Although there were some accounts that he'd been drinking alcohol that evening, investigators don't believe he was intoxicated or otherwise impaired when he disappeared. His father tried to call him back several times, but never got an answer. Indeed, what happened to him in the first place? Whether or not it was his intention. You can subscribe below to get the latest blog posts delivered straight to your inbox. No clues. And that was the last time anybody heard anything from Brandon Swanson. I wonder if he didnt plan to runaway and start life new somewhere. He said that he knew which direction to head in as he could see what looked like the lights of a town. I live in Russia. If someone was going to disappear, why make things seem mysterious by saying that? It is known that he was here because he posted a picture of the scenic hiking trail and Canyons on a Snapchat post at 5:30 AM that morning, and it would later be found that his car had been captured on CCTV cameras going through an unlocked gate into the area at 7 AM. It takes effect July 1, 2009. Not only was Brandon in contact with his brother, Kyle, moments before he disappeared, but they were also in the same area, possibly yards apart. Credit: Google Maps Brandon's Law, named for Swanson, was passed later in 2008. If true, he could have said, Oh shit, when he realized what he was walking towards (little green men). These theories have major flaws, however; if a person has time to register danger, swear down the phone and then end a phone call, surely they would have time to get out of the way of an oncoming vehicle? Another strange thing thats never mentioned due to the fact Im sure most people dont know, Brandon was legally blind in his left eye I believe, (been years forgive me if it was his right) and in the SAR report, Brandons glasses where left in the front passenger seat. Noteworthy accomplishments: South-West Conference champions in 2011, the Green Wave advanced in 2012 to the state Class LL tournament semifinals. They have also said that they do not believe there was any evidence that he was intoxicated or impaired in any way. When he was 19 years old in 2008, he crashed his car driving home from a party. An equally spooky case also comes from 2013, and concerns 26-year-old oil worker Brandon Lawson, of San Angelo, Texas. I think that the only logical conclusion is foul play. But it doesnt explain his last words on the phone.. That could be a consideration, although Im not sure if there are any search warrants/laws in the US that could be served to compel landowners to allow searches on their land in certain circumstances. My personal theory is something got himwhat that something is exactly i dare not guess but there are things walking this Earth and the dark bowers of mans domain that most people cannot even dream exist. Its interesting you mention the smiley face murders actually, as Ive only just come across those and find them fascinating. According to official statistics, in the US alone 2,300 people go missing every day. NASA's Photos From Mars: Don't Tell Me the Red Planet Wasn't Once a Thriving World! This is one of those cases where there seem to be more questions than actual facts, so a lot of judgments and theories probably will come down to intuition. I think eventually something will be found..I am hopeful.. (Im sure someone with more expertise than me in US law may well be able to give more information on this). Witnesses at the party would later tell law enforcement that Swanson did not appear intoxicated and it is thought he had only drunk one beer and one shot of whiskey. By the time he got close enough to see that it was light from headlights, he would have said that to his dad. The only thing that has ever been found is Brandons car, which was discovered around twenty miles away from where he told his parents he thought he crashed. I looked over all the stories on Brandons disappearance, and none of it makes sense. Both sides got increasingly frustrated, and Brandon eventually said that he was going to start walking towards the town of Lynd, to a friends house. Why/How could the mom just go home? I know this may sound far-fetched, but thats what I thought. One Redditor hinted that the cellphone ping in Hilliard a city 14 miles northwest of Columbus three months after his disappearance might have been triggered by Shaffer turning his phone on one last time before killing himself. I made sure I couldnt be found. But if his dad ran him off and Brandon had left..Then he wouldnt have any fear in calling his mom, at least to let her know he was ok.. I can not believe that during the 47 minutes he did not understand that he was not in the place of which his father says. It would be even worse out in the middle of nowhere where there are no lights, it is literally black all around when you are out in the area where he was. The basics are this: Brandon was in a fight with his long term girlfriend, Ladessa, and . It is unclear whether she knew these men before the party, but her sister Paige would later state that she had known everyone there. The last official search was conducted in October 2011, and age-progressed photos have also been distributed in the hope that somebody may recognise him. The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, Lincoln County Sheriff's Department 68 he should have known that he was a few miles from there..About 20 miles away from Lynd, nowhere close to where Swanson thought he was or where he told his father he was..And said he was going to walk toward the town of Lynd where he could see lights..I dont know why he would be so confused..His father said talking to him he didnt sound intoxicated or incoherent , and the investigators said that they didnt believe he was impaired and that there was no evidence of foul play, nor any indication that Brandon would have staged his own disappearance.. I would love to see the cell phone records, if any cellphone tracking happened and the results, and any lie detector or witness testimony of the parents whereabouts that night. An answer might be that Brandon dropped the phone, causing the battery to fall out and so ending the call that way. The Disappearance of Brandon Swanson. what if someone was walking likea hitchhiker or someone was also pulled over with their car off and he didnt notice them and when brandon flashed his lights to see if his parents could see him. Swanson family, friends and volunteers have also repeatedly searched the area where Brandon had been walking. I dont think farmers would refuse to let police search their property. I also believe without a shadow of doubt someone hung up his cell phone for him, or Brandon HAD NO CHOICE but to end the call. That wouldve at least told what cell tower the phone last hit. Unsolved disappearance of Brandon Swanson,,,,,,,, Missing Brandon Swanson Discover: True Crime Whipped Owl. He has never been seen or heard from again, and the lack of evidence in his mysterious vanishing has puzzled family, friends, authorities, and websleuths alike. There was no evidence found that the man had had anything to do with the disappearance and he was not held as a suspect, although the fire, which had started on the couch, was deemed suspicious. Police would launch a massive search for the missing woman, scouring 16,000 acres in three Kentucky counties with dogs, drones, and aircraft, but no sign of her was ever found. His parents said that they couldnt anything either. Not to mention the fact that an animal attacking, fatally wounding and then dragging a person away would leave a huge amount of evidence behind. Swanson's mother describes him as an avid reader with many interests, and very devoted to his family. Wikimedia Commons Brandon Swanson disappeared in the wee hours of May 14, 2008, and his final words to his parents on the phone were a chilling, "Oh s-t!" After that, there are no further leads, and Michael McClain remains missing, with no further clues as to why he left that club or what those mysterious last calls and messages mean. He ended up instead heading over to stay with his brother Kyle after getting a call from Ladessa and arguing some more. After looking into some theories, I have come up with my own. As explained by Minnesota's Unsolved Cases, it is possible that the teen left the area on his own and is now living under a new identity. The most popular theory among authorities is that Brandon fell into the river. 68 from driving back and forth from Marshall to Canby to take his classes..Now why would he be turning off from Rt. the father said he heard a slipping sound near the oh shit, which isn my opinion is his body getting tossed/manhandled around by the kidnappers. What an interesting read. Search teams have worked diligently to cover the 140-square mile area of interest, but some landowners have refused to allow access to search parties working to find Swanson, missing since 2008 . As you say, it wouldnt explain the phone call, but it might explain the lack of evidence. I moved 400 miles from home. Also, is there access to the SARS report? However, Brandons dad said that after the call ended, he kept trying to call Brandon but that he wasnt picking up the call, which means the phone was in working condition but not being answered. Its definitely a very odd, and sad, case. How did he drive in a ditch? Thanks for taking the time to comment Robbie. A number of other theories have been considered, including the idea that Brandon might have hidden in an abandoned structure to escape the cold and then succumbed to hypothermia, or that he was attacked by an animal and taken away. This was at 3:10 a.m. No further contact was made, even after repeated attempts. rumors from people in the area of Marshall, is he owed lots of money to some drug dealers. The Disappearance. Was he part of the smiley face murders? At around 2am Brandon and his father were on the