Repeat Non-durable equipment observed. Clutter includes boxes, hoses, metal plates, grill rack, old signs, old bulbs and plastic/paper. *Corrective Action: Ensure that the three bay sink is used for manual warewashing and the prep sink is used for prep.8/9/2021: Observed the prep sink was being used for food prep during the inspection. Observed dust accumulation on the air vents, especially above the prep table. Observed lettuce and sliced tomatoes that were on TILT missing their date marks. Repeat Hot and cold holding equipment thermometer was missing, located incorrectly, or not easily readable. Observed on 6/22 in walkin cooler the following with discard dates: tomatoes (6/21) and lettuce (6/20). *PIC open test kit during inspection to test sanitizer. Missing floor tiles were observed in prep area by grill. *Ensure items are date marked if they are not used within one day. Fix hand wash sink so it no longer drips.Fix hand wash sink so it no longer drips. Facility not maintained clean. Person-in-charge did not ensure that written procedures and plans are maintained and implemented in the facility. 3717-1-03.4(F)(1) / Time/temperature controlled for safety food - hot and cold holding.Critical Repeat CorrectedDuringInsp TCS foods were not being held at the proper temperature. Monitor temperature throughout day to make sure equipment is working properly. 3717-1-06.4(B) / Cleaning - frequency and restrictions. 3717-1-05.4(F)(1) / Outside receptacles - tight fitting lids Repeat Outdoor refuse containers without tight fitting lids, doors, or covers. Observed no sign at handsink next to warewashing area. 3717-1-03.4(F)(1)(b) / Time/temperature controlled for safety food - cold holding.Critical Repeat Corrected During Inspection TCS foods not being cold held at the proper temperature. Improperly cleaned storage area for refuse, recyclables, or returnables. 3717-1-04.2(B)(1) / Manual warewashing - three compartment sink required. Reportedly bump pads are only cleaned once a month. 3717-1-05.4(P) / Maintaining refuse areas and enclosures. Fix walk-in freezer and ice machine so that they are in working order. Observed tartar cheese sauce cold holding at 48F and sliced cheese overfilled in the container that cheeses on top were cold holding at 52.8F in the serving line. 3717-1-04.1(A) / Equipment and utensils - durability and strength. This facility is a risk level IV due to the following procedure: This facility is satisfactory at the time of inspection. 3717-1-05.3(C) / Backflow prevention.Critical Observed a direct connection between the sewage system and a drain originating from equipment in which food, portable equipment, or utensils are placed. 3717-1-06.1(M) / Outer openings - protected. 3717-1-05.1(S) / Plumbing system - maintained in good repair. *Corrective Action: Ensure the temperature gages are reading the proper temperature. Observed a coat stored directly in front of the handwashing sink at the counter, rendering it inaccessible. Keep dumpster lids closed at all times to prevent rodent activity. 3717-1-02.4(B)(1) / PIC: Demonstration of Knowledge - No Critical ViolationsCritical Repeat PIC unable to demonstrate knowledge by having no critical violations. 3717-1-04.2(B)(4) / Manual warewashing - two compartment sink requirements. Pull out fryer and grill to clean under them. 3717-1-04.4(N)(3) / Manual and mechanical warewashing equipment, chemical sanitization (quaternary ammonium) - temp., pH, concentration, and hardnessCritical Repeat Quaternary ammonium sanitizing solution at incorrect temperature, concentration, and/or water hardness. Observed missing and discolored ceiling tiles throughout the facility, as well as damaged floor tiles. Observed boxes on the floor in the indoor freezer.Food shall be protected from contamination by storing the food in a clean, dry location, where it is not exposed to splash, dust, or other contamination, and at least six inches above the floor. Keep all TCS items iced down well until unit is repaired. Call pest control company for treatment. Mops dried improperly. Unnecessary or nonfunctional items and /or litter on premises. 3717-1-06.4(A) / Repairing. 6/8- Manager reported that they are going to have the current thermometer repaired. 3717-1-04.8(E)(1) / Single-service and single-use articles - storage Observed single use items/articles were being store on the floor of the facility. 3717-1-05.1(S)(2) / Plumbing system - maintained in good repair. *Clean water and insure floor drain is working properly/not clogged. 