Looking for Landon, she witnesses him kissing Josie in the woods behind the school, which causes her to cry. Hope questions why he never turned it off, but he knows that is never the answer. Saving someone is more important than anything else. She will find love and lose it, for such is the burden of immortality. At the dock, Hope speaks aloud, wishing he was here. The two make out and it's shown that Landon can levitate, until they both drop to the floor laughing. She walks in and no sooner, she sees her mother strapped to a chair. MG decides to let Hope tell him just how she feels. In I Thought You'd Be Happier To See Me, a humanity-less Hope sits at a bar. The people can change. With it in hand, she confronts MG. She tells her that she thinks it is a girl, this excites Hayley. Mikaelson /a > Last seen: //business.facebook.com/HopeMikaelsonCW/? Lizzie still wants to try given her now weakened state, though Hope would rather continue with torture and gives Lizzie a choice. Lizzie confesses that MG's gotten to her as well. With the Necromancer in a cell and wanting to find out more about Malivore however he senses that she wants answers about her father's final status whether or not he found peace or not. When Roman waves at her, she doesn't and Freya asks why. Despite persistent questioning of the Necromancer by Alaric, nobody is sure of the reason of Hope's sleep. Wade attempts to keep Malivore, rather Landon, pain free with fairy dust, while Josie warns that she needs to go faster. Kaleb will fill them in once they defeat Ken. Genevieve is about to stab the baby, but Elijah stops her. Not too long after, they track Cleo to a field, trapped in a well. In No More Heartbreaks, She's still mentioned to be under Mary's protection. Hope doesn't want a new path, considering she just got back on this one. She can't pass. Hope, hazarding a guess, believes she's a god. Mystic Falls High was supposed to be a fresh start without magic, monsters, or drama. If they can find Cleo, then she could help inspire a plan to free her. Later Hope gets sick which Hayley comments as "unusual since Hope has never been sick before". Not only does she SUCK at acting, but she's plain old annoying in every way. This is MG's big ploy, Salvatore Idol. Hop has incredible magical power levels, unencumbered by morality, with no discernible weaknesses. Wade and others share stories about Hope, such as she casting a spell on a professor to only speak Sumerian or when she was taken control of by the slug. She asks her questions but Alaric takes the knife and kills definitively the woman before she can attack again. She and Roman talk more again and they decide to head to New Orleans. In A New Hope, Hope continues to suffer from the effects of Triad's psychotropic drug that Andi threw on her, Lizzie, and Josie. Hope is also feeling something. As he comes closer to the ground, she vamps to him, punching him midair with enough force to throw him into a train car. If he lets her out, he'll be letting out her dark side, too. Like it or not, she needs her humanity. On top of that, she'll worry about the banshee's words coming true. Lizzie refuses to run or to fight Hope. Hope explains that as powerful as being the tribrid makes her, she has been waltzing into traps, being blindsided ever since she shut off my humanity. Removing her hand, she encourages her to go and finish this and to never forget who she is. In One Wrong Turn On Bourbon, she listens to music as a flashback shows her using magic to contact her father, but is told to go away. She's just come to say goodbye. Her true form did not alter much, as she maintained her golden eyes, but with a hint of vivid red at the inner corner on her irises. However, once back, they learn that Alaric has released Malivore, so he wouldn't kill Ethan. After he jumps out of the window, Hope is told by Dorian that Alaric wants to see her and to pack her things up as she's being suspended. She runs so that she can see him, but he senses her and leaves, leaving her disappointed. Elijah then comes and collects some of her blood to protect her. Hope is accused of being the one to vandalize the school, however Maya assures her mother that Hope is not like the and would not do such a thing Hope is surprised to find out that the Sheriff is Maya and Ethan's mother. She was a very calm and happy baby, with Freya mentioning how Hope inherited her paternal family's resilience. Back in the gym, MG explains they found Cleo, but didn't get the desired answers. She believes that is still a way for her to reach Landon and she's not going to stop until she's exhausted every possibility. Josie recovers and is no longer her dark alter-ego. Her humanity believes otherwise, and bashes her up against a concrete block. She too dies. Marcel brings back their point system to her attention, though Hope hasn't kept track of her points for a long time. She claims it was a ruse and tells him that the weapon is effective. Ken is impaled in the back by his own weapon. If they can rig the whole meadow for a chain reaction and get Ken in the middle, the explosion will likely incapacitate him. If he can prove to her that her family is where they're going, then she can part with it. Hope is confused, but Landon wakes moments later and tells her that he will explain. She throws the dagger at her feet, explaining that it doesn't work too well on a tribrid. In Crescent City, Cleste states Elijah has a niece on the way. Hope continues to attack, drawing his fire, distracting him. They were able to gradually regain their friendship after Hope helped Josie with the Mora Miserium. Alaric explains that he is his accountability buddy, suggesting that she should get one. Listening to Cleo's conversation with Kaleb, she tells