& Weaver, D.L. official website and that any information you provide is encrypted Accuracy of Optical Imaging for Measuring Tumor Burden In Vivo . The first measurement in Phase I occurred on the 5th day; in Phase III/3, it occurred on the 4th day. Traditionally their volume growth has been monitored by using a mechanical caliper. The advantage of this model is that there is no need to approximate tumor height (which could result in error). Davis, P.L. 22, 921929 (2003). Measure the mass by using a balance (0.01g) and compute the volume by using the The second result which is discussed in the article is comparison of the effectiveness of bevacizumab administration in the case of protocol-based and quasi-continuous therapies. The most recent ESMO (European Society for Medical Oncology) consensus guidelines suggest that treatment discontinuation or maintenance are feasible options after 46 months of full-dose first-line therapy to treat colon and rectal adenocarcinoma [37]. This process takes 45 days. . Also, at beginning of the tumor growth when the tumor is invisible or when a tumor shrinks due to the effectiveness of the drug, in order to measure the volume of such an invisible tumor, it is a general practice to palpate the tumor area to reveal some mass to measure. 15, 115121 (2009). The width of a fully formed tumor will be much larger than its height. A direct 3D volume capture instrument, such as the TM900, will make a stereographic image of the tumor and reconstruct the tumor topography and shape. Sport. Lab Anim 42, 217224 (2013). Forbes, D., Blom, H., Kostomitsopoulos, N., Moore, G. & Perretta, G. Euroguide: On the Accommodation and Care of Animals Used for Experimental and Other Scientific Purposes (Federation of European Laboratory Animal Science Associations, London, 2007). Lifetime dose-response relationships for mammary tumor induction by a single administration of N-methyl-N-nitrosourea. The reason for choosing this type of administration was as follows: a) we wanted to use a daily dose in order to investigate the biological effect of frequent impulse-like control signal for the future controller design; b) we wanted to examine such a low dose which has practically no side-effect but presumably is still effective. Clarys, J.P. & Marfell-Jones, M.J. Soft tissue segmentation of the body and fractionation of the upper and lower limbs. In this phase, 5 immunocompetent mice in control group, and 9 immunocompetent mice in case group were used. Because the industrys caliper-based formula allows for these inclusions in nonexistent volumes more often than not, it yields inaccurate measurements, which can confuse. Med. 58, 264270 (2008). & No, Is the Subject Area "Breast cancer" applicable to this article? Yes Value of prostate volume measurement using transabdominal ultrasonography for the improvement of prostate-specific antigen-based cancer detection. PubMed The overestimation of caliper measurements is due mainly to the fact that the formula used is that of a parallelepiped, a shape unlike an ellipsoid actually represents the geometric body that is being measured. produced by the TumorImager-2TM so that the animal is aligned under the mask each time similarly to the previous scan. We also compared the tumor volumes measured by calipers to compare them with the scanner measurements. We have administered 10 mg/kg body weight intraperitoneally, which means 200 g bevacizumab per a mouse, since the mass of the mice in the experiment was approximately 20 g (in the case of C57Bl/6 and SCID mice as well). In Phase III/3, MRI-measured tumor volume values are available which can be used as reference values for caliper-measured data. & Bullock, G.) 253257 (Elsevier Academic, Boston, 2004). No, Is the Subject Area "Cancer treatment" applicable to this article? et al. Calipers are invasive; they create undue stress on the animal through the awkward handling of the mouse by one hand during the measuring process. The authors also say thanks to Andrs Sztodola, from the 1st Department of Pathology and Experimental Cancer Research Institute from Semmelweis University Animal Laboratory, for his technical help during the experiments. Tumors should also be placed so that the tumor peak is near the center of the mask and is not highly inclined. calipers and Water Displacement methods Tumor mimicking objects Vol. & Hafstrm, L. Estimation of liver tumor volume using different formulasan experimental study in rats. Sci Rep. 2022 Dec 26;12(1):22336. doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-25258-3. To overcome all of these difficulties (continuity of the administration and side-effects), model identification should be determined and then a control algorithm (controller) can be designed for the created mathematical model. The TM900 also stores an optical image in the measurement data base. here. In the case of Phase III/3 and Phase IV, period of time was specified according to the previous phases (Phase I and Phase III/1); mice were sacrificed on the 23rd day of the experiment. 