3717-1-06.4(B) / Cleaning - frequency and restrictions. 3717-1-06.2(E) / Handwashing signage. Observed non working cooler under coffee machine.Equipment shall be maintained in a state of repair and condition that meets the requirements specified under rules 3717-1-04 and 3717-1-04.1 of this code. *Replace door gasket on this door. Observed no paper towels at the handwashing sink near the cash registers.To prevent contamination by hands, each handwashing sink or group of adjacent handwashing sinks shall be provided with: Individual, disposable towels; a continuous towel system that supplies the user with a clean towel; a heated-air hand drying device; or a hand drying device that employs an air-knife system that delivers high velocity, pressurized air at ambient temperatures. Critical Repeat Corrected During Inspection . 3717-1-06.4(K) / Controlling pests.Critical Repeat Presence of live insects. *Corrective Action: Ensure the walk-in cooler gaskets are replaced. Observed the soap dispenser at the handwashing sink next to the three compartment sink is not working.The physical facilities shall be maintained in good repair. All cold held TCS food must be held at 41*F or colder at all times.Cold hold beef at 41*F or lower at all times. An infrared or other heat lamp shall be protected against breakage by a shield surrounding and extending beyond the bulb so that only the face of the bulb is exposed. Non-food contact surfaces of equipment are unclean. VR 04 / Monitoring procedures being followed Repeat CorrectedDuringInsp Observed cheese was not time stamped per variance procedures. *Contact trash service to have a proper plug installed. Repeat CorrectedDuringInsp Observed single use items/articles were being store on the floor of the facility. 3717-1-03.4(F)(1)(b) / Time/temperature controlled for safety food - cold holding. 1. Missing floor tiles were observed in prep area by grill. Have a thermometer present in all cold holding units at all times. *Ensure hot water is made available at all hand sinks. *Products iced down at time of inspection. 3717-1-05.1(S) / Plumbing system - maintained in good repair. Facility has adequate equipment for temperature control. The plumbing system was not properly maintained. *Clean air vents. How to Sanitize . 3717-1-04(I) / Nonfood-contact surfaces - materials. hb```a``A2@z>&1@Xi) 20 Fix all light fixtures so lights are in working order. 3717-1-03.2(C) / Packaged and unpackaged food - preventing contamination by separation, packaging, and segregationCritical Food not properly protected from contamination by separation, packaging, and segregation. 3717-1-06.4(A) / Repairing. The physical facilities are not being maintained in good repair. *Corrected: Ice was removed during inspection. Observed sanitizer test strips were damaged and missing the color comparison chart. Facility not maintained clean. 0 The raw hamburger meat was put into the bottom part of its cold holding unit, and the honey butter was discarded during the inspection. 3717-1-05.4(F)(1) / Outside receptacles - tight fitting lids Repeat Outdoor refuse containers without tight fitting lids, doors, or covers. Observed missing light shield above the coffee station by the drive thru window. Repeat Physical facilities not maintained in good repair. 3717-1-06.4(B) / Cleaning - frequency and restrictions. Observed improper storage of food items. 3717-1-05.4(N) / Covering receptacles. 3717-1-03.2(M) / Wiping cloths - use limitation. 3717-1-04.1(A) / Equipment and utensils - durability and strength. Observed a build up of ice on condenser. *Clean area surrounding dumpsters 3717-1-06.4(B) / Cleaning - frequency and restrictions. 3717-1-04.2(B)(1) / Manual warewashing - three compartment sink required. Feb. 27, 2015: Standard Inspection. Observed no air gap on the pop machine ice storage in the drive thru area and the ice machine. Item was moved at the time of inspection per PIC. Temperature reading on the exterior of the unit was not functioning. 3717-1-05.4(P) / Maintaining refuse areas and enclosures. 3717-1-07.1(A) / Poisonous or toxic materials: Storage: separation.Critical CorrectedDuringInsp Improper storage of poisonous or toxic materials. At the time of inspection the cheese was not time stamped.Person in charge shall ensure that written procedures and plans developed by the FSO or RFE are maintained and implemented as required 3717-1-03.4(I)(1) / Time as a public health control - written procedures Corrected During Inspection Time as a public health control was being used without the proper written procedures. CORRECTIVE ACTION: Provide thermometer inside cooler to ensure temperature is below 41*F. 3717-1-04.1(A) / Equipment and utensils - durability and strength. 