I mentioned in Part 1 how Daniel is hands-down the guru on emotional intelligence, so for now you can set aside the CVF competency information. Use the Emotional Mental Models worksheet to improve emotional awareness by visualizing yourself in imagined situations. I am approachable, and explain things well so that I generate a common understanding. Want to go further? (2017). Competence in relationship management is helpfully described by Daniel Goleman as follows: Stop and Search and Use of Force are certainly contentious issues in policing, affecting trust and confidence with communities. These are some rather common examples of emotional self-awareness, and I bet you'll be able to recognize a few of them! More specifically, we realize that others will likely have the same feelings as we do in certain situations. The key is to do an accurate self-assessment to get the biggest emotional intelligence (EI) boosts. Change is the only constant. Marcus Aurelius. The lady tried her best to help him, but the man had crushed any sympathy she could have had for him by throwing a fit. In Harvard Business Review (Ed.). Being emotionally aware lets you balance your workforce to meet new challenges, get day-to-day work done and innovate. After reading this post, you should know that you can take control of your thoughts and emotions! When are they moving around most, and when are they still? This is the ability to use your abilities in the best way possible. Your force instructions and CVF guidance should provide you with some golden nuggets, tips and insights. For news of the heart, look at the face. West African Proverb. The above is an example frommy what works toolkitof what good promotion evidence looks like for this CVF question. I offer a range of police promotion services, including free blog/YouTube content, digital toolkits, qualified coaching and masterclasses. Social awarenessgives you the ability to understand and respond to the needs of others. Self-aware people understand themselves and this helps them understand the people around them. Not really, but some studies show that slow movement (including yoga!) Throughout all this change, emotional intelligence has been overtly and/or covertly assessed. Could you have lowered your expectations before being disapointed? having stamina, sticking with your future, day in and day out, not for a month, but for years to make that future a reality. Angela Duckworth. This isnt an easy task and can cause some short-term stress. Here in Part 2, I take a deeper dive, provide some more example promotion board questions and take a look at a detailed, structured, draft written example against this CVF competency at Level 2. This is just one of the benefits, which you can read more about in this article. Other officers make a commitment to themselvesvia effective preparation in advance, taking full advantage of support options to raise awareness, boost confidence and make the best use of available time working around other commitments. EXAMPLE ANSWER: "When it comes to essential traits, I think patience and compassion are crucial. And do you think his anger helped him get his anger sorted any faster? This is an important attribute for Sergeants, Inspectors, or anyone else seeking appointment to formal leadership positions. Highlight the main issues that the community are facing. It may take a little more effort, but it will undeniably result in a better - long-term - result for yourself. I summarised Stop/Search guidance & use of force policy. An assessor will review and score your written exercise after you have completed this assessment. - Digital Promotion Toolkits. And the benefit here is that it allows you to deal with high expectations in the future. It is a pleasure when a promotion panel have in front of them a candidate who is clearly well prepared, persuading the panel via their responses to questions that they are the leader, manager, and supervisor the force is looking for. You and your colleague friend have been competing to receive a job promotion. Greek philosopher Socrates believed the highest form of human excellence is to question oneself and others, whereby true wisdom comes fromintrospection. 11 Best Words To Use On A CV or Resume (Personal Statement Included! 'We are emotionally aware' is a key CVF competency assessed in UK police promotion processes for Sergeant, Inspector, and other ranks. Is there a way you can be less emotional in responding to the situation? I foster a culture of personal responsibility, encouraging and supporting others to make their own decisions and take ownership of their activities. Dont forget to download our three Emotional Intelligence Exercises for free. Recognising and gathering your promotion evidencein advance is a must. They include lower stress levels, a better immune system, and more stable mental health. From there its over to you and your initiative. Instead, we should consider emotional intelligence (EI) when attempting to understand our thinking, decision-making, and personal success. The great majority tend to approach this valuable opportunity with the attitude of Ill cross that bridge when I get to it. And by now, you should be acquainted with the many benefits of being emotionally self-aware! The Why Do You Do What You Do worksheet encourages you to get into the habit of understanding the emotions and motivations behind what you do. Now that youve seen all these examples and benefits of emotional self-awareness, you might be thinking: how can I develop this skill? An assessor will watch your recorded answers at a later date. The answers will help you make better decisions. However, you then realize that your friend is happy about the promotion. Not only do you need to be emotionally aware towards the needs and feelings of others, but you also need to be emotionally aware of yourself. What is the consequence of the community feeling unsafe? So, how are your values? (Job Interview Tips, Advice & EXAMPLE ANSWERS!) Im upset that