Jacob mentions his new job makes him travel now while he never was far away from his home. Eve came back but it was still unsure if the others would get back as well. Eve and Santa come in and Dulaque forces her to give him Santa or they will kill them all. Finch wants to take that risk and destroys the equipment to avoid Cassandra from stopping the process. Cassandra says goodbye to the ghost and the group takes off. The team convinces the sheriff it was some hallucinating gas and that everything is great now. Jenkins explains the earthquakes are caused by dragons. Eve says Jacob and Cassandra go ask for any video footage. Or did you know that it was going to be enhanced like that?That was an idea that came up very early. Flynn says the Crown was created by Merlyn to give Arthur control over magic, and that the Brotherhood wants to find it to bring magic back. Jacob and Eve have developed an elbow/forearm bump, presumably to avoid the 'mushiness' of hugging or similar. While Eve and Ezekiel go try to find the troll. He did and she introduced herself as Lamia. Jacob and the group follow Flynn through the magical door and end up in the conclave of the faction tribe heads and Dulaque talking about the faith of the library. Cassandra talks to Katie who tells them her friends got taken out by a shadow like man with a hammer or hatchet like weapon. Jacob asks her to trust him and they are here to help the town. Cassandra used Excalibur to heal her brain tumor which altered her brain. After the previous Librarian Edward Wilde faked his death Jacob became the new Librarian. However, she uses it to heal Flynn from his lethal wound. The group gets in as Jacob supports Eve. The sheriff explains a woman got stuck in her oven, and some folks went missing. Lindy Booth as Cassandra Cillian John Kim as Ezekiel Jones John Larroquette as Jenkins Recurring Cast Noah Wyle as Flynn Carsen Rachel Nichols as Nicole Noone Guest Cast Victoria Blake as Curious Patient Bradley Goodwill as Doctor Susannah Mars as Group Leader Jason Adkins as Guard Douglas Austin III as Orderly #1 The team wants to find the book in the library, however Ezekiel thinks the sick girl is involved. Will we see him reciprocate her feelings in the next few episodes, or is it officially over?He gives his reason why he cant save her, why he cant make her immortal. He explains that something might have been taken and that the dragons can destroy the world if they do not get it back. Jacob helps her focus, but she gets lost in her calculation, however, he recognizes the difference between the stones and opens the door. Sundays episode saw the young Librarian finally get the much-required surgery after collapsing in a fight with some evil vampires looking to for a solution to allow them to walk in the sun. The CEO then asks why Eve is interested in it, to which Eve says there might be possible terrorism involved. Cassandra says they have a 50 percent chance to get them back or the gas lamps will get destroyed and they will be gone. As they get close a scared girl runs towards them. They bring the woman to the hospital where Eve and Ezekiel pretend they found her in the woods. They bring the woman to the hospital where Eve and Ezekiel pretend they found her in the woods. Ezekiel is skeptical about why they should investigate it. Cassandra Cillian They use a magical door that allows them to travel to every door in the world. Ezekiel comes in through the magical door as he seems to have stolen something. She quickly says Jacob is a robot, who then beats the sheriff. She taunts Lamia and says she should look up what Force ratios are. He finds out that Eve is still on the planet. However the sheriff has become a wolf and blows the windows out of the house. Theres also Estrella. Eve and the team look for a puzzle that shows the entrance to the dragon stronghold. They manage to escape after Ezekiel blew up the Brotherhoods helicopter. Cassandra's green cable knit sweater, pineapple pin and bird print skirt on The Librarians. Jenkins explains to the team there must be an artifact that causes this situation. The team is later at the library and they mention how they all got to have their Christmas wish fulfilled. Jenkins says they do not exist and Eve is skeptical as Santa is real as well. Jenkins explains a doorway as they have to other dimensions. Cassandra was taken to London and met Delaque who told her about how they were going to bring magic back and make the world a better place. The group splits up to check the rooms. However Morgan walks past them and says she just made the wish spell and the kids use it to destroy each other. Cassandra and the group try to find a broken lay line in the Nitra Region of Slovakia. She had some trouble adapting to her new role and Eve her military way of handling things, saying that she was not a soldier. Two other confessions are incomplete, and might later be clarified. When encountering Lamia she seemed to enjoy defeating her, and cheerfully explained what she did to her. When Dulaque attempted to steal the library Eve got stabbed and died in his arms. Eve explains to Ezekiel he has to be more serious if he wants to be a Librarian. Jenkins hands Eve a book in which she can make a note so that the future Librarians will use another generator over 100 years again to bring the citizens back to this world. Lamia says Cassandra is going to the power plant. Jacob mentions they can use the ball of rope from the labyrinth and the magical app from Morgan Le Fay to help get back the library. says the actress. Cassandra is annoyed they do not let her go in, Eve tries to explain but Cathy runs in and the group follows her. Eve tells Cassandra and Katie to leave the house and go to Jenkins with the car. As they prepare to leave Flynn stops them. The team realizes they are stuck in the labyrinth. The