Innate lymphoid cells: a proposal for uniform nomenclature. Clin Cancer Res. Parodi M, et al. PubMed Central The natural cytotoxic receptor NKp46 is also often used to identify mouse and human NK cells in combination with the absence of CD3 expression. Huijskens MJ, et al. NK Cells of the Lung NK cells were identified over four decades ago as lymphocytes with innate ability to lyse tumor cells without the need for prior sensitization [8,9,10]. Table 6 summarizes updated clinical trials of NK cell-based therapy for all solid tumors. Clinical-grade generation of active NK cells from cord blood hematopoietic progenitor cells for immunotherapy using a closed-system culture process. Expression of chimeric receptor CD4zeta by natural killer cells derived from human pluripotent stem cells improves in vitro activity but does not enhance suppression of HIV infection in vivo. observed in CAR NK cell therapy in liquid tumors have not yet been seen in NKG2D and DNAM-1 activating receptors and their ligands in NK-T cell interactions: role in the NK cell-mediated negative regulation of T cell responses. CS1-specific chimeric antigen receptor (CAR)-engineered natural killer cells enhance in vitro and in vivo antitumor activity against human multiple myeloma. Genetically engineered CAR NK cells display selective cytotoxicity against FLT3-positive B-ALL and inhibit in vivo leukemia growth. J Cell Mol Med. 2017;18(9):100415. NK cells also play a significant role in antibody-mediated cancer therapies by utilizing the Fc receptor to carry out antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) [30]. CAR-engineered iPSC-NK cells already have demonstrated effectiveness in targeting human tumors in preclinical studies [41]. Lancet. Zhang Q, et al. For instance, the enhancement of the Wnt signaling pathway with GSK3b inhibitor induces definitive hematopoiesis [112, 113] NK cells developed in such conditions had more pronounced inflammatory cytokine production phenotype, whereas Wnt independent NK subsets, similar to primary fetal NK cells, formed a bias for increased cytotoxicity [110]. Potently cytotoxic natural killer cells initially emerge from erythro-myeloid progenitors during mammalian development. Ciurea SO, et al. Cancer Res. Google Scholar. Generation of off-the-shelf natural killer cells from peripheral blood cell-derived induced pluripotent stem cells. Front Immunol. Blood. Front Oncol. Liu, S., Galat, V., Galat4, Y. et al. CAS Distinct from T cells, there is no master transcriptional factor that controls NK cell development. The interim results showed that 8 out of 11 patients had an objective response to treatment without development of major toxic effects [150]. Chapter 5 Cordyceps as an Herbal Drug Bao-qin Lin and Shao-ping Li. Oncotarget. Miller et al. Different from events required for T cell activation, NK cell activation is governed by the interaction of NK receptors with target cells, independent of antigen processing and presentation. North J, et al. J Immunol. CAR-engineered NK cells targeting wild-type EGFR and EGFRvIII enhance killing of glioblastoma and patient-derived glioblastoma stem cells. It was hypothesized that once bound to mesothelin-overexpressing tumor cells, furin-mediated cleavage would release CXCL16 from the NRPbody and thereby recruit NK cells to the tumor sites [90]. Blood Transfus. 2019;9(1):6478. The integration and balance of the activating and inhibitory signals from the ligand/receptor interactions dictates the status of NK cell activation. Graft-versus-host disease. Stimulating antibodies is typically used along with irradiated allogeneic PBMC to further promote NK activation and expansion. Exp Hematol. In response to the mounting data on this emerging therapy, the present paper provides a thorough review of the technical issues, molecular background and current preclinical and clinical data associated with CAR-NK cell applications in cancer treatment. Lysis of fresh and cultured autologous tumor by human lymphocytes cultured in T-cell growth factor. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article's Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. The linear model proposes that CD56 marks a transition from immature into a more mature status and that immature CD56bright NK cells further differentiate into mature CD56dim populations in human [19, 24]. Natural killer (NK) cell is a specialized immune effector cell type that plays a critical role in immune activation against abnormal cells. Oelsner S, et al. further showed the impact of effective lymphodepleting pre-conditioning on in vivo NK cell expansion and persistence, as patients who received less intense pre-conditioning failed to display NK cell engraftment [5]. 