One of the most prominent figures in the Bible endured many faith-wrestling matches. Fear Versus Confidence - Let's look at Bible characters who faced their fears and overcame big challenges. Peter had been so certain of his faith before that. There's no doubt in anyone's mind we're living in uncertain times. This is an example worth emulating; we should all try our best to serve God in any situation. Moses sister, Miriam, demonstrates exceptional and shocking bravery by overcoming the obstacle of saving her younger brother. So then, it was not you who sent me here, but God. Three times a day he got down on his knees and prayed, giving thanks to his God, just as he had done before.Daniel 6:10 (NIV), And even though that earned him a one-way trip to the lions den, God had other plans! Stratgey #7 - Overcome Obstacles by Seeking Strength and Wisdom from God "And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. He had stood for righteousness in a time of great darkness. I myself know the consequences of compromising. Our phone is (860) 346-0907or E-mail Us. 2 And the hand of Midian prevailed against Israel: and because of the Midianites the children of Israel made them the dens which are in the mountains, and caves, and strong holds. (Job 1:20-21), The rest of the Book of Job tells us that through it all, Job struggles with his suffering, saying to God, "Does it please you to oppress me, to spurn the work of your hands, while you smile on the plans of the wicked?" But when Jesus was arrested, Peter wrestled between faith and fear. She was a new queen who lived comfortably with the love of the king. The Walls Will Fall: 7 Days of Miracles. It is a high point in Moses's life. But thirty days have passed since I was called to go to the king. (Esther 4:11). 3 And so it was, when Israel . The Hebrew word here is full of meaning. Through their experiences, these female characters teach us things. Naked I came from my mothers womb, Described as, " an intelligent and beautiful woman, but her husband was surly and mean in his dealings" (1 Samuel 25:3), Abigail carried herself with dignity and integrity despite her circumstances. John sent his disciples to ask Jesus if he was the one. Is it not I, the LORD? And the schemer is eager for their wealth. They didn't let their obstacles get in their way of getting to Jesus. So, in that context, Timothy was up against a lot of opposition from those who thought he wasnt qualified to lead. Jacob lied and connived. Gideon was fearful. Does it mean he no longer loves us if we have trouble or calamity, or are persecuted, or hungry, or destitute, or in danger, or threatened with death? The Bible is filled with examples of those who overcame abuse and rejection. And in many of his New Testament letters, Paul (formerly known as Saul), wrote about the source of his overcoming. Of course, we all know how the story of Saul ends. Let's allow their stories to give us inspiration today as we learn how to be bold for God. Mary, Jesus mother, is among the Bibles most significant adored female characters, and several belief her to have been the holiest among all Christian martyrs. Did you manage to tweak your budget, just enough to squeak by and pay your bills? Mother Teresa once said, "I'm a little pencil in the hand of a writing God, who is sending a love letter to the world.". Thus, while it is difficult to act when afraid, from my experience, it is definitely worth it. Pardon me, my lord, Gideon replied, but how can I save Israel? Jonah didnt wrestle with his faith because what God asked him to do was hard; Jonah wanted Nineveh to be destroyed. Pharaohs daughter discovered him and raised him. 2.) Regardless, I pushed through the fear and apologised. Here are three principles you can glean from the book of Nehemiah . Miriam planned: she prepared for the childs biological mom to be a surrogate mother. 1 Kings 19:11-13. INTRO: I. MOSES, OVERCAME A THE OBSTACLE OF A SINGLE-PARENTING HOME. From Moses, we learn something simple yet often overlooked: we should remember to turn to God for help. You can't act with knowledge, or think before you act, depending on your translation, unless you do your research. Deborah illustrates a woman who had confidence in God and aspired to be a beacon to her nation. he questioned if Jesus was really the Messiah. Make Room For Change. Even though I knew it was wrong, I compromised to save myself, and regret that decision to this day. They run like mighty men,They climb the wall like soldiers;And they each march in line,Nor do they deviate from their paths. After this, he ran into the wilderness until the time when the Lord appeared to him in the burning bush. Nahum 1:7 NLT. Lazarus died, and the sisters wrestled with thoughts such asif you had been here, he wouldnt have died. 4: Do Your Research. Focus on the solution and not the problem 5. Hannahs ardent prayer and fulfilled promise tell us that constancy and continuous prayer can gain Gods notice. Now when Daniel learned that the decree had been published, he went home to his upstairs room where the windows opened toward Jerusalem. Like Jeremiah, we can be empowered in the midst of our wrestling. Judith Bible text Judith's world. Abraham is an example that even if we keep wrestling, we can win. Seriously, if youve read my Bible stories about patience, you know that Joseph is one of my favorite Bible characters. He was pushed to the limit. The wife of El pleaded to God for a son, and in exchange, she swore to devote his life to working with God. And in the end, he gave God all the glory! Hannah. For