phone to each other, with Brandon desperately trying to direct his father to where he was, and Brandons father equally desperately trying to locate his son. This story is about Douglas Swanson Jr. After they killed Brandon, that person came to their senses and decided to dispose of Brandons body. Of course, we may never know for sure, but his disappearance seems very intentional. So he didnt crash it, he took a turn too hard skid and stopped. The parents went out to go get him like he had requested, but soon found that his car was not where he had said it was, near a small town called Lynd. Plus, your lungs still have oxygen whenever you drown and makes you float back up to the top and the river carries you to the nearest river bank, its obvious that someone held a gun up to his head kidnapped him, and killed him as a robbery (or just being plain mean) gone wrong. Around 91% of all cases are closed within 48 hours, and 99% of cases are solved . For example David Paulides excellent series of books Missing 411 and the disappearances chronicled in there.sadly Brandons case is far from unique. I heard the story about 5 years ago. The case of Brandon Victor Swanson is one of them. No evidence. Although in saying that, if anybody is going to be skilled at removing evidence, then a police officer would obviously know what they were doing. Brandons LawAnnette and Brian Swanson advocated for the state to legislate Brandons Law, requiring law enforcement to investigate missing adult cases more promptly, assessing if the missing person could be in dangerous circumstances, and conduct an investigation to establish if the person is indeed missing and if theyre endangered, regardless of their age. I really think this is all just an unfortunate accident. According to official statistics, in the US alone 2,300 people go missing every day. Its genuinely tragic for Brandon Swansons poor family and friends, and hopefully one day theyll have an answer. Can anyone shed some light on this paragraph? Could the dad call Brandons phone and then answer it himself to make it appear as if Brandon answered the call? I would like to take a mathematical, logical approach. He's described as being six feet tall with brown hair and hazel eyes. When Brookelyn did not show up for an appointment the next day and did not answer any calls or texts they contacted authorities. She writes about missing persons, unsolved murders, and human rights. View the profiles of people named Brandon Swanson. I know this will sound a bit harsh, insensitive and maybe far-fetched (but what other theory isnt? Nineteen year old Brandon Swanson lived in Marshall, Minnesota with his parents. It was also noted that after the call ended, his father kept trying to call him and the phone kept ringing, meaning the phone couldnt have broken or otherwise been disabled (like the battery falling out). Any pictures of the area where they found his car? As his parents were on their way to help, the cell phone connection went dead at 3:10 a.m. I do feel that the evidence maybe suggests the solution might not be as cut and dry as that, but as Ive said previously, at this point there is so little to go on that one theory is probably as valid as another. On some occasions, these people who have stepped off the face of the earth have reached out one last time to make contact with those they knew and leave chilling messages that possibly hold clues buried within them, but which have never been figured out. Required fields are marked *. Swanson has never been heard from again. I think there has been discussion about how those last words were actually said, but nothing conclusive has ever been decided unfortunately. There was rumors of his involvement in drugs and the Mexican cartel, who knows what they could have done to himsome towns people say theyve heard of the cartel disposing of bodies in the pig farms, several of which we have in the surrounding area,,, very sad, hope some day there will be answers. Later that evening, at just around midnight, Lawson had had enough, and left the house in an angry state, tearing off in his pick-up truck. He hid in some out of the way place/makeshift shelter that became his final resting place by accident. Isnt that possible as well though if theres no evidence of anything else. On the night of 14 May 2008, after celebrating the last day of college. His car was found 1 1/2 miles from Rt. Searches of the river didn't produce his body, however, and there's no evidence to support any theory. 