Cleo that she's right. As such, her name could not be more appropriate, since her arrival brought upon two reconciliations; the first being between Klaus and Marcel, and the second between Klaus and Rebekah. Or, apologize. Malivore arrives just in time to witness Hope's complete transition. Unfortunately, she is caught by Landon who questions her over the ordeal, and she is forced to reveal that she is a witch and is looking for Rafael. She realizes that Hope has his phone. Hope doesn't understand why she can't leave, but Freya tells her that it's because she doesn't really want to, at least not all of her. Their relationship was complicated, but she taught her that complicated doesn't mean broken. Setting his sights for Hope, he raises the spear and launches it at her. Freya was, and still is, sad for her. This leads Hayley to find her wolf people. When Ken arrives, she'll need to keep him busy until Lizzie can vamp in, siphon him, and trigger the explosion. Later that night by the dock, she and Lizzie pays their respect to Aurora with a Viking funeral in the lake. Hope is too concerned with the possibility of someone else finding them and all she wants is to be left alone. Josie then wonders where are Rafael and Landon right now, so she talks to her about a spell that is like kind of a full-immersion video chat but Josie shouldn't say anything about the spell because they don't learn it in class. Klaus used to say that the good came from her mother and believes she'll lose the good she has left. Rebekah was devastated by her niece cutting her out of her life. Changing tactics, she tells them that her god problem is also their Lizzie problem. If they can transfer Malivore out of Landon, then he may know of a way to stop Malivore since they've been sharing a brain. Picking up the truth sphere, she explains that Pedro should never make art again and it glows blue with another star bursting into flames. Before becoming an activated tribrid, her blood was able to heal her mother while in the womb as well as she's able to heal herself, such as when she sliced open her hand and stabbed her foot with a trash picker. She's here to put her down and wonders if she's up for a rematch. The spell fails and they're expelled from the therapy box. She'd rather have a human, believing there's no going back once you've had the real stuff. Hope dismisses him, telling him he can go and rolling on to her side away from him. She wants him to tell her. She gave Rebekah the Mikaelson necklace as it was probably spelled by Freya and the reason Rebekah found her. Landon, however, is always on her side and he'd do it all again. Lizzie drops the illusion spell, prepared for Hope to stab Aurora and get her body back. She and Ryan have a lot to catch up on. The blood of her daughter brought her back to life, she is in transition. While the Vampire Diaries franchise certainly isn't the CW's first foray into this space, it may be the most fertile. While back inside the school, they talk about the various objects in the library and their respective lives. Josie and Alaric arrive shortly after, blaming Hope for letting Landon escape, however the two do a locator spell to find Landon. frederick fleet cause of death. With her grimoire and preparations made, she positions herself the sigil with a photo of her and Landon, cutting her handle to offer a few drops of blood. His loyalty and love for Hope is unwavering despite the extreme situations, as he's willing to protect her even at the cost of his own happiness or life. Wade asks where her package is heading and she intends to send it to Josie in Belgium. She's the daughter of Klaus Mikaelson (Joseph Morgan) and his lycanthrope. Hope wants her body back. At the Town Square, Alaric arrives to greet Hope. Cleo suggests it sell it for what they need to save the school and the woman accepts. The Vampire Diaries Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Landon grows quiet and begins to vomit up black blood as Malivore approaches. Hope is by birthright a member of the Crescent Wolf Pack and the North East Atlantic Pack, as well as an unnamed witch family, and the only child fathered by the Original Hybrid. She defeats a werewolf alpha with decapitation to inherit control over his pack, who are loyal to Triad Industries. Arrived on Route 29, they search in the woods near the area, they meet a woman who seems to be in shock. In This Can Only End in Blood, Hope appears behind Ken, mocking him by saying she wouldn't bother praying to a god as they tend to suck. Cloaked, she approaches the gates of the Salvatore Boarding School. He questions why she's still here. Truthfully, she just doesn't know if he'd think this place is special, too, and she's trying to make the right decision. But when he arrived, he found an imposter and wanted to find out why Malivore was wanting Cleo. She explains to her daughter that she writes a letter to her because she never knows her own mother and she wants that her daughter knows how much she is happy to have her. Hope doesn't want to hear it. He jokes if it's ski poles or golf clubs, but in fact it's the only weapon that can kill her. She tells him that he doesn't want to be "Ryan" because Ryan is dating Trudy, who gives off vibes of upper 30s desperation. She believes if she can get this one thing right, then maybe she could fix everything else that's been broken. The students begin preparation and set Hope up on a pedestal with a mic and the Truth Sphere, similar to a game show. Rebekah, however, has lived for over a thousand years and has experienced everything the world and being a vampire can offer, except those that being a vampire make impossible. In What Was Hope Doing In Your Dreams?, Hope is overprotective of Landon who is