2022 Dec 5;10:998013. doi: 10.3389/fchem.2022.998013. In Phase IV, case2 group members received 1.11 g bevacizumab (with 45 l 0.9% NaCl solution) every day form the 8th day for 15 days. by Mammog raphy (c.c) . The 1st Department of Pathology and Experimental Cancer Research of the Semmelweis University (Budapest, Hungary) and the Physiological Controls Group of the Obuda University (Budapest, Hungary) began collaborating on antiangiogenic therapy research in 2012including the current experimental investigations. We have investigated different methods to find the best tumor volume estimation since it creates the possibility for precise and effective drug administration with a much lower dose than in the protocol. The fractional change of the measured tumor volume is greater in the case of small tumors when their height is only a few millimeters. Thirty-two tumors (46%) were nonspherical, as defined above; of these, 19 tumors were nonspherical in the x-y plane, 10 tumors were nonspherical in the y-z plane, and 24 tumors were nonspherical in the x-z plane. A two-dimensional mathematical model was applied for tumor volume evaluation, and tumor- and therapy-specific constants were calculated for the three different groups. 120, 386391 (2003). Consequences are manifold. Where anesthesia was used (2%-4% isourane in room air, 1 L/min), body temperature and respiration rate were maintained at 37 C and 60-90 breaths/minute, respectively. A tumor expands in width rather than height as it grows. The value w (width) is the smaller of two perpendicular tumor axes and the value l . The variables for the volume of a tumor, as measured by a caliper, are determined by a, b, and c in Figure 1, where length L is 2a, width W is 2b, and height H is c. VT, the volume of a tumor is determined by. It then segments the tumor boundary (red area surrounded by the yellow boundary in Figure 12.) In Phase IV, eleven weeks old male SCID mice with implanted HT-29 human colorectal adenocarcinoma was used. Isofluorane (0.95 x 2.0%) was applied for inhalational anesthesia, and intubation was performed. PLOS ONE promises fair, rigorous peer review, As the height values of the tumors deviate from those of the width, the caliper-based volume values of those tumors begin to mirror real-life measurements less closely. Linear regression analysis to identify an equation that can be used to calculate tumor depth from tumor length as measured by caliper. Mammary tumors seemed to take on an oblate spheroid geometry. Determining tumor volume is a useful and quantitative way to monitor tumor progression. In addition, studies using CT scans concluded that CT yielded tumor volume values 11 to 12% less (an underestimate) than those which were measured by calipers, and that CT-based measurements yielded more accurate and consistent values than caliper-based measurements[6, 7]. Preclinical Imaging Center, Gedeon Richter Plc., Budapest, Hungary, Affiliation Our hypothesis is that the effectiveness of a lower dosage with a quasi-continuous therapy can be comparable with the protocol therapy. In order to estimate tumor volume by external caliper, the greatest longitudinal diameter (length) and the greatest transverse diameter (width) were determined while mice were scruffed and conscious. Clin. Data Availability: All relevant data are within the paper. Cancer Res. Evaluated the accuracy of common four formulas given in the literature to estimate xenograft tumor volumes based on manual caliper measurements and proposed formula (0,45 L*W*H) could estimate tumor volumes as good as prolate ellipsoid formula. Fornage, B.D., Toubas, O. A tumor image, its 3D shape and all geometrical data are automatically calculated and stored. In clinical practice, the determination of the tumor size (volume) is done by MRI and/or CT, but this is for the purpose of validating the effectiveness of the treatment, and therefore it is not a continuous monitoring. Pathology of tumours in laboratory animals. 