If that werent the case, I would never ask him to do anything that he would struggle with or resent, and nor would I allow anyone to expect me to change big aspects of my lifestyle either. So yes, I suppose he is :) Judging from how little youve read of my actual comment regarding the little differences we have with our furry counterparts and the reasons in doing so Im going to take you as the type that is so set in their beliefs no amount of evidence can make you see otherwise and thats okay. What bothers me is that she jumps up on you all the time, she follows him around 24/7, and she whines and snores consistently. I got rid of my dog because of the agreement we made but he still has his dog a year later. According to her he also gets, cold all the time, so he wants to go under the covers. Michelle Im sorry, but the bigger problem lies with you. I will however ask my partner to compromise and find some middle ground if we dont see eye-to-eye. Dog stays off the furniture, gets her own doggie bed for the bedroom, and he sweeps everyday. He will agree to keep the dog with you by following the right tactics. Nope getting a dog made her darker and I cant live like this. Oddly, our son is his first child. And right again about when they die shell get more because she will have wasted her life on animals and have no idea how to connect w a human nor understand them. These men, are looney! I made exceptions as long as the kitten didnt bother her.. Hes my husband, I want him to be happy, right? But it has come down to him or my dog this is literally breaking my heart we are broken up right now over this!! Sorry but your problems are just going to escalate !! I believe shes jealous but he doesnt seem to see it. With such clear precision he told me that I know what the answer will be if I asked to rehome them. This is same man who would make family or friends kennel their pets when visiting us. Luckily Im seeing my therapist Monday. If all responsibilities about the dog are assigned to him, like giving exercises morning and afternoon, taking the dog for grooming, veterinary checkups, and other duties, his concern is fair. He has shows aggressiveness to me before as well. Have faith that what you feel is correct. Hes admitted he should have told me and was wrong to keep me under the misapprehension it would be fine to eventually have a dog, and he has tried to apologise but I can barely look at him or talk to him. He didnt know it, but his wife told him that the couple ordered their dog a burger and had the dog sitting at the table while they fed the dog the burger?? :\ and the thought of our baby being born soon I dont want dog hair anywhere! I wanted to leave so badly, but at the time had no job and nowhere to go. When dogs misbehave its usually the owners fault. But also, I dont want to resent the dog because of his actions because that isnt fair to her. Okay this has cause so many arguments with my boyfriend and I and the kids Now his dog has come in heat and had to bring her in we went away for the weekend and the windows were tore up my curtains large piles of dog poo and pee everywhere and he yells and says I guess UR dog had no part in any of it!!! raise your kids to love and respect animals but making them a sibling, i think not. He wouldnt stop suggesting it! The other issue is my cat is out in the living room, any movement from her and he jumps off the bed and starts whining or barking. Now you know the reasons why your husband/boyfriend needs to get rid of the dog and the exact solutions you can take. Mainly because I decided to focus on my relationship instead of a small dog problems even if it could be seen as a big one I finally decided not to let it but just let the dog into my heart more each and everyday. Its possible that letting your pet wash mouth sores could spread them (cause immediate additional sores), but again, this is a virus under discussion. I strongly recommend reading the following article. He will break out of whatever you try and put him in then raise hell on the whole house. And having a dog sleep in a bed is one of the worst offenses of lazy pet owners IMO, it is just asking for trouble! Shes aggressive when its about food and the bed so she might attack him without him even doing a thing. Im currently on crutches and his dog will cut me off when Im walking and has peed on my stuff, I clean the apartment because my boyfriend works a lot and as soon as Im done cleaning his dog pisses everywhere in the house, idk what to do. I am really glad that I read through these comments. A house that reeks of dog & destroyed furniture instead of a family and a lovely home. During the day she could just be loose. If you do not care then okay be willing to accept it needs to get trained for the sake of a healthy long lasting relationship which I believe is more important than an animal maybe because its a human being and they are a good fit they will benefit your life most likely more than an animal will. They had their place I had mine. its annoying. I grew up with dogs, they will not die from having table scraps! Use this site to investigate unknown phone numbers that raises red flags. Which means that, over the next 10-15 years, all the people in that dog owners life are going to suffer from it. And I can reach out and pet them or even snuggle them and still be in a dog-free bed with my boyfriend. This is why he isnt allowed in the upstairs area of our house, and hes definitely not allowed on our furniture. No begging no bed or furniture sharing. It can be considered the middle but if your partner is like me, the dog can pose serious health problems. So me and my gf are 2 months together now, but we knew each other years before. Even in other peoples houses dog owners want to let their mutts do what they want. I vowed never to ride in that truck again and have not. They get jealous when we are hugging and start whining. I am a person that loves animals (yes, dogs too), but I prefer cats. No longer walking with anxiety over the man-dog/wife relationship. We had the exact same problem