Some believe whales and dolphins come from the seas of Mintaka originally. Hint: its likely more than one. No matter what you resonate with, know youre absolutely not alone in your line of thinking! They have pure energy, almost child-like based on my interaction with them during meditations. I practice witchcraft and Shamanism.. The original inhabitants of brightest star in the Earth's sky, Sirius A, are said to have come from Vega (in the Lyra constellation). Two races of ancient beings called Felines and Avians also come from Lyra and helped establish much of the ancient world on Earth including Atlantis and ancient Egypt. I also have a notion my children are indigos. Both Sirius A and Sirius B are thought to be the first to start the spiritual awakening of human beings. (Signs, Traits, Missions & More), Dig Deeper: Mintakan Starseed Am I One? Theyre here to raise the consciousness of the planet and will do so in their own unique way. In recent years, it was discovered that Sirius is a two-star systema fact the Dogon tribe in Africa has been saying for years! There are some Draconians who are selfish and some say evil, while others are here to help wake humanity and raise consciousness. We all want to unravel the mystery of what makes us who we are. And from there radiate to the world, without a secret agenda wanting to change others or themselves. They base their worth on others perspective of them. Pleiadians come from Pleiades, a beautiful star cluster known as the Seven Sisters and Messier 45 in the Taurus constellation. The Starseed Archetype (or Starchetype) System serves as a means to activate and align the Starseed Collective to accelerate the global ascension mission. There is always room for deviations and exceptions. Wishes everyone else was just as loving. Perhaps a test is why youre here, but I dont feel that is my path. They exude humility and love. You can identify as a human if youd like. Learn how your comment data is processed. I am eager to find out what to do with my new awakening. Ancicent Egypt, African tribes, and other people have legends and connections with the Star Sirius and with good reason. They can, however, maintain small starseed characteristics as a human being e.g. Starseeds are also very sensitive, regardless of the starseed types. This is why many lightworkers struggle to identify with other Starseed types, even if they have had past lives as them before. Its said she was the one who awakened Venusian starseeds to perform their very specific duty. They need to learn how to see themselves objectively. There where we came from, before mutating ourselves. They see the value in challenges and recognise that everything is here to teach them in subtle ways. The Starseed (Indigo, Rainbow and Crystal) The 8 Most Common Soul Archetypes: Which One Best Describes You? Theyre often driven by the need for perfect and getting things done, which is why theyre so keen to assume control. I wanted to thank you for this excellent read!! by Marcy, The HeartShift Coach | Jan 12, 2021, If you aren't seeing the live event on the date & time mentioned below, click here. Hi Zoe, I hope you see this. I will also note we have a similar username my email being lovely.Lisa29 I did resonate with all of the Pleiadian Star Seed traits . Lightworkers are the gentlest souls you could ever meet. What type does that make me?? [], Yeo what if you feel connected to all 12 starseeds like I am griot bitches lol OG seeds thanks for clarification oracle, Guess we all just guardians of the universe lezzz do it starteibe you my people love you alll hi hi hi hi oo. Ive always thought of myself as a star seed. While most here are trying to find belonging in the past by looking at their star seed origins, we ignore or become unaware, or less aware of the now. They find it hard to let go of work that doesnt meet their standards. Their secondary mission involves bringing divine harmony, love, and peace to all those who walk this Earth. Venusians live in the fourth dimension and they are also called the Hathors. No one can fool an Arcturian starseed. While each of the starseed types are endowed with divine gifts, there will still be times when the world could be overwhelming for you. For example, if youre a Starseed, its almost certain youll be an old soul. Arcturians are other-dimensional, advanced star beings that incarnate on earth frequently. How to manifest using your soul imprint. I have you bookmarked to look at new stuff you post, Your email address will not be published. When a starseeds time here is done, you will be called back to your original home in this universe, or to another dimension where your gifts are needed. Affiliate Disclaimer: You should assume that Marcy Neumann and The Spirit of Healing Unleashed has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you make a purchase from the provider. The point of their message was to point out that, even if you were An Orion, a Draconian, or whatever, that is not what you are now. You cant have a planet full of villains, or even heroes and villains with nothing in between. And then I happened to read about the word Starseed and that eventually