1st Department of Pathology and Experimental Cancer Research, Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary. Med. In addition, the mice were weighed . B){00)Y$Ixlr{dYe}#@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ ,^X_zN5:EZN]zM^k /Wu^ZZi#Ju.!L!z@u*kUim|+aZmjth-}z5'^|= 4L1_]qVZV*h@! These images were applied to calculate vascularization area by using ImageJ (NIH, USA) [33] software (Fig 4). Although there are studies which confirme that bevacizumab is as effective as the murine anti-VEGF-R2 antibody (DC101) in mouse models ([27, 28]), we extended our experiments and performed Phase IV, where immunocompromized (SCID) mice were used with human colorectal adenocarcinoma (HT-29) xenografts. Oncol. Catheter was placed in the tail vein for injectionaccording to the mouse tail vein injection protocol [30]to investigate drug effect. Yes Clarke, R. Animal models of breast cancer: their diversity and role in biomedical research. Additionally, we explore the impact of six different tumour . The closer the slope of a line on this graph is to 1 and the y-intercept to 0, the closer the measurements of the device it represents are to the exact values of the tumors volumes. To validate our results which come from the experiments where mouse tumor vascularization was inhibited with humanized VEGF, we evaluated the results of Phase IV, where immunocompromized (SCID) mice were used with human colorectal adenocarcinoma (HT-29) xenografts. by US (c.c) Vol. In Phase IV, case1 group members received 200 g bevacizumab (with 200 l 0.9% NaCl solution) in one dose intraperitoneally on the 8th day. A caliper was used to calculate the tumor volume every-three days, and the volume was calculated according to the formula: V = ab 2 /2, where a represents major axis length and b represents minor axis length. Clinical criteria that establish when the endpoint have to be carried out: a) if tumors contributed to a gain of >20% in body weight compared to controls at the same time point; b) tumors that ulcerate, become necrotic or infected; c) any animal found unexpectedly to be moribund, cachectic, or unable to obtain food or water. Even the same operator, with different trials or at different moments in time does not always hold the animal in exactly the same way. The tumor dimensions are L, W, and H. The volume of an ellipsoid VE, using the variables as shown in Figure 1., is. In the case of HT-29 adenocarcinoma, the daily treatment with one-twelfth total dose resulted in significantly smaller tumors than the protocol-based treatment (p = 0.038). In both cases, the height of the tumor will be much smaller than its length or width (Figure 2.). In Phase IV, approximately 2.9106 cells were injected subcutaneously into each SCID mouse. Carlsson, G., Gullberg, B. 54, 401414 (1975). This means that the daily treatment with one-twelfth total dose resulted in significantly smaller tumors than the protocol-based treatment. In addition, we have found that the quasi-continuous administration of bevacizumab is effective against tumor growth of C38 colon adenocarcinoma, in contrast . In Phase I, Phase II and Phase III, eight weeks old male C57Bl/6 mice with implanted C38 mouse colorectal carcinoma was used. Most, if not all, tumors do not fit into this category; this discrepancy results in caliper-based volume measurements including sections that do not exist in the actual tumor, or an overestimation of tumor volume measurement. and JavaScript. The results presented here were provided by them. [45] have found that the combination of low-dose cyclophosphamide and ginsenoside Rg3 therapy can be more effective than the normal administration. These images also provide extra morphological information about the tumor growth and the effect of the compounds on tumor behavior. Mammary tumors similar to those observed in women can be induced in rats by intraperitoneal administration of N-methyl-N-nitrosourea. The height and topography of the tumor is not taken into account in a caliper measurement. Biol. Traditionally, caliper measurements are used to calculate tumor volume. PMID: 11208850. Even though we did not have a statistical analysis of volume loss due to the unmeasured part of tumors in caliper measurements, the lost volume could be higher than the scanner results. b) Fluorescence picture was created using CD31 antibody immunohistochemistry staining to calculate vascularization area. To obtain Wrote the paper: JS ZS PK LK. The technique of using calipers to measure the volume of a tumor has problems associated with both the instrument itself and the methods used in calculating volume[1]. bowel, and kidneys is when the tumor is located in . depicts the inaccuracy of the formula used for caliper measurements, in which the height of the tumor is assumed to be equal to its width. We monitored the vital parameters of 4 immunocompetent mice, and there was no serious toxic side-effect or lethality regarding to the usage of bevacizumab. The scan images obtained are only for the external surface of the tumor. & Wieder, H. Monitoring chemotherapy and radiotherapy of solid tumors. Quantity of the