except I had two dogs when I met my boyfriend. Just disturbing. But take a moment and step back to look at the situation overall. The cat does not listen and he has never disciplined the cat. It isnt his love for animals it is channeling his anger in the wrong direction. Not to mention! He sleep at his own house. We have a 7 month old baby and he is choosing his dog. But my boyfriend loved her. He said if he stayed up to watch TV, the dog would bark at him to come to bed. Jake- yeah? Before we got married my DH slept with his dog. She was so cute and sweet, and my boyfriend was really happy to have her. Anyhow, my wife and my kids think I am a grumpy man because I am not happy living with the dog. I should have SAID no! We just recently moved into a rental and my dog is now living with us full time. The dog has health issues and a husband/boyfriend. A dog is an animal period, it has no human characteristics!!! Although, my pets never ranked higher in the family than my mother, father, sister, brother, or spouse. Suppose the girl owns a dog, and that canine tends to interrupt the relationship as a result of feeling jealousy or any other psychological issue. I have no idea what the answer is, it is the one thing I would change about my husband. Why? When we argue he always has to insert stupid comments like he is my dog, he isnt going anywhere, I love him and thats that. !.my brother had a beautiful border collie which he allowed to get bored and she started to round up the neighbours children.he was going to get her put to sleep so I took her in.shes a fabulous dog and I love her to bits.my boyfriend hates her however and now doesnt want to move in with me because of the hair,the smell,the noise etcIm guttedreally devastated.what should I do? I didnt know how blurred the line had became between him and his dog? My husband hates it. You have put it so beautifully. We cant go on a cruise because he wants to take IT with us. I did my best to share responsibilities; feed, walk, vet, snuggle with the pup. Every suggestion I make about boundaries or training is shut down and she gets very offended. We are going round in circles and Im stuck in a situation where I love my partner to bits but cant stand his dog and feel its not fair to get rid of her and keep the puggle which might end up in resentment from my partner. (That can provide the same amount of nutrition). Also, if we are sitting outside and eating on the patio that they stay inside. I have never allowed her on the bed Id read something about alpha dogs and I was trying to impress my alpha on her.that night I put her on a blanket on the side of me in the bed.I realized that I was afraid to care about anyone or anything againand that I had not taking anything into account about her behavior and needed to research how to care and train her. My dog, for being aggressive. I feel your pain. Yes I have discussed this with him but it doesnt really go anywhere because he gets defensive every time I bring up anything about his child. Your householders have allergies to dogs. She told me how she had one of her drunken , lonely nights with her favorite bottle of wine after going through a break up and was browsing the web for dogs she could get from a shelter. My boyfriends dog slept with us at first but my health deteriorated, to the point my doctor told me we had to get rid of her because my lungs were on the verge of irreversible lung damage, but my boyfriend refused to get rid of her so you have to find solutions. I have thought of how I can get it lost, dead, or just not here. I compromised on many things. According to them, people who dont like dogs are not to be trusted. He was very controlling. I enjoy cuddling her. I Dont care for the slobbering ones myself, but owner should wipe their mouths around company esp. I do not like dogs, never will.. Needy pathetic, whiny, annoying little jerks. It is sad to say that much of the stress and anxiety in my life is due to his dog. Her dog came from a Romanian shelter and they wanted to kill her but she got saved. But the hair still keeps finding its way in anyway. As long as Im content that equals not only survival but thriving as well. I did agree to having the dog with us because I dont like to see any animal suffer as I am too a dog lover. anyway something happened to me and her That night. I guess my advice is to ride it out because its not for forever. Ive caved for everything my husband wanted that I completely disagree with but having the dog in the bed i truly dislike. Reading the post below has been a relief to know that my feelings toward my girlfriends Boston Terrier is genuine and not abnormal. You need to either leave the boyfriend, or give the dog to a family or owner who will care for the dog and not mistreat it. I love some dogs, like my own, but I do not love chihuahuas. he lies on her keyboard, on her paperwork, gets between us during intimate moments. Sowe bought a house together & moved in. Her dog, physically, is unique and lovable. Im considdering leaving my wife of 23 years, she bought 2 cockers 4 years ago we consulted and i have dogs growing up. 138 Sponsored by Spokeo Are you worried that your partner is talking to someone? It is one of the excellent ways to keep your dog mentally stimulated throughout the day, making a well-behaved dog. And jetaime, it only gets worse. Except I had the Siberian Husky, who showers regularly and smell great. I just dont know what to do anymore. He has OCD when it comes to his ball and is constantly dropping it in front of you demanding you throw it somewhere for him to fetch. Just to note for you dog lovers out there (not meant in a derogatory way) the dog is just happy, didnt cry, moan or anything at all in the following nights which surprised her. Wow Jay youre problem definitely sounds like what I am currently dealing with! He never ever even pets them! I now have to allow one of the dogs to sleep in our bed though she holds it in her arms with her back to me. Its better to keep him in a place where easily cleanable. He rarely listens to my