my partner is talking to their ex, becomes, You will certainly need grit as a police leader, manager, and supervisor. Address this in your answer. While the exercise is relatively straightforward, it can calm the body and mind, and when ready, improve emotional awareness. Chris kindly set a couple of hours aside from his busy schedule to share incredible insights on the subject of police promotion [], Solid examples of what works in police promotion evidence, Solid examples of what works for Sergeants, Police promotion interview detailed guide and example board questions. Tracking Happiness helps you understand 100% of your happiness and get in control. Meaningful 1-to-1 time with a supportive, caring, emotionally aware supervisor allows individuals to articulate in confidence things that may be affecting their performance, which may not have been picked up on. I dipped it the year before didnt know about your YouTube videos and was left adrift with prep because of Covid but a lot more support this year. You are not allowed to use any external resources to aid your preparation such as the core competencies and values printed out next to you. Ill also share sample evidence from my Sergeant promotion toolkit, demonstrating what good looks like, what works, and why; whether its in application forms or interview responses. Instead of being a prisoner of this negativity, we should be able to free our minds and focus on more positive things instead! So now may be a good time to reflect, asking yourself in relation to the CVF competency We Are Emotionally Aware:What evidence do you have? Effective preparation includes considering example police promotion questions you may encounter at interview or on a promotion application form. Relationship management means you know how to develop and maintain good relationships, communicate clearly,inspire and influence others, work well in a team, and manage conflict. We are emotionally aware Level 1 I treat others with respect, tolerance and compassion. It isnt just about the CVF competency either,as Ive blogged about self-awareness before, its something the promotion panel naturally want to observe. This is going to take a little bit of time. Empathy can be a nebulous subject for some to get their head around, as I articulate in my blog onneurodiversity in police leadership. But what exactly is self-awareness? You can adjust and make final improvements from there. In turn . He believed he was wise because he knew that he had no knowledge, whereas others thought themselves wise, but knew nothing of their ignorance. While occasionally helpful, it can often lead to feelings of being out of control (Bradberry & Greaves, 2009). ), HOW TO DO WELL IN AN INTERVIEW! However, this process also improves our ability to forecast feelings. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Being a professional with a deep awareness and understanding of our emotions offers a vital competitive advantage; while at home, it can strengthen relationships and improve communication. What would you change? 12 minutes Heres why: Daniel defines emotional intelligence through four clear aspects: Ive summarised these into a bespoke simple matrix below, demonstrating these concepts as four quadrants. As a reminder, EQ can be described as the ability to manage your own emotions in positive ways; to communicate effectively, empathise with others, overcome challenges, and defuse conflict. The book remains essential reading for anyone interested in emotional intelligence. Any progressive organisation will change the process by which it selects and promotes individuals to leadership positions. Whats the most logical way to deal with this annoying or rude coworker? These matters require both emotional intelligence and good communication to resolve, and so can present attractive promotion board question material and presentation scenarios in relation to We Are Emotionally Aware. Services include: It is time to think things through; to reflect and to start considering what (if any)evidence you possessthat supports the case for promoting you. Naturally as well see in the next section, such topics can also offer evidence to support promotion applications from the candidates perspective (as does the wellbeing and staffing matters discussed earlier). Just search YouTube for the term "road rage" and you can watch hours of footage of people lacking emotional self-awareness. A manager that lacks emotional self-awareness Let's say there's a manager working at a tech company who's a bully but isn't aware of it. In turn, its given that you will behave according to your values, and that those values can be defined and discussed. Download 3 Free Emotional Intelligence Exercises (PDF) After each question is shown, you have one minute to prepare your answer for it, and then 3 minutes to answer it. Self-managementis your ability to control your own emotions. I define and enforce the standards and processes that . Seizing the opportunity now to discover more about its relevance to leadership helps you to interpret the competency descriptors and align your promotion evidence to ensure a better fit. You must be able to control your emotions when under high amounts of pressure, and exhibit strong levels of decision making. Robert Kaplan (2018) suggests that it is vital for professionals to understand what they love about their career. Only you can decide what they are for yourself. Emotionally aware Taking ownership Working collaboratively Deliver, support and inspire Analyse critically Innovative and open-minded There are currently fewer police officers in England and Wales than there have been at any time since the early 1980s. Ask yourself for example, when have you demonstrated the leadership qualities of a Sergeant or Inspector? Be honest here with how the new information can change your views. Positive intelligence has become a popular term in the executive coaching world. We hope you enjoyed reading this article. This new information