Last years testing on FM Arena indicated the following penalty for the positional ability of players. I never knew about this website lol You must log in or register to reply here. Expand In FM21 there was some guy on Korean FM forum that won EPL with only 1 CA players. Decisions, Concentration & Determination are also very important for me. Automatic Depending upon your team mentality, the roles will switch from the above three. They create on and from the front line. Attack With the Attack duty on, the libero almost has complete free reign as they will venture forward to provide a goal scoring threat either in the box but mostly from distance. Support The player will press higher, looking to win the ball higher up the pitch and be more supportive in counter attacking or retaining possession. Support The majority of this role will bring your player to focus on creating opportunities for teammates and aim to bring them into attacking play. There are 2 very important pieces of work on this subject that should inform your decision. Rince said: In FM21 there was some guy on Korean FM forum that won EPL with only 1 CA players. Attributes are rated from 1 to 20, with 1 being very poor and 20 being . I thought it was a good idea to create my version since people always ask me. i made filters for every position first i add all skill attributes of every position what is required for example for advanced forvard i add all skills what is marked in game as important atributes then i look at "test excel sheet" and then adjust those skills how it shows like finishing 8, dribbling 8,acceleration 10 and so on you can add + or - in filter search depending on your strong of team i am testing now and it works incredibble! You need to multiply each player attribute by the attribute weighting for that position from the rating table you are using. There are 2 very important pieces of work on this subject that should inform your decision. Use the yellow cell to reduce the number of matching ratings by increasing the percentage ratings to play in a position. @Mark, I made three poor man's version and I would like to know your opinion in which one gives the best results. Let us know how it goes. For instance, the Position Weight Table and my ratings only show Finishing as being relevant for the Striker position where it is 3rd or 4th best attribute. How well a goalkeeper can deal with one-on-one situations against opposition attackers. They are best suited in a structured system who have the straight-forward task of anchoring the defense, not being too creative nor dribble essentially as risk free as possible. My question is, how do you find players for specific tactics, for instance yours. Being published here means more exposure and recognition for you. If you did a custom install it will be in a folder called Ratings under the FMGS install directory. What do I mean by this, well have a look at the screenshot below. FM22 Advanced Forward: Guide to Attributes Although there are plenty of different factors to look at when picking out a forward in Football Manager, when it comes to the Advanced Forward, speed kills. Roles: Arranged in order, even if you dont write a program, you can create three rows in excel to quickly manually enter the attribute value and get the "tactical real CA"3. As it sits it favours Strikers and AMs too much and there are no GKs anywhere to be seen. Defend This role instructs the player to sit back more as a cover for the defense and launch crosses from deep. But I think if you wanted to use one of the ratings files above, I would go with the ZaZ -50. Support They will support the midfield play more, be more adventurous with through or diagonal passes and get balls into the box when appropriate. Player instructions - the player instructions given by the role/duty. The levels are: Natural: 19-20 Accomplished: 13-17 Competent: 10-12 Unconvincing: 6-8 Awkward: 1-5 Defend With this role, the player will look to bring other players into the game first and focus more on the defensive press rather than look to create their own chances. Anticipation, Composure, Concentration and Decisions also affect how well a decision is made whether to rush out. (same as your tactics ). Each attribute weight for each position was then turned into a percentage of the total attribute scores for that position.Because Genie Scout only allows whole numbers in its ratings values and has a maximum value of 100 for any attribute, I multiplied all values by 5 which kept the highest overall value below 100.For those who want to see what the values are, here is a screen shot of the filter/attribute values for each position. They are mainly based on FM-Arena performance tests, dividing players in three groups:- Defense: central defenders.- Transition: wingbacks and defensive midfielders.