team realizes they are stuck in the minontaur's labyrinth. In 2004, he was invited to work for the Library as its Librarian but decided not to go to the interview because he claimed he already had a job. Flynn shows up and makes the mummies disappear by removing their medallions. Lamia prepared to kill her with a knife, believing she had outlived her usefulness. The CEO tells them that she is not sure how much she can help them and says they can go to human resources for more information, all the while she sizes Eve up. Cassarian is the het ship between Varian and Cassandra from the Tangled fandom. Ezekiel grabs the coin and tosses it in the head of the Librarian to paralyze him. Her friends reassure her that it was not the tumor that the Library chose but Cassandra herself. The team gets the civilians to the local library to protect them. He then went to a museum where he began to move around paintings because the way they were displayed was offensive to his artistic sensibilities. Cassandra returns to the Vida de la luz to see Estrella, who is glad that Cassandra is okay, to which Cassandra tells her that she is part of the reason that she is, citing: You reminded me, that what defines us isn't what we're born into, it's what we chose to be. The team comes together and Eve and Ezekiel say it is a troll, however, Cassandra and Jacob say it is more. The group starts to look for something magical and the students explain their stances. The sheriff and his man freeze, however Jacob grabs a axe and throws it at the wolf, hitting him in the neck and killing him. Shes obsessed with dogs too so any films from the sad dog movie genre (Homeward Bound, Marley & Me, etc) make her ugly cry big time but shes still a cold-hearted horror movie fan, ok? Visiting a bar at Oklahoma he approached a woman and tried to hit on her. Eve hands them small versions of the clipping book so they can get their own missions. Occupation She has a complicated relationship with Jenkins which undoubtedly involves mutual love, but of what kinds is not clear. Eve asks her what happened and she says a man attacked them. Ezekiel taunts the sheriff about the town being meaningless. Eve calls Cassandra and she and Ezekiel discuss how they should find other magical stances. Ezekiel says he is awesome, and that everyone says he can not do anything however when everyone turned into heroes he just stayed himself and saved the day. The group went to Munich and found a clue on a painting which led to the location of the Crown. They see the Pope and quickly get out as the cops chase them. Cassandra explains she was like that in the past but could not perform up to the dream her parents had for her. Jacob Stone When Jacob cuts the wolf open there is a young woman in it. Jacob falls to the floor and passes out because of the smoke. Flynn uses the storybook to get the library back. Jacob is skeptical about a doorway to heaven inside pyramids. Eve, Cassandra and Katie block the door as the dark man follows them. Excalibur loses power and Flynn wants Cassandra to use the remaining power to cure her. Cassandra says she would like to try a case and opens the book. And the Crown of King Arthur It is revealed they took the dollhouse with them. However he cut it but did not reweave it so the fabric of history became frail. Ezekiel talks to Cassandra and says her idea on the pentagram saved everyone. Eve and the group find the recovering Lamia who got crippled and knocked out by Cassandra. Katie says they are in Nevada and Cassandra says they are in Slovakia. He says it is probably a coven of three people doing this. Jacob and the group try to find a broken lay line in the Nitra Region of Slovakia. Eve gets them to the car wreck and says Ezekiel should not taunt local law enforcement. Flynn stops and says that if they rewind the threads their lines will cease to exist and they will be gone. Eve calls Cassandra and she and Ezekiel discuss how they should find other magical stances. Lamia says she killed Dulaque after he killed Eve. However, he is conflicted as he tries to be normal and hides his intellect by doing simple work and publishes his works under an alias. Shes the one out of all of them that leaped into it open-heartedly, as she does to almost everything. Santa says he is too weak and gives Eve the power to spread the goodwill over humanity this year. In the fight Jacob drops the pearl and it breaks open and reveals a golden apple. It is working and Flynn says Jenkins was right about the pyramids however Jenkins says he never send him any notes. He possesses extensive knowledge of art . Spoiler alert! Ezekiel says he can use a break and Jacob says he would like to visit his family again. Eve complains that he cannot just burst in and start to give orders as it undermines her authority towards the Librarians. Cassandra had heard about Varian from whispers about a "wizard" living in old Corona and when she and Rapunzel took it upon themselves to uncover the answers to their questions about the princess's newly returned hair . If they fail at least Cassandra will remain alive. The sheriff mentions it was most likely just a accident. The team flees as the sheriff is looking for them. The team responds in disbelief after which he explains it. Ezekiel says he stole some trophies when he was young. The team walks through a tunnel while Eve and Flynn argue about his actions. Ezekiel says he can use a break and Jacob says he would like to visit his family again. Her battle is over, but the bigger battle has only just begun. The team is decorating the library for Christmas and Eve mentions she does not like it. The Librarians (TV Series 2014-2018) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. Jacob and the team are figuring out why there are earthquakes in Japan.

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