likely changes some of your previous suggestions as the gang have been identified as not a local gang. Firstly, they were unusually resilient and hard-working. Safety is important for both the public and those serving in the police, including yourself, so it is important to mention this and how you will address it. Will it cost the community financially? Thats a key benefit of drafting examples or evidence you might want to use well in advance of a promotion selection process. What are your recommendations for addressing the issues? At first, youre disappointed you didnt get the job. Once the preparation stage is complete, the timings of the exercise are allocated as follows: Read the materials provided and plan your response. This is when your mind is clearer, so its easier to focus on how you feel. The list of competency descriptors provides only signposting and direction. They are trained to help their patients get in touch with their emotions. On the other hand, I believeemotional awareness can be developedlike any other skill. Lets now start working through an example police officer written test exercise to help you. We are emotionally aware We make the effort to understand ourselves, our colleagues and all those we serve. According to the College of Policing you can take notes during the Written Exercise and Briefing Exercise. This way, you can kill two birds with one stone, so to say! That, in turn, is having a negative impact on his interactions with coworkers. But heres the thing, its sometimes not enough. Ive been successful first time at my Sergeant assessment centre today the structured knowledge from your guides and Spotify podcasts is the reason Ive got through, invaluable in giving me the base knowledge and cognitive provocation to think around the issues on my daily 70-mile commute. Jack, passed Sergeant promotion board. What are people doing and saying? In your responses for questions 1-5 points you could have covered: A teenager from the local secondary school has been assaulted during an unprovoked attack after refusing to hand over his belongings to a group of youths. Similarly, developing your understanding well ahead of your board is a choice. In your responses for questions 11-15 points you could have covered: This exercise will really test you on your ability to adapt to changing circumstances. It's quite long, but worth the watch! Would the old first 10 minutes still be looked at? In addition, we have a few free worksheets you can use: Emotional intelligence is key to success in many aspects of our lives. After you are shown part one, you will then be shown a series of four questions, again, one question at a time. Facing and dealing with disappointments, 6 ways to improve your emotional self-awareness, Emotional intelligence and self-awareness, that people who maintain a journal have a better-developed sense of emotional self-awareness, how yoga can improve your mental well-being. Why? You could reference the parts of the competencies such as taking ownership the police are responsible for ensuring public safety and you will ensure that you will engage with the community to make them feel safe. Thats certainly true of the police service. No matterwhich selection process or promotion framework is in place, you just have to scratch the surface of the topic of police promotion and youll find strongly held opinions about it. Whether its your communication with others, support for communities, or even your own resilience to deal with the myriad of changing promotion processes! We are emotionally aware may be a relatively new police promotion overt competency, but its importance in terms ofunderpinning communication, trust and leadership has been known for years. The last example I want to show you is becoming more and more common nowadays: road rage. An assessor will review and score your written exercise after you have completed this assessment. It involves different abilities, including recognizing your feelings and others feelings and distinguishing different emotions. Employees spend time together outside of work. Knows that tight deadlines bring out the worst in them, plans early, and puts in place the resources needed before the pressure hits. Daniel Goleman (1995) suggests that scoring well on traditional intelligence measures (e.g., IQ tests) is not a reliable predictor of success outside of the classroom. Its a helpful thinking exercise for anyone aspiring to lead others. Psychologist and best-selling authorDaniel Golemanargues that without emotional intelligence: A person can have the best training in the world, an incisive analytical mind and an endless supply of smart ideas, but still wont make a great leader., The purpose of introducing the CVF is to adapt policing to new demands and challenges, and ensure we achieve the highest standards of professional conduct. College of Policing. Introspective questioning is a technique I use incoaching sessionswith aspiring officers looking to prepare effectively for promotion opportunities. Many candidates are unaware of this or how they can maximise the potential of examples submitted. Become more connected to where you are and the people you are with to be more socially and emotionally aware. Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity. Seneca. Angela Lee Duckwort is an expert on mental toughness, having studied high achievers and identified their two specific specialities. The behaviours described in the CVF can help prompt further ideas. This is critical since it will help you to gain insights into how to deal with feelings of disappointment. It happens more and more, as the traffic and stress of daily life seems to only increase. By doing so, you can learn more about your personality, motives, character, passions, and desires. Raising your awareness of the role will help you recognise, explain, and contextualise any supporting evidence you may have. As you breathe in, say to yourself, Breathing in, I am calm, and as you breathe out, say to yourself, Breathing out, I am relaxed.. But I want to show you my thought process, how I would tackle a particular question. What does eating or walking slowly have to do with emotional self-awareness? I have highlighted key words and phrases which the above example aligns with. Paying close attention to interactions with or between other people will also assist, as will taking time to think about your feelings. From a motivational perspective, in herTED talk on mental toughness,Duckworth uses the term grit to describe the passion and perseverance to achieve your goals. Self-awareness is the first component of emotional intelligence, and it helps people recognize how their feelings affect them, other people, and their job performance (Goleman, 2018, p. 1). - Digital Promotion Toolkits. Its about slowing down for a brief moment. Simply enter your name and email below: Candidates will be assessed against the following competencies and values during the written exercise: It is essential that you only use the information provided and that you do not make any new information up in your report. I remain calm and think about how to best manage the situation when faced with provocation. Based on the research of Yale psychologist Peter Salovey, Goleman (1995) highlights five characteristics of EI: Notably, according to Larsen et al. I'm from the Netherlands, love skateboarding, ran 5 marathons, with one of them in under 4 hours (3:59:58 to be exact). Lumley, M. A., & Schubiner, H. (2019). So for competency 'We are collaborative', example it give of the behaviour is 'I work cooperatively with others to get things done, willingly giving help and support to colleagues' so think of a situation where you can demonstrate doing that. The 25th-anniversary edition of this acclaimed bestseller by Daniel Golemancontains the original ground-breaking research and insights plus new material on brain architecture. Here are some examples of what emotional intelligence in the workplace looks like: People express themselves openly and respectfully without fear of offending coworkers. You start feeling a bit angry and impatient. There are 4 questions in Part 1), Part 2 new information is provided and additional respective questions asked. Emotional intelligence is a broad term that refers to different abilities related to perceiving emotions accurately and providing an appropriate and effective response. The other key benefit to writing it down being that alsohelps prepare you for interviews! Its debatable whether or not we should be logical or emotional in these situations. For some people in society, emotional intelligence (often referred to as Emotional Quotient [EQ]) and awareness can be a tricky subject to articulate or identify with. The new information you receive may complement your previous responses or it could completely change the situation. They reflect on the whole experience and commit to a fresh attempt using any feedback and learning. On the other side of the coin,disappointment, anger, and frustrationare also prevalent in the aftermath of promotion boards. Its also important for people to think about their strengths and weaknesses in terms of their emotional intelligence What am I good at? Dont rely on the competency guidance alone. Hi Rammy, thanks for the comment. No technical knowledge of policing will be required. The positions of police Sergeant, Inspector or above do not contain values; only when the role is occupied does it take on your values. Ensure that you have a good internet connection and that your voice can clearly be heard through your microphone. A professional therapist/counselor will have the know-how and skills to help patients figure out how theyre truly feeling. You can reassure the community by holding a meeting, perhaps with the neighbourhood watch and the local secondary schools. You will need either a desktop computer, laptop, or tablet with a good internet connection. If you need more convincing, we recently published this in-depth post on how yoga can improve your mental well-being. The reports have involved a mixture of people being followed back to their houses and being confronted in enclosed areas with demands for them to hand over their phones and wallets. I was so relieved walking out of there but it was like night and day compared to the year before. Leighanne, successful Sergeant. Some police actions were challenged/criticised & although I knew some officers in footage being reviewed, I did not let personal feelings interfere with views being expressed. I want to show you one of the most memorable examples I've ever seen. I act as a role model, and enable the organisation to use instances when things go wrong as an opportunity to learn rather than blame. David, S., & Congleton, C. (2018). Youll notice it also links todiversity and inclusion, How will you encourage a supportive and inclusive culture among your new team as a Sergeant?. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Competencies communicate how an organisation wants its people to behave. Instead of getting angry about constructive feedback, you can decide to accept it for what it is: good feedback. What do you think? With shift work and other life commitments, compiling your promotion application form and/or prepping for a promotion board with just a few weeks notice can certainly pile on the pressure. Expression therapy can help them process feelings and memories, and offers techniques and mediums to encourage them to share their emotions (Hollimon, 2020): Expression therapy teamed with emotional awareness techniques has also proven highly effective at managing pain, helping patients with irritable bowel syndrome, fibromyalgia, and cancer treatments (Lumley & Schubiner, 2019). Heres an introspective question, and a great promotion interview question to think on and practice a verbal response: Such questions are powerful because they compel you to look inward for answers. 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