19-year old Brandon Swanson was heading back to his hometown of Marshall, Minnesota on the evening of May 14, 2008 when, while driving on a rural gravel road, he crashed his car into a ditch. as kidnapper takes his phone, he points a gun at him. At the time he went missing, he was 185 pounds. The one pond search parties had failed to search because it was not on any map. In addition, some comments I have seen from the mother include that she felt very early on before the first 24 hours were up that something terribly wrong had happened and You know, Im not sure Brandon is going to be found in my lifetime. These are just not the normal kind of things mothers say about their missing children. I kinda feel like someone snuck up behind Brandon and kidnapped him, Brandon became afraid, said the expletive after they came up behind him and he could have dropped his phone out of fear; causing the phone to hang up on his own. I found out about this disappearance and wanted to know more and found this post. He had been with his fiance, Ladessa Lofton, for the last ten years and the couple had three children. Though their is a third option to bear in mind. Was he lying about his location or was he just mistaken? Brandon told them he couldnt see the lights at all, so he got back into his car and started flashing his own headlights in the hope that maybe they would see him. The lack of his physical evidence makes it plausible? Thanks for your comment. At 11 AM things got even odder, when Melissa received a series of very strange text messages from Matthew. Just as with the case of Elisa Lam in Los Angeles, there seem to be more questions than answers. But its not the same case at all. He had made arrangements to transfer to Iowa Western Community College in Council Bluffs in August 2008. Theories. | 3 Cold Cases of People Who Vanished Without a Trace- True Crime Mysteries . I know its 2008 technology, but was he and his parents familiar with the area? document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Brandon Swanson accidentally fell into the river. After doing research on this (along with some other weird and true events) I found this but ONLY ONE TIME, it was the same story I had read at least 10 times about Brandon but this was the conclusion along with a pic of his vehicle: March 15, 2015 they found the boys body inside his SUV submerged in a retention pond. His parents left the house and began driving to pick up Brandon, at the same time speaking with him on his mobile phone to determine exactly where he was. Yellow medicine riverDuring the phone call with his parents, Swanson had mentioned hearing running water and passing fences on his walk towards what he believed to be Lynd. On the night of 14 May 2008, after celebrating the last day of college classes with a friend, he was driving home along a gravel road, and somehow crashed his car into a ditch. Detectives are still looking into whether this was a homicide case or just teenage folly, either way, our hearts go out to his family members who were left hanging for 91 soul crushing days after the night of the mysterious phone call.. Look at all the pictures online, Brandons smiling in all them but three. He told them that he was near the town of Lynd, Minnesota. That is near freezing, and indeed, anyone soaked through the bone by having fallen into the river would have suffered from . 507-694-1664. This of course leaves 1% of cases that arent solved. Maybe Brandon is in an entirely different location than we know. . In 2009, Brandon's Law was passed that expands the Minnesota state's missing children's law to include adults under 21 who go missing under dangerous circumstances. For me it sounds more of a murder case, and the only answer you find in his town. When I got lost it was because I turned 1 light too early, but its a route I have taken many, many times. I plan one day to go out there as I have had experience looking for lost folks. Forty-seven minutes into the phone call, Brandon suddenly exclaimed, Oh shit! and the line went dead. Read Content. Looks like another mystery within the mystery. I just wanted to include this theory here as its just as likely as the other theory and they are both similar in nature. Search dogs also picked up the scent of human remains multiple times in an area north of Porter, but no body was found. Brandon Victor Swanson was last seen on May 15th 2008 in Canby Minnesota. If he just noticed it was about to die, that might be why he said oh shit and didnt call back. There are a huge amount of statistics on there regarding missing persons cases and as you can imagine the sheer volume of information is both fascinating and horrifying. On a personal note as a firefighter, if you or a loved one ever have a stuck car, ALWAYS stay with the vehicle. On August 11, at 12 AM, things got odder when two hikers in the area where Matthew had last been seen reported that they had heard screaming from the wilderness, and what sounded like a man and a woman calling out for help. But offcourse seems odd that till this day never a body was found. If Swanson had left his car there to walk towards Lynd to meet his parents, why didnt he close the car door? Brandon was out celebrating with his friends before his disappearance. The result? Brandon Swanson. I quote: He further stated that he had encountered two fence lines and noted that there was water nearby. Swanson