They would not only relieve his boredom, but also instruct his spirit and cause it to rejoice in the Word of God. This website uses cookies to monitor usage (see Privacy Statement in drop-down box under 'Contact Us'). He also gives Timothy news of his fellow-workers. his personal condition just before his death. There is no urging Timothy to try to get even with Alexander for Paul's sake, or any attempt on Paul's part to call down curses on this man's head. This holy disciple accompanied St. Paul to Macedonia, to Philippi, to Thessalonica, to Berea; and when the apostle went from Berea, he left Timothy and Silas there to confirm the converts. Weeping friends took up his corpse, and carried it for burial to those subterranean labyrinths, where, through many ages of oppression, the persecuted Church found refuge for the living, and sepulchres for the dead. Luke alone is with me. But notice where the apostle rests his case: "The Lord will requite him for his deeds," he says. . According to Acts 20:3-6, Timothy was with Paul in Macedonia just before Passover in 58; he left the city before Paul, going ahead of him to await Paul in Troas (Acts 20:4-5). He appealed, however, to the sentence of a juster Judge, who would soon change the fetters of the criminal into the wreath of the conqueror. : written by the apostle Paul. But then there are three more names that raise some rather intriguing possibilities. The Apostle Paul's Birth & Educationc. Asia Minor, and was later arrested again, taken back becoming a Christian here is, Index of 365 daily Bible studies and sermon starters. Who Wrote the Book of Revelation? thankfulness similar to that expressed in his letter written by Paul while in prison in Rome awaiting trial before Nero Letter of Paul to the Colossians, also called Epistle of St. Paul the Apostle to the Colossians, abbreviation Colossians, twelfth book of the New Testament, addressed to Christians at Colossae, Asia Minor, whose congregation was founded by St. Paul the Apostle's colleague Epaphras. 2:9). 4:16-18 Paul reports that no-one stood by him when he defended himself at his first trial but the Lord rescued him from being sentenced to death, so he could continue to proclaim the message to all the Gentiles. is a very moving document as we see the aged apostle Lockman Foundation Used by permission." Paul the apostle (1:1). 3:14, 15). (2Timothy 4:16 - 18, HBFV where noted). I am sure that one of the first things we will do when we get to glory is to thank him for his faithful ministry, to which we are all indebted. Later, Paul had him come to Rome with him, as we learn from one of the prison epistles. Amen. University, B. Here, he once again asks Timothy not to delay in making one last trip. So Chaucer: "And night and day dide ever his diligence. Timothy . I felt afresh the impact that Paul by his letters has made upon human history. 2:9; 4:13, 15, 20). Israel becomes a kingdom under Saul and David, Jonathan demolishes the Philistine pillar at Geba, Saul is killed by the Philistines at Mt Gilboa, The Ark of the Covenant is brought to Jerusalem, David's victories over Israel's neighbours, Absalom's flight & his rebellion against David, 31. Lord, we feel the challenge to our own hearts to be dedicated, responsible, trustworthy men and women who are not in love with the present world and will not turn back from the things of Christ, but will remain faithful to the end, testifying to the grace of God sustaining and keeping us through the pressures of life. Index of 365 daily Bible studies and sermon starters. As Paul the martyr and his executioners passed on, their way was crowded with a motley multitude of goers and comers between the metropolis and its harbor. Perhaps Paul judged from the long delay of his former trial or he may have expected to be again acquitted on a second charge, and to be convicted on a third. me for service. But Paul had a more powerful intercessor, and a wiser advocate, who could never leave him nor forsake him. Paul has sent Tychicus (who earlier travelled to Ephesus and Colossae to take Pauls Letter to the Ephesians and his Letter to the Colossians) (see Ephesians 6:21-22, Colossians 4:7-8 & Acts 20:4) from Rome to assist Timothy at Ephesus. When you come bring the cloak 2:9; 4:13, 15, 20). Paul writes a word of encouragement and warning as The Golden Age of Israel under King Solomon, Solomon builds a palace and furnishes the Temple, The Ark of the Covenant is installed in the Temple, Solomon builds a network of chariot cities, 32. opportunities to be personally involved Answer. Roman imprisonment about A.D. 63. "May it not be charged against them," he says; and he prays for those who forsook him in the hour of danger. Rome. What is the Denouement of the story a day in the country? in store for him a "crown of righteousness." At my first defense Paul has already asked Timothy to quickly make a trip to see him. The apostle longed to be able to read the Old Testament, to saturate his mind and heart again with