are part and parcel to its government; however, M.N.R.P. When the communities within the Sovereign States, where the descendants of ex-slaves reside, are baited with imported drugs, weapons and economical allurements concealed with hooks of crimes, punishment and death; while they, the Nationless ones, are neither the owners, transporters, the military nor minters of U.S. currencies and have no controlling interest in these creations. Department of Social Duties and Interfaith Ministries. They. The 3step-ladder of Salvation (Belief, Faith and Fruition) personifies the Moorish return-climb from a Human State to their rightful status of The Great God as one. Due to long standing systems of miseducation of their free status within the human family, while being shield under the grandeur of feigned U.S. Often revealed as the Five Highest Principles known to man these pentagrams are also proudly displayed on the Five-pointed Open Green Star centered in The Moorish Flag. in assemble of the Great Grand Body, under the Protection, Guidance and Salvation of the Great God of our Ancient Forefathers, Master of the Day of Judgment, for the resolution in the intent of our actions, do, in our Free National Name, publicly Proclaim and Declare that We are a Ordained People, and of right ought to be, Free, Upright and Independent. Control and supervise all the affairs and properties of the Moorish Science Temple of America 2. Therefore since there is no distinction between a Black Slave and a Free Black on the credit side of righteousness; hence in the matter of the bearers of Slave Names the standard doors of selective Citizenship are forever sealed, either by national descent, choice or naturalization. Some Moorish sovereigns are known to affiliate with the MSTA, but certainly not all MSTA chapters are linked to sovereign citizens. The Moorish Americans, through Rights Of Divinity, have come forth as a clean and pure people, empowered with the inalienable birthright to be an upright, independent and fearless Nation. Members of the Moorish sovereigns, called Moors, have come into conflict with federal and state authorities over their refusal to obey laws and government regulations. Albeit the Moorish Peoples must elevate their thoughts from the stagnant graves of mental slavery, accepted nationless existence and self hatred in order to take their rightful status in the affairs of men. The abyss of slavery is evil and sinful when it has produced contented slaves through the ignorance of knowing they are slaves: The National Grand Sheik is not the hierarchical superior of the other ministers. Allah is my protector, my guide and my salvation by night and by day, thru his Holy Prophet Drew Ali, Amen. Only then can we, The Moorish American Nation, be truly free, a whole ancient people with Constitution de jure and accepted intact by the nations of the earth. For some who identify themselves as Moor, Moorish or something similar, there is a belief that a fictitious 1787 treaty between the United States and Morocco grants them immunity from U.S. law. Verdiacee Turner Goston) retired, the original Washitaw group fell apart, replaced with a variety of different groups and individuals taking up the Washitaw Nation mantle. Moorish American Citizenship can be acquired by The only location in any discipline and field of human activity where the term black racial groups of Africa can be found is in that document. As indicated in the preface, we will address race theory itself, an ongoing fraud on a grand scale, in the third volume of this series. Because they have failed to proclaim themselves as a clean and pure nation and live within the jurisdiction of their constitutional government they are drawing all the mistreatments and evils down upon themselves. Moorish National Republic of Peace is a Ecclesiastical Political Organization (Nation-State) under section 508(c)1(A). In Moorish legal filings, Moorish sovereign citizens refer to themselves with a series of Africanized names that incorporate the words bey or el, or a combination of the two. One initial logical question is precisely how many black racial. Since it is not in the nature of chattel to also be the owner the mass production of Negroes, Colored Folks and Black People made only in America was never designed for them to be autonomy themselves. Ye are the children of one Father, provided for by his care; and the breast of one Mother hath given you suck. Please Download These FREE Books, Documents & Videos & Share With Friends & Family! The theory of Black race in the United States: lack racial groups of Africa do not exist In this three part series we will provide you with primary sources for the origins of the terms race, white and black, as used in the United States. When a misnomered African American people, amidst the Catch and Release Systems of Racial Profiling, compile 20% of U.S. Travelers but form 80% of those stopped by State Action Law Enforcements; and mandatory minimums disproportionately warehouse their youths; and Death Penalties, including Federal Prisoners, are constituted by 70% staple of ex-slaves who total less than 15% of the General Population. As indicated in the preface, we will address race theory itself, an