example, I faced a tough period in my life during the O-Level Mandarin Chinese exams. See what Jesus says about it, in Revelation, He who overcomes [the world through believing that Jesus is the Son of God] will accordingly be dressed in white clothing; and I will never blot out his name from the Book of Life, and I will confess and openly acknowledge his name before My Father and before His angels [saying that he is one of Mine].Revelation 3:5 (AMP), The one who overcomes, I will grant to him to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat with My Father on His throne.Revelation 3:21 (NASB). God tells us that we will face trials, but that we should not lose hope! And hasnt he come here to take them as prisoners to the chief priests? Yet Saul grew more and more powerful and baffled the Jews living in Damascus by proving that Jesus is the Messiah.Acts 9:19-22 (NIV). ", 4 Things the Old Testament Teaches about Suffering, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. If God tells you that youre an overcomer!, but you dont feel like one, thats okay because you wont be doing Gods work on your own power, but with HIS POWER! Elijah had given his whole life into the service of the Lord. I knew it was not because of my own works, as I had guessed entire sections of multiple-choice questions! She was barren for many years and passed off as Abrahams sister two times to different kings. Here are 6 examples of advocates in the Bible and their strategies: 1. but in everything commending ourselves as servants of God, in much endurance, in afflictions, in hardships, in distresses. I have drunk neither wine nor intoxicating drink, but have poured out my soul before the Lord. Ready now? BIBLICAL YOUTHS THAT OVERCAME OBSTACULES TO SUCEED. Dont be surprised when your faith is challenged to a wrestling match. Joshua 1:9 Be strong and courageous; do not be frightened or dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. Role models are important for kids. You probably know the one Im talking about, Now Peter was sitting out in the courtyard, and a servant girl came to him. We know as Christians, that the victories we have in this life are enabled by God! We question our worth and whether He knows what He's doing. The boy decided to help the butterfly. Adam and Eve failed to protect their children from sin and death. His harvest the hungry devourAnd take it to a place of thorns,And the schemer is eager for their wealth. We may not always understand His ways, but we can trust that He is good . Which is why Paul encouraged him to lead by example, Command and teach these things. Only the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God." 1 John 5:4-5 Elijahs humanity kicked in as he ran for his life, sat under a broom bush wrestling with his faith and praying to die. It does this by showing us great people who overcame fear and obstacles such as female Bible characters who overcame obstacles. Sarah, Abraham's wife, laughed at the promise of God and then denied that she laughed. Frustrated with Moses, the Lord allowed him to have his brother Aaron help him. Jesus had predicted Peter's denial and prayed for Peters faith to not failand it didnt. :), P.S. As a consequence, this female character was among the earliest to proclaim the resurrection of Jesus. All registered. Peters faith brought him back to Jesus, who not only reconciled him but asked him to feed His sheep. What does it mean to be an overcomer? Get updates via e-mail (freebies, too) Get my latest blog updates + encouragement, PLUS a free e-book and printable wall art! for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. Day 1: The Grumbling Begins. You can email the site owner to let them know you were blocked. Our surrender to God is the only answer to the problem of fear. Ruth had to have been going through many hardships and obstacles, yet she didnt let her experience stand in her way. I knew I had to apologise but was afraid that if he found out I was responsible, our friendship would end. Oh, boy speaking of mistakes! MOSES. He does not turn away when times get difficult or become an apostate. He turned to God for help in his struggle, and God delivered. And when Jesus came to the place, he looked up and said to him, Zacchaeus, hurry and come down, for I must stay at your house today. So he hurried and came down and received him joyfully.Luke 19:2-6 (NIV), In these examples of overcomers in the Bible, Peters story is the best illustration of bouncing back from a major mistake. One of the original twelve disciples of Jesus, Peter is known for his boldness. For it is inevitable that stumbling blocks come; but woe to that man through whom the stumbling block comes! The Female character was a confident young lady who accompanied and kept an eye on Moses, eventually saving his life. He was a chief tax collector and was rich. Thomas was not the only disciple to wrestle with the truth of the resurrectionall of the disciples wrestled with believing when Mary and the other women came and told them Jesus was alive in Luke 24:10-11. And, what can we learn from their examples? This is a spam-free zone. The detainment of John the Baptist galvanized Christ into intervention. Photo credit:Thinkstock/Arrangements-Photography. A few of the factors she distinguished were her religious as well as political competence. But knowing hes wrestling with his faith, the father responds honestly. Earlier on in his life, Moses ran to the wilderness to flee from Pharaoh who wanted to kill him. He was the hero who defeated Goliath, successful in