fianc. You dont treat them both equally. Like most dog fanatics you dont even make sense: your ex never met your dog yet he attempted to lure her away How could he attempt to lure her away if he never met her? As human beings, we know that if my dog has a particular health issue, we need to treat it as soon as possible. If your husband/boyfriend needs to get rid of the dog, the main reason could be puppy blues. Telling him that in six years when the dog is dead, and Im not there, what will you regret? Theyre revealing their true colours now. When I have to go out of town I often have my mom watch her because I know if she is at home she will not be happy and wont do anything but sit in her crate, eat and go outside. However, because of your extreme allergies at the end of the day they are animals and you are a human and if you get to a point where you literally cant carry on living that way, I think you are well in your right to find a different home for these furry friends. Then I tell myselffreak! I dont know how I can get past my sense of betrayal. Ive given up so much for my wife so she could have this dog and I love her and she acknowledges it, but she doesnt seem to understand how much this has hurt me. I think thats why her previous owners got rid of her they didnt list a reason. In my opinion you only making it worse and making him think he is the alpha male as he gets his way. We have a 2 year old pit bull. I have to somehow not find all their annoying habits annoying. I allow the dog in the basement. I could weave sweaters with her shedding, plus I vacuum weekly. He couldnt stand him. Now this we very tough for me because my shi-poo was such a sweet dog (he actually became a trained therapy dog bc of his gentle nature), but I found a wonderful home for him (one of my patients sons). They are the one who do not give the training.Dogs are great animals . Never a problem. This is where the problem comes in, his Godchild got him a puppy for his birthday, his birthday was 2 months ago but he got the gift today. This is obvious. She doesnt have time to train even after we each went to classes on how to train it. Shes a straight up intelligent manipulative bag. We love each other very much but this situation is putting a strain on our relationship, he says he doesnt understand as I used to like her at first, I genuinely did but when I realised what it was like to live with her things changed. )When were in bed trying to go to sleep the dog sits in your face and stares for literally an hour. Of course, he farts, breathes heavy and eats like a beast but that is not really his fault but it doesnt endear him to me anymore so by doing so. If he keeps jumping up maybe try a kennel at first. When I brought this up to my boyfriend, he said Who cares? From the beginning, Mango slept in our bedwhether between us or just near me. The duvet is covered with hair and dirt. So he has the entire morning to do this, but he "struggles to wake up". I have 2 kids 6 & 3 Im feeling like Mulan (the puppy) is another kid. I take my dog for two walks a day, he lets his dog out into his backyard. But they have their place. She does not listen very much at all. Most recurring mouth sores are herpes virus related. Or who knows, you may both find the break refreshing and a great opportunity to experience a human love relationship more fully, even to the point of extending the dogs vacation. We had to move away and the dogs stayed behind we cant have them right now (thankfully), what I relieve to finally had the bed together as a newly married couple and have quality time together without 2 needy dogs around. When he tried to go to bed, the dog would be there first and would growl at him when he tried to get in. I really like this girl a lot, and I could see myself marrying her. I am interrupted by dogs noisy playing in the house every time I try to speak and the illustrious owner ignores and interrupts me to quieten them down. Chat with your husband/boyfriend: Talk with him very politely and say that you entirely agree and understandable his concern, and ask for another month to correct the behavior. Only a heartless person can get rid of the dog in such a situation. Originally the dog was obtained at the recommendation of a therapist for the dependent brother to increase his physical activity (going for walks) and to give him something to focus on other than himself. Divorce him? My boyfriend cant stand me saying anything either..TODAY the freakin thing jumped up on my rocking chair & it was rubbing itself all over it. Its just not a fun, loving dog unless she is around. Just like people sometimes dont like other people. Weve been staying here almost 3 months, it has been overwhelming and stressful for us because we cant really settle because its not our place but plan to move out in December into our own flat which is in the next 2 months. She weighs over 100 pounds and stands about 26 at the shoulder. Now she barely does that without forcing her to or saying it 15+ times. I understand you dont want to ask him to get rid of his animals because you know how much he loves them and youre not a cruel person you dont hate the animals but its not your fault they give you anxiety and irritate your allergies. If you dont, he will cry and bark. Ive read quite a few of your posts and I feel that mine situation is not as harsh as all of yours. Basically, she made a conscious choice to choose the dog and the current state of affairs over me. I dont even know where to start. No thanks! Your health is number 1! I just wish hed either help or give her to his mom. Consult a veterinarian: If you feel the shedding is abnormal, consult your veterinarian right away in order to solve the issue. I would think about if I wanted someone who clearly resents your pet so much in your life. When he is around she hardly gets off her bed and when he goes out she jumps up and acts normal and happy. I really dont want one of the dogs being so much hassle. I know he loves the dog and so do I. I have no idea what to do at this point. Its not the dogs: its the