ongoing fraud on a grand scale, in the third volume of this series. The 65 words compiling The Divine Constitution of Moorish America is the most powerful instrument ever written in the history of the Human Family for the ultimate deliverance of a Nation. Self-declared Moorish sovereigns have also been arrested in all regions of the country and many major cities within the United States. Consuls are not diplomatic agents, so, unless a treaty provides otherwise, they do not enjoy diplomatic privileges and immunities. These and more are alll matters that the Moorish American Government will address in the International venues of Justice. This is not the first time Moorish sovereigns have possessed illegal firearms or engaged in confrontations with the police. We can surely help you find the best one according to your needs: Compare and book now! Article 21. Moorish sovereign group members have been known to wear paramilitary style uniforms with patches of the Moorish flag, and to operate vehicles modified to resemble police patrol cars (equipped with a police insignia on the door panels and light bar). The Grand Sheik and the chairman of the Moorish Science Temple of America is in power to make law and enforce laws with the assistance of the Prophet and the Grand Body of the Moorish Science Temple of America. Dr. Alim El Bey, You are not to pay taxes to foreigners who are doing business within the borders of YOUR ancestral estate. Judah Son on YouTube, Since we are not citizens of the united States, we owe no tax obligations to the government of the United States. No Black race exists in the United States. class by fiat; a legal fiction having no basis whatsoever. The gold, silver and commerce belong to the citizens and because all persons born or naturalized are real property under the laws of the United States, so-called African Americans generate an annual 750 Billion Dollars as consumers yet have no true wealth and own no possessions as a people. Department of Economics, Trade and Commerce, 2. T he North American continent is under binding international treaty law, i.e., the Treaty of Peace and Friendship of 1836 between the United States of North America and the Moroccan Empire, which superseded the organic Treaty of Peace and Friendship of 1787 between the United States of America and His Imperial Majesty the Emperor of Morocco . We will address the remnant ills resulting from post- traumatic conditions and mental slavery which many Moorish Americans have now. The Moorish Americans, through Rights Of Divinity, have come forth as a clean and pure people, empowered with the inalienable birthright to be an upright, independent and fearless Nation. I Maurikanos. Posted on Dec 16, 2021. If you are relying on a definition of Black other than the Official Definition, which does not make sense on its face, you should cite that definition when you use the term, rather than simply expecting someone else to know that you are not referring to the Black or African American that has no rational definition, that is, the official definition proffered by U.S. administrative regulations, for disambiguation. Since 1929 the body of Moorish peoples whom, like their NBC equivalents, has not proclaimed their free national status, according to their Constitutional Government and have found themselves subjected to the same fraternal abuses and judicial mistreatments. And according to the Divine Scheme of Human Events we are to let all old business stay as it is and do all our new business in the free National Name of Moorish American. 1. One of them introduced himself to the Nuwaubians as a common law judge. He moved into Tama Re to work with them.. This role of overseeing Government action is facilitated by certain components: the Grand National Chairman, in the name of the Government, who is currently stationed in Virginia Territory. Moors have participated in rallies, conferences and other events with groups, such as the Bloods street gang, theLatin Kingsstreet gang, theNew Black Panther Party, theNation of IslamandBlack Hebrew Israelites, according to law enforcement sources. Learn a proven communication formula that has . And it is a sin for any group of people to violate the national constitutional laws of a free national government and cling to the names and principles that deludes to slavery. Meanwhile being unprotected by their free national Constitution leaves legal trails of Paper Terrorism, jail terms and failures. In several instances, this belief in immunity from legal authority has led some Moorish sovereigns to initiate violent confrontations with law enforcement. Many Moorish sovereigns also profit by selling bogus registration, licensing and insurance documents on websites promoting Moorish sovereign beliefs and doctrines. With us all citizens must proclaim their Nationality and we are teaching our people their Nationality and their Divine Creed that they may know that they are a part and a parcel of this said Government, and know that they are not Negroes, Colored Folks, Black People or Ethiopians, because these names were given to slaves by slave holders in 1779 and lasted until 1865 during the time of slavery. exercise jurisdiction over their countrymen, their persons are inviolable, their residences may be used as asylums in the case of war or tumult, and in fact they possess more than the ordinary diplomatic immunities. T.J. Lawrence, A Hand-book of Public International Law 8687 (10th ed. This Divine Covenant is from your Holy Prophet Noble Drew Ali, thru the guidance of His Father God Allah. The National Grand Sheik and the Grand National Chairman of Moorish America are the Head of Government and are in power to make Law and enforce Laws. }, (The providence of Allah is ever all His works; He ruleth and directeth with infinite wisdom. Sons and daughters must obey father and mother and be industrious and become a part of the uplifting of fallen humanity. 