war and had the love of the people. February 05, 2023. But Gideon balked at the words and the call. When they disobeyed God and ate from the tree of knowledge, they brought sin and death into the world. But Jesus didnt come right away. Of course, I also notice themes of perseverance (sticking with it/staying the course), and determination (doing whatever it takes). Strengthened by that food, he traveled forty days and forty nights until he reached Horeb, the mountain of God.1 Kings 19:3-8 (NIV). And, I have narcolepsy. This day the LORD will deliver you into my hands, and Ill strike you down and cut off your head. All who are prudent act with knowledge, but fools expose their folly.". For whatever is born of God overcomes the world; and this is the victory that has overcome the worldour faith. All rights reserved. "No one cares about you.". A large part of John the Baptists mission occurred on Jordans eastern edge, in Herods kingdom of Parea. It molds us as if we were clay. Samson was immoral. She sold him out to the Philistines, and in the end he even lost his eyesight because of it. Deborah - The female warrior in the Bible. bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.Matthew 16:18-19 (NIV). Wrestling with your faith isnt a sign of weakness, but evidence of your humanity. So while it may seem easier to take immoral solutions during times of trouble, doing so will only cause future regret especially on the day we meet God. Quotes tagged as "overcoming-obstacles" Showing 1-30 of 264. Check out these 5 Bible characters that faced many failures, but still came out successful next to Jesus. She was a great model of service to people, even in the worst trying of situations. So Boaz took Ruth and she became his wife. That's how I feel. Winning a good faith wrestling match can even make you stronger. Who among these Bible characters is your favourite and why? 1 John 5:3-5 In fact, this is love for God: to keep his commands. Still, he did not waver in preaching repentance to people. Deuteronomy 31:6,8 Be strong and bold; have no fear or dread of them, because it is the Lord your God who goes before you. She gave up her existence and status for Gods objectives. Deborah was one of the few female characters in the Bible to rise to the heights of the ruling government, despite receiving obstacles as a female. Humbled, Job thus saw that he did not possess a wide enough perspective to judge God. The Bible can be thought of as a book containing stories of people who have achieved in spite of obstacles. Gideon was wrestling with his faith with questions similar to those we deal with. The challenges that Nehemiah faced in building the wall are illustrations from God's Word of obstacles and opposition that Christians may face. But in Biblical times, a young person such as Timothy wouldve been looked down upon or even disrespected, because they supposedly werent old enough or wise enough to be leading the people. The jailer then took Paul to his home to wash his wounds. We dont think much about it in our modern age of 30-year-old millionaires, and bosses that are often 20 years younger than the employees they manage. Only God made Abraham and Sarah have kids at such a time. Yet no matter his efforts, the tide of disbelief . It was Peter who was commended by Jesus for receiving the revelation from the Father that Jesus was the Son of the Living God. And what a man of faith Job was! And I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse, and He who sat on it is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and wages war. Ive listed them in order of their appearance in the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. Jesus spent a lot of time with these two sisters, along with their brother Lazarus. Thank the Lord! For by You I can run upon a troop;And by my God I can leap over a wall. Deborah The female warrior in the Bible. The Thirst Collective of websites is supported by individuals and organisations. The Female characters mentioned in this piece could have existed in civilizations and eras far distinct from ours, yet their experiences can offer us a shocking number. Praise God! And she said unto them, Call me not Naomi, call me Mara: for the Almighty hath dealt very bitterly with me. They were praising God and singing songs to Himuntil there was a slight problem. He wanted to always do things the right way. Here are some thoughts that run through my head that make me feel anxious about my day: "You're no good.". He sought the Lord, and gave his life to achieve one last victory over the Philistines: Then Samson prayed to the LORD, Sovereign LORD, remember me. Jabez loves consuming international media, such as Japanese manga, Korean dramas, and Western tabletop games. By Joshua Spodek, Author, 'Leadership Step by. Sarah remarked that God gave her a laugh and that everyone who heard her would laugh together with r her. Were you victorious in landing that new job? Here are three women in the Bible who can teach us a thing or two about taking risks. Stay at the door and keep knocking, until God either opens that door, or calls you down the hall to a different door. The obstacle is the way. Stand firm therefore, having girded your loins with truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness. If there was hope for Peter, there is hope for you and for me toono matter what mistakes weve made. (Exodus 15:25). While how we react to other people's behaviors can be an indicator of what we need to work on ourselves, the second tendency we have that is preventing us from growing in our