led me here. The incoming soul will take on all on the soul contracts and karma of the person/previous soul theyre replacing. to heal and uplift, they also have very personal and individual missions to complete too. Ive heard theyre bad, but sometimes I get visions of one holding out his hand to me . Challenges:Sometimes, the Lover needs love to feel loved. Then you might of been each one at some time. big forehead, wide-set eyes, thin face, etc but incarnated starseeds arent matched with a body based on looks. You are in tune not only with your emotions, but with other peoples feelings as well. They have the perfect balance between logic and emotions, which makes them the best for empowering humanity. The original starseed civilizations might look a certain way i.e. Unlike indigos and rainbows, crystals often have that signature feeling of homesickness, a classic starseed symptom. So in essence the living dead. 32 Major Signs Your Soul Is From a Distant Light System, Are You a Pleiadian Starseed? bye bye! I long to live in the skies, but also the earth. You can use your divine wisdom to look at a situation beyond its surface value. salt of the earth type people: spiritual individuals that also embrace the ways of the earth, dont express their emotions well; have a hard time with communication in relationships; may seen closed-off, interest in magic, metaphysics, witchcraft and alternative healing, may have Lyran starseed traits, particularly cat-like or lion-like traits, maintain a few close friends instead of many casual friends and acquaintances. Its quite rare to have this type of soul. Here are some of the Andromedan starseed traits: Polarian starseeds come from the North Star Polaris. large eyes, longer necks, more angelic looks, but they dont typically look odd or look the same. Does your soul hail from another planet or star system? Many came here but its difficult for them to remember what happened because of the trauma they endured. thank you for this wonderful article, thanks to this I found out yesterday where or where I come from as a Soul. Humoristic isnt the word youre looking for. They most likely incarnate as female on Earth, and exude intense feminine energy. I cant tell how I felt while reading the 32 signs of being a Starseed!! Pleiadians are drawn to water animals i.e. The Warrior, above all, needs to learn patience. I also do tattoo work. If they develop their skills, Sages can become powerful psychic healers. There are different planets/stars in the Orion constellation you mightve lived on. They love abstract concepts in as much as they love science. The Server (A.K.A The Caregiver) 2. Sirius B is a water planet that is supposed to house dolphins, whales, and merpeople. Lemurians and Atlanteans are believed to be the first starseeds ever to originate on Earth and mingle amongst human forms. You might be a feline starseed. Maldek was once an advanced civilization that vastly depended on robotic technology. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); To learn more about the Otherworldly Oracles website Privacy Policy, visit our Privacy Policy page here. I encourage you to do some shadow work and understand why you feel the need to be better or above everyone else here. Their personal, spiritual mission is to open their heart center and learn to be more trusting. Atlantis was thought to be a city of legends thanks to its popularization by Plato. Not so. 1. There are stories that Martians came to earth hundreds of thousands of years ago to take part in our evolution. Looks dont have much to do with a souls spiritual evolution or awakening. Feline starseeds value rich experiences that can help them grow. The Kings and Queens amongst us are the leaders of our world. But, of course, I could be wrong. The only way to create an impact as a starseed is to be of help to others. Your mind works deeper than anybody else. The Warrior can sometimes be guilty of making rash judgment calls. When you strip away all of the superficialities of life, thats what were really interested in. But also, if you an old soul, it doesnt necessarily mean youre an advanced soul. Have a wonderful day! Draco means dragon, therefore many Draconian starseeds are linked to dragons and reptiles of various kinds. They both involve the dead eating the living, in order to keep moving forward. It makes them challenging leaders to work with. Its believed they are a hybrid mix of starseed types, hailing from many ascended planets and light realms. Its said the first humans originate from Lyra. My whole life Ive felt this Call. I get visions sometimes kind of like daydreams of a reptilian species, Im not the most educated in this so I hope I dont sound ignorant but is a reptilian species a type of star seed? Our family represented the star wars that were fought and settled in this family by the breakup. It used to freak me out but now Im starting to think its my gift. And I love to write, that is how I express myself and my emotions most clearly. Pleiadian, Andromedian and Hadarian starseeds. When she isnt reading, writing, or mentoring others, she enjoys weightlifting, long walks in her neighborhood, and playing board games with her family. I am a Taurus with blue eyes, and have many of the traits listed. Theyre known for wearing their feelings on their sleeves and are happy to let others into their inner world. But that applies to around 75% of us here right now. Take Control of Your Future By Exploring Your Past with Beyond Quantum Healing, The Four Main Soul Types and Where They Fit into the Earths Drama, The Starseed (Indigo, Rainbow and Crystal). Its said shes from Venus and seeded Venusians on Earth to teach love and compassion. Wow everything makes sense now. Its sun, Alcyone, however, is thought to be 7x times brighter than ours. Its completely normal to distrust yourself in the beginning. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Sams work as a Beyond Quantum Healing Practitioner has led him to dedicate his life to helping others raise their vibration and embrace the best version of themselves. I believe I was mostly recently a Orion Starseed. Lyrans and just about all star systems. Why is this information important for awakening/awakened Starseeds. Any use requires express written permission. There arent many Lemurians left on Earth, even fewer Atlanteans thanks to its sudden downfall many moons ago. Spreads love easily. Its the same with Starseeds. The best thing to do is to find your most prominent characteristic and let it overflow in you. I mean, thats life, right? creative individuals: love the arts, crafts, writing, etc. Avians are optimistic souls. feeling a tingling, heavy or pulling sensation between your shoulder bones (where a pair of wings would be). There are 12 types of Starseeds, all of which you can learn more about here. Pleiadians are drawn to water animals i.e. But as you grow and evolve, you will inevitably let go of some traits in favour of others. Its a compulsion to make the unknown known. 32 Major Signs that Confirm You are One. may have a fascination with mermaids since childhood, have a relationship with one or more ascended masters, if not a love for dogs, may have a love for cats, may have cat-like, dog-like or mermaid-like physical characteristics, a catlike appearance: catlike eyes (upturned almond shaped eyes and catlike nose), enjoy physical labor and are hard workers. Are you ready to let go of the past and embrace your unlimited potential? Before you go any further, have you joined the largest online Starseed Community? I have got news for you kittens; you are all mutts. As they naturally exist in forms up to the 12th dimension, Andromedans find it difficult to match Earths heavy and dense frequency. The Starchetype System is a blueprint for how all of our unique qualities are meant to work as a complementary united front to usher in the dawn of a new time for humanity, while assisting the population in evolving through lower density. The message received while channeling this system was clear: where we come from as Starseeds matters less than what we are here to do in this incarnation. ), The Spiritual Ego: The Voice of Reason (Or Your Biggest Obstacle? Dont forget that this list isnt a complete list of ALL types of starseeds, but the ones that most often incarnate on Mother Earth, aka Terra. But did you know there are different types of starseeds depending on origins? The Earth is like a stage play full of actors. I also love to teach. Aside from empowerment, their main goal is to spread love and peace as well. In today's episode, Saoirse reviews the energy updates presented by the Augur Illumination phase that occurred from 4/4-4/15 and talks about why it is no coincidence this phase happened at the same ti. Draconian starseeds, or dracos for short, hail from the Draco constellation which is only around 303 light-years from Earth. Note: Dark Reptilians are different to Light Reptilian starseeds. The Magician is the most spiritual of all archetypes. Its likely theyre still incarnating at this moment in timebut its possible were on the cusp of a new star child being born. There are evolved Draconians who only wish to help raise humanitys vibration, and there are unevolved Draconians who have incarnated on Earth with the sole intent of harnessing resources for their own gain and personal power. As far as why they leave Pleiades? But recently felt that, the concept is one in the same. If you were to research the Annunaki online, youll find all kinds of conspiracy theories out there. Mintakans are a type of Starseed that originated from Mintaka, a planet that exists within the Orion belt. I know my akashic download. Finally the puzzle pieces have fallen into place. If youre an old soul especially, you might have lived hundreds of past lives across many different galaxies and planets. Yes there are reptilian starseeds, and yes there are reportedly bad ones but they are not all bad (that would be like assuming all humans are bad just because some are) and some reptilians actually come from Orion so it makes sense to me that youre seeing these things and also feel a connection to Orion. Its what makes the game of life so interesting. It isnt power theyre seeking. I am highly intuitive and empathic. There are hundreds upon hundreds of stars within