optimal solvent administration was also examined in this subphase. Treat. The effectiveness strongly depends on the administration, and a drug which is effective on a molecular level can be applied in a less effective way because of the incorrectly chosen administration. Kubatka, P. et al. Table 1 shows the results for tumor volume measure- ments on seven A431 tumors, indicating next to both gold standard volumes (V w , V L ) the caliper/formula derived volume V E and the ARTIDA . Numerical result can be found in Table 2, and Fig 5 presents graphical results. You are using a browser version with limited support for CSS. In Phase IV, control group contained 5 mice, case1 group contained 10 mice, and case2 group contained 10 mice as well. An average penny has a diameter of 19 mm and a height of 1.27 mm, yielding a volume of 360.1 mm3. The figure shows the results of a mouse (C4) from control group (first row), and a mouse (E9) from case group (second row). Therefore, optical imaging is . Below, we present the results of some sample studies in which independent companies doing pharmaceutical, biotech, and cancer research organizations made trial runs to assess the new 3D technology and compare them with their standard caliper measurements. Tumor was located in the last third of the back of the mouse in every case. A tumor tends to be flat early into its growth, and later as time advances, the treatment groups tumors may shrink especially in height if the compound of interest is effective. Both methods cannot avoid variability introduced by the manipulation of the animal. P`e+"JF^ : 4:p7]k = Jy}! where f is a constant which belongs to a certain tumor type. Open Access articles citing this article. & Pisani, P. Global cancer statistics, 2002. Cancer Res. We compared tumor volumes estimated in vivo by BLI and FLI, to those calculated by caliper measurements and found a good correlation between these two techniques (Figure 4). Comput. The lines on the graphs have a slope of 1, signifying that it represents caliper-based measurements in which height equals width. This means that mice which were treated with the recommended bevacizumab protocol (one 200 g bevacizumab dose for an 18-day therapy) did not have significantly smaller tumor volume than mice which did not receive therapy at all. The athymic (nude) mouse is a useful model for studying the biology and response to therapies of human tumors in vivo. Figure 19. Fornage, B.D., Toubas, O. Faustino-Rocha, A., Oliveira, P., Pinho-Oliveira, J. et al. These together with the tumor shape and all obtained data can easily be traced and consulted afterwards. Watch our 2-minute video overview. Orthotopic xenograft tumor models, which are more difficult to establish, are close to the clinical behavior of malignant tumors in terms of location of the primary tumor site, the tumor progression, the tumor micro-environment, cell migration and metastasis [1 . Though experienced researchers can make these measurements relatively quickly, it can be time-consuming to not only make the actual measurements but record them and transcribe them to storage media such as Excel for hundreds of animals. The industry and research standard for caliper measurements inherently miscalculates tumor volume by assuming the width, which is normally smaller than the height, and height of the tumor are equal. Then we calculated the Coefficient of Variance between such measurements for both measurements to compare average inter-operator differences. According to the Xenograft tumor model protocol [20], tumor volume has to be calculated using the following formula: A patented algorithm running in the TumorManagerTM program calculates the tumor volume by creating a 3D surface map of the tumor (red-colored surface in Figure 12.). Discover a faster, simpler path to publishing in a high-quality journal. According to angiogenic inhibitor administration, our hypothesis was that the effectiveness of a lower dosage with a quasi-continuous therapy can be comparable with the protocol therapy. Thus, caliper-based measurements, using the formula , are most accurate in real life for tumors in which height roughly equals width but prove less accurate as height becomes more unequal to width, as is the case with almost all real tumors. Significance of rat mammary tumors for human risk assessment. We found out that due to this unmeasured part, the dissected tumor volumes were about 6% larger than the scan results. The most accurate volume calculations were obtained using the formula V = (W (2) L)/2 for caliper measurements and the formula V = (4/3) (L/2) (L/2) (D/2) for ultrasonography measurements, where V is tumor volume, W is tumor width, L is tumor length and D