- Attack: wingers, central midfielders, advanced midfielders and strikers.Goalkeepers are also there, but they use my personal feelings instead of any tests, since it's hard to evaluate the most important attributes for goalkeepers.Link here, since I can't upload as attachment. i mean i am finding cheap players who are performing amazing! How likely a goalkeeper is to perform unexpected and risky actions. login or sign up to start chatting. I hope this helps someone.Enjoy Expand is there on fmscout? Defend The defender will not venture forward with this role, they will look to still perform defensive duties and play passes out from the back but their position will be in line with the defensive line or their partner. Support The supportive role is more of the traditional midfielder who will look to play passes and support forward players with runs, open play and passing. It was put into a test league for 100,000 matches. A player's attributes represent his skills and are the most important factor in determining his performance. And acceleration seems weakest now? In individual training focus they are sometimes hidden eg Decisions for a DC is Defensive Positioning. So the attributes ratings table is real deal. SEGA and the SEGA logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of SEGA Corporation. Unexpected and risky actions include dribbling out of the penalty area, rushing out of the area to challenge opposition attackers and dwelling on the ball. Support Self-explanatory, a forward player who drops back to support the attacking play in more than just one way; creating passes, holding up the ball, supporting overlapping runs, etc. In FM21 there was some guy on Korean FM forum that won EPL with only 1 CA players. Attack Attacking is the only real role of the Shadow Striker, well they do press the opposition that is only from the front and they do not drop back as in other roles to support the play. They are split into three categories on each player's Profile screen. Whilst I balanced this years edition, the weightings have been changed to this years testing. The other important work is the position weight table originally posted at FM Scout. The views expressed on this site are the views of the individual contributors and not those of Sports Interactive or SEGA. Clearly this is a small sample and I will have more of a play after golf tomorrow. Defend - The player is more like a traditional centre-back in a back five. Attack This player generally leaves the midfield role and focuses more on moving slightly further up the pitch and working those half-spaces to contribute in the final third. Keep in mind that mine considers only FM-Arena results, it doesn't count weights or other things that mark uses in his formula, so it's up to you to decide what suits you the most.Like Mark said above, it's hard to decide that because values can be different depending on the league. These files seem to be able to be used across games. I will reiterate what I have said before about this question, you need to do a bit of work yourself to find out the values for the key attributes that will work in your save and league you are playing. The speed of movement towards the ball is not affected by Rushing Out, but instead by Acceleration and Pace. Here are. Original content here is published under these license terms: You may read the original content in the context in which it is published (at this web address). Clearly this is a small sample and I will have more of a play after golf tomorrow. Wigo said: hey! The first is the attribute testing done by @Zippo The goal (excuse the pain) is to get the ball in the back of the net and they have that knack or instinct for finding goals. Last year I put everyone on acceleration lol (. The higher the value, the higher this attribute means the increase of the same CA. In other words, eccentricity and punching tendency have their rating equal the table value minus 100. Mental attributes: Aggression, Bravery, Determination and Work Rate. Compared with the player CA, if the tactical real CA is higher For the players CA, the player is very suitable for ZaZ-Blue DM tactics. Expand I'll do my poor man's version too, with only the most important attributes, so it puts more importance on those attributes and gives good cheaper players. i made filters for every position first i add all skill attributes of every position what is required for example for advanced forvard i add all skills what is marked in game as important atributes then i look at "test excel sheet" and then adjust those skills how it shows like finishing 8, dribbling 8,acceleration 10 and so on you can add + or - in filter search depending on your strong of team i am testing now and it works incredibble! I learned this from last years attempt. If a player has excellent physical fitness and dribbling, then reducing his dribbling will not significantly affect his breakthrough effect, because he can use the lying ball to change direction to accelerate the person instead of dribbling. JavaScript is disabled. Wigo said: wow lots of info, hard to understand everything but in excel sheet but as i understand it shows that for example composure is most important for CD(80) and DM(60) and for rest of positions are not so important? They will work to reduce the threat out wide and break up the attacks further up the pitch and away from the defensive line. Online since 2004. Stopper The stopper is the defender who will step up a bit more and close down players, marking earlier in the defensive plays. How high a goalkeepers hands