1925). The Moorish sovereign citizen movement has no unified leadership. This irrelevancy of whether a Negro is a slave or free is reiterated in Section Four of the Fourteenth Amendment: When a people with over 9.6 million State Certified Professionals, four million Muslims, over eight million members of Freemasonry and other Secret Societies, numerous Celebrities of every field, over 200 Mayors and Governors, forty members of Congressional Black Caucus a host of officials, appointed Judges, a U.S. Justice here and The Hague, a People with over 90% Christian Leaders and Followers. The 12 Departments of the M.A.G.are as follows : 1. Natural Citizens are not confined to non-governmental organizations but are duty bound to proclaim their free national name, to be recognized by their government in which they must live. The substance of Nationality and the benefits. That to secure these Rights: there are Governments instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. ", SavingHumanity is our core mission, preserving life, freedom, and liberty, Teaching high values to a elite Nation, joining forces with Smart School smart academy and Ministries across the nation for a generation of smart loving children, Expanding new ideas, with old traditions and Customs, spiritually leveling the playing fields across the nation, We teach real spiritual transformation, focusing on the five principles Love, truth, freedom, Peace, & Justice, by the true prophet Noble drew Ali. If you or your organization has evidence to the contrary, kindly post the primary sources in the. Eatonton, Georgia). The sole purpose of such. An officer of a commercial character, appointed by the different states to watch over the mercantile [trade or commercial] interests of the appointing state and of its subjects in foreign countries. The Assistant Grand Sheik is to assist the Grand Sheik in all affairs if he lives according to Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice, and it is known before the citizens of Moorish America. Group leader Jamhal Talib Abdullah posted a photo of the group doing marksmanship training on Facebook in August 2020. Check back in an hour. Department of Library and Archives of Wisdom, 12. A governmental representative living in a foreign country to oversee commercial and, ters involving the representative's home country and its citizens in that foreign country. Even so, a small number of Moorish sovereigns have pursued more violent paths and participated in terrorist plots. The Moorish Americans are the descendants of the ancient Moabites whom inhabited the North Western and South Western shores of Africa. take responsibility for, but they may suggest their dismissal to the Grand National Chairman in the event of serious misconduct. Abdullah told police they were traveling from Rhode Island, where their headquarters is located, to Maine for training. THE MOORISH AMERICAN NATIONAL BALLOT . We will work in reverse order. They watch over commercial interests of the state for which they act; collect information for it; help its nationals with advice, administer their property if they die abroad, and register their births, deaths, and marriages; they authenticate documents for legal purposes, take depositions from witnesses, visa passports, and the like. J.L. Number one on the agenda of the Moorish Government is to launch a continous census to accumulate data/registrations, properly educating Moorish Americans about the necessities and resposibilities of Moorish American Citizenship in compliance with United Nations criteria. To call aloud to the ingenious citizens of the United States, Allies and Foreign Sympathizers to help us, The Moorish American Nationals, economically, politically, socially, religiously, in our gigantic Divine and National Movement - the Uplifting of Fallen Humanity. Terms such as Haitian or Negro can be used in addition to Black or African American.. Directive 15 is not based on science, so youd just get bloviative answers ranging from 1 to 1000 (maybe more). Thus, the United States established United States consular courts in Morocco by authority of such Treaty. The Moorish American Government Website's main objective is to inform and educate our people about their government in a transparent, easy and cost effective manner. Further, according toMark Pitcavage, a leading expert in the sovereign citizen movement, Moorish sovereign citizens emerged in the mid-1990s on the East Coast when some people began to merge sovereign citizen ideas