the Orion constellation, with Rigel and the red supergiant Betelgeuse being just two of them. Sirians find it difficult to open up. While I think that the way Nine put it was extreme, I think they did that to wake us out of these identities because every once in a while, if not more, we need to be shaken awake. Family-oriented. Augur is a peer-to-peer, decentralized exchange, enabling universal and transparent access to its markets. Hathor is an ancient Egyptian goddess born of love, motherhood, and fertility. Rainbow children are spiritually gifted and know it. They have an incredible sense of bravery to break their limits and set new standards for themselves. Fortunately, Andromedans are extremely gifted at accessing the Akashic records, which can help an Andromedan starseed discover their true purpose after reincarnation. Close to 78 million beings on Earth were sent here from planets, galaxies, and star clusters far beyond our solar system. If you feel drawn to multiple starseed types, its possible youre a hybrid starseed; one that has gathered energy from multiple star systems. And all your dream is trying to tell you, is that you are surrounded by individuals not connected to the collective consciousness. If you are an Andromedan starseed, you dont just sit around when people around you are being abused. herbs etc. You are able to feel what others feel so you can understand and help them better. There isnt a lot known about Martian starseeds, but some claim they had origins on the planet. As a Venusian I had the role of mediator. It relied on robotic technologiesmuch like today. Twin flame. I understand completely my purpose in my spiritual journey. And I have seen myself doing magik with light between my hands, bending and manipulating it. how to look for signs in your natal chart here, Starseed Witchcraft: 9 Cosmic Magick Practices for Starseed Witches, The Starseed Oracle Deck: An Otherworldly Review. [], I came here specifically to look for a blue ray as well. But do you know that there are many different types of starseeds walking this Earth? Arent we all being tested isnt that why we came? I am a counselor by profession and I always felt an obligation to help others be it anywhere, until my energy was drained completely. Theyre always looking for the next mountain to scale. Challenges:The main challenge of the Sage is acceptance. Starseeds, especially, younger incarnations need to change age-old patterns that are keeping them bound to their comfort zone. Crystals on the other hand emanate from Archangel Gabriel. However, Orion might be the incarnation youve had more recently before your earthly one. The main mission of Orion starseeds is to make the people understand how the world works both physical and not. Our True Origin now tries to bring in Its energies of many experiences with other Starbeings. Saoirse Clare is an energetic mentor for Starseeds, creator of the Starchetype System, and author of the book "Starseed Archetypes: The Ultimate Guide." . Dig Deeper: Pleiadian Starseed Am I One? Which creative channels spark your passion. Starseeds have often lived many past lives. The Creative Free Spirit 3. I was also a pleiadian. Theyre relatively secretive and unlike other starseed types, are most likely to have both positive and negative races here on Earth. Angel Number 1515 Meaning: 4 Beautiful Reasons Youre Seeing It! This brings the Star Wars at more peace, where Earth is now the Station where it is fought out. I feel were pretty much all here to help as well as to Learn. At that time, they were giants in height. Purpose: Arcturians are strong-willed beings, who naturally command leadership. They need to be free of rules and institutional thinking to express themselves and reach their full potential. ], How to Find Your Angel Number: 2 Simple Steps (By an Expert), What is a Starseed? The Sage (The Free Thinker and Innovator), Dont Let Your Soul Type or Archetype Define You Too Much, The New Paradigm of the Punk Rock Psychic, What is Quantum Healing (and Why is it So Powerful? They see the potentialities in everything and everyone. Thank you so much for your help. This list details the most common starseed types to reincarnate on Mother Earth, aka Gaia. They all have very different abilities, skills, and talents. These types of starseeds possess a multitude of supernatural gifts such as clairsentience, light working, and spiritual cleansing. I always wondered but recently it is getting too much of a deep feeling that, I do not belong to this place, I want to go back my home, why all others in my family are so different and complicated? Unless youre a brand new incarnation, youre likely to have called many different places of the universe your home. And that theres another civilization inside called the Agarthans. The constant need to be original can them back from finding the magic in what theyre doing. Heres what we believe about the Annunaki: they are a branch off of the Sirian civilization and were part of human creation in the beginning. This includes Venus, which brings us to our Venusian starseeds. Write down which traits you have and which starseed types resonate. Once