can reach when jumping. Essentially a deep lying playmaker. Lower scores mean attributes had higher impact in performance. So I have attempted to blend these to get to a result that we can all use. Player Roles & Duties | Football Manager 2022 Guide. The other important work is the position weight table originally posted at FM Scout. I think our Chinese colleagues gave us the answer to this very question. I've been picking players with accordance to the attributes rating table for long time and it's been working like a charm to me. For example Acceleration - default PPM was 1.648, reducing Acceleration by 4 points resulted in 1.039 PPM. A player with 20 in every attribute would get 100% for all positions. Just one question in FM-ARENA testing table it shows that some attributes has very less impact like "Off the ball" or "Finishing" but in that Fmscout attributes table it shows that these attributes actualy very important for striker role so where is the truth? FM Base has been serving the Football Manager community for nearly two decades and we're keen to ensure that we are here for two decades more. We use artificial intelligence to study the importance of attributes. This can be substituted for defensive capability however and leave the defensive midfield pocket open. Attack The attacking role initiates the Advanced Playmaker to focus on being a delayed run at the opposition defense and from a starting point which is deeper than a forward player. They will look to find passes, crosses, and shots when deep in opposition territory or even find themselves in the box as an extra forward. Disclaimer.Manage Cookie SettingsHandcrafted in Symi, Hellas. Looking at and testing through both ratings files from. ZaZ said: I'm gonna take the freedom to add the filters I use. I share these ratings to try and help the people who were looking for a way to put the attributes testing into use by each position.And it certainly isn't essential to use my ratings to be successful in the game. Depends on different positions, formation & tactics. As it sits it favours Strikers and AMs too much and there are no GKs anywhere to be seen. Mark said: I think this needs a little work to balance out the ratings. Attack They are regularly arriving late in the penalty area or a real threat from distance as they attempt more shots on goal. How well a goalkeeper can communicate with defenders and organise the defence. Obviously this varies with each tactic/player but if we can Guide to player roles and duties on Football Manager. This shows the testing of each attribute in FM22 and the impact of reducing the attribute score has on results. I suspect they will be fine for last years game but I haven't tested it. We are a basketball manager game development team. Support They will support attacking movement more with balls in and out of midfield, diagonal crosses and long through balls when needed. This gives a sense of the value of each attribute for each position. However, unlike standard central defenders - the Wide Centre-Back is encouraged to stay wide in position and support the midfield more like a full back. That is an interesting question. For instance a superstar in Vanarama National wont be very good in the Premier League. I hope this helps someone.Enjoy. The Coaching Attributes are put into practice while in Training. He did a test and set all the "unimportant" attributes ( according to the attributes rating table ) to 1 and few important to 20 and he easily won the EPL. The real situation is that shooting is very important to the forward, other positions are not important, and explosive power is more important in all positions. Football Manager, Sports Interactive and the Sports Interactive logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Sports Interactive Limited. Support They are a supportive player in terms of attack, not necessarily supportive in defensive measures such as pressing or dropping deep. However the important attributes by position vary.It is up to each individual to decide if they want to use my ratings but they seem to be working for me, last year, as well as this year. There are 2 very important pieces of work on this subject that should inform your decision. I'm gonna take the freedom to add the filters I use. Support The supportive wall sets up the winger to cross early or launch long and through balls forward first and run to the byline to cross into the box. he can be a beast according to those attributes for very cheap i can upload my filters for you to check as a fm files hope you get it feel still kind off dizzy after new years celebration Expand Upload it please, here you go mate in link its only GRF file :/ Expand There isn't much what to do there. Definition: The main job of this role is to stop the opposing attackers from playing and to clear the ball from danger when required. With the test results this year, does it mean there isn't really one stat that stands out? Expand It's for Genie Scout. Here is the download link to my updated ratings file for Genie Scout. should save the standard FMGS ratings file before loading and changing this file so you can reload the default if you are not happy with my ratings.The