got his car stuck in a ditch and called his parents to ask if they could pick him up from somewhere between Marshall and Lynd, where he believed himself to be. It could well be a fatal accident, but as you say it is strange that so far there hasnt been any evidence found to suggest this. Since Brandon's 911 call was of such poor quality, it's frustrating trying to figure out what he was saying and what, if anything, was happening to him in those moments. If he hung up, that says a lot. Not being in a car, his remains will probably never be found. Brandon Lawson, 26, vanished along a desolate stretch of State Highway 277 outside of San Angelo, Texas which is about 250 mile southwest of Dallas on Aug. 9, 2013, according to the San Angelo Standard-Times.On Friday, those closest to Lawson announced that a private team of . I stummbled on this case, and then it got hooked on me. Thanks for your comments, and also for the link. But I think it was probably more of a oh sh-t! something completely unexpected has just happened. Thats way more than 91 days. Thats interesting what you say about rumours, as I have previously wondered how much of the information online is actually true and how much is exaggerated/media interpretation. 68 onto Lynn Lincoln County Road after midnight..The following day, authorities used cellular phone records to locate Swansons car. The Beatles. I havent read all the comments and dont know if it was previously mentioned. Sadly, they may have pulled off the perfect crime. Brent Swancer is an author and crypto expert living in Japan. What they lived here at least 10 years maybe more and they dont know the area? 13th May 2008 Minnesota, USABrandon Swanson went to a small get-together at a friends house to celebrate finishing the school year. Whoever Brandon saw with their car lights, they may have been the ones to help him and took him back to wherever they planned to take him as a motive to either harm or rob him. just leaves me feeling weird but fascinated at the same time. But it still interesting, he hasnt shown up at all. Such a sad case. I think that Brandon had probably been drinking, and got turned around in the dark. One finger on each of her hands is noticeably curved. I dont have the link, but if you google March 15, 2015 suv youll find some news reports for it. MARSHALL Ten years have gone by and Brandon Swanson is still missing. After getting to the location which he had described, they started flashing the cars headlights so that Brandon could start walking towards them. While there is no clear evidence linking him to any specific crime, some people think he's been kidnapped by the mafia. We will perhaps always wonder what provoked the Oh shit! that were perhaps his last words ever. After Swansons disappearance, the Lyon County Sheriffs Department conducted searches for Brandon by ground, ATV, horseback, airplane and helicopter, but nothing was found. Brandon Swanson would never be seen again. A lot of theories have been proposed as to what became of Brandon, such as that he fell into a river and was washed away or that he met with some sort of foul play, but one interesting factor to consider is that in his last moments on that phone the call seems to have ended because the phone was deliberately hung up. I want to find the source. The alien theory has come up before, and the fact is there is so little evidence for what actually did happen that its very hard to rule anything out. Sheriff Vizecky continued to walk along the 2 mile stretch of the Yellow Medicine river from the 5-mile radius for 30 days. Thanks for your comment Jerry, and I agree that is yet another very strange aspect of this case. Check us out on: The oh sh*t is also a bit suspicious. This is the biggest red flag to me. Brandon called his parents on his cell phone and asked them to come pick him up. Could you tell me about the statistics at the beginning of the post? Its difficult to know I guess, as Im sure theres a lot of information that the police arent able to disclose. Swanson told his parents that he was located between Marshall and Lynd and would stay in his car until they arrived. Perhaps he had lost phone reception and seeked a place with better phone reception. His parents were unable to find him, so Swanson said he was going to walk to the nearby town of Lynd, Minnesota, where he could see lights. The Mysterious Men in Black and Their Equally Weird Cars, Lab-Grown Human Mini Brains Are Being Developed for Biocomputers, Strange Accounts of Dwarf Aliens and their Apocalyptic Messages from Mexico, Heres How You Can Study One of the Largest Collections of Sasquatch Footprint Castings Online. Last seen on may 15th 2008 in Canby Minnesota went missing, he points gun... Was any evidence that he knew which direction to head in as he could have said, Oh,! Driving back and forth from Marshall to Canby to take a mathematical logical. 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