2016;18(5):65363. Chang YH, et al. Koehl U, et al. 2013;15(10):1297306. Google Scholar. CD19-CAR engineered NK-92 cells are sufficient to overcome NK cell resistance in B-cell malignancies. Front Immunol. You F, et al. Sci Rep. 2019;9(1):14916. Cytotherapy. This method has achieved over 15% of CD34+ hematopoietic progenitors compared to other methods producing only up to 4% of CD34+. PubMed 2017;8:458. Lysis of natural killer-resistant fresh solid tumor cells by interleukin 2-activated autologous human peripheral blood lymphocytes. Natural cytotoxic reactivity of mouse lymphoid cells against syngeneic acid allogeneic tumors. Phase I/II clinical trials are ongoing to evaluate the safety and efficacy of NK cell combined with nimotuzumab to treat late-stage malignancies (NCT03554889) and of NK cell infusion on patients with advanced malignant tumors following multi-line therapies (NCT03619954). Phase I study of cord blood-derived natural killer cells combined with autologous stem cell transplantation in multiple myeloma. CAR-NK is one of the approaches in development to overcome this limitation. Cancer Immunol Res. 1985; 161(6): 146482. PLoS ONE. It has been shown that freshly isolated, resting NK cells are generally less lytic as compared to NK cells primed via various strategies [82]. Emerging insights into natural killer cells in human peripheral tissues. Cancer Immunol Immunother. Aiming to generate novel CAR-NK cell-based cancer therapeutics, the consideration of tumor-specific surface antigens and the costimulatory molecules is the Highly efficient IL-21 and feeder cell-driven ex vivo expansion of human NK cells with therapeutic activity in a xenograft mouse model of melanoma. 2018;23(2):181-192.e5. GPC3 is A study by Campana and coworkers has shown that stimulation of NK cells with gene-modified K562 expressing the NK-stimulatory molecules 4-1BB ligand and IL-15 induced a median 21.6-fold expansion during a 7-day culture period. Knorr DA, et al. Cytokine-mediated activation is frequently employed and currently under extensive investigation. 2016;18(1):8090. Correspondence to NK cells engineered to express a GD2 -specific antigen receptor display built-in ADCC-like activity against tumour cells of neuroectodermal origin. Oelsner S, et al. This successful immunotherapy has led to a more complete view of cancer that now considers not only the cancer cells to be targeted and destroyed but also the immune environment of the cancer cells. 2014;20(5):696704. Cytokines, such as IL15, have been incorporated into killer engagers to further enhance NK cell functions [80]. Anti-tumor activities of adoptively transferred NK cells in vivo have been demonstrated as well in pre-clinical xenograft mouse models of ovarian cancer, glioblastoma, and metastatic colorectal cancer [33,34,35,36]. While the CAR technology seeks to enhance NK cell functions by genetically directing their target specificity, there are active investigations on other strategies to effectively prime NK cells ex vivo or in vivo for optimal anti-tumor functions after their infusion. Targeting immunosuppressive components in the TME to re-invigorate NK functions is also under investigation. Purinergic targeting enhances immunotherapy of CD73(+) solid tumors with piggyBac-engineered chimeric antigen receptor natural killer cells. NK cells possess advantageous characteristics, including non-MHC-restricted recognition, ability to infiltrate The mechanism of CTV-1-mediated NK priming is unclear. In solid tumors, both autologous and allogeneic NK cells have demonstrated potential efficacy. Mu YX, et al. Using an array of germline-encoded surface receptors, NK cells are able to recognize and rapidly act against malignant cells without prior sensitization. A novel CD7 chimeric antigen receptor-modified NK-92MI cell line targeting T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia. 2005;106(1):37683. Phase I clinical trial of autologous NK cell therapy using novel expansion method in patients with advanced digestive cancer. Natural killer cells stimulated with PM21 particles expand and biodistribute in vivo: clinical implications for cancer treatment. The IL-15-based ALT-803 complex enhances FcgammaRIIIa-triggered NK cell responses and in vivo clearance of B cell lymphomas. First-in-man clinical trial of CAR NK-92 cells: safety test of CD33-CAR NK-92 cells in patients with relapsed and refractory acute myeloid leukemia. PubMed The conventional linear model suggests that mature NK cells arise from common lymphoid progenitors (CLPs) by progressing through a linear continuum [24]. With the ongoing effort to improve the treatment response and new methods of generating more feasible clinical scales of NK cells, emerging clinical trials are being designed to evaluate these new modalities and to expand their indications. PubMed This approval was based on clinical study demonstrating that oNKord improves survival in year 1 of 80% vs. 35% in the control arm. Chen X, et al. Skeate R, et al. Instead, a combination of transcription factors, including T-bet, Eomes, E4BP4, Id2, and BLIMP, was identified to instruct NK development and maturation [23]. Carlsten M, et al. Umbilical cord blood natural killer cells, their characteristics, and potential clinical applications. 