activated, starseeds can make remarkable advancements in all core areas of their physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual planes of existence. Based on their characteristics and gatekeeping mission, its possible they are a mix of Pleiadian and Sirian starseed. An indigo child was most likely born between the 1950s and 1980s (so not technically a child anymore!). Purpose: According to Western Hermeticism, Pleiadians are considered the record keepers of the Earth. The potential in ourselves, the potential in others, and the potential of life. There are a few stars in the Lyra constellation, but the main planet of origin is Vega. Associated with dragons, draconian starseeds are a reptilian subrace. So if I am a starseed soul, did this soul jump into this body when it took its first breath as a baby? One star within the Draco constellation called Thuban was actually considered a guiding North Pole star during the 1st millennium on Earth. Life isnt a static experience. It is preferable to pass your test sooner rather than later. very intelligent and mostly driven by mentality, mental but not emotional beings: here to learn how to love and experience emotions, great sense of humor, can be the life of the party, opinionated individuals who dont sway on their perspective easily, jack of all trades: they have knowledge about a lot of different topics, may come off as cold emotionally (often unintentionally), interest in ancient cultures and societies, able to work with different forms of technology effortlessly, entrepreneurs: want to lead and inspire others, task-oriented: see things through and are very much involved in the details and the process, often incarnate as earth signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, some Orion starseeds have bright, sky-blue or ice blue eyes that draw you in (though there are many Orion starseeds with all eye colors), leaders in their communities and workplaces, sometimes come off as arrogant or having a big ego, have an interest in metaphysics, particularly sacred geometry, often incarnate with darker skin (but again Arcuturian starseeds vary in appearance), planners: they like to develop a plan for almost everything and stick to the plan, compassionate but seem to guard their feelings, may show anger as their form of emotion when they are hurt or upset, confident individuals with a drive for success, telepathic abilities: can read peoples thoughts easily or transfer their own message to others telepathically, have a mission to set up a new society where technology and spirituality meld cohesively, choose careers in the fields of technology, architecture, invention, science, math, statistics, advancing medicine, not in tune with their emotions and therefore this is one of their lessons here on earth, sensory processing issues: highly sensitive to lights, sounds, textures, smells, lower body temperature (not due to other health causes), lower blood pressure (again not due to any foreseeable illness), Empathic: feel and take on others energies, can transmute when they are in alignment, Often tall and slender with blonde hair and blue eyes (though this varies by individual, remember! Veru sensitive and empathic as well. They are here to advance and innovate, to move the world into a brighter, better future. Your high levels of empathy can even cause you to become people-pleasers, especially when you fail to set boundaries. Its the brightest star in the night sky and is also called Alpha Canis Majoris. There is no single entity that controls the protocol; it's community owned and operated." Nick Tomaino 1Confirmation Guaranteed payouts After the destruction, there were those who were rescued to Earth. Its setting standards. The heart-centred soul has love and compassion for all living beings. What makes them so unique? Hoping for some clarification. Your email address will not be published. you could also be a light worker which is the same thing as star-seed, Earth angel. As an old soul, youve been around the cosmic block many, many times and likely been soul family to many different star races. Not all Orion Starseeds are the same though. Their main strength is their intuitive nature. Some people believe the Annunaki are demons, evil aliens that are controlling the masses, etc. They travel with one purpose; to help Earth and other worlds evolve. I know Im a starseed. This was very enlightening and I resonated with multiple starseeds, so much so that I dont know which one I am! 13 Classic Signs, Traits & Symptoms, Lyran Starseed Am I One? I just took what I learned from all of them and made my own pillar. Starseeds is to be the incarnation youve had more recently before your earthly.!, spiritual mission is to make the people understand how the world, without a secret agenda wanting to age-old. Starseed ( Indigo, Rainbow and Crystal ) the 8 most Common soul Archetypes: which one I eager... Bad, but also, if you an old soul from Archangel Gabriel from finding the magic in what doing... Wisdom to look at new stuff you post, your email address will not be published an ancient goddess... 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