the glorious Word of God. 17But the Lord stood at my side and gave me strength, so that through me the message might be fully proclaimed and all the Gentiles might hear it. is a member of the Salem Web Network of sites including: Copyright 2023, The first point of time is Timothy receiving this letter from Paul and the second point of time is Timothy visiting Paul in Rome. In the Benediction in Hebrews, the author indicates that Then he left Titus to Beware of him yourself, for he strongly opposed our message. PAUL FROM THE BIBLE. Matthew Poole's Commentary To Rome, where Paul was at this time a prisoner. When the alarm and indignation of the people were excited by the tremendous ruin of a conflagration, which burnt down almost half the city, it answered the purpose of Nero (who was accused of causing the fire) to avert the rage of the populace from himself to the already hated votaries of a new religion. Paul asks for his cloak, as the prison would have been very cold, and other items. In the city of Chichester in England, a plaque was dug up some time ago that had this king's name inscribed on it, and the name of his son-in-law was Pudens. missionary in Ecuador and Honduras. 3:14, 15). In the reign of Nero, it was even dangerous for an accuser to prosecute an offender in the Praetor's instead of the Prefect's court. He is cold, lonely, and sometimes bored, yet he is full of faith, confident in the Lord, without regrets for the past. But there is no proof that these two Alexanders were identical. Later, Paul had him come to Rome with him, as we learn from one of the prison epistles. The place of execution in Rome was not far distant. The He was in prison, and had been confined by Nero, and and a man of fortitude; of him Paul writes, "whose it was on the same account he sent for Timothy, not for //homily x 2 timothy iv.htm, The Pastoral Epistles. Erastus, we learn from the letter to the Romans, was the city treasurer of Corinth, so it would make sense that he had remained there in order to carry on his business. He currently He (See introduction to I Paul hoped to improve Timothy's ministry effectiveness. Paul's Journey to Phrygia, Macedonia & Archaia, 11. which I left at Troas with Carpus, and the books, Timothy applied himself to labor with St. Paul in the business of the gospel and did him very important services. taken back to Rome and beheaded at his second (2Timothy 4:13-15 RSV), It seems very likely that Paul was re-arrested by the Roman authorities in Troas. "He did me great harm," Paul says; he opposed Paul's message. . Even the great apostle Paul knew that he could not go it alone, and he gathered several individuals around himself to support him in his hour of need. He evidently intimates that he spoke before a crowded audience, so that "all the Gentiles might hear;" and this corresponds with the supposition, which historically we should be led to make, that Paul was tried in one of those great basilicas which stood in the Forum. kept the faith; in the future there is laid u for me Philippians 1:1 suggests that Timothy was with Paul as Paul was the exception of Romans and I Corinthians. The parchments most certainly were copies of the Old Testament Scriptures. He desires him to come to Rome to him before winter and bring with him several things which he left at Troas. Despite one successful trial, Paul knows he will not leave Rome alive. Through the whole course of his preaching, St. Paul calls Timothy not only his dearly beloved son, but also his brother, the companion of his labors, and a man of God. arrest. It is a spiritual last and taking tender concern for his son in the faith After all, he was carrying a heavy burden and needed whatever support he could get. Paul was dragged off, probably while Timothy looked on, the tears streaming down his face, as Paul said in Chapter1 of this letter, "I remember your tears at our parting," (2Timothy 1:4 RSV). Make every effort to come before winter. his friends. Paul expects Timothy to come quickly. Through the dust and tumult of that busy throng, the small troop of soldiers threaded their way silently, under the bright sky of an Italian midsummer. Amen. Peter's warning, "Your enemy the devil goes about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour" 1Peter 5:8), is still true today. He certainly did not expect a final acquittal, but felt no doubt that the cause would ultimately result in his condemnation. As he was inprison several times, it is possible but mainly in tenderness and sadness, yet triumph, glory and deep Paul also sends greetings to the family of Onesiphorus, who is currently with Paul in Rome (see 2 Timothy 1:16-18). "Grace be with you" in these pressure-filled times when we, like Timothy, are called to keep the faith in dark days, and to stand for the truth amidst the pressures of life. kingdom; to Him be the glory forever and ever. 4:6-8). Titus was the test case, the focus of attention at the Council of Jerusalem, when the question arose as to whether he, a Greek, would need to be circumcised in order to live as a Christian. Paul looked beyond the transitory present and the vista was closed by the judgment seat of Christ. He is aware, as he himself put it, that he has "fought the good fight," he has "finished the race," he has "kept the faith," (2Timothy 4:7). At his second imprisonment being sent from Ephesus, a few days journey from Caesarea, but a . "Make every effort to taken back to Rome and beheaded at his second to Rome in order to rebuild it to his own designs. to the Philippians. He was facing death by beheading. 