2020. Parihar R, et al. Cerwenka A, Lanier LL. Han J, et al. 2019;10:719. Article In order to avoid critical side effects, such as GVHD caused by alloreactive T cells [98] or a passenger lymphocyte syndrome caused by donor-derived B cells [99], purification is recommended for allogeneic NK cells before the expansion to restrict contaminating total T cells to less than 15105/Kg. NK cell represents a specialized immune effector cell population equipped with fast-acting and potent anti-tumor capacity. WebTargeting TROP2 and HER3: Perspective on the Next Precision Treatment Advances Across Solid Tumors. Two CD19-targeting CAR-T products were approved by the FDA for treatment of B cell lymphomas and acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). By using this website, you agree to our Non-clinical efficacy, safety and stable clinical cell processing of induced pluripotent stem cell-derived anti-glypican-3 chimeric antigen receptor-expressing natural killer/innate lymphoid cells. Cytotherapy. Oncotarget. J Zhang Q, et al. The emergence of this technology provided a completely new framework for clinical-scale NK cell production by allowing for the genetic modifications and unlimited expansion to be performed at the pluripotent cell state. All authors gave consent for publication of the manuscript. Tumor boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) subcutaneousC26 tumor-bearing BALB/c mice were intrave- nously injected PEG-b-P(Glu-SS-BSH)respectively 100mg/kg BSHbasis, when This method was advantageous in that it did not require magnetic cell sorting, feeder cells, or multiple cytokines, potentially lowering the cost of production. Freshly isolated, activated, or in vitro expanded NK cell populations display phenotypic and functional differences. NK cell therapy in solid tumors, therefore, strongly resembled those in hematologic malignancies. Natural killer cells: definition of a cell type rather than a function. 2015;13:277. They patrol our bodies for abnormal cells like cancer and destroy them. WebNatural killer (NK) cell-based immunotherapy has been considered a promising cell-based cancer treatment strategy with low side effects for early tumors and metastasis. Ex vivo expansion of highly cytotoxic human NK cells by cocultivation with irradiated tumor cells for adoptive immunotherapy. 2015;17(5):61320. 2B4 costimulatory domain enhancing cytotoxic ability of anti-CD5 chimeric antigen receptor engineered natural killer cells against T cell malignancies. 2008;28(4):57180. Immunity. A novel method to expand large numbers of CD56(+) natural killer cells from a minute fraction of selectively accessed cryopreserved cord blood for immunotherapy after transplantation. The following section summarizes the current pre-clinical efforts to enhance the efficacy of NK cell-based therapy. Killer (NK) cell activity against solid tumors. WebIn this review, we provide our current understandings of NK cell biology, ongoing pre-clinical and clinical development of NK cell-based therapies and discuss the progress, challenges, and future perspectives. Article Ruggeri L, et al. Biol Blood Marrow Transpl. Stem Cell Reports. Heinze, A., et al. Cookies policy. Go to: 5.1. Google Scholar. Parkhurst MR, et al. Eur J Immunol. Cell. Effects of CSF1R-targeted chimeric antigen receptor-modified NK92MI & T cells on tumor-associated macrophages. Smyth MJ, et al. A novel chimeric PD1-NKG2D-41BB receptor enhances antitumor activity of NK92 cells against human lung cancer H1299 cells by triggering pyroptosis. 2012;14(7):83040. Manage cookies/Do not sell my data we use in the preference centre. Multi-dose Treatment Cohorts Initiated in FT576 Phase 1 Study for Multiple Myeloma; Interim 2018;10(11):93549. PubMed Cancer Immunol Res. The main reason for the low response rate in solid tumors is believed to be related with the immunosuppressive effects of the TME , however the mechanisms Kokura S, Okayama T, Oka K, Ideno M, et al. Sci Rep. 2017;7(1):11075. 1975; 16(2): 21629. 2019;12(1):49. Three out of 12 patients had durable complete remissions [89], providing evidence for further clinical evaluation of this approach. 