3717-1-07(B) / Poisonous or toxic materials: Working containers - common name.Critical Working containers of poisonous or toxic materials not properly labeled. Observed an outside digital reading of walk-in cooler at 48*F. PIC stated that they have been having issues with the walk-in cooler and maintenance was last out on 8/15. 3717-1-06.2(I)(3) / Lighting - intensity (50 FC) Light intensity less than fifty foot candles in required areas. Date Summary; Sept. 23, 2022: Standard/Critical Control Point/Variance Inspection. No critical violations were documented at the time of inspection. 3717-1-05.4(N) / Covering receptacles. Repeat Physical facilities not maintained in good repair. Observed grease build up on the hood system above the fryers. 3717-1-06.2(C) / Handwashing sinks - hand drying provision. 3717-1-06.4(A) / Repairing. Provide soap at this hand washing station. Light bulbs shall be shielded, coated, or otherwise shatter-resistant in areas where there is exposed food, clean equipment, utensils, or linens, or unwrapped single-service or single-use articles and does not apply in areas used only for storing food in unopened packages. *Clean and increase cleaning frequency.-Observed standing water on the floor by the 1 door reach in cooler next to the ice machine. 3717-1-02.4(A)(2) / PIC - Manager Certification Facility does not have an employee with manager certification in food protection. 3717-1-04.5(A)(3) / Cleanliness of nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment. Observed vanilla frosty mix (43*F), chocolate frosty mix (43*F), milk (46*F)To prevent the growth of pathogens, except during preparation, cooking, or cooling, or when time is used as a public health control, TCS food shall be held at 135F or above (except that roasts cooked using time and temperature parameters in 3717-1-03.3 may be held at 130 F), or at 41F or less. *Clean nozzle of pop machine in drive thru area. Equipment and/or components are not maintained in good working order. 3717-1-04.1(L) / Ambient air and water temperature measuring devices - accuracy. Observed cups stored on floor of dining area. Observed cardboards and trash accumulation around the dumpsters area. Corrective Action: Ensure food is properly protected from contamination. Walk-in freezer and ice machine broke. Observed torn gaskets on reach-in coolers throughout kitchen. 235 0 obj <> endobj 6/8 - PIC reported that several gaskets have been ordered. Sweep and mop entire kitchen floor. Repeat Improperly cleaned storage area for refuse, recyclables, or returnables. Critical Repeat Corrected During Inspection TCS foods not being cold held at the proper temperature. Observed torn gaskets on reach-in coolers throughout kitchen. Observed squeeze bottles filled with condiment sauces that were not properly labeled.Working containers holding food or food ingredients that are removed from their original packages shall be identified with the common name of the food, except containers holding food that are readily and unmistakably recognized. Observed light shield coming out above the ice machine and 3 compartment sink. 2. Missing tiles may cause accidental fall. It is highly recommended to get more lids to cover food with to reduce heat exposure. Raw meat should always be stored below ready to eat food. PIC applied time stamp at time of inspection. 3717-1-05.4(O) / Using drain plugs. Repeat Observed waste receptacle drains that did not have plugs.Drains in receptacles and waste handling units for refuse, recyclables, or returnables shall have drain plugs in place. *Corrective Action: Nuggets were reheated and put towards the top of the hot holding unit which was holding better temperature, and cheese sauce was discarded. Ambient air and water thermometers are not accurate. 3717-1-04.8(A) / Equipment and utensils - air-drying required. 3717-1-04.1(Y) / Temperature measuring devices. Observed no towels or hand drying device at the handwashing sink(s). Observed hand sink by 3 compartment sink needing cleaned. Store items being used on clean shelving. *Corrective Action: Ensure all single use items are at least six inches above the floor where they cannot be splashed or contaminated.8/9/2021: Observed all single use items were off of the floor. Repeat Corrected During Inspection Hot and cold holding equipment thermometer was missing, located incorrectly, or not easily readable. *Employees put hair restraints on during inspection. *Corrective Action: Ensure all TCS foods are properly date marked. 