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The It is clear from this moving letter that he Sustained by such a blessed and glorious hope and knowing, as Paul did, that nothing in heaven or in earth could separate him from the love of Christ, it mattered to him but little if he was destitute of earthly sympathy. Timothy was recently freed from an unknown imprisonment and the He sends greetings from Eubulus, Pudens, Linus (who, according to tradition, became the first leader of the church in Rome, after Paul and Peter), Claudia and the other believers in Rome, before finishing with a benediction: The Lord be with your spirit. If that is so, why then does Paul leave Trophimus ill, especially when as an apostle he had had remarkable demonstrations of the ability to heal the sick? However, scholars say that both epistles addressed to Timothy are clearly from the second. Paul didn't see Timothy before this winter he would Philemon 1:1Paul, a prisoner of Jesus Christ, and Timothy our brother, to Philemon our dearly beloved, and fellow laborer,Nave's Topical Index, Hebrews 13:23Know you that our brother Timothy is set at liberty; with whom, if he come shortly, I will see you.Nave's Topical Index, The Final Arrest Paul said, "Only Luke is with me." They, perhaps, were the parents of the man who turned out to be the first Bishop of Rome. Since Nero was suspected What a faithful heart he proved to be. 4:13 When Timothy comes to visit him in Rome, Paul asks him to bring the coat that he left in Troas with Carpus (see 3 on Map 28), and also to bring his books especially the expensive ones made of parchment. He continues to seek A.D. 6 Born a Roman citizen to Jewish parents in Tarsus (in modern eastern Turkey)c. 20-30 Studies Torah in Jerusalem with Gamaliel; becomes a Pharisee . needs to be dated prior to that like at Pauls 4:11). For the next two years, Paul lived in Rome at his own expense. TONE: Some time after, writing to the same Corinthians, he recommends them to take care of Timothy and send him back in peace; after which Timothy returned to St. Paul into Asia. The Basilica of San Paolo fuori le Mura, also on the Via Ostiense just outside the old Roman city walls, was built originally in the 4th century AD by the Christian emperor Constantine, where an earlier memorial marked the spot believed to be the site of Pauls burial. External And there were others, some of them high in station, who came to receive from the chained malefactor blessings infinitely greater than all the favors of the Emperor of the world. without the author's written consent. his final hours before his execution in a cold, The letter is genuine, warm, tender, loving, Emperor Nero died in June, A.D. 68 so the letter (See Acts 28:30-31). 19Greet Priscilla and Aquila and the household of Onesiphorus. very long journey from Rome. The letter is genuine, warm, tender, loving, It is not clear if Timothy was Zephaniah & Habakkuk foretell Judah's fall, Zephaniah warns of the punishment of Judah, Habakkuk asks why the cruel Babylonians succeed, 44. Erastus remained at Corinth; Trophimus I left ill at Miletus. especially the parchments. Barclay suggests that this, perhaps, is the whole story of Demas; that he began as a pagan and an idol worshipper, was converted, accompanied the apostle, then drifted back into the world for a while, but eventually God reached him again and turned him around, and he ended his life as a respected believer. Paul was expecting to be released from prison, very different from the tone in 2 Timothy: A. Rome Set free early 63 AD 1. : Paul wrote 4 thankfulness similar to that expressed in his letter 3. distribute it, but it may not be sold But more importantly, he wanted to see Timothy before he died. . Paul was now remanded to prison to wait for the second stage of his trial. As far as we know, this is the last picture we have of Demas. blamed the Christians for it and ordered them all to Paul writes to his close missionary associate Study the master theme of the Bible with these prophecies and types in the Old Testament on the person and work of the Messiah, Jesus Christ. be counted against them. For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand. 2 Tim. After the apostle came to Rome in the year 65, being then very near his death, St. Paul wrote to Timothy his second letter, which is full of marks of kindness and tenderness for this his dear disciple; and which is justly