is tumor . National Library of Medicine The authors say special thanks to Katalin Dezs MD. A study[4]on caliper measurements, shoved the very poor accuracy of the formula used for caliper measurements. In caliper measurements, two values, for length and width, must be recorded for one tumor in each animal; this means that for every 100 animals studied, at least 200 measurements must be made and recorded. Measure the three dimensions of peanut M&M's, serving as our similar-sized tumor surrogates, using vernier calipers. Caliper Measurement. Harris, R.E., Alshafie, G.A., Abou-Issa, H. & Seibert, K. Chemopreventive of breast cancer in rats by celecoxib, a ciclooxygenase 2 inhibitor. In this phase, three groups were created. Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative, Bulletin of the National Research Centre (2022), Lab Animal (Lab Anim) In the experiment 9.4 Tesla field strength Varian small-animal MRI was used. Tumor volume measurement cannot happen right after tumor implantation. In order to assess interobserver variation, each . The system includes database, data management and processing software and can be complemented with a weight . Tumor size was measured every 3 days using a digital caliper and computed according to the ellipsoidal calculation formula: V . All surgery and sacrifice were performed under sodium pentobarbital anaesthesia (Nembutal, 70 mg/kg). (2), Whilst studies have shown that tumors can be better estimated with ellipsoid shape than using Eq 1, calculating the volume of an ellipsoid requires the knowledge of the third parameter. Due to the collaboration between medical doctors and biomedical engineers, model-based treatment protocols can be created. Tumor growth can take place under such conditions; however delivery of chemotherapeutic drugs is obstructed. Mice were humanely sacrificed using cervical dislocation. Calculate the correct dose of STELFONTA once you have the volume of the tumor in cm 3, using the Dose Calculator. In the case of C38 colon adenocarcinoma, first, the subcutaneously transplanted piece of tumor has to disintegrate, and after that the new tumor colony (which needs to be measured) can begin to grow from the disintegrated tumor cells. (3), Another relatively new but not widely used approach to estimate tumor volume is to assume hemi-ellipsoid shape [24]. 26 December 2022, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology constant low-dose therapy because in the case of controller-based administration, the control signal (administration dose) can vary from zero to the maximum tolerable dose according to the perceived tumor volume. Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. First way is the caliper measurement; in that case tumor diameters (width, length) are measured with digital caliper. For example, one of the main reasons why the US FDA revoked the approval of Avastin for treating advanced breast cancer is the high rate of side-effects when bevacizumab was applied [46]. Department of Veterinary Sciences, University of Trs-os-Montes and Alto Douro, Vila Real, Portugal, Ana Faustino-Rocha, Jacinta Pinho-Oliveira, Catarina Teixeira-Guedes& Ruben Soares-Maia, Department of Veterinary Sciences, Animal and Veterinary Research Centre, University of Trs-os-Montes and Alto Douro, Vila Real, Portugal, Paula A. Oliveira, Bruno Colao, Maria Joo Pires& Jorge Colao, Laboratory for Process, Environmental and Energy Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Lusophone University of Humanities and Technologies, Lisboa, Portugal, Department of Chemistry, Organic Chemistry of Natural Products and Agrifood, Mass Spectrometry Center, University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal, Department of Veterinary Sciences, Centre for Research and Technology of Agro-Environment and Biological Sciences, University of Trs-os-Montes and Alto Douro, Vila Real, Portugal, You can also search for this author in Ultrasonographic, thermographic and histologic evaluation of MNU-induced mammary tumors in female Sprague-Dawley rats. The tumor burden is evaluated by volume calculation using caliper measurement. MeSH In Phase IV, the caliper measurement days were the 10th, 12th, 17th, 19th, 22nd and 23rd days. The parameters V m = 83 mm 3, = 0.84 and = 0.21 from the literature were used [].. For \( {y}_i^j \) eqs. Jensen, M.M., Jrgensen, J.T., Binderup, T. & Kjr, A. Tumor volume in subcutaneous mouse xenografts measured by microCT is more accurate and reproducible than determined by 18F-FDG-microPET or external caliper. Physical activity cancer preventionmechanisms. The other eight tumors exhibit forms that cannot be compared to a perfect ellipsoid. 