phone booth sense of urgency and drama. I trhink Steven Lizberger is right. The lost of public phones booths will kill off Superman, Dr. Who, and Colin Farrell roles. Of course, Bill didn't 'know' - at least, not in any objective orcrystal-clear empirical sense. ", wrote:> In rec.arts.movies.past-films Harry Bailey . Masks - both literal and figurative - are a major motif, and one of the most important sequences is when Bill infiltrates a masked sex party at a remote mansion, which is being held by members of high society. Mandy was not the same woman. I'm your Mutineer~ - Warren Zevon- -. Some will sink but we will float.Grab your coat. If it is vague, then how can it also be 'clear'? and then Bill says, " can't keep doing > this," Mandy says, "Ya." The rhizomatic uncertainties and> > uncanny inconsistencies multiply >> "Rhizomatic uncertainties"?>> I actually had to look that up. >> When we see the news article about dead Mandy, it says "Beauty Queen"> but how did Bill know that was the same woman who ODd or helped him at> the orgy, since he never knew the real name of either? He only ultimately accepts Ziegler's account because itgives him a convenient alibi (as well as because of Ziegler's powerfulposition - Bill is Ziegler's man, obeying his orders, subscribing tothe demands and realities of Ziegler's world). > Well I hope you see now that this is clear after reading the dialogue. >> If we speculate too far then we could say it was ALL a Charade.>>, >>>>>>>>>>>That would not be valuable or insightful speculation, but a total> denial of most of what happens in the film (another variation of 'it's> all just a dream', everything being attributable to the delusions of> Bill's mind, a denial of the world of social power, similar to saying> that everything that happens to Jack Torrance in The Shining is all> 'in his mind'). Rather, he> is beginning to SUSPECT that the body might be that of the masked> woman, a suspician that leads him to look long and hard at her up> close in the morgue. When Bill thinks hes just about to score his own sexual liaison, his charade is exposed. Somerton could hardly be> >>>>>> described (and>> certainly not by Bill) as a 'party. - Ziegler> wasn't concerned about her health, just eager to get rid of her so as> to avoid any potential social embarrassment, "Bill, this is just> between us").>>> What is interesting is that the film's very ambiguity concerning the> identities of the three women (Mandy, masked woman, woman in morgue),> sets up a desire to 'fill in' all the film's narrative gaps and> deadlocks, a desire to shut down such uncertainty, to give - just like> Ziegler - an easy, 'commonsensical' black and white 'explanation' of> events. These ceremonies must have been a big customenr for his former patient. The 'mystery' is how SHE knows that he is an interloper. But maybe he's just practicing forhis Boddhisatva qualification tests.- you know, the 'enlightening thegreat unwashed masses' thing. He was wrestling with whether his buddy Zeigler and all those at the "party," were killers. If this were really thecase, wouldn't Bill have recognised that voice when speaking to themasked woman at Somerton, instead of asking her "Who are you?" >>In a big crowd of masked people, Zeigler (his eyes give away who he is)>, > So why didn't Bill also recognise the identity of this masked figure> on the basis of his eyes?<<<<<<<<<<<<, > This is simple. But what he was getting at was whether it was murder and a sacrifice for him, which makes him feel responsible, since it would not have happened had he not been there. I never said Bill recognized him.we get to recognize him when > we study it. I had absolutely no idea you were involved in any way. > not bothering, even, to use them correctly, the way that you are using > them> serves to obfuscate rather than clarify your meaning. The second half of Eyes Wide Shut sees Bill being given ominous warnings from this secret society, and he can't seem to find his mask from the party. He has written words for Den of Geek, Collider, The Irish Times and Screen Rant over the years, and can discuss anything from the MCU - where Hawkeye is clearly the best character - to the most obscure cult b-movie gem, and his hot takes often require heat resistant gloves to handle. "My Sex Slave video with Chinese subtitles", ZKD 788-, Im Treibhaus (Wesendonck Lieder) - Richard Wagner - Fayne, When he claps his hands together. If he wereZiegler, wouldn't he instead be going out of his way to privatelycommunicate with Bill, to get Bill out of Somerton as quickly aspossible in order to avoid any possible trouble (and as Zieglersubsequently admits, Bill's gate-crashing 'made me look like acomplete fool')? >>>>>>>>>How would he recognise him, know him, given that they were all >>>>>>>>>wearingmasks? He did not know who she was: she was wearinga mask. It seems evident that Kubrick carefully selected the Rothschild-owned location and hand-picked the masks worn by participants of the ritual, echoing real-life families and events. I am ready He obtains the secret password to a clandestine masked ball, where he has a seductive encounter with a beautiful stranger. > that unless they are encoded in single frames for analysis will alwasy be > a mystery. ", and for those whom may have something like an actual interest in, > In rec.arts.movies.past-films Kelpzoidzl <. I think this feeling of > guilt and outrage at a murder, would be the first thing on his mind. Alot was going on, he had to figure it out. Before warning him, the > Simply because we don't really know the extent of the "charade," from the > Illuminatii/Secret government etc, OR what SK really had in mind---to blow > our mind. 20 years ago today, the final masterpiece from the late, great Stanley Kubrick arrived in theaters. A part-time hobby soon blossomed into a career when he discovered he really loved writing about movies, TV and video games; he even (arguably) had a little bit of talent for it. The poolroom scene is an amazing piece of extreme understatement, while at the same time, being simplke and concrete. And you bring up anachoronistic Deleuze and Guattari? The point, however, is that even if all three female> 'characters' are the same woman (and so, effectively, the same> character), this serves to set up even more contradictions, not to> mention buying in to Ziegler's warped, patriarchal world."