relationships is to dismiss or ignore the issue, or even the person. He wants to serve God only. Perhaps no Bible character has suffered more than Job. Joseph Joseph was 17 the first time he had his dreams about ruling over his family. Sounds instant and simple. But, Jesus wasnt going to let that happen! Isa 40:3. All of the disciples go with him. Hannah followed through on her commitment. She never thought she could overcome such. For I have worked harder than any of the other apostles; yet it was not I but God who was working through me by his grace.1 Corinthians 15:10 (NLT). Then Peter remembered the word Jesus had spoken: Before the rooster crows, you will disown me three times. And he went outside and wept bitterly.Matthew 26:69-75 (NIV). Many people are captivated and challenged by Ruths narrative in the Bible. Gideons appeal for grace was answered abundantly and he fulfilled his mission as led by the Lord. The Bible tells us to fight the good fight of faith. We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. If Jesus had to endure them, so do we. The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away; Daniel is one of those noble overcomers like Joseph he was so diligent in doing what was right, even at great personal risk! Hearing this, I realised that even though we may never understand why bad things happen, trusting in God helps us to move forward in the best way possible. "Beautiful souls are shaped by ugly experiences.". ("Even if all fall away, I will not" and "Even if I have to die with you, I will never disown you."). Your IP: The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised." "You can't do anything right.". Here are a few examples of Bible characters to be inspired and comforted by in these challenging times. Now it came about when all the kings of the Amorites who were beyond the Jordan to the west, and all the kings of the Canaanites who were by the sea, heard how the Lord had dried up the waters of the Jordan before the sons of Israel until they had crossed, that their hearts melted, and there was no spirit in them any longer because of the sons of Israel. Thomas became known as Doubting Thomas because he wrestled with the truth that Jesus rose from the dead. He is with you. As followers of Jesus, we will struggle with trials and tribulations. By Herb Scribner Elijah (who was a true prophet of the Lord) had just killed a bunch of false prophets, and evil Queen Jezebel was determined to get revenge by killing Elijah in return. Her son, Samuel, lived to be among the Bibles best influential and Blameless individuals. Ruth had also recently lost her spouse and was residing with her bereaved mother. 1. And behold, there was a man named Zacchaeus. Then go quickly and tell his disciples: He has risen from the dead and is going ahead of you into Galilee. If you have a recording of negative thoughts in your head playing loud and on repeat, you're . Sure, he lamented (quite a lot, in fact! God wanted him to defeat the Midianites, but he thought he was too weak for the job. But even through all those trials, Joseph never wavered in his commitment to God. When talking about Jesus, he said, Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world! Pastor Jentezen Franklin. Please include what you were doing when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the bottom of this page. These Bible studies are published by the MIDDLETOWN BIBLE CHURCH, 349 East Street, Middletown, Connecticut 06457 (U.S.A.). This is a spam-free zone. Hannahs ability to maintain faith in adversity is one of her most remarkable qualities. And, what good advice this is for all of us! Gideon was sure that God had the wrong person. When your faith is being challenged, the questions cause us to wrestle with keeping our trust where we put it. Here is a father with a son whos mute and has seizures. Talking is not my strong suit, and on top of that Im shy and introverted. may the name of the LORD be praised. The 16 incredible stories below show how even horrible tragedies and setbacks can help fuel a drive for success. January 22, 2023. I dont know what youre talking about, he said. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. He will renew your life and sustain you in your old age. 1. The sixth time God promised, Abraham fell face-down and laughed. 1. Stories about Overcoming Obstacles. Certainly, all of us are going through the current COVID-19 pandemic. Who are the overcomers in Revelation? But, even if youve made a thousand mistakes, and youre standing on your last leg, you can still give your life back to God, and finish strong. God's forgiveness doesn't save us from the consequences of our conduct, but if we've abandoned the behavior and are willing to accept the consequences, God will still use us. God. Israel was in a bad way when he was called, and he wrestled with the call at first. But soon enough, problems occurred: three days had passed and they could not find drinkable water. To that bible characters who overcame obstacles through whom the stumbling block comes schemer is eager for wealth. Sarah have kids at such a time endure them, call me:. Listed them in order of their appearance in the Bible is filled with examples of characters... Loosed in heaven.Matthew 16:18-19 ( NIV ) ) 346-0907or E-mail us your head playing and. Do we not the problem of fear the windows opened toward Jerusalem, Miriam, demonstrates and... Bible studies are published by the MIDDLETOWN Bible CHURCH, 349 East Street, MIDDLETOWN Connecticut! 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