2015;6:368. Cancer Res. INTRODUCTION Cordyceps is the composite of a genus of fungus that grows on the larva of insects. 2019;10:3123. The success has encouraged many ongoing clinical investigations of NK cell-based cancer therapy alone or in combination with other regimes. Huang Y, et al. WebChapters cover advances in immunotherapeutic strategies, in particular, the use of NK cells with and without T-cell therapy in the treatment of cancer. Autologous peripheral blood stem cell transplantation and adoptive immunotherapy with activated natural killer cells in the immediate posttransplant period. Challenges in CAR NK cell therapy in solid tumors. NKp44-NKp44 ligand interactions in the regulation of natural killer cells and other innate lymphoid cells in humans. Retargeting of natural killer-cell cytolytic activity to ErbB2-expressing cancer cells results in efficient and selective tumor cell destruction. Lopez-Soto A, et al. The NKG2D-2B4 containing CAR-NK had elevated Syk and Erk1/2 phosphorylation [42]. The exciting results from Liu et al. 2012;209(13):235165. J Immunother. Blood. 2015;23(2):3308. Block copolymer-boron cluster conjugate for effective boron neutron capture therapy of solid tumors. NKAML: a pilot study to determine the safety and feasibility of haploidentical natural killer cell transplantation in childhood acute myeloid leukemia. Improved killing of ovarian cancer stem cells by combining a novel chimeric antigen receptor-based immunotherapy and chemotherapy. Romanski A, et al. They induce short-term activation of NK cells but do not support effective expansion without feeder cells. Most NK cells in the blood are CD56dim, whereas the CD56bright subset only represents less than 15% of total circulating NK cells [17]. Cord blood NK cells engineered to express IL-15 and a CD19-targeted CAR show long-term persistence and potent antitumor activity. Leong JW, et al. NK cells can trigger target cell death by releasing cytotoxic granules containing granzymes and perforin and through death receptor-mediated pathways (e.g., FasL/Fas) [11]. Biol Blood Marrow Transpl. Springer Nature. Intraperitoneal delivery of human natural killer cells for treatment of ovarian cancer in a mouse xenograft model. Masuyama J, et al. One major immunosuppressive factor in the TME is the metabolite adenosine, whose production is catalyzed in a sequential manner by the ectoenzymes CD39 and CD73 [43]. Liu E, et al. 2012;16(3):56981. Front Immunol. This work was supported by NIH/NCI grant 1R01CA208246, 1R01CA204021, 1R01CA212409, and DOD W81XWH-15-1-0406 (to J. D. Wu). The broad spectrum of human natural killer cell diversity. There are great numbers of clinical trials on NK cell immunotherapy to treat solid tumors. The adoptive transfer of natural killer (NK) cells is an emerging therapy in the field of immuno-oncology. Lee SJ, et al. Spits H, et al. 2020;111(5):147890. Two biotechs aim to broaden the reach of cancer immunotherapy by applying gene editing tools to an emerging form of cell therapy through a wide-ranging Cancer Sci. Google Scholar. 2010;28(6):9559. CAS NK cells are infrequently seen in tumor biopsies. demonstrated that antibody-mediated blockade of CD73 significantly enhanced the anti-tumor activities of NKG2D-enginneered CAR-NK92 in vitro and in vivo, with improved tumor infiltration by CAR-NK cells in vivo [43]. 2018;2018:4263520. NK cell-based cancer immunotherapy: from basic biology to clinical development. The NKG2C+NK cells can be found in the circulation of HCMV-seropositive individuals [22]. Jennifer Wu supervised the study. Conversely, tumorigenic cells or virally infected cells have downregulated MHC I expression but upregulated levels of ligands for NK cell activating receptors and thus trigger NK cell activation due to the lack of inhibitory signals and/or the presence of activating signals [11]. Despite the immunosuppressive environment of solid tumors, NK cell activity/infiltration has been correlated with improved prognoses in humans. Phillips JH, Lanier LL. Exposure of NK to unmodified NK cell-sensitive leukemia cells (K562) stimulates expansion and short-term proliferation [133]. Anticancer Res. DNAM1 and 2B4 costimulatory domains enhance the cytotoxicity of anti-GPC3 chimeric antigen receptor-modified natural killer cells against hepatocellular cancer cells in vitro. And allogeneic NK cells display selective cytotoxicity against FLT3-positive B-ALL and inhibit in vivo: clinical implications for treatment... And Shao-ping Li and expansion from cord blood hematopoietic progenitor cells for immunotherapy using a closed-system culture.!, S., Galat, V., Galat4, Y. et al numbers of trials... 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