with some of the beliefs of the Moorish Science Temple, a religious sect dating back to 1913., In his article The Washitaw Nation and Moorish Sovereign Citizens, Pitcavage writes, After the Empress (e.g. Still, due to the magnanimous blow from the setting maul, it may take the prosperities of the mighty Moorish another generation or two before they can decipher their unalienable birthrights and national advantages of freedom nourished from the breast of their Divine Constitution. A governmental representative living in a foreign country to oversee commercial and other matters involving the representative's home country and its citizens in that foreign country. In 1993, the only American-born suspect connected with the plot targeting New York City landmarks,Clement Rodney Hampton-El(including the successful bombing of the World Trade Center), espoused Moorish ideology. But consuls are entitled to consular immunities, which protect them from local law and jurisdiction in. so precision or even reasonable approximation is impossible. In particular, theNuwaubian Nation of Moorslikely played a key role in spreading Moorish sovereign citizen ideology to other key American cities. What are black racial groups of Africa The controlling U.S. federal administrative regulation is Revisions to the Standards for the Classification of Federal Data on Race and Ethnicity, Federal Register Notice, October 30, 1997, OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET, Revisions to the Standards for the Classification of Federal Data on Race and Ethnicity, AGENCY: Executive Office of the President, Office of Management and Budget (OMB), Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs which defines Black or African American Black or African American. Still they net a 700% increase to U.S. Prison Industrial Plantations since 1985 Congressional Sentencing Guidelines: When we, as free Nationals, have our leaders stifled and disallowed to call together the wise men of our people, to consult among them with freedom, and heareth the opinion of them all; no magistrates to be just nor ministers to be wise; Fathers without land, wealth nor autonomy cannot smile upon the flourishments of our arts, neither gain strength from the sciences improved beneath the culture of our hands to be inherited to our sons and daughters: When any Government confounds the historical die of a slave-weakened people into the Maya of an illusionous Black History, that severs them from the worthiness of their ancient forefathers and ostracizing them from The Family of Nations and the Human Family from whence they derived: When those who call themselves Jews, bearing no credit on the scale of nationality, receive 6.5 Billion Dollars in Reparations, with another compassionate measure of compensations to Japanese-Americans joined with sovereign powers and immunities; Yet no apology nor gratitude to those survivors of 400 years of slavery in America; the later 225 years of which were under the American flag: When the system of Education is steeped in Euro-Nationalism and surface degrees of colour rather than character; when a Religion, forced upon Slaves during the time of Slavery, yield an observance of a God that is not our own nor graced with the Divine and National freedom of We, as a Pure and Clean People. TITLE 22 USC 141-143 (BEFORE IT WAS REPEALED), THE HISTORY ON CONSULAR'S AND CONSULAR JURISDICTION. In 2009, Moorish Americans convened our first National Conference in Philidelphia to formerly establish the Moorish American Government, its Cabinet of Executive Rulers/Government Officials, Divine Constitution & By-laws, Departments, Department Heads, Domestic satellite-offices (Consulates) within the continental American territories wherein Moorish American Nationals reside, the agenda and strategic ways and means to expedite the same. Black's Law Dictionary, 8th Edition (page 948-949): Consul. From this die of court and State-owned Slavery alone, they have no rights that the true Citizens are bound to respect. Moorish sovereign citizens often display an emblem that consists of a scarlet red rectangular banner or flag with a five-pointed green star located just left of center. Neither has the Moorish Americans been free to be themselves in the 140 years (1865) since their emancipation from Negro Chattel Slavery, while under the Assumable Jurisdiction of the U.S. 14th and 15th Amendments of granted privileges; separated from the Rights guaranteed to all free National Citizens in the body of Her Constitution. fiat in the cited U.S. administrative agency document do not exist anywhere, not only not in Africa, any institution or individual is defied to refute the above stated fact by, if the number you conclude exist is more than 0 (zero), posting the precise number of so-called black racial groups of Africa, with the included work, specifically, citations to primary sources, showing how you and your organization reached the conclusion. (2) Principles: There are five principles of the Moorish Peoples. The Divine Constitution and By-Laws for Moorish Americans. These principles are Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice (L, T, P, F, & J). 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