the only notable human to attend the school and is keeping his mother's death a secret from him as he believes they haven't ever met. Hope struggles trusting Clarke after the arrival of the krampus, but eventually casts a truth spell on him after he promises to close the Malivore portal. She's not there to fight; however, she's here to snap her fingers. Hope seemingly breaks its neck, but it eventually recovers. After a day out with Elijah and a dance with Landon, Hope joins Klaus, Alaric, and his daughters as part of a ritual to extract the Hollow from her, which can only be done while she is in middle of transforming. Hope should pick on someone her own size. Hayley raised Hope as a strong and independent young woman, enrolling her in the Salvatore Boarding School so she could have friends her own age, something Hope longed for. The letter ultimately wishes her well and hopes that she will live out the rest of her eternal life doing all the things they talked about. She gained black veins that cascade from her lower eyelids to just above her cheekbones. With Trudy in the kitchen, Hope inspects photos on the mantle. This sword won't even kill her, yet he won't even try, believing he doesn't have what it takes. Earlier Hayley also feeds from witches because they tried to kill Hope. Malivore sends the dybbuk to Movie in the Square and reveals that the only way to kill it is to kill the host. Mikaelson /a Domestic. In We All Knew This Day Was Coming, at the Salvatore School, Hope watches over the students as they pool their resources searching for Malivore. She finds Malivore, controlling his thralls, behind a door. The Ferryman raises his scythe, though Hope refuses to dive into the river to leave Limbo. The Ferryman snarls at Landon. Despite their many differences, they slowly grew closer, especially after Hope returned from Malivore, as only Lizzie remembered who she was. Alaric and Hope defeat the creature, which turns out to be a cyclops, with Landon turning just in time to meet Hope's eyes, perhaps recognizing her from his visions despite this, neither of them interact and Hope leaves. When it's revealed that the mummy hasn't been completely defeated yet, she watches as Lizzie and Josie siphon the scarab of the curse, thereby defeating the mummy once and for all. Unwilling to move, the spear stops just shy of her heart, surrounded in a yellow glow. Malivore attempted to drive a wedge between them, but he believes he's only brought them closer, specifically them two. Hi, I hope you enjoyed the video Informations Character: Hope mikaelson Fandom: The Originals & LegaciesProgram: Powerdirectormusic : Power By Little . She tells him she's not going to train him as she's afraid he'll get hurt or die in the process. Hope tells her that she is strong enough, but Freya reminds her that being feared and being strong are two different things. Hope casts another spell, throwing the monster across the floor. Alaric respects her decision, but he won't let him hurt the people he loves, his daughters or students. She hates how many good memories they have and how she is the one to do this when no one else is willing to do it. He assumes she's dead, in transition, because she's going to bring an end to Malivore. Her grandmother, Esther turned him into a vampire once and knows how it feels. Monique is about to stab the baby when Marcel comes in and kills her. She then shows him a list of reasons why she loves him that she wrote when she came back from Malivore. She admits she's her father's daughter, but won't make the same mistakes. They discover that this is not the case. An advantage. He questions if she likes his new footsoldier considering he's made him just for her. It's the woman from before. MG crumbles under the pressure and asks Alyssa where she has hidden the ascendant. Hope is next seen with Hayley as she helps Freya look for the cure for the poison. Unbeknownst to him, she's only just gone to Peace and Landon helped her to cross over. The betrayal forced Hope to feel a flicker of emotion that made her question her humanity, especially Lizzie's comparison of Hope to a monster. She inherited her werewolf gene from both of her parents, while her vampire and witch legacy came from her father who is the Original vampire-werewolf hybrid and the son of the Original Witch. The witch begins to rapidly age. Jed tells her they've already learned a few things about the gods as well as having met Aurora. Alaric believes her to still be in shock, but Hope refuses. She wonders if she is what Malivore now wants, but to figure that out they would have to test her theory-such as using her as bait. The locator spell tracks the leprechaun to Mystic Falls Bank then to a parking garage. Ben's father keeps striking and she's hit again. She invites him in and they began talking about Henry and her leaving. Hope resolves to find another way, but Cleo reminds her that she can't move on from grief if she is still holding onto it. He's at a loss for words but refuses to accept this. She wants to know where Malivore is hiding, but the creature is overcome with another personality. Hope turns to MG, trying to sway him to her cause. Hope mocks her, wondering if that was her big swing to flip her humanity, but Rebekah questions why she brought it up. Was a ruse and tells him that the only way to kill the host problem also! And he 'd do it all again Hope returned from Malivore fix everything else that 's been broken stops. Alpha with decapitation to inherit control over his pack, who are loyal to Triad.! Considering he 's only just gone to Peace and Landon helped her to go and rolling on to her.... To protect her by his own weapon clubs, but she taught her being. 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