standard place for Genie Scout ratings files is C:\FM Genie Scout 22g\Ratings. AMC Attack The attacking role best suits the Trequartista as it defines their role. The limitation of this work is that it is not positional. These attributes are not always easily identifiable. Attack Moving up more and play quick crosses while they are in the final third of the pitch. It is not rigorous to talk about which attributes have an impact on the outcome without the specific tactics.4. Page created in 13.188 seconds. I suggest you call it something like FM22 Default (mine is just called Football Manager 2022).Then load my rating file.Now your Genie Scout should show ratings as per my calculations. Aerial Ability is the goalkeeping equivalent of the Jumping Reach attribute, meaning that Jumping Reach is only relevant for a goalkeeper when he attempts to head the ball, for example, when he leaves his penalty area. They are mainly based on FM-Arena performance tests, dividing players in three groups:- Defense: central defenders.- Transition: wingbacks and defensive midfielders.- Attack: wingers, central midfielders, advanced midfielders and strikers.Goalkeepers are also there, but they use my personal feelings instead of any tests, since it's hard to evaluate the most important attributes for goalkeepers.Link here, since I can't upload as attachment. Mark said: The edit and save was to save the default settings before you load mine, otherwise you cant get them back. Mark said: Yes. I'm sorry if this seems as a bit of a noob question. Attack - With an attack duty, the player is willing to make regular overlapping and underlapping runs to create 2 vs 1 situations, and also has a higher tendency to dribble with the ball. Expand OK so I had a quick play with the ratings files. Defend Again another duty with just a defensive role as they dont adventure forward and are on the pitch to aid the defensive first and foremost. Attributes are rated from 1 to 20 - with 20 being the highest rating to 1 which is the poorest. Whilst I balanced this years edition, the weightings have been changed to this years testing. Anticipation, Composure, Concentration and Decisions also affect how well a decision is made whether to punch or catch. The distance achievable from a throw is not affected by Throwing, but instead by Strength. Dec 18, 2020 FM21 Goalkeepers in Football Manager This guide will explain the role and attributes of a goalkeeper. Whereas Acceleration and Pace are relevant to almost all positions and mainly top two for most positions.Assuming that the attributes table results are the same for all positions is not correct. Support - In the supportive role, the wide centre-back is willing to make overlapping and underlapping runs to create 2 vs 1 situations. Defend They will sit deeper, focusing more on defensive duties depending on the formation and structure of your tactic. Expand I think this needs a little work to balance out the ratings. Attack This role makes the complete forward lead the line in attacking play, not only creating opportunities for others but mostly themselves. (same as your tactics ) Expand Like Mark said above, it's hard to decide that because values can be different depending on the league. For example, 25 to 40 have a gap of 15.Anyone else's opinion would also be appreciated! Defend This duty will make the player focus more on the defensive side of the game and support attacks but mostly just from passes. Expand i would be interested to see how this works out too. Click on Central Defence Roles for example and from there you can see about BPD, CD etc You are a legend! (same as your tactics. Sometimes you also must reduce one or other parameter to even find suitable players, because the list could come empty or with too few players. What do I mean by this, well have a look at the screenshot below. I would also like to derive the positions not covered. The official Football Manager site can be found at and the official forums can be found at It gives you a quick way to identify the best position for each of your player and the squad depth within each of the positions on the pitch. Base ratings are from machine learning table, and file name explains what changed in ratings. As it sits it favours Strikers and AMs too much and there are no GKs anywhere to be seen. My preference is to work with the game that SI Games has given us and try and maximise my winning chances within what is there.I will have another go at explaining why I think my ratings are not at odds with the attributes table. Support Less defensive responsibility and more the traditional wide player who will look to cross the ball early, run past the opposition or pass inwards to the midfield to recycle possession or progress forward. How likely a goalkeeper is to attempt to claim aerial balls played into the box. Support The supportive target man will look to win the ball when launched up to them and play passes which will bring other attacking players into the transition. You may not copy and distribute the work in full. Defend There is just one role for this position, and it makes sense considering their role. 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