people, and its not us, its them. She was used to having the dog in her bed, in the kitchen, on the couch. Regardless the animal was never trained properly and she has no intentions of attempting to do so. And she was sleeping under the covers in the bed with him. I grew up with working ranch dogs. Weve kept him in a kennel before, but hes chewed on it and rammed into it with his head enough that its broken and he can break out. I was angry the vet didnt do a better job alleviating her post op pain. It has chewed a few things it shouldnt and I dont always feel enthusiatic about walks but its generally okay (only 8 months). Its pretty clear to us outsiders that the man has a severely dysfunctional relationship with his animals. im just not sure i can make it till hes no longer in the picture. Even then, its not too excited about anything. Its an everyday task and some days even more difficult and Im hoping some god in the universe gives me the strength and tolerance to overcome this situation. Shes just all about him and eating up all his attention and love. Everything we want to plan and do revolves around him and how long her parents can watch him. I havent quite looked the same. As a comic, Ive managed to tell stories about him that are funny to other people and only in hind sight. the little dog weighed about two and a half pounds and was covered in ticks had a dislocated back leg and had been being hit and swung around by the legs punished for no reason being left without food or water. My mother in law had 2 dogs & before she died asked my husband to take care of the dogs. You need to train them. (As He has already said his dog will come first always) He already thinks I despise his dog which I dont he jsut doesnt understand I dont know how to deal with the constant need and attention I love this man and never want to lose him over a dog but how should I go about dealing with this? There are some really nutty dog owners out there unfortunately! It all bothers me very much. After being married 6 months I realized he was married to his dog and I was the third wheel. If you attempt to put him another room, he will whine and cry until let out. Stay out of the kitchen when we are eating (would also want when we are cooking), stay off the couch and out of the bedroom. Also, the dogs never get showered, brushed, nails clipped, they dont get vaccinations or flea treatments. He wanted a baby so hopefully he will enjoy our baby. Make sure to strictly adhere to that advice if you really wanna keep the dog. Also I would recommend getting a male dog, the female are too much and too aggressive and much more work IMO. I thought Id be okay with having a dog in the house, but I am not adjusting well. I am an extremely clean person and I like my surroundings to be comfy and inviting. I told him that he either needs to take her and come up with the deposit for the condo, pay me for all my efforts of cleaning her mud and poop like doggy day care, or stop by every morning and take her to doggy daycare on his way to work. And Im sure no one cannot do that because its difficult to adjust to a lifestyle. Yuck! He is low key and causes no trouble in the relationship. I would go on a walk with the dog and feel way better then walking his little thing. Where am I supposed to go to? He then comes back into the room I am in, starts cussing and ranting about how he is so sick of seeing dog piss in the floor and that I can either get rid of the dog or he will do something about it, incinuating he will either get rid of it or kill it. and to imagine I used to love cats and dogs.. had many over the years but I really am done!!! Hello, again! As people have disappeared into their screens there is an expectation by some that they neednt live in the real world; that dogs or games or something they can control which does not include another living/breathing human is the central focus in their life. He wont even consider me looking after a friends cat at our house for a week, thats how much he Dislikes pets. When I look at her its either aww shes cute and sleeping or I effing Hate her. I do not want the dog in my living area, kitchen and bedroom. Then he needs to go? To a hotel by myself? I tell him to get her off and he just thought it was no big deal -_- and in the pictures he was sending it felt like I was seeing a couple being all snuggly on two couches and he would tell me she would stare at when he wakes up or falls asleep. And building a strong relationship with another person requires a tremendous investment of time but can yield tremendous rewards in the long run, rewards that can never be realized with an animal. So the dogs stay away from him whenever possible. So, I figured if I gave him time, hed adjust to the idea of a dog and be as enthusiastic about it as he is for our other animals. he kept insisting that the dogs had to be on the bed, there was black dirty, a TON of hair and even drips of pee on the sheet! You have to word it differently than get rid of as these dog worshippers are very sensitive to that. If you cant be bothered to put in the time to make that happen, then dont get a partner because its not fair on them. I treat the cat better than him(see above). Unfortunately the society we live in, this fast-paced culture, this generation demands action, and fast results. I too am thankful Ive found this thread because I was truly starting to feel like I am overreacting or finding excuses to argue! , brother, or just not a fun, loving dog unless she is around alleviating post. Regardless the animal was never trained properly and she gets very offended and smell great dont like are... And have not pets never ranked higher in the family than my mother, father, sister, brother or... Raise hell on the patio that they stay inside the upstairs area of our baby being soon. Than my mother, father, sister, brother, or spouse cute... Choose the dog can pose serious health problems could be puppy blues i want my boyfriend to get rid of his dog you try and put another! 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