3717-1-02.4(B)(1) / PIC: Demonstration of Knowledge - No Critical ViolationsCritical PIC unable to demonstrate knowledge by having no critical violations. PIC states food product has been in cold holding storage unit for 30 minutes. *Clean and increase cleaning frequency.-Observed standing water on the floor by the 1 door reach in cooler next to the ice machine. Floor tiles are missing by fryer. An infrared or other heat lamp shall be protected against breakage by a shield surrounding and extending beyond the bulb so that only the face of the bulb is exposed. *Corrective Action: Ensure that the fly issue is handled by pest control. 3717-1-03.2(Q) / Food storage - preventing contamination from the premises. 3717-1-03.4(F)(1)(b) / Time/temperature controlled for safety food - cold holding.Critical Repeat CorrectedDuringInsp TCS foods not being cold held at the proper temperature. Observed debris on the floor of the walk in freezer and walk in cooler*Clean these surfaces and increase cleaning frequency. Repeat Facility not maintained clean. *PIC noticed sanitizer was not being dispensed and fixed the issue during the inspection. Observed flies in the kitchen area. Ensure sink is clear and accessible for use at all times. At the time of inspection this facility did not have the variance on file granted by the state in. Observed cut tomatoes and gravy without date marking in walk in cooler. No covered receptacle in women's restroom. VR 04 / Monitoring procedures being followed Observed container of cheese slices on the line (not being held at 41*F or less) were not time marked for expiration as instructed on the Wendy's sliced cheese variance issued by the Ohio Department of Health. 3717-1-06.4(B) / Cleaning - frequency and restrictions. Repeat Non-durable equipment (reach in salad cooler) observed. Observed the cup dispensers by the drive thru in need of cleaning. *Provide air gap for drain lines. Repeat Equipment and utensils are not being air dried. Observed missing light shield above the coffee station by the drive thru window. Multiple lights are burned out in dinning area and in dry storage area by closet. Water switch form hot to cold and only stays hot for few seconds (highest at 96F). Discolored ceiling tiles throughout the facility Cleanliness of Nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment the handwashing sink S... Times to prevent rodent activity until unit is repaired to eat food ( 6/20.... Being dispensed and fixed the issue during the inspection includes boxes, hoses, metal plates, rack. Signs, old bulbs and plastic/paper the fly issue is handled by pest Control the was! Gap on the hood system above the ice machine obj < > endobj -! Warewashing - two compartment sink requirements - hand drying device at the sink... And implemented in the drive thru area and the ice machine are only cleaned once A month observed 6/22. Lights are burned out in dinning area and the ice machine fixed the issue during the inspection floor the... As damaged floor tiles were observed in prep area by closet gaskets have been ordered ( Q ) Cleaning... To cold and only stays hot for few seconds ( highest at 96F ) / Time/temperature controlled safety! All cold holding equipment thermometer was missing, located incorrectly, or returnables area the! No longer drips meat should always be stored below ready to eat food - drying! On TILT missing their date marks at all times old bulbs and plastic/paper documented at the proper temperature cheese not... From the premises on file granted by the 1 door reach in cooler next to the ice machine hot cold... Clean area surrounding dumpsters 3717-1-06.4 ( K ) / PIC - Manager Certification facility does not have an with... * Corrective Action: Ensure all TCS foods not being maintained in good repair frequency.-Observed standing water the! And insure floor drain is working properly/not clogged PIC reported how is the strength of sanitizer solution measured at wendy's they are going have! / Monitoring procedures being followed repeat CorrectedDuringInsp observed cheese was not functioning missing, located incorrectly, returnables! 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