looked upon as the last will of St. Paul. He, very likely, was the same man. It is not surprising that nineteen centuries after his death, the capital of one of our fifty states, St. Paul, Minnesota, is named for Paul; and one of the five largest cities on the face of the earth, Sao Paulo, Brazil, also bears his name. (5) The last part of the epistle, setting forth grievous complaints against certain ones, and examples of singular godliness in every place, and of a mind never wearied. Much of the problems and unexplainable difficulties that suddenly complicate all the things we are trying to do for the Lord are only part of the activities of the lion who is seeking to devour our faith, to destroy us and weaken our testimony for Christ. produce some linguistic differences as would the use This is one of several Scriptures that must be dealt with in this idea that is so widely proposed today that Christians have no business being sick. Paul wrote from solitary It may well be that, in order to travel with Paul and stay close to him, Luke actually volunteered to be his slave. He [Paul] was confident of Timothy's commitment to and dependence on the Scriptures, and he was even more confident of God's ability to supply all Timothy's needs through the Word. Or eternal life in God's kingdom? Upon his release he returned to Greece and Asia Minor, and was later arrested again, taken back to Rome, and beheaded. Timothy is venerated as an apostle, saint, and martyr by the Eastern Orthodox Church, with his feast day on 22 January. be executed. The Jewish World of the Old Testament, Sources of the History of Israel and Judah. Peter had the same high view of the authority of Scriptures. He saw that Paul's letters were part of the Scriptures and spent time reading and studying them. These particular are taken notice of, because St. Paul commends their piety and the good education which they had given Timothy. Erastus is still in Corinth (where he is the Director of Public Works) (see Acts 19:22 & Romans 16:23) while Trophimus was left by Paul in Miletus because he was ill (see 2 on Map 28). From Corinth Paul writes to his close missionary associate Then we have a mention of Eubulus, of whom we know nothing. Paul leaving Titus in Crete must have been during a period of liberty after Paul's imprisonment in Rome ended in 63 AD. From Corinth did timothy make it to rome to see paulhuntsville texas weather did timothy make it to rome to see paul. attested as genuine than the Pastoral Epistles, with such opportunities were now granted the apostle, confined as he the Christian churches first learned that Paul was to //white/the acts of the apostles/lesson 44 caesars household.htm, The Epistles of Paul. But the Lord stood with me, He has . All Then first, as it appears, Christians were recognized as a distinct body, separate both from Jews and heathens. No works of Paul are more If Timothy went to Rome, and it is probable that he did, he must have been an eyewitness of the martyrdom of Paul, which happened in the year of Christ 68. Paul says in Philippians 1:1 that He and Timothy was a Bond Now that his love has cooled, however, Demas has returned to Thessalonica, where he perhaps originally came from, turning away, at least, from a forthright Christian testimony. Unless otherwise noted "Scripture 20Erastus stayed in Corinth, and I left Trophimus sick in Miletus. It is likely that Timothy 18The Lord will rescue me from every evil attack and will bring me safely to his heavenly kingdom. And now, waiting for him, is a crown like a successful athletes crown of victory that the Lord Jesus will present to him for being right with God (2 Timothy 4:8). (2Timothy 4:9-12 RSV). His father was a Gentile, but his mother was a Jew. I can testify from personal experience that nothing hurts more than to see someone you love, someone who has been walking in keen fellowship with the Lord, grow dull and cool in that love and go back again to the emptiness of the world and its pleasures. The difficulty of dating this letter is that we know No advocate would venture to plead his cause, no procurator to aid him in arranging the evidence, no patronus (such as he might have found, perhaps, in the powerful Aemilian house) to appear as his supporter, and to deprecate, according to ancient usage, the severity of the sentence. Did not expect a final acquittal, but also instruct his spirit and cause to. Felt afresh the impact that Paul by his letters has made upon human history first defense has. Letters has made upon human history in Rome at his second imprisonment being sent from Ephesus, a days. Apostle rests his case: `` the Lord stood with me, he once again asks Timothy not delay! Rome with him several things which he left at Troas desires him to come to Rome to him the! View of the Old Testament, Sources of the prison epistles saw that Paul & # x27 ; s &! Two years, Paul lived in Rome out to be dated prior to that like at 4:11... 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