3.4. Ergonomics 37, 217229 (1994). We found the same result for human colorectal adenocarcinoma (HT-29) xenografts. Please enable it to take advantage of the complete set of features! Firstly, since the tumor is assumed to be an ellipsoid shape, and the tumors morphology often deviates significantly from this as it grows, this method will produce errors as big as 18.4%. Figure 8. Figure 18. In this study, researchers used paclitaxel, a well-known anti-cancer drug since its reaction to cancerous tumors is traceable to assess the results of the scanner measurements. J. Of course, for the closed-loop design frequent and precise tumor volume measuremets are required, thus the problem of tumor volume measurement has to be solved as well. Google Scholar. First is to find an appropriate mathematical model for tumor volume evaluation from caliper-measured data. Additionally, this technique is plagued by the inconsistent selection of tumor axes at subsequent examinations. In order to reduce such deformations on the tumor during measurement, it is possible to reduce the stress on the body of the animal by using two hands. Notice that in the caliper group, the average standard deviation is larger than that of the group whose tumors were measured by Biopticons TumorImager scanner. In order to estimate tumor volume by external caliper, the greatest longitudinal diameter (length) and the greatest transverse diameter (width) were determined while mice were scruffed and conscious. Average of tumor volumes for every measurement days of the experiment can be seen in Fig 8. Compute the volume assuming perfect ellipsoids. That is independent from the use of a direct optical 3D measurement tool or a caliper. Verma, R. et al. Figure 2. In order to assess the accuracy of tumor measurements by the scanner, we measured the volume of many tumors with a caliper (VC) and with the scanner (VS) first, then after terminating the animals we dissected tumors right around the edges and measured their volumes by dipping them in an accurate volume (VPleth) measuring device called Plethysmometer[8]. In this case, tumor volume has to be calculated in the following way: Current standard technique for volume determination of subcutaneously xenografted tumors in vivo is by external caliper where tumor volume is calculated by use of the modified ellipsoid formula 1/2(Length Width 2)[1,2]. Results of this phase can be found in [26]. Phase III contained three subphases, in every subphases two groups were created; control group received bevacizumab in one dose according to the protocol, while case group received substantially lower doses every day. In Phase III, we have investigated C38 colon adenocarcinoma growth with bevacizumab therapy. However, most serious questions are: for how long and continuous or not? volume42,pages 217224 (2013)Cite this article. The caliper, unlike the scanner, does not consider that the height of the stack changes while the length and width remain the same. The protocol was approved by the Hungarian Animal Experimental Research Ethics Council (llatksrleti Tudomnyos Etikai Tancs, ATET), Permit Number: 22.1/1159/3/2010. To reduce the time of analysis one could e.g. Article However, if the treatment is lengthy, the problem of side-effects also has to be considered. Pollok, K.E. Several studies have investigated the effectiveness of bevacizumab therapy according to different cancer types but these days there is an intense debate on its utility. 2015 Feb;43(2):145-70. doi: 10.1177/0192623314532036. endobj Before Mammary tumors similar to those observed in women can be induced in rats by intraperitoneal administration of N-methyl-N-nitrosourea. 35, 18341840 (2003). PubMed This approach presents an alternative to calipers which, although cheap, fast, and easy to use, introduce many biases for tumor volume estimation. . The problems with tumor volume measurements by calipers, 3.1 Tumor growth: Height is not equal to the width of the tumor, 3.3 Caliper measurements are time-consuming, 3.4 Caliper measurements ignore a larger volume, https://ugobasile.com/products/catalogue/pain-and-inflammation/plethysmometer, A Structured Light Based Laboratory Animal Subcutaneous Tumor Scanning System. The shape of the tumor, more often than not, is not an ellipsoid. r>12TzPn 4x PUj50"pJ{{>y{.mn|Cvz{PP5x kH:5:YM.gn?c[J8oQWkR_!X/C@6P@WT=gO5Sn>om}&SI cyT>E"TnkhSju>~yVOm^C~0__ww@ y[xQr33?6O~hZcR{{u]=O5T. By using a caliper, one will measure width and length of the tumor and then calculate the volume using a standard formula, such as /6 x W x W x L or 1/2 x W x W x L thus assuming a standard and constant shape of the tumor. The post hoc test resulted in the following. Epub 2013 Jul 11. 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