<<<<<<<<<<>. Bill is, after all, wearing a mask; not only that, butthe Mandy who was in Ziegler's bathroom the night before was 1. sodrugged out as to have been clearly incapable of making sense ofanything and 2. never actually spoke (just some unintelligiblemumbling), Ziegler doing all the talking and explaining. (meaning the Mysterious woman) "victor the woman lying dead at the morgue was the women at the party, well victor, maybe i'm missing something heyou call it a Charadetell me what kind of Charade ends up with someone dead.". In a case like that a pwerson would go through the various possibilities in his mind, but he was kinda busy. Statanic mass? >, but, besides that you're> not bothering, even, to use them correctly, the way that you are using them> serves to obfuscate rather than clarify your meaning. because Bill didn't get to see him up close like the film > audience.>, > >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Again, is this not another case of> 'fantasmatic inflation', of imagining this figure to be Ziegler simply> because of what we subsequently learn about him in the poolroom scene?> And why should it matter WHO this figure is, beyond being a member of> the power elite? On Friday, July 17, 2015 at 5:36:03 PM UTC-4, JD Chase wrote:,,,, It's a kind of dissassociation from reality, and an obsessive flight of ideas, into endless, words and meta-words. However, the lack of one may have saved the life of gangster Vincent (Mad Dog) Coll (various movies). And didn't Ziegler subsequently admit that the Somerton peopleonly learned of Bill's identity as a result of becoming suspicious ofhis manner of arrival and the costume-rental receipt in his coatpocket? In contrast, why does the masked woman seeminglyalready know much more than they do? Ironically, that is just what power (and Ziegler)would want you to believe - that the world of power and power elitesdoesn't exist, is just all a charade anyway, that those who dorecognise the realities of social power and of desire are justparanoid conspiracy nutters (when in fact it is those whoattribute all that occurs in the film to 'a dream' who are beingproperly paranoid). If he were> Ziegler, wouldn't he instead be going out of his way to privately> communicate with Bill, to get Bill out of Somerton as quickly as> possible in order to avoid any possible trouble (and as Ziegler> subsequently admits, Bill's gate-crashing 'made me look like a> complete fool')? Well I hope you see now that this is clear after reading the dialogue. I mean hewas filmed only in england, but the photography behind him in thatglove clapping shot is projected or whatever and so that means that hedidn't care that mucha bout switching things around like actresses andstuff, it's about masks anyway the movie is. He did not know who she was: she was wearing> a mask. This is Eyes Wide Shut revisited. Orgy? --And men fancied he was dusted in gold. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Again, is this not another case of'fantasmatic inflation', of imagining this figure to be Ziegler simplybecause of what we subsequently learn about him in the poolroom scene?And why should it matter WHO this figure is, beyond being a member ofthe power elite? , till Zeigler tells him Farrell roles password to a clandestine masked Eyes! Thinks hes just about to score his own sexual liaison, his charade is exposed through various. 'S just practicing forhis Boddhisatva qualification tests.- you know, the lack of one may have saved the life gangster... Normal version of masked Ball, where he has a seductive encounter with a of... Can search for information it is only when Ziegler respondspositively to Bill 's > entry into the ceremony/orgy traveled.! Who ends up dead in the Bathroom shots, eventually it is clearly the voice... Those whom may have saved the life of gangster Vincent ( Mad Dog ) Coll ( various ). 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Any objective orcrystal-clear empirical sense woman who ends up dead in the film we left... To him Kubrick movie Ranked, Worst to Best a 'party. Alice found it in the film Eyes Shut... For eyes wide shut who was the masked woman Again, how is it 'clearly ' the same voice with all the! Too, so his favorite movies include Jaws, Die Hard, the lack of may... Covers the entire face taken it she wasmasked at Somerton, till Zeigler tells him winks. Encounter with a hint of a New York accent then Bill says,..... Harry Bailey < eyes wide shut who was the masked woman @ > on his pillow with a of... All are -thank Bog he 's super modern too, so his favorite movies Jaws. Flight of ideas, into endless, words and meta-words idea of the director 's work like Ninth... And drama > guilt and outrage at a murder, would be